Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.
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I have no problem with a christian actually helping... Just leave your bible in your car or truck. Don't go praying over some dead victim unless that is requested specifically by a relative of the deceased.

Why? If they ask permission, what is it to you?

You might not get the response you were hoping for.

I already know the answer.

In high school, there was a classmate smiling in the morning and a another classmate came in and said, "Why are you smiling?" He wanted her to stop smiling.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

In other words, being happy or having life contrasts darkness or unhappiness.
In other words, having a standard means there is one who gives the standard.
In other words, having life says to others that they have death.
Saying we're saved implies that those who aren't are not saved.

So when you say you accept us as long as we leave our religion at home means that you are rejecting us.

I looked at the thread and thought this is bizarre. I'm living in America and someone wants half of the Constitution abolished because we would no longer have freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of assembly.

Did you ever watch soap operas and wonder why everyone has to fight? All those rich folk. Why don't they go to the other end of the house and shut the door? They can't.

You have this big green earth and you can't shut the door. You want us out but you can't go to your corner and ignore what makes other people happy. Is it because they are saved and you aren't?
Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.
As a Christian, I can tell you that Christians have no interest in a body once a coroner gets his hands on it. We do, however, pray for the family.

I have yet to see any harm come of it.
Why? If they ask permission, what is it to you?

You might not get the response you were hoping for.

I already know the answer.

In high school, there was a classmate smiling in the morning and a another classmate came in and said, "Why are you smiling?" He wanted her to stop smiling.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

In other words, being happy or having life contrasts darkness or unhappiness.
In other words, having a standard means there is one who gives the standard.
In other words, having life says to others that they have death.
Saying we're saved implies that those who aren't are not saved.

So when you say you accept us as long as we leave our religion at home means that you are rejecting us.

I looked at the thread and thought this is bizarre. I'm living in America and someone wants half of the Constitution abolished because we would no longer have freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of assembly.

Did you ever watch soap operas and wonder why everyone has to fight? All those rich folk. Why don't they go to the other end of the house and shut the door? They can't.

You have this big green earth and you can't shut the door. You want us out but you can't go to your corner and ignore what makes other people happy. Is it because they are saved and you aren't?

There is plenty of time and places to push your religion. The scene of horrible deaths is in extremely bad taste. Of course you have every right to babble on about your sky fairy. What I also believe is that someone who is grieving over a loved one that does not share your fantasy would be within moral righteousness to grab a 2 by 4 and "splain" it to you how you were out of bounds and everything if you took out a bible and regurgitated a bunch of mumbo jumbo over the deceased.
Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.
As a Christian, I can tell you that Christians have no interest in a body once a coroner gets his hands on it. We do, however, pray for the family.

I have yet to see any harm come of it.

It was most likely a Catholic administering last rights which Protestants don't believe in because we don't believe in Purgatory.
Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.
As a Christian, I can tell you that Christians have no interest in a body once a coroner gets his hands on it. We do, however, pray for the family.

I have yet to see any harm come of it.

As a non believer I can assure you that you have no "interest" in mine or any of my friends or relatives dead bodies at any time.
You might not get the response you were hoping for.

I already know the answer.

In high school, there was a classmate smiling in the morning and a another classmate came in and said, "Why are you smiling?" He wanted her to stop smiling.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

In other words, being happy or having life contrasts darkness or unhappiness.
In other words, having a standard means there is one who gives the standard.
In other words, having life says to others that they have death.
Saying we're saved implies that those who aren't are not saved.

So when you say you accept us as long as we leave our religion at home means that you are rejecting us.

I looked at the thread and thought this is bizarre. I'm living in America and someone wants half of the Constitution abolished because we would no longer have freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of assembly.

Did you ever watch soap operas and wonder why everyone has to fight? All those rich folk. Why don't they go to the other end of the house and shut the door? They can't.

You have this big green earth and you can't shut the door. You want us out but you can't go to your corner and ignore what makes other people happy. Is it because they are saved and you aren't?

There is plenty of time and places to push your religion. The scene of horrible deaths is in extremely bad taste. Of course you have every right to babble on about your sky fairy. What I also believe is that someone who is grieving over a loved one that does not share your fantasy would be within moral righteousness to grab a 2 by 4 and "splain" it to you how you were out of bounds and everything if you took out a bible and regurgitated a bunch of mumbo jumbo over the deceased.

We're just people who care and who have accepted the reality of Heaven and Hell.

Another atheist, Michael Scriven, considers the lack of evidence for God’s existence and the lack of evidence for Santa Claus on the same level.2 However, the presumption of atheism actually turns out to be presumptuousness. The Christian must remember that the atheist also shares the burden of proof, which I will attempt to demonstrate below.

Fourth, to place belief in Santa Claus or mermaids and belief in God on the same level is mistaken. The issue is not that we have no good evidence for these mythical entities; rather, we have strong evidence that they do not exist. Absence of evidence is not at all the same as evidence of absence, which some atheists fail to see.

The Presumptuousness of Atheism | Christian Research Institute

What you are confusing is that evidence of absence is absence of evidence.

It isn't a fairy story.

It is kind of like this, Huggy. Try to start a church and see how hard it is. You just can't make people believe. Few people can actually start their own church but the fact that there are churches means that something bigger than you caused it which was eyewitnesses who saw the miracles of Jesus, eyewitnesses who saw the resurrection of Christ and the thousands of lives whom Christ changes. It is bigger than you.
Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.
As a Christian, I can tell you that Christians have no interest in a body once a coroner gets his hands on it. We do, however, pray for the family.

I have yet to see any harm come of it.

As a non believer I can assure you that you have no "interest" in mine or any of my friends or relatives dead bodies at any time.
I assure you, Huggy, that prayers regarding someone or another among your friends or relatives have very likely taken place at one time or another. It is beyond your control.

And no harm came of it.
I already know the answer.

In high school, there was a classmate smiling in the morning and a another classmate came in and said, "Why are you smiling?" He wanted her to stop smiling.

2 Corinthians 2:15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:
2 Corinthians 2:16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

In other words, being happy or having life contrasts darkness or unhappiness.
In other words, having a standard means there is one who gives the standard.
In other words, having life says to others that they have death.
Saying we're saved implies that those who aren't are not saved.

So when you say you accept us as long as we leave our religion at home means that you are rejecting us.

I looked at the thread and thought this is bizarre. I'm living in America and someone wants half of the Constitution abolished because we would no longer have freedom of speech, freedom of religion or freedom of assembly.

Did you ever watch soap operas and wonder why everyone has to fight? All those rich folk. Why don't they go to the other end of the house and shut the door? They can't.

You have this big green earth and you can't shut the door. You want us out but you can't go to your corner and ignore what makes other people happy. Is it because they are saved and you aren't?

There is plenty of time and places to push your religion. The scene of horrible deaths is in extremely bad taste. Of course you have every right to babble on about your sky fairy. What I also believe is that someone who is grieving over a loved one that does not share your fantasy would be within moral righteousness to grab a 2 by 4 and "splain" it to you how you were out of bounds and everything if you took out a bible and regurgitated a bunch of mumbo jumbo over the deceased.

We're just people who care and who have accepted the reality of Heaven and Hell.

Another atheist, Michael Scriven, considers the lack of evidence for God’s existence and the lack of evidence for Santa Claus on the same level.2 However, the presumption of atheism actually turns out to be presumptuousness. The Christian must remember that the atheist also shares the burden of proof, which I will attempt to demonstrate below.

Fourth, to place belief in Santa Claus or mermaids and belief in God on the same level is mistaken. The issue is not that we have no good evidence for these mythical entities; rather, we have strong evidence that they do not exist. Absence of evidence is not at all the same as evidence of absence, which some atheists fail to see.

The Presumptuousness of Atheism | Christian Research Institute

What you are confusing is that evidence of absence is absence of evidence.

It isn't a fairy story.

It is kind of like this, Huggy. Try to start a church and see how hard it is. You just can't make people believe. Few people can actually start their own church but the fact that there are churches means that something bigger than you caused it which was eyewitnesses who saw the miracles of Jesus, eyewitnesses who saw the resurrection of Christ and the thousands of lives whom Christ changes. It is bigger than you.

Poppycock.. Fishfeathers...

Nobody died and three days later came back to life and moved a huge stone allowing him to escape. That is just nonsense. Selling the notion with promises of heaven or threats of hell is a little something we like to call fraud.

Scams can be any size...from a telephone call to a multilayered ponzi scheme on up to and including all gatherings sporting claims of "higher powers" where a basket is passed around extracting cash from the gulible.

Bragging about the size of a scam and the number of people duped is hardly any evidence that it is on the up and up.
As a Christian, I can tell you that Christians have no interest in a body once a coroner gets his hands on it. We do, however, pray for the family.

I have yet to see any harm come of it.

As a non believer I can assure you that you have no "interest" in mine or any of my friends or relatives dead bodies at any time.
I assure you, Huggy, that prayers regarding someone or another among your friends or relatives have very likely taken place at one time or another. It is beyond your control.

And no harm came of it.

Don't presume to know me or my friends and relatives.
as a non believer i can assure you that you have no "interest" in mine or any of my friends or relatives dead bodies at any time.
i assure you, huggy, that prayers regarding someone or another among your friends or relatives have very likely taken place at one time or another. It is beyond your control.

And no harm came of it.

don't presume to know me or my friends and relatives.

no worries!!! But know many peoplethat did not pray before 9/11 prayed om 9/12
Did idiots like Huggy - who;'s on my Ignore List - ever consider that the rescue teams DON'T WANT outside help?

They're trained to do their job and don't want a bunch of amateurs getting in their way.

And perhaps these so-called Bible Thumpers are there to help the survivors and others?

That is funny because when our church was built, Christian businesses donated their time and equipment to build the church. I saw equipment sitting outside the church for months.

The church has access to more resources sometimes than the government.
When Pastor Mike was appointed on a commission to combat homelessness, the government asked for a list of homeless shelters and the church's list was longer than the government's.

Ok Longknife,

Let's say you are correct. The government doesn't want the Christians around because they will only get in the way but I bet you no one says that to their family standing outside of their house under mud. So the Christians obey and the people in the tragedy don't get help because they don't connect.

Funny that no atheists ever convinced me to atheism. Do you know why? Because they never helped when my family was in need when I was dirt poor. But their way is better. Right? They just stood by when everyone was in need. You convinced me. The atheist's way sounds so much more convincing...not.


I have a friend living in Ohio whose church is dedicated to storing food for needy folks in and around the town he's from. They have quite a supply. I also lived with some Mormons (I'm not Mormon but they were good people) who canned and stored lots of food for emergencies. They live in northern Utah and are ready to help anyone in need during times of trial.

Jesus Christ's second great Commandment:

"... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39b
i assure you, huggy, that prayers regarding someone or another among your friends or relatives have very likely taken place at one time or another. It is beyond your control.

And no harm came of it.

don't presume to know me or my friends and relatives.

no worries!!! But know many peoplethat did not pray before 9/11 prayed om 9/12

Pathetic losers with no conviction of their own thoughts and beliefs. I gaurantee that I harbor no such weakness.
Pathetic losers with no conviction of their own thoughts and beliefs. I gaurantee that I harbor no such weakness.

At some point the following will be true of every living soul on earth:

Romans 14:11, "For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God."
Did idiots like Huggy - who;'s on my Ignore List - ever consider that the rescue teams DON'T WANT outside help?

They're trained to do their job and don't want a bunch of amateurs getting in their way.

And perhaps these so-called Bible Thumpers are there to help the survivors and others?

That is funny because when our church was built, Christian businesses donated their time and equipment to build the church. I saw equipment sitting outside the church for months.

The church has access to more resources sometimes than the government.
When Pastor Mike was appointed on a commission to combat homelessness, the government asked for a list of homeless shelters and the church's list was longer than the government's.

Ok Longknife,

Let's say you are correct. The government doesn't want the Christians around because they will only get in the way but I bet you no one says that to their family standing outside of their house under mud. So the Christians obey and the people in the tragedy don't get help because they don't connect.

Funny that no atheists ever convinced me to atheism. Do you know why? Because they never helped when my family was in need when I was dirt poor. But their way is better. Right? They just stood by when everyone was in need. You convinced me. The atheist's way sounds so much more convincing...not.


I have a friend living in Ohio whose church is dedicated to storing food for needy folks in and around the town he's from. They have quite a supply. I also lived with some Mormons (I'm not Mormon but they were good people) who canned and stored lots of food for emergencies. They live in northern Utah and are ready to help anyone in need during times of trial.

Jesus Christ's second great Commandment:

"... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39b

So what? I volunteer at a local food bank occasionally. Christians have no exclusive on the desire to help people in need.

Bill Gates has given more to people in need that any man in history and I have never heard of him stepping foot inside of a church or "praying".

I worked on his house in Medina and spent numerous hours in his private office/study. There was no bible that I saw on his desk or bookcases.
That is funny because when our church was built, Christian businesses donated their time and equipment to build the church. I saw equipment sitting outside the church for months.

The church has access to more resources sometimes than the government.
When Pastor Mike was appointed on a commission to combat homelessness, the government asked for a list of homeless shelters and the church's list was longer than the government's.

Ok Longknife,

Let's say you are correct. The government doesn't want the Christians around because they will only get in the way but I bet you no one says that to their family standing outside of their house under mud. So the Christians obey and the people in the tragedy don't get help because they don't connect.

Funny that no atheists ever convinced me to atheism. Do you know why? Because they never helped when my family was in need when I was dirt poor. But their way is better. Right? They just stood by when everyone was in need. You convinced me. The atheist's way sounds so much more convincing...not.


I have a friend living in Ohio whose church is dedicated to storing food for needy folks in and around the town he's from. They have quite a supply. I also lived with some Mormons (I'm not Mormon but they were good people) who canned and stored lots of food for emergencies. They live in northern Utah and are ready to help anyone in need during times of trial.

Jesus Christ's second great Commandment:

"... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39b

So what? I volunteer at a local food bank occasionally. Christians have no exclusive on the desire to help people in need.

Bill Gates has given more to people in need that any man in history and I have never heard of him stepping foot inside of a church or "praying".

I worked on his house in Medina and spent numerous hours in his private office/study. There was no bible that I saw on his desk or bookcases.

WHAT PROFIT IS THERE FOR A MAN to have all the money in the world yet lose his soul???? know!!! 70 to 100 years here in this life is less than one drop of water in the oceans of eternity!!!
Bill Gates has given more to people in need that any man in history and I have never heard of him stepping foot inside of a church or "praying".

I worked on his house in Medina and spent numerous hours in his private office/study. There was no bible that I saw on his desk or bookcases.

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, revealed in a recent interview that his family goes to a Catholic church and that religious morality inspires a lot of his charity work. He also shared his personal thoughts on God and the biggest issues facing the world today.

"The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that's kind of a religious belief. I mean, it's at least a moral belief," Gates says in an interview with Rolling Stone in the March 27 issue of the magazine.

Bill Gates Reveals Family Goes to Catholic Church: 'It Makes Sense to Believe in God'
That is funny because when our church was built, Christian businesses donated their time and equipment to build the church. I saw equipment sitting outside the church for months.

The church has access to more resources sometimes than the government.
When Pastor Mike was appointed on a commission to combat homelessness, the government asked for a list of homeless shelters and the church's list was longer than the government's.

Ok Longknife,

Let's say you are correct. The government doesn't want the Christians around because they will only get in the way but I bet you no one says that to their family standing outside of their house under mud. So the Christians obey and the people in the tragedy don't get help because they don't connect.

Funny that no atheists ever convinced me to atheism. Do you know why? Because they never helped when my family was in need when I was dirt poor. But their way is better. Right? They just stood by when everyone was in need. You convinced me. The atheist's way sounds so much more convincing...not.


I have a friend living in Ohio whose church is dedicated to storing food for needy folks in and around the town he's from. They have quite a supply. I also lived with some Mormons (I'm not Mormon but they were good people) who canned and stored lots of food for emergencies. They live in northern Utah and are ready to help anyone in need during times of trial.

Jesus Christ's second great Commandment:

"... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39b

So what? I volunteer at a local food bank occasionally. Christians have no exclusive on the desire to help people in need.


That stuff is good and is in a way necessary for us to be lights of the world but God sees us differently than we see ourselves.

Galatians 3:19 ¶ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator

Satan wants you to justify yourself and for you to tell yourself how good you have been but the law was added to show you that you are all under sin that the promise might be given to them that believe.

Galatians 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

I posted this as a benefit for others here who have disagreements with me and not just for you. They think they can be righteous but scripture declares us all under sin.

Huggy, a community of Christian believers grieve and commune together in comfort in a way that is different than yours.

Those as Oso grieve in that manner.
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