Christian activists booted from Seattle coffee shop: ‘I’m gay. You have to leave’

And......? If they were in business before some health laws were passed are they exempt from following the new health standards? Better yet, can they claim religious exemption from health standards laws?

Did I say that?
I am extending the argument that a business can ignore business laws to other business laws such as health standards. Are they allowed to for so-called religious reasons? Are they allowed to because those business laws came down after they had already opened their business?
why did they go into a gay coffee shop? Too cause trouble. Why aren't they voicing concerns over lack of funding for Chip.

How do you know they went in there to cause trouble? I am not seeing that anywhere. Probably they went in for coffee. You need to back up a statement like that.
If all they did was come in for coffee, they have every right to be served. Question did the coffee shop owner get a hold of one of their anti-gay flyers as you can see him holding in the picture?
Private business owners have rights and the right to associate with whomever they chose.

No, plainly they do not have such rights. But they should. Okay, we've started on the next Trump list! Trump is doing so great cleaning up the bad Obama laws. This one about "public accommodation" that enslaves business owners to rotten people they don't want to associate with or who are violent, stealing, etc.

Remember: businesses like to make profits. If people are willing to behave properly and be profitable, as opposed to breaking and stealing and rioting, business people mostly will be willing to serve them. I'm for total choice in who businesses serve. That would clean a lot of bad behavior up in this country.
And......? If they were in business before some health laws were passed are they exempt from following the new health standards? Better yet, can they claim religious exemption from health standards laws?

Did I say that?
I am extending the argument that a business can ignore business laws to other business laws such as health standards. Are they allowed to for so-called religious reasons? Are they allowed to because those business laws came down after they had already opened their business?

I don't disagree with you. I do feel, however, that discrimination laws should be scrapped. In the meantime, I will follow the law.
No..the baker was not forced to do anything accept treat all their customers equally under the PA laws they agreed to in getting a business license.

Those bakers had never before make a same-sex wedding cake. Now they're forced to do so. I disagree with this law but I expect said bakers to abide by the law. I take it you don't have any issue with sanctuary cities ignoring federal immigration laws. Is that right?

[QUOTE="Dragonlady, post: 18305434, member: 41417]

If the baker refuses to bake wedding cakes for all sinners, such as adulterers, thieves, liars and blashphemers, all of which are mentioned in the 10 Commandments, then I'd have no issue with them refusing gays. But to single out one class of sinner as "untouchable" isn't religious freedom, its bigotry and intolerance cloaking itself in freedom of religion.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's all nonsense that it's a religious issue. They just don't like it! And they don't want to be forced to go that way, and I for one don't blame them. These homosexual activists are frankly predatory and it's just mean.

You realize that the win yesterday for Catholic nuns against having to provide birth control is a thin entering wedge for more freedom in association and what we have to do for people whose behavior we don't like? As a woman, I'm a little bemused seeing the photo of Sisters celebrating when they are not involved with the issue of pregnancy, but I don't see why the public has to be forced to kill or prevent human births if they don't want to. Could we please have a little more freedom? When this issue was live for me, nobody else bought my birth control pills!! I bought them myself, like everyone else. Let people take care of themselves.
Private business owners have rights and the right to associate with whomever they chose.

No, plainly they do not have such rights. But they should. Okay, we've started on the next Trump list! Trump is doing so great cleaning up the bad Obama laws. This one about "public accommodation" that enslaves business owners to rotten people they don't want to associate with or who are violent, stealing, etc.

Remember: businesses like to make profits. If people are willing to behave properly and be profitable, as opposed to breaking and stealing and rioting, business people mostly will be willing to serve them. I'm for total choice in who businesses serve. That would clean a lot of bad behavior up in this country.
If people are willing to behave properly and be profitable, as opposed to breaking and stealing and rioting, business people mostly will be willing to serve them.
Are we still talking about serving gays?
I'm just referring to your mindset, which would allow it:

That's total bullshit. I support gay people to do whatever the fuck they want and I have NO PROBLEM with their lifestyle. Don't be a fucking liar.
Then what did you mean by the quote you so conveniently left out? Your words. Explain the logical ramifications of that belief of yours.

What quote is that?
Look it up.
What does pro-life have to do with doing the bone dance with Mr. Sphincter?

Nothing. Either we have a right to association or not.
Where is this "right of association" and how do you think it applies?

Freedom of Assembly. It applies in that this owner doesn't want his business associated with these people.
Again I asked, where is this right stated? Bill of rights?

Does it apply to the baker who doesn't want associated with a certain "people?"

Freedom of Assembly is in the Bill of Rights.

And yes, it should apply to all people. I've made my positions on public accondations laws quite plain on this forum. Nobody should be forced to do business with anyone against their wishes. The free market will decide if a business that refuses to serve X, Y, Z will fail or not.
One always has to question when people tell them what things say:

Freedom of assembly, sometimes used interchangeably with the freedom of association, is the individual right or ability of people to come together and collectively express, promote, pursue, and defend their ideas.[1] The right to freedom of association is recognized as a human right, a political right and a civil liberty.

The terms freedom of assembly and freedom of association may be used to distinguish between the freedom to assemble in public places and the freedom to join an association. Freedom of assembly is often used in the context of the right to protest, while freedom of association is used in the context of labor rights and in the Constitution of the United States is interpreted to mean both the freedom to assemble and the freedom to join an association.[2]

The United States Constitution explicitly provides for 'the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances' in the First Amendment.

Freedom of assembly - Wikipedia
Are we still talking about serving gays?

No. I'm talking about the larger issue. The freedom to reject disruptive people at will: the awful people outside abortion clinics are one lot, the rioters on Black Fridays are another lot.

Here's a common example: a lot of discussion forums ban people. I wish they'd ban Russian trolls, but noooooooo, somehow they never ban those. The Internet is more free than the general American society, so forum owners continue to ban posters they don't like with impunity. Should they be forced to accept all comers?

I'd say no.

Although it is very annoying to be banned............
Not only should the gay owners have the absolute right to eject Christians, but they should POST who they will and will not serve right at the door. Just like Christian bakers should, if they object to same sex marriage be allowed to refuse to bake wedding cakes, but should make the public aware of the limitation right at the door.
One difference I see. Is that the gay coffee owner is actually denying service.

But the baker didn't deny service, he would have sold them any cake they wanted, until they made a statement against his beliefs.
Are we still talking about serving gays?

No. I'm talking about the larger issue. The freedom to reject disruptive people at will: the awful people outside abortion clinics are one lot, the rioters on Black Fridays are another lot.

Here's a common example: a lot of discussion forums ban people. I wish they'd ban Russian trolls, but noooooooo, somehow they never ban those. The Internet is more free than the general American society, so forum owners continue to ban posters they don't like with impunity. Should they be forced to accept all comers?

I'd say no.

Although it is very annoying to be banned............
Sometimes backing up and seeing too big a picture makes it impossible to come to any kind of understanding of an issue, such as whether it is okay for businesses to be forced to serve gays.
I think if you serve the public, you should serve all the public that is abiding by the law. If you don't want to, don't serve the public. If you live in a state with PA laws, either abide by those laws or move to another state. No one's religious beliefs should extend to denying a right to another.
Not only should the gay owners have the absolute right to eject Christians, but they should POST who they will and will not serve right at the door. Just like Christian bakers should, if they object to same sex marriage be allowed to refuse to bake wedding cakes, but should make the public aware of the limitation right at the door.
I agree with that as a compromise, but in the reverse. Businesses who are not bigoted should all put "We Welcome Everyone" signs on their businesses or logos the way most everyone has a VISA sign. It could be a small but universally used symbol. So those without it, if you're gay stay away. It doesn't force the business to say anything about denying service. That's only if and when the PA laws have been overturned.
why did they go into a gay coffee shop? Too cause trouble. Why aren't they voicing concerns over lack of funding for Chip.

How do you know they went in there to cause trouble? I am not seeing that anywhere. Probably they went in for coffee. You need to back up a statement like that.
If all they did was come in for coffee, they have every right to be served. Question did the coffee shop owner get a hold of one of their anti-gay flyers as you can see him holding in the picture?
Because the activists were placing them in his business.

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