Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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that is helping.

Big difference between that and standing around, waving a bible in the air.

i agree. Up here there is constant preasure on the media to donate to the red cross. There is constant begging by hots to send money to arlington and darrington. He wants cash.

In an overwhelming catastrophy such as this hots should be thinking long term. He should take some of this money to the local murphy auction and buy some equipment like a couple of used excavators and loaders rather than rent or lease to some local construction company. These townships should be hiring machine operators and repair personell if only because we are looking at a cleanup lasting maybe more than a couple of years. The volume of the debris is huge and the going must be slow because there are bodies in amongst the mud and debris.

They need to hire a comptroller just to manage this just as if it were a huge construction project.

Throwing money around at this point is wastefull. There are no survivors left to save and the sooner they stop this nonsense about "rescue" the sooner those still missing loved ones will come to the realization their family members swept away are just that..gone.

the families are going to need financial help. They've lost everything. They will need help to live and eat while they grieve and most will need help to bury their loved ones.

There isn't much difference between today's anti-Christian movement to the 30's Nazis who blamed everything on the Jews.

Really? As some who has lost relatives in the shoa by german christians nazis that is so offensive, the christians have spent their history against the Jews, and unbelivers and what made it possible was the christian bible where the Jews were called the devil and christ killers. That is what made it's all possible from the inquisitions to the holocaust , the passion plays the blood libel :christianity

To deny the influence of Christianity on Hitler and its role in World War II, means that you must ignore history and forever bar yourself from understanding the source of German anti-Semitism and how the WWII atrocities occurred.

By using historical evidence of Hitler's and his henchmen's own words, this section aims to show how mixing religion with politics can cause conflicts,

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.

-Adolf Hitler, in a speech on 12 April 1922 (Norman H. Baynes, ed. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, Vol. 1 of 2, pp. 19-20, Oxford University Press, 1942)
Hitler's Christianity

Really, you want to go with that story?

Of the 11 million people killed during the Holocaust, six million were Polish citizens. Three million were Polish Jews and another three million were Polish Christians. Most of the remaining victims were from other countries including Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, Holland, France and even Germany.

Non-Jewish Victims of the Holocaust | Jewish Virtual Library

I'm going to add something here...Hitler had his troops convert to Islam when they were in the middle east. Obviously he wasn't a Christian, though he was an occultist.
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THAT is helping.

Big difference between that and standing around, waving a bible in the air.

I agree. Up here there is constant preasure on the media to donate to the Red Cross. There is constant begging by Hots to send money to Arlington and Darrington. He wants cash.

In an overwhelming catastrophy such as this Hots should be thinking long term. He should take some of this money to the local Murphy auction and buy some equipment like a couple of used excavators and loaders rather than rent or lease to some local construction company. These townships should be hiring machine operators and repair personell if only because we are looking at a cleanup lasting maybe more than a couple of years. The volume of the debris is huge and the going must be slow because there are bodies in amongst the mud and debris.

They need to hire a comptroller just to manage this just as if it were a huge construction project.

Throwing money around at this point is wastefull. There are no survivors left to save and the sooner they stop this nonsense about "rescue" the sooner those still missing loved ones will come to the realization their family members swept away are just that..gone.

There is no suck thing as a bad disaster for the Red Cross----they will use the hell out of it to beg for money.

I have no doubt about that. the Red Cross is one of the worst charities out there.
I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

Our church took a feeding truck that can feed 1,000 people an hour and they fed National Guardsmen, police and first responders when it was sent down to New Orleans when it flooded and they sent down a tractor trailer full of supplies.

When 9-11 happened, our church sent a $20,000 check up to New York to help.

People who go to this training program are usually people who are church leaders so you (1) have people who are responsible for and to the church and (2) are responsible for the money going to administer aid. They basically get something like first responder training.

These are the Gouls you are looking for.

THAT is helping.

Big difference between that and standing around, waving a bible in the air.

Have you been to the Oso site, no one is waving Bibles, there are religious people there to provide help and comfort to those that are working, to those that have lost family members, to those that have friends and family missing.

You again prove how ignorant you are.
I didn't get it off the internet. It was reported on KING TV Seattle about an hour ago. It wasn't reported as a special story... just matter of factly as if it was expected to be part of SOP. "Clergy standing by" Standing by for WHAT? Can't they wait untill the dead are identified at least and it is KNOWN that the victim was a believer in their brand of nonsense?

There needs to be an atheists representative "standing by" to choke the ever living shit out of these Christians that attempt to push their BS off on victims that can't speak for themselves or their loved ones that don't buy into the sky fairy myths.

Our church took a feeding truck that can feed 1,000 people an hour and they fed National Guardsmen, police and first responders when it was sent down to New Orleans when it flooded and they sent down a tractor trailer full of supplies.

When 9-11 happened, our church sent a $20,000 check up to New York to help.

People who go to this training program are usually people who are church leaders so you (1) have people who are responsible for and to the church and (2) are responsible for the money going to administer aid. They basically get something like first responder training.

These are the Gouls you are looking for.

THAT is helping.

Big difference between that and standing around, waving a bible in the air.

You don't know what the church is going to do for people unless you give them a chance.

They give hot meals to people in the inner city.
My neighbor lost everything in a flood and they helped and bought her all new appliances.
we've had people lose everything in house fires and the church listened to their needs and bought them clothes.
I was as a Catholic church funeral and my employer's mom had dedicated her life to distributing food from the church to people in need.

It is an assumtion from hate. The fact is these churches can donate services and they can help. Anything else is a lie.
Our church took a feeding truck that can feed 1,000 people an hour and they fed National Guardsmen, police and first responders when it was sent down to New Orleans when it flooded and they sent down a tractor trailer full of supplies.

When 9-11 happened, our church sent a $20,000 check up to New York to help.

People who go to this training program are usually people who are church leaders so you (1) have people who are responsible for and to the church and (2) are responsible for the money going to administer aid. They basically get something like first responder training.

These are the Gouls you are looking for.

THAT is helping.

Big difference between that and standing around, waving a bible in the air.

Have you been to the Oso site, no one is waving Bibles, there are religious people there to provide help and comfort to those that are working, to those that have lost family members, to those that have friends and family missing.

You again prove how ignorant you are.

Huggy heard someone say "Christians are standing by" and he assumed the worse, as he always does when it comes to Christians. I never heard the story and I doubt he listened to the whole story.
I would like to repeat that anyone doing something USEFULL for victims of tragedy is a good thing.

That is not to say that EVERYTHING Christians believe they do "out of purely good motivation" is in fact that. Take Alcoholics Annonymous. In thier 12 step program they slip in that one must turn one's self over to God.

So if something isn't useful for you, it isn't useful for anyone.

Did idiots like Huggy - who;'s on my Ignore List - ever consider that the rescue teams DON'T WANT outside help?

They're trained to do their job and don't want a bunch of amateurs getting in their way.

And perhaps these so-called Bible Thumpers are there to help the survivors and others?
Step 2 – We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. the Sea, or Humanity or the Universe.

There is no power anyone can tap into greater than your own mind.

You are the captain of your own ship.

Says the guy that lives in a slum motel and plays a cop wannabe. Looks like your ship has run aground.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

You may be on to something..

I should go down to the shop(a couple of first floor units I converted) and fashion a badge out of some shiny scrap metal and fire up the band saw and make a wooden gun. I bought a sewing machine a few months ago...I could sew together a uniform. That's the ticket... Then I could LOOK REAL important! If I LOOKED real importatnt maybe I would start to FEEL real you.
I would like to repeat that anyone doing something USEFULL for victims of tragedy is a good thing. ultures to

That is not to say that EVERYTHING Christians believe they do "out of purely good motivation" is in fact that. Take Alcoholics Annonymous. In thier 12 step program they slip in that one must turn one's self over to God.

So if something isn't useful for you, it isn't useful for anyone.


Not really.. It's just a disgusting time to have a dedicated bible pusher hanging around. To some it's annoying at best...insulting to others.

What? You religious freaks can't wait till the coroner identifies the victim and the relatives give the OK for the Christian vultures to close in?
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

Who says that the clergy are going to claim it is God's will?

After the Murrah Federal Building bombing, my bishop went to OKC to help. He was a dentist. He went to help identify remains.

I'm no expert but one would think that to attain the title "clergy" that person pretty much has to believe EVERYTHING is God's will.. Doncha think?

There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.

Christians are disgusting.

Christians are quick to help them in need. Ever hear of the Salvation Army or Habitat for Humanity? How many atheist charities are there in the world?

Some Salvation Army Statistics:

Financials | Salvation Army Annual Report

They assisted nearly 31 million folks in 2013. Not too shabby for a group of "ghouls." What did the selfish, "hating atheists" do?
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Here in my city of Denver we have a non-profit, Christian organization called "The Denver Rescue Mission." We feed and house the homeless and help folks with addictions. "Ghoulish" I know but we can't help but to sink our helpful, ghoulish fangs into the unsuspecting.

Here's Denver Rescue Mission's Statistics for last year:

Denver Rescue Mission

I know, I know ... I can't believe that the filthy Christians would stoop so low as to help folks in need. They ought to be hung by their toes over a blazing fire (like the anti-Christians did to them in centuries past).
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

Who says that the clergy are going to claim it is God's will?

After the Murrah Federal Building bombing, my bishop went to OKC to help. He was a dentist. He went to help identify remains.

I'm no expert but one would think that to attain the title "clergy" that person pretty much has to believe EVERYTHING is God's will.. Doncha think?

Well, you're half right, you are most certainly no expert.
"clergy stations" in times of disaster, war, and grief are American culture, Huggy.

Get over yourself and don't decide for the grieving what they want: not your business.
I would like to repeat that anyone doing something USEFULL for victims of tragedy is a good thing. ultures to

That is not to say that EVERYTHING Christians believe they do "out of purely good motivation" is in fact that. Take Alcoholics Annonymous. In thier 12 step program they slip in that one must turn one's self over to God.

So if something isn't useful for you, it isn't useful for anyone.


Not really.. It's just a disgusting time to have a dedicated bible pusher hanging around. To some it's annoying at best...insulting to others.

What? You religious freaks can't wait till the coroner identifies the victim and the relatives give the OK for the Christian vultures to close in?

Having clergy available during horrific events is disgusting? Wow, you're really out there Huggy.

And to some it is what they need/want. Thought you guys were all about choice?

'religious freaks' ... there's that tolerance the left is known for!
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