Christian Baker Punished For Refusing To Make Gay Wedding Cake Fights Back

Gays' dictate. Is it better than communism or islamic Shariah law? Don't think so
Was it a dick cake they wanted?
Nah. He wanted to be able to break state law. Righties claim to support state rights, but when a state's elected representatives pass a law they don't like, we hear 'help, help, we're being oppressed' - whether it is because of 'the gay agenda' or 'free condoms'.
The gay agenda? Yeah keep it to yourself. Free condoms? Who pays for them? Liberalism is a mental disease.
Who pays for the public swimming pool?
Don't you pay to use those?
Gays' dictate. Is it better than communism or islamic Shariah law? Don't think so
Was it a dick cake they wanted?
Nah. He wanted to be able to break state law. Righties claim to support state rights, but when a state's elected representatives pass a law they don't like, we hear 'help, help, we're being oppressed' - whether it is because of 'the gay agenda' or 'free condoms'.
The gay agenda? Yeah keep it to yourself. Free condoms? Who pays for them? Liberalism is a mental disease.
Generalizations are stupid, keep them to yourself. Without 'liberalism', you would be living in the 7th century with plague and the inquisition - scratch that, you would be a Muslim because Islamic Empires would have conquered all of Europe and the Americas. If you hate the 'cost' of 21st century living, you are welcome to move to Russia and hate on gays.
Who would ever have thought that wedding cakes could cause such intense controversy....

Amazing. This is a story that just refuses to die. Over a fucking wedding cake. Just amazing.
I dare the GOP to make the wedding cake the no1 issue of their party - when they start talking on national tv like cakes are more important than jobs, their polling will have a free fall. ;)
Gays' dictate. Is it better than communism or islamic Shariah law? Don't think so
Was it a dick cake they wanted?
Nah. He wanted to be able to break state law. Righties claim to support state rights, but when a state's elected representatives pass a law they don't like, we hear 'help, help, we're being oppressed' - whether it is because of 'the gay agenda' or 'free condoms'.
I was in construction, built houses and mailboxes out of brick for straight and gheys, did my job, collected my pay...I didn't give shit what they did on their time, but damn sure cared about mine, and I didn't feel the need to tell people what I was doing, and I didn't care to hear anyone tell me how to live...
Right on, Dude. Just like the baker: doesn't care to hear anyone tell him how to live.
Was it a dick cake they wanted?
Nah. He wanted to be able to break state law. Righties claim to support state rights, but when a state's elected representatives pass a law they don't like, we hear 'help, help, we're being oppressed' - whether it is because of 'the gay agenda' or 'free condoms'.
The gay agenda? Yeah keep it to yourself. Free condoms? Who pays for them? Liberalism is a mental disease.
Who pays for the public swimming pool?
Don't you pay to use those?
Well then they need to hit a pond or a creek. That's what they did before there were free pools. Right?
Who would ever have thought that wedding cakes could cause such intense controversy....

Amazing. This is a story that just refuses to die. Over a fucking wedding cake. Just amazing.
I dare the GOP to make the wedding cake the no1 issue of their party - when they start talking on national tv like cakes are more important than jobs, their polling will have a free fall. ;)
Why? The liberals were in charge at the beginning of this bullshit. Thought it was more of a problem than the economy. Even forced the baker to do it, now it's back firing on you. So try to blame someone other than yourself. Liberals are nuts.
Who would ever have thought that wedding cakes could cause such intense controversy....

Amazing. This is a story that just refuses to die. Over a fucking wedding cake. Just amazing.
I dare the GOP to make the wedding cake the no1 issue of their party - when they start talking on national tv like cakes are more important than jobs, their polling will have a free fall. ;)
Why? The liberals were in charge at the beginning of this bullshit. Thought it was more of a problem than the economy. Even forced the baker to do it, now it's back firing on you. So try to blame someone other than yourself. Liberals are nuts.
Republicans repealed legislation that could have stopped the financial crisis, same with Democrats. It isn't 'back-firing', you are arguing that state law must change to suit you, as the baker broke state law and paid the price. Funny, considering how you argue that states should be allowed to stop same-sex marriage because of state rights, while you undermine the position by demanding that states rewrite laws to support Republican viewpoints - even if the state voted that law in place.
Who would ever have thought that wedding cakes could cause such intense controversy....

Amazing. This is a story that just refuses to die. Over a fucking wedding cake. Just amazing.
I dare the GOP to make the wedding cake the no1 issue of their party - when they start talking on national tv like cakes are more important than jobs, their polling will have a free fall. ;)
Why? The liberals were in charge at the beginning of this bullshit. Thought it was more of a problem than the economy. Even forced the baker to do it, now it's back firing on you. So try to blame someone other than yourself. Liberals are nuts.
Republicans repealed legislation that could have stopped the financial crisis, same with Democrats. It isn't 'back-firing', you are arguing that state law must change to suit you, as the baker broke state law and paid the price. Funny, considering how you argue that states should be allowed to stop same-sex marriage because of state rights, while you undermine the position by demanding that states rewrite laws to support Republican viewpoints - even if the state voted that law in place.
The baker never refused to sell them anything. He just didn't want to cater their wedding, because of his religion. Liberals forced him to do it.
The baker never refused to sell them anything. He just didn't want to cater their wedding, because of his religion.

Do you think that really makes sense? Of course he refused to sell them a wedding cake (a good or service he routinely provided to the public), that is the whole basis of the complaint.

Liberals forced him to do it.

No he didn't, the baker has not been forced to sell a wedding cake to anyone. He didn't provide the cake and the couple has long sense been married. He's changed his business model to not sell wedding cakes since, a perfectly legal option.

You realize that once the complaint is filed it can take months or years for a final ruling on the complaint right? As a matter of fact the original complaint was filed in 2012 and here we are in 2015 and the legal case is still working through appeals.

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This is why I voted twice against gay marriage. I want to see them try to get married in a mosque.
oh good another idiotic thread filled with idiots who believe daddy government should be telling people who they must do business with.

You people are morons.

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