Christian Baker Punished For Refusing To Make Gay Wedding Cake Fights Back

I stand with the baker and his decision to not make wedding cakes for anyone anymore.

Take your ball and go home.
He was sentenced to undergo sensitivity training, pay for all of his employees to undergo sensitivity training and ordered to provide quarterly reports to the court detailing every time he declined a specialty service.

This could be considered a punishment.

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes undergo sensitivity training after losing lawsuit Fox News

Being a bigoted asshole has consequences as it should be. NO ONE should ever be discriminated against.
I stand with the baker and his decision to not make wedding cakes for anyone anymore.

Take your ball and go home.
Oh he will still make wedding cakes. They will be just for special people.

Yes. Special people. Those he knows and those who have been personally recommended. While he has to report the details of those special orders he declines there is no order to report the details of special orders that he fills.

I still paint commissioned works. The bakery in westwood still makes wedding cakes. Limiting public offerings allows much more flexibility.
May the baker prevail. If his beliefs are not going to be respected, don't expect him to respect the beliefs of anyone else.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if he was approached on purpose. Whoever asked him to make the cake probably knew that he would say "No."
The baker not only will lose but has already lost. There will be a very clear division. You will see bakeries advertising what great wedding cakes they make. Then there will be those special artists whose artistry is by invitation only. Gays can go to those bakeries with the splashy ads. Walmart doesn't discriminate.
He was sentenced to undergo sensitivity training, pay for all of his employees to undergo sensitivity training and ordered to provide quarterly reports to the court detailing every time he declined a specialty service.

This could be considered a punishment.

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes undergo sensitivity training after losing lawsuit Fox News
It absolutely is punishment and an undue infringement on his privacy.

If individual christians can be forced by law to abdicate their faith in the trenches of day to day, that sets a precedent for congregations of them too (also known as "churches") to be forced by law to abdicate their edicts.

The abiding by his savior that the baker was referring to was and is the mandate in Jude 1 of the New Testament warning christians to not enable or advocate a homosexual takeover of ANY society they belong to. To fail in this errand is to insure one's stay for eternity in the Pit of Fire. It reminds christians that entire cultures were wiped off the map for failing at this Command.

Jude was Jesus' personal servant and friend. He was with him daily. So this dire Warning (with a capital "W") was as close to the horse's mouth as you can get. Not some Old Testament stuff about eating pork or 50 lashes. Jesus came to redact the Old Testament. And so Christians follow the New Testament.
The decision by the judge was outrageous. Essentially, the judge who ruled against the baker, took away his right to freedom of religion, freedom of association and freedom of speech. All because the baker just happened to own a retail business. Now if that is not also a violation of the baker's 14th amendment right to equal protection under the law, there is no such thing as the 14th.
I believe this is going to blow up in the face of whomever decided treating a business owner as though he were a ward of the government to do its bidding.
This whole incident and the resulting issues endured by the business is political correctness run amok.
He was sentenced to undergo sensitivity training, pay for all of his employees to undergo sensitivity training and ordered to provide quarterly reports to the court detailing every time he declined a specialty service.

This could be considered a punishment.

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes undergo sensitivity training after losing lawsuit Fox News

OMG, Tipsykatzenfotze, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!
Yep, a state can't run its own government. It has to get approval from Westboro to pass a law. /End Sarcasm
Stop shoveling shit against the tide.
He was sentenced to undergo sensitivity training, pay for all of his employees to undergo sensitivity training and ordered to provide quarterly reports to the court detailing every time he declined a specialty service.

This could be considered a punishment.

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes undergo sensitivity training after losing lawsuit Fox News

OMG, Tipsykatzenfotze, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!
Yep, a state can't run its own government. It has to get approval from Westboro to pass a law. /End Sarcasm
Stop shoveling shit against the tide.
What tide? Republican vs Democrat, it always goes in and out. Stop being less relevant, as most of the country is already over the wedding cake and same-sex marriage.
Stop shoveling shit against the tide.
What tide? Republican vs Democrat, it always goes in and out. Stop being less relevant, as most of the country is already over the wedding cake and same-sex marriage.

Yeah, that's why this thread keeps getting action nearing 60,000 views and 7,000 responses with 82% voting against gay marraige on this very subject BTW: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 701 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm amazed that every week, more and more votes load up on the "hell no" option in the poll, or just votes in general. So the topic is the most popular one ever at this most popular political website on the net, suggesting that the country most certainly IS NOT "over" a man being forced to abdicate his faith at his bake shop to accomodate gays forcing him to. And the country most certainly IS NOT "over" the topic of so-called "gay marriage".
Stop shoveling shit against the tide.
What tide? Republican vs Democrat, it always goes in and out. Stop being less relevant, as most of the country is already over the wedding cake and same-sex marriage.

Yeah, that's why this thread keeps getting action nearing 60,000 views and 7,000 responses with 82% voting against gay marraige on this very subject BTW: Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 701 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I'm amazed that every week, more and more votes load up on the "hell no" option in the poll, or just votes in general. So the topic is the most popular one ever at this most popular political website on the net, suggesting that the country most certainly IS NOT "over" a man being forced to abdicate his faith at his bake shop to accomodate gays forcing him to. And the country most certainly IS NOT "over" the topic of so-called "gay marriage".
There are always going to be detractors, and if people hate the law they are welcome to leave, the state anti-discrimination law was quite clear and the bakery broke the law, and tried to go to court to get out of it.

If it was the other way around, and a state allowed discrimination at will you would rejoice. That's your hypocrisy, if the state law works for you you feign state rights, if it doesn't you feign 'persecuition'. That's not how state rights work, under a self-determination argument if a state approves something that's that - you can't demand religious police hold dominion over all of America.

My state among many others has voted for same-sex marriage - wherever you live will have it eventually, and if you hate the future of America there is always Russia or Uganda.
Edit: Butthurt always gets the angry voters out, and the premise of both topics is absurd. If all that matters in a topic to you is how many post or how many view it, then you are no better than news media by hyping stories and making people upset and angry over nothing.

It should say "Should Republicans be able to break the law at will if they don't like it?" and "Should churches be forced to do something, no one is going to force them to do?" That's the reality, the paranoia and homophobia is the part you throw in.
There is no doubt that same sex marriage will be imposed on the people whether they accept it or not. Then it will become one of the many imposed but unresolved issues that we deal with on a day to day basis. How many years have we had the forced acceptance of civil rights for blacks? How has that worked out? We have had forced legality of abortion for how many years? How is that working out?

There are some issues that just can't be forced. Same sex marriage is one of them.
He was sentenced to undergo sensitivity training, pay for all of his employees to undergo sensitivity training and ordered to provide quarterly reports to the court detailing every time he declined a specialty service.

This could be considered a punishment.

Baker forced to make gay wedding cakes undergo sensitivity training after losing lawsuit Fox News
It absolutely is punishment and an undue infringement on his privacy..

Business's are subject to public accommodation laws.

Simple as that.

Don't like the law- change it.

Or do what gay couples did who were not allowed by law to marry- go to court to argue that the law is unconstitutional.

But this baker is subject to the law in the same way a Jew or a Muslim or a Hindu would be.
There is no doubt that same sex marriage will be imposed on the people whether they accept it or not. .

Who is going to be forced to marry someone of the same gender?

Same sex marriage is not being imposed on anyone- don't want to marry someone of the same gender then don't do so.

Don't like PA laws that forbid discrimination based upon sexual preference- then change the laws.

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