Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

The answer is really to stop offering wedding cakes as a service. They are only by special arrangement.

In every case where a service provider has been entrapped in a lawsuit it's because the service was offered to the general public. There has not been a single instance of a service provider forced to perform any service not available to everyone.
“If you don't stick to your values when they're being tested, they're not values: they're hobbies.”

― Jon Stewart

Which is exactly why the baker should not back down, and everyone should be defending him, not the fascists who are attacking his values.

I keep hearing "religious liberty," but all I can think of is "states rights."

Why is that, I wonder ?

Should Woolworth's have been able to stick to THEIR "values?" And finally, what makes the baker different from Woolworth's?
Oh. Ok. Sexual orientation. Well alrighty then! Some perv asks a baker to bake a cake and he wants the decorations to include man fucking kid. That be ok?

slippery slope
You said that if we allow A to happen, then Z will eventually happen too, therefore A should not happen.
The problem with this reasoning is that it avoids engaging with the issue at hand, and instead shifts attention to extreme hypotheticals. Because no proof is presented to show that such extreme hypotheticals will in fact occur, this fallacy has the form of an appeal to emotion fallacy by leveraging fear. In effect the argument at hand is unfairly tainted by unsubstantiated conjecture.
Example: Colin Closet asserts that if we allow same-sex couples to marry, then the next thing we know we'll be allowing people to marry their parents, their cars and even monkeys.
Anyway....the gay couple COULD have found a GAY bakery by going there to have their cake made. But noooooooooo.
Sorry. I am a fag hag, but in this case....they were in the wrong to insist, then sue.

Its against state law to deny them services based on sexual orientation.

So no they were not in the wrong.

Are you saying that the law is your infallible god and moral compass? If so, you are worse than a scumbag because even scumbags understand that the law can be wrong.
It's really messed up that there are judges think they can force people to do work for others. I could have sworn we faught a civil war to stop that kind of stuff.

Well no the state made it a law..the judge is upholding the law.

Anyone else find the irony in these people like avatar who worship a man yet complain about gay sex?

If anyone is gay its the people calling god lord, worshipping, and devoted solely to him..

How gay

The law is wrong, period.
Does he have to make a nazi cake for nazi customers or a pedophile themed cake for pedos or a yassir Arafat themed cake? Will they order a gay cake shop to make a cake celebrating banning gay marriage?

As much I loathe this poster, he has a point.
Read the law..sexual orientation. ...

Sexual orientation like a Hitler fetish?

Please, try to tell me that isn't a sexual thing.
As much I loathe this poster, he has a point.
Read the law..sexual orientation. ...

I am aware you cannot discriminate against people because of their orientation, but if I was a baker, and a person came in wanting a cake celebrating Hitler or something, I would refuse - no matter what the consequences. It might be acceptable to discriminate against that person, but it shouldn't matter.
His business, he can do what he likes. Just put a sign on the door stating his beliefs so people don't get offended.

That would offend Plasmaball.
Where you born in 1903 or something? Go make a a spectacle? Ugh seriously.all this couple did was ask for a cake that was well within their state rights.
And all that the shop owner did was refuse to make what was asked for which is also well within their state rights.

God bless you and them always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. I was born in 1982. :) :) :)

The shop owners were not within their states rights to refuse to make the cake and discriminate because of sexual orientation. State law has determined that discrimination is illegal.

State law cannot tell me what my rights are, and everyone has a right not to work for other people if they do not want to. That is actually part of the Constitution of the United States of America, which trumps state law.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
Which is exactly why the baker should not back down, and everyone should be defending him, not the fascists who are attacking his values.

I keep hearing "religious liberty," but all I can think of is "states rights."

Why is that, I wonder ?

Should Woolworth's have been able to stick to THEIR "values?" And finally, what makes the baker different from Woolworth's?

Are you blathering about the lunch counters at Woolworth's that were segregated because state law required it? If you have a problem with fascism, fight against it. If, on the other hand, you support it, support it completely. Using it when you like it, and then condemning it under other circumstances, just makes you look like a drooling idiot.
Which is exactly why the baker should not back down, and everyone should be defending him, not the fascists who are attacking his values.

I keep hearing "religious liberty," but all I can think of is "states rights."

Why is that, I wonder ?

Should Woolworth's have been able to stick to THEIR "values?" And finally, what makes the baker different from Woolworth's?

Are you blathering about the lunch counters at Woolworth's that were segregated because state law required it? If you have a problem with fascism, fight against it. If, on the other hand, you support it, support it completely. Using it when you like it, and then condemning it under other circumstances, just makes you look like a drooling idiot.

Don't get all pissy with me - you understood the connection and the point perfectly - you just can't fit it into the frame that says people should have the right to discriminate against others based on their sexual orientation.
I keep hearing "religious liberty," but all I can think of is "states rights."

Why is that, I wonder ?

Should Woolworth's have been able to stick to THEIR "values?" And finally, what makes the baker different from Woolworth's?

Are you blathering about the lunch counters at Woolworth's that were segregated because state law required it? If you have a problem with fascism, fight against it. If, on the other hand, you support it, support it completely. Using it when you like it, and then condemning it under other circumstances, just makes you look like a drooling idiot.

Don't get all pissy with me - you understood the connection and the point perfectly - you just can't fit it into the frame that says people should have the right to discriminate against others based on their sexual orientation.

Yes I do, both problems were created by fascists who are willing to use the law to impose their version of society on others. I will always fight that because it is always wrong.
The shop owners were not within their states rights to refuse to make the cake and discriminate because of sexual orientation. State law has determined that discrimination is illegal.
The shop owner has the right to refuse service to people.

So you have the right to push your shit religion on other people but gays cant push theirs?
Fuck you

I dont give a shit when you where born stupid.

P.s. fuck you.

P.p.s I hope a train hits you.
You do know that is a two way street that you are walking there, right? If you can't show respect for my rights, don't go expecting me to show any for the rights that you have...especially if all that you are going to do is drop the swear words left and right. If you don't want them said to you, then saying them to anyone else makes you a flat out hypocrite.

You were born in '82? Is that a picture of your mom? My daughter was born in '81. You look my age.
I was born in June of 1982 and that is me in my avatar and signature shots. :) :) :)

How do you claim it was within his "state rights" when State law is the subject of the discussion and State law specifically says that businesses cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation?
The shop owner has the right not to serve people.

God bless you four and him always!!!

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No, the faggots came to the store because they expected to get the same quality product that the store normally sells. It makes no difference why the particular store was chosen. They walked into the store expecting to make a deal, a contract, to purchase a specific product of a specific quality. The store owners didn't want to sell them a product, a cake. They had the ethics, honesty and courage to refuse service because of their personal beliefs. Your solution would have been to make the deal and contract knowing you were going to rip the faggots off. That is the lie. You would have agreed to provide the product as specified in the agreement with no intention of fulfilling the contract. That is the lie and the fraud part. The use of sand would be the crime part. Sand is not an edible product. It is a non-edible product. If you used sand and the faggots took the cake to a lab the faggots would end up owning your store and you might end up in jail. It is against the law in most places to contaminate food on purpose.
EXPECT in one hand and shit in the other see which one get's noticed.
Your whining is making you say shit that had not happen.
Use sand? I did not say anything about using sand. I said I would make them a terrible tasting Gake, now go whine to someone else.

I was clearly responding to the comment by Jarlaxle and his post #214 which you responded to with your comment of making a terrible tasting cake. Why do you find it necessary to manipulate and misrepresent qoutes? Oh ya, your the guy who thinks it's ok to cheat and lie and take money under false pretense. Now you are bragging about being such a coward that you wouldn't have the guts to confront a couple of gay guys and tell them to fuck off cause you ain't baking no Gake. That would be scary for you wouldn't it? You got lots of courage on the keyboard, but in real life you are admitting you are a wimp. Given the choice between standing forward and fighting or running and hiding, you sound like one of those run and hide kind of guys.

OH jeeze wizzle not the keyboard commando retort.

Question for you, when you say something do you mean what you say? I tend to take people at their word when they say they'll do this, do that, because when I say I will do something I do it. So do you mean what you say or is it just all bullshit?

When I say I would bake them a cake they could not eat I mean that I would not refuse them service, I would insure they would not want to come back.
So man up or bitch up which is it?
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Are you blathering about the lunch counters at Woolworth's that were segregated because state law required it? If you have a problem with fascism, fight against it. If, on the other hand, you support it, support it completely. Using it when you like it, and then condemning it under other circumstances, just makes you look like a drooling idiot.

Don't get all pissy with me - you understood the connection and the point perfectly - you just can't fit it into the frame that says people should have the right to discriminate against others based on their sexual orientation.

Yes I do, both problems were created by fascists who are willing to use the law to impose their version of society on others. I will always fight that because it is always wrong.

Those laws came about because of discrimination leading to economic disadvantages - if people are able to deny service based on race then society is stratified based on race, and people are wrongfully denied opportunity - the same goes for ANY discrimination.




Whatever idiot parent named their kid Adolph Hitler should never have procreated. Musta been a skinhead.

ya think? :lol:

Being a skinhead is a behavior. If a bakery can discriminate based on this kind of behavior and pretty much everyone agrees that they could, and should, then why not on some other kind of behavior, like being gay.

Which is exactly why the baker should not back down, and everyone should be defending him, not the fascists who are attacking his values.

I keep hearing "religious liberty," but all I can think of is "states rights."

Why is that, I wonder ?

Should Woolworth's have been able to stick to THEIR "values?" And finally, what makes the baker different from Woolworth's?

He's not.

The difference here that you refuse to recognize is that the victims aren't the same, not even close.

Your attempts to conflate a gay couple dragging a homophobic baker through court to force him to bake a cake with systematic and institutionalized racism against black people is intellectually and ethically reprehensible.

You and the plaintiffs should be ashamed of yourselves for what you're doing, not proud.

Not if you actually believe in that coexist bumper sticker on the back of your Subaru. :thup:

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