Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.

Your arguments in this thread are bullshit. There is no sin in baking a wedding cake for a gay couple. None. This is just a made up excuse for discrimination, even if you do believe that gay sex is a sin. Baking a cake is not participating in gay sex.

In my reading of scripture, it is the baker who is sinning here. He is judging his customers which the Bible specifically says not to do. The Bible also says to love the sinners, but not the sin. The Bible is also pretty clear that one should follow the laws of the land and again, this man failed to do so. At every turn, this so-called Christian has behaved in a manner which goes against everything that Jesus preached.

So don't try to hand me this bullshit that the baker was just being a good Christian. He was being self-righteous, prideful, judgemental and behaving illegally. He was not treating others in the manner he would wish to be treated. There was nothing Christian in his behaviour at all.

The baker did not judge his customers. He judged himself. He refused to commit a sin according to his own conscience. Where in the Bible are we commanded to commit a sin just to make someone else feel better about themselves? The baker did not refuse to sell this gay guy anything. The man could buy anything in the bake shop. He just could not compel this man to violate his own principles by participating in a specific same sex wedding.
Libs should a pro choice feminist who supports abortion be forced to print pro life signs for an anti abortion group?
The owners argument of Christian beliefs is BS as already pointed out. That being said I'm starting to wonder about forcing people not to discriminate. I'm starting to feel that it would be better not to give the prick my money and either give it to another business that has no issue with me or start my own business to cater to those like me. I'm beginning to believe that the end result is further division behind closed doors with the appearance of a discrimination free society on the surface.
They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.

Your arguments in this thread are bullshit. There is no sin in baking a wedding cake for a gay couple. None. This is just a made up excuse for discrimination, even if you do believe that gay sex is a sin. Baking a cake is not participating in gay sex.

In my reading of scripture, it is the baker who is sinning here. He is judging his customers which the Bible specifically says not to do. The Bible also says to love the sinners, but not the sin. The Bible is also pretty clear that one should follow the laws of the land and again, this man failed to do so. At every turn, this so-called Christian has behaved in a manner which goes against everything that Jesus preached.

So don't try to hand me this bullshit that the baker was just being a good Christian. He was being self-righteous, prideful, judgemental and behaving illegally. He was not treating others in the manner he would wish to be treated. There was nothing Christian in his behaviour at all.

We have a surplus of fake Chistians in this country. The fakes refuse to download and accept the changes Christ preached. It's what the New Testement and the words of Christ are all about. The fakes ignore the words and teachings of Christ and still worship the Old Testement. They fall back on the Old Testement and cherry pick parts of it whenever their ploitical beliefs go against the teachings of Christ. They deny Christ's word but call themselves Christians. It's a scam.
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They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.

Your arguments in this thread are bullshit. There is no sin in baking a wedding cake for a gay couple. None. This is just a made up excuse for discrimination, even if you do believe that gay sex is a sin. Baking a cake is not participating in gay sex.

In my reading of scripture, it is the baker who is sinning here. He is judging his customers which the Bible specifically says not to do. The Bible also says to love the sinners, but not the sin. The Bible is also pretty clear that one should follow the laws of the land and again, this man failed to do so. At every turn, this so-called Christian has behaved in a manner which goes against everything that Jesus preached.

So don't try to hand me this bullshit that the baker was just being a good Christian. He was being self-righteous, prideful, judgemental and behaving illegally. He was not treating others in the manner he would wish to be treated. There was nothing Christian in his behaviour at all.

We have a surplus of fake Chistians in this country. The fakes refuse to download and accept the changes Christ preached. It's what the New Testement and the words of Christ are all about. The fakes ignore the words and teachings of Christ and still worship the Old Testement. They fall back on the Old Testement and cherry pick parts of it whenever their ploitical beliefs go against the teachings of Christ. They deny Christ's word but call themselves Christians. It's a scam.
The tolerant libbie blames the Jews

#1 No he wasn't.

#2 The Hyperlink Text does not match the title of the Article which is: "Christian bakeshop MUST serve same-sex customers after owner refused to make wedding cake for gay couple, rules judge"

#3 The word "rainbow" or "rain bow" or "rain-bow" does not appear on the page.

#4 The facts of the case are not in dispute, the baker and the claimant both agree on the series of events and confirm each others story. Both agree "The whole conversation between Phillips and Complainants was very brief, with no discussion between the parties about what the cake would look like"

CHARLIE CRAIG and DAVID MULLINS, Complainants vs. MASTERPIECE CAKESHOP, INC., and any successor entity, and JACK C. PHILLIPS

They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.

Your arguments in this thread are bullshit. There is no sin in baking a wedding cake for a gay couple. None. This is just a made up excuse for discrimination, even if you do believe that gay sex is a sin. Baking a cake is not participating in gay sex.

In my reading of scripture, it is the baker who is sinning here. He is judging his customers which the Bible specifically says not to do. The Bible also says to love the sinners, but not the sin. The Bible is also pretty clear that one should follow the laws of the land and again, this man failed to do so. At every turn, this so-called Christian has behaved in a manner which goes against everything that Jesus preached.

So don't try to hand me this bullshit that the baker was just being a good Christian. He was being self-righteous, prideful, judgemental and behaving illegally. He was not treating others in the manner he would wish to be treated. There was nothing Christian in his behaviour at all.

We have a surplus of fake Chistians in this country. The fakes refuse to download and accept the changes Christ preached. It's what the New Testement and the words of Christ are all about. The fakes ignore the words and teachings of Christ and still worship the Old Testement. They fall back on the Old Testement and cherry pick parts of it whenever their ploitical beliefs go against the teachings of Christ. They deny Christ's word but call themselves Christians. It's a scam.

Nah, the "scam" is atheist humps like you deciding what and what is not a sin or a Christian. We get it that you have no faith in anything. We get it that you believe we must accept your dogma while you refuse to even listen to our truths. You make war on Christmas because it's the most miserable time of year for your ilk. We pity you but at the same time we'll fight you tong and hammer for trying to silence us. We will win....we always do. :funnyface:

Are rainbows offensive? Are they something you would not want your children to see, or draw in a pre-school class? Are they a form of obscenity? Do rainbow cakes require specialized and expensive equipment to make?

Baking a rainbow cake is not a sin. Conducting business with homosexuals is not a sin. The whole idea of using a warped interpretation of scripture to justify hatred is indeed sinful. The baker cannot discriminate and then run behind an altar for cover. It's disgraceful. It's antithetical to the American idea. And, just so Conservatives can finally find a way to see the wrong in the situation, it's bad business.

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