Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

Don't you understand by now that bigots and idiots never last long in business? That 'exclusive' personality trait only serves angry White Republican men and is always roundly rejected by the sane people who make up the majority of the world. That's why it always fails in business and politics and ultimately in life..

You truly are the STUPIDEST person in the world...
Where in the world are bigots flourishing? Only in repressive states. You are, as all Social Conservatives, way behind the curve of history. The American people are increasingly tolerant of homosexuals and increasingly willing to extend homosexuals all the rights enjoyed by all Americans.

Stupid? Because I recognize the basic American virtues of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? What kind of American are you if you hold those truths as stupid?

Ca-rist, you're dumb as a box of hair! I'm not a social conservative, I don't give two shits if two gays want to get married. I don't give a damn who someone sleeps with. Anything else you'd care to be wrong about today, dimbulb?
I wanna see dem tranny cakes.

(American kids going hungry but the dingbats are all upset about pastry. Anyone surprised?)

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Or, say "That's not a service that we offer. If you want that service, I can perform it as a personal favor and I don't feel like doing you a favor."

I'm sorry, but your breath smells of santorum and therefore I don't want you in my shop.

In a better world, that would be the law.

Unless used as an obvious excuse to circumvent discrimination laws, offensive odor, inappropriate dress, obnoxous behavior, use of offensive language, threatening attitude, and other disturbing or offensive behavoir are generaly accepted as valid reasons to refuse service and demand exit from the premises.
I'm sorry, but your breath smells of santorum and therefore I don't want you in my shop.

In a better world, that would be the law.

Unless used as an obvious excuse to circumvent discrimination laws, offensive odor, inappropriate dress, obnoxous behavior, use of offensive language, threatening attitude, and other disturbing or offensive behavoir are generaly accepted as valid reasons to refuse service and demand exit from the premises.


Provided such rules and regulations are applied to all customers equally.
I'd serve them a shity tasting cake.

I might put 10x the normal amount of salt in it....or simply add a cup of sand to the batter. Maybe put vinegar in the frosting.

Compromise, everybody wins. They get their cake eat it if they can, and the bakery doesn't get them back in the doors.

Goodness, that would be not only be unethical, but a probably a crime. It would surely be fraud to accept payment for a product and on purpose not deliver the product. It would also be cowardly. If it means so much to a person they should have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Being a liar and cheat is never a good option.
I might put 10x the normal amount of salt in it....or simply add a cup of sand to the batter. Maybe put vinegar in the frosting.

Compromise, everybody wins. They get their cake eat it if they can, and the bakery doesn't get them back in the doors.

Goodness, that would be not only be unethical, but a probably a crime. It would surely be fraud to accept payment for a product and on purpose not deliver the product. It would also be cowardly. If it means so much to a person they should have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Being a liar and cheat is never a good option.
Do you actually believe that bull shit you just wrote? What is so unethical or criminal about it?
burning a cake is criminal? Bad service is not criminal
The worst thing about this is the faggots not going to another place. I'd give them a reason to not want to come back.
Compromise, everybody wins. They get their cake eat it if they can, and the bakery doesn't get them back in the doors.

Goodness, that would be not only be unethical, but a probably a crime. It would surely be fraud to accept payment for a product and on purpose not deliver the product. It would also be cowardly. If it means so much to a person they should have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Being a liar and cheat is never a good option.
Do you actually believe that bull shit you just wrote? What is so unethical or criminal about it?
burning a cake is criminal? Bad service is not criminal
The worst thing about this is the faggots not going to another place. I'd give them a reason to not want to come back.

Well yes, I do believe what you call the "bullshit" that I wrote. I didn't see anything about burning a cake. What I read was about adding sand and viniger to a product being sold as an edible product. The customer is paying for a specific product that is sold with the understanding the product meets certain specifications and is of a certain quality. For a business to accept payment for a product and unbeknownst be substituted with an inferior or in this case an unusable product is unethical. Because it is a food product it would be crimminal in many jurisdictions. And yes, it is a cowardly way to handle a situation with the use of a lie and fraud instead of standing up for what you believe in.
Goodness, that would be not only be unethical, but a probably a crime. It would surely be fraud to accept payment for a product and on purpose not deliver the product. It would also be cowardly. If it means so much to a person they should have the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Being a liar and cheat is never a good option.
Do you actually believe that bull shit you just wrote? What is so unethical or criminal about it?
burning a cake is criminal? Bad service is not criminal
The worst thing about this is the faggots not going to another place. I'd give them a reason to not want to come back.

Well yes, I do believe what you call the "bullshit" that I wrote. I didn't see anything about burning a cake. What I read was about adding sand and viniger to a product being sold as an edible product. The customer is paying for a specific product that is sold with the understanding the product meets certain specifications and is of a certain quality. For a business to accept payment for a product and unbeknownst be substituted with an inferior or in this case an unusable product is unethical. Because it is a food product it would be crimminal in many jurisdictions. And yes, it is a cowardly way to handle a situation with the use of a lie and fraud instead of standing up for what you believe in.

Lie and fraud? the fraud is the faggots that could have chosen another bakery but did not. They get the worse tasting cake ever. That is not criminal. Now you can whine all you want.
Do you actually believe that bull shit you just wrote? What is so unethical or criminal about it?
burning a cake is criminal? Bad service is not criminal
The worst thing about this is the faggots not going to another place. I'd give them a reason to not want to come back.

Well yes, I do believe what you call the "bullshit" that I wrote. I didn't see anything about burning a cake. What I read was about adding sand and viniger to a product being sold as an edible product. The customer is paying for a specific product that is sold with the understanding the product meets certain specifications and is of a certain quality. For a business to accept payment for a product and unbeknownst be substituted with an inferior or in this case an unusable product is unethical. Because it is a food product it would be crimminal in many jurisdictions. And yes, it is a cowardly way to handle a situation with the use of a lie and fraud instead of standing up for what you believe in.

Lie and fraud? the fraud is the faggots that could have chosen another bakery but did not. They get the worse tasting cake ever. That is not criminal. Now you can whine all you want.

No, the faggots came to the store because they expected to get the same quality product that the store normally sells. It makes no difference why the particular store was chosen. They walked into the store expecting to make a deal, a contract, to purchase a specific product of a specific quality. The store owners didn't want to sell them a product, a cake. They had the ethics, honesty and courage to refuse service because of their personal beliefs. Your solution would have been to make the deal and contract knowing you were going to rip the faggots off. That is the lie. You would have agreed to provide the product as specified in the agreement with no intention of fulfilling the contract. That is the lie and the fraud part. The use of sand would be the crime part. Sand is not an edible product. It is a non-edible product. If you used sand and the faggots took the cake to a lab the faggots would end up owning your store and you might end up in jail. It is against the law in most places to contaminate food on purpose.
I still say the judge was wrong and so were the gay couple. How many gay bakers are out there that would have LOVED to have their business? Does the gay couple that started this lawsuit support gay rights in other ways and if so, why would they not assist gay businesses by buying products from them. Why sue someone who clearly stated NO? Beause they wanted to make this a mountain out of a molehill. Kinda like that lesbian waitress that lied about what was written on that receipt.

Lately, the only ones damaging any forward movement in gay rights are.....gays.

Concerning spitting in food, adding sand, deliberately fucking around with a product...that is as assinine as the gays who sued the bakery and about as stupid as the judge that said the business HAD to serve them. Is the judge paying the fucking bills at the bakery? I thought not. He's an asshole and needs to be removed. He is probably gay himself.
I still say the judge was wrong...

Here is the relevant section of the law...

Colorado Revised Statutes
23-34-601 Discrimination in places of public accommodation
(2) It is a discriminatory practice and unlawful for a person, directly or indirectly, to refuse, withhold from, or deny to an individual or a group, because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry, the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation or, directly or indirectly, to publish, circulate, issue, display, post, or mail any written, electronic, or printed communication, notice, or advertisement that indicates that the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations of a place of public accommodation will be refused, withheld from, or denied an individual or that an individual's patronage or presence at a place of public accommodation is unwelcome, objectionable, unacceptable, or undesirable because of disability, race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, or ancestry.​

1. This is the law passed by the Legislature of Colorado, the case was reviewed by a State Judge in Colorado.

2. The Bakery operated a public business and therefore was subject to the Public Accommodation laws of the State.

3. The Bakery advertized for and routinely supplied wedding cakes to it's customers.

4. The Bakery refused to fulfill a similar order for a couple based on the sexual orientation of the couple


Question #1: Please explain why the State Judge was in error for ruling that a place of Public Accommodation was in violation of the State law that required them not to discriminate based on sexual orientation.

Question #2: Do you routinely support "activist judges" and having them ignore the law an rule based on their whim?

Well yes, I do believe what you call the "bullshit" that I wrote. I didn't see anything about burning a cake. What I read was about adding sand and viniger to a product being sold as an edible product. The customer is paying for a specific product that is sold with the understanding the product meets certain specifications and is of a certain quality. For a business to accept payment for a product and unbeknownst be substituted with an inferior or in this case an unusable product is unethical. Because it is a food product it would be crimminal in many jurisdictions. And yes, it is a cowardly way to handle a situation with the use of a lie and fraud instead of standing up for what you believe in.

Lie and fraud? the fraud is the faggots that could have chosen another bakery but did not. They get the worse tasting cake ever. That is not criminal. Now you can whine all you want.

No, the faggots came to the store because they expected to get the same quality product that the store normally sells. It makes no difference why the particular store was chosen. They walked into the store expecting to make a deal, a contract, to purchase a specific product of a specific quality. The store owners didn't want to sell them a product, a cake. They had the ethics, honesty and courage to refuse service because of their personal beliefs. Your solution would have been to make the deal and contract knowing you were going to rip the faggots off. That is the lie. You would have agreed to provide the product as specified in the agreement with no intention of fulfilling the contract. That is the lie and the fraud part. The use of sand would be the crime part. Sand is not an edible product. It is a non-edible product. If you used sand and the faggots took the cake to a lab the faggots would end up owning your store and you might end up in jail. It is against the law in most places to contaminate food on purpose.
EXPECT in one hand and shit in the other see which one get's noticed.
Your whining is making you say shit that had not happen.
Use sand? I did not say anything about using sand. I said I would make them a terrible tasting Gake, now go whine to someone else.
Why can't these homosexuals show some respect to these Christian people, there are plenty of places that will make their homosexual cake.

It's just that homosexuals love to rub their nasty lifestyle in the faces of people that are religious

Oh you are so into gay sex...
Hate is a sin, Tank. There's no get out of jail free card on that one.
Saying that something is a sin is not hate. It is just pointing out what it is which is what is supposed to be done. The Lord wants his word to be shared with those who do not know about it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

The lord? Fuck that..keep your shit in your pants. Seriously fucking god people always pushing this shit on other people. You know what other people like to push? Drugs.
Anyway....the gay couple COULD have found a GAY bakery by going there to have their cake made. But noooooooooo.
Sorry. I am a fag hag, but in this case....they were in the wrong to insist, then sue.

Its against state law to deny them services based on sexual orientation.

So no they were not in the wrong.
To me, if you can't respect another person's beliefs and opinion, don't go expecting them to show any for the beliefs and opinions that you yourself have.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Well I guess that is true. The shop owner didn't respect the beliefs and opinions of the couple getting married so I guess they shouldn't have expected the couple to respect their beliefs and opinions.
And obviously the beliefs and opinions of the shop owner were not respected either.

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. Another place could have been found, but no. Certain people in this world just have to go and make a spectacle of themselves. All that couple did is give people even more reason to resent their kind. If they wanted respect, they only made it harder to score for themselves now.

Where you born in 1903 or something? Go make a a spectacle? Ugh seriously.all this couple did was ask for a cake that was well within their state rights.
It's really messed up that there are judges think they can force people to do work for others. I could have sworn we faught a civil war to stop that kind of stuff.

Well no the state made it a law..the judge is upholding the law.

Anyone else find the irony in these people like avatar who worship a man yet complain about gay sex?

If anyone is gay its the people calling god lord, worshipping, and devoted solely to him..

How gay

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