Christian Gouls Stalking The Oso Mudslide...Disgusting !

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I have a friend living in Ohio whose church is dedicated to storing food for needy folks in and around the town he's from. They have quite a supply. I also lived with some Mormons (I'm not Mormon but they were good people) who canned and stored lots of food for emergencies. They live in northern Utah and are ready to help anyone in need during times of trial.

Jesus Christ's second great Commandment:

"... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." Matthew 22:39b

So what? I volunteer at a local food bank occasionally. Christians have no exclusive on the desire to help people in need.


That stuff is good and is in a way necessary for us to be lights of the world but God sees us differently than we see ourselves.

Galatians 3:19 ¶ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator

Satan wants you to justify yourself and for you to tell yourself how good you have been but the law was added to show you that you are all under sin that the promise might be given to them that believe.

Galatians 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

I posted this as a benefit for others here who have disagreements with me and not just for you. They think they can be righteous but scripture declares us all under sin.



I am not a child. My own view of "what was, what is and what will be" has been a work in progress for over 60 years. As was noted a drop in the bucket of eternity.

I am not attempting to change the minds of anyone that has honestly looked at the facts with an open mind and chosen to believe in god.

This thread is about the suggested right of any human being to die with some sense of dignity and have that person's beliefs or non beliefs respected.

Honestly...some of you people come off like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints. It is especially obvious because you are all mostly quoting passages from YOUR doctrine as "proof" your religious dogma is the only evidense that need be considered in this argument.

Firstly I think your bible is hogwash and secondly NOTHING you could bring to the argument is of higher truth than whatever might be the desire of the individual deceased or his or her surviving relatives.
So what? I volunteer at a local food bank occasionally. Christians have no exclusive on the desire to help people in need.


That stuff is good and is in a way necessary for us to be lights of the world but God sees us differently than we see ourselves.

Galatians 3:19 ¶ Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator

Satan wants you to justify yourself and for you to tell yourself how good you have been but the law was added to show you that you are all under sin that the promise might be given to them that believe.

Galatians 3:22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.

I posted this as a benefit for others here who have disagreements with me and not just for you. They think they can be righteous but scripture declares us all under sin.



I am not a child. My own view of "what was, what is and what will be" has been a work in progress for over 60 years. As was noted a drop in the bucket of eternity.

I am not attempting to change the minds of anyone that has honestly looked at the facts with an open mind and chosen to believe in god.

This thread is about the suggested right of any human being to die with some sense of dignity and have that person's beliefs or non beliefs respected.

Honestly...some of you people come off like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints. It is especially obvious because you are all mostly quoting passages from YOUR doctrine as "proof" your religious dogma is the only evidense that need be considered in this argument.

Firstly I think your bible is hogwash and secondly NOTHING you could bring to the argument is of higher truth than whatever might be the desire of the individual deceased or his or her surviving relatives.

What is dignity?

I don't believe the church is indignant. The church is very respectful. The church is filled with all walks of life. We're just people.

Who's dignity?
Who'se rights?
Who gets to choose?
This "some of you people come off like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints" appears to be your own attitude here, Huggy.

I am not a child. My own view of "what was, what is and what will be" has been a work in progress for over 60 years. As was noted a drop in the bucket of eternity.

I am not attempting to change the minds of anyone that has honestly looked at the facts with an open mind and chosen to believe in god.

This thread is about the suggested right of any human being to die with some sense of dignity and have that person's beliefs or non beliefs respected.

Honestly...some of you people come off like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints. It is especially obvious because you are all mostly quoting passages from YOUR doctrine as "proof" your religious dogma is the only evidense that need be considered in this argument.

Firstly I think your bible is hogwash and secondly NOTHING you could bring to the argument is of higher truth than whatever might be the desire of the individual deceased or his or her surviving relatives.


I wish you told that to my doctor. He has been trying to figure out what is wrong with me and he isn't that very good at it sometimes. He wants to give me a colonoscopy and his friends have wanted to cut me. Their excuse is that I might die. Did your doctor ever tell you that you might die? I'm not trying to suggest that I might die because we all don't know when we are giong to die and I'm not suggesting that I'm in danger.

The fact is that being honest with people is more important than being polite. Love ceases to be love when it doesn't protect and people who are going to lie to you because it is better to you to be "polite" is not a service or respect.

I had a few con artists in my life. They always were polite and respected me but they never told me the truth. My father in law's company had an office in the World Trade Tower. They were told to go back to work and everything was okay but everyone who was there in '96 said, "nu uh." and walked down the stairs which is basically disrespecting those who said that they were okay and they should go back to work and because they were willing to be disrespectful to their company and to the authorities, they lived.

It is nice that you aren't a child but even old people learn something new each day.

So you prefer people werent there helping to find the bodies? And you think that's good? Wow...
This "some of you people come od.ff like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints" appears to be your own attitude here, Huggy.

When it concerns mine or a personal friend or relative that believes as I do about our own death ..then yes I do demand that mine or my friends and relatives wishes are the only ones that matter and any desire on behalf of any christian be ignored.
This "some of you people come od.ff like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints" appears to be your own attitude here, Huggy.

When it concerns mine or a personal friend or relative that believes as I do about our own death ..then yes I do demand that mine or my friends and relatives wishes are the only ones that matter and any desire on behalf of any christian be ignored.

The first responders have no idea many of the times who the individuals are they are recovering at the moment.

Recognize the humanity and let your angst go.

I am not a child. My own view of "what was, what is and what will be" has been a work in progress for over 60 years. As was noted a drop in the bucket of eternity.

I am not attempting to change the minds of anyone that has honestly looked at the facts with an open mind and chosen to believe in god.

This thread is about the suggested right of any human being to die with some sense of dignity and have that person's beliefs or non beliefs respected.

Honestly...some of you people come off like "Hillsboro Baptists" they way you argue that your religion trumps all other viewpoints. It is especially obvious because you are all mostly quoting passages from YOUR doctrine as "proof" your religious dogma is the only evidense that need be considered in this argument.

Firstly I think your bible is hogwash and secondly NOTHING you could bring to the argument is of higher truth than whatever might be the desire of the individual deceased or his or her surviving relatives.


I wish you told that to my doctor. He has been trying to figure out what is wrong with me and he isn't that very good at it sometimes. He wants to give me a colonoscopy and his friends have wanted to cut me. Their excuse is that I might die. Did your doctor ever tell you that you might die? I'm not trying to suggest that I might die because we all don't know when we are giong to die and I'm not suggesting that I'm in danger.

The fact is that being honest with people is more important than being polite. Love ceases to be love when it doesn't protect and people who are going to lie to you because it is better to you to be "polite" is not a service or respect.

I had a few con artists in my life. They always were polite and respected me but they never told me the truth. My father in law's company had an office in the World Trade Tower. They were told to go back to work and everything was okay but everyone who was there in '96 said, "nu uh." and walked down the stairs which is basically disrespecting those who said that they were okay and they should go back to work and because they were willing to be disrespectful to their company and to the authorities, they lived.

It is nice that you aren't a child but even old people learn something new each day.


"I wish you told that to my doctor. He has been trying to figure out what is wrong with me and he isn't that very good at it sometimes. He wants to give me a colonoscopy and his friends have wanted to cut me. Their excuse is that I might die. Did your doctor ever tell you that you might die?"

Somewhat gloomy eh Chuck? No ..My doctor never told me I was going to die.

You are so close yet so far away... My truth is just as important as yours.

Faith is not truth. Maybe your doctor has "faith" witholding the truth from you is for the best.

Faith is you blindfolded holding the door open for whatever comes along.

Faith is highly over rated as a plan for life and survival.

Living on faith is a foolish invitation for disaster.

Faith is the ultimate prize sought by charlatans.
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

That part of Washington State is run by liberal democrats. If you think the local officials fucked up you need to blame your own. As for this personal attack on religion FUCK YOU. Priest and Preachers serve a purpose and you know it, instead you make a lie about in your op claiming they are ghouls. You are beneath scum.
I've never gone to a tragedy to pray but I can't imagine forcing prayer on anyone who says they don't want it, especially if they are grieving. If someone wants prayer, great, pray for them. If someone doesn't, don't. It would be rude and presumptuous. It's not like prayer is for any God, it's for the comfort of humans. If it is no comfort but rather an irritant, you are doing it for yourself, not God or the one grieving.

No clue which is going on in Oso, just commenting in general. Not everyone on this rock feels as you do and we all have to live here together. Manners are a good thing, IMO.
The very LAST thing I would want to hear as a relative of a victim of a tragedy such as what occured in Oso is that this was "gods will".

In FACT it was Man's will for overlooking the report that this very thing WAS predicted by engineers and surveyors and greedy stupid people...real estate agents... ignorant county officials use representatatives..all probably "good god fearing" morons. Because apparantly fish runs are more important than human lives when it comes to greed and land use.

Just another reason why people that believe in fairy tales should have no access to power.

God doesn't kill people ...stupid people that believe in god do.

That part of Washington State is run by liberal democrats. If you think the local officials fucked up you need to blame your own. As for this personal attack on religion FUCK YOU. Priest and Preachers serve a purpose and you know it, instead you make a lie about in your op claiming they are ghouls. You are beneath scum.

My own?

Liberal democrats?

You don't know what you are talking about.

"That" part of WA State has a mix of several types of voters. About half retired summer home types.. as in Fire dept.. National guards.. Fisherman.. loggers.. Farmers. Not as extreme conservative as East of the Cascades but more so than Western Snohomish

I WOULD fit in but not why YOU would think. It would be a nice area to have an acre or two for my Pitbulls. Maybe enough room to build a modest shop. Enough room to park my 35 foot Chris Craft when it's not in the water. A heavy Christian population but not so busy body and oppresssive that I would be expected to attend a church. Not a whole lot different than where I grew up on Orcas Island around 40-50 miles North West of there.

Judging from the typical "memorial" flower/candle/photograph spontaneous spots you find near a tragedy there are around a hundred boques at Arlington and maybe twenty at Darrington.
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You are so close yet so far away... My truth is just as important as yours.

Is there no right and wrong when you say your truth is just as important as mine? Are you absolutely sure? Being absolutely sure defines that there is a right and wrong and saying your truth is just as important as mine is a contradiction of that right and wrong. Are you absolutely sure? Whatever you answer makes you wrong.
There is no limit to the hubris of Christians.

Can't they wait until a funeral before they push that old mumbo jumbo off on the victims of the mudslide in Oso?

If someone in MY immediate family was disrespected by these Christian gouls as they were being recovered from a muddy grave I would be livid.

My reaction to reports on the telly that clergy was standing by at the site of the disaster to perform some hocus pocus over the dead.

Christians are disgusting.

I'd assume if a clergyperson prays over someone's corpse it's at the request of the person's family. It's something they found desireable and important. Prayers for the dead aren't for the benefit of the dead, but the living. It shows that even if you die, you'll be missed and looked after some how - people will notice. It comforts everyone from soldiers to civilians because we're all going to die eventually no matter how much we exercise, how well we eat, etc. When everyone's time comes to die it's comforting to know someone will tend to us. Regardless of what we believe religiously, knowing everyone doesn't just shrug and roll our corpse into a ditch and cover us with mud is nice.
Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.

Just because you believe people are "duped" does not make you right. That is your opinion, not a fact. For those who believe, clergy does provide a benefit of comfort/strength for the grieving. Again, just because it doesn't for you does not mean it is of no benefit to someone else.

This is also true. For those who do not believe, the presence of clergy is meaningless, unnecessary, and nonsensical.

So ... should clergy stay away from scenes like Oso because those who not believe think they are nonsensical, leaving the believers grasping for the comfort/strength they gain from having clergy nearby, or should clergy go to scenes like Oso for those who do believe, and the non-believers can simply look the other way?

Huggy, did you lose someone in the mudslide?
Just saw a news story about little kids donating the contents of their piggy banks to the victims of the mudslide.

THAT is called "helping".
Okay, I was hoping this question would stop bugging me, but is this thread about Christian ghouls or Christian souls?

I've seen gouls in more than one post now, so am beginning to think I'm out of the loop somehow.

Not a typo.

Christians seem to believe among other errors that they have some special universal privilege when the end of a human life occurs.

This "mandate" is self serving and oblivious to the possibility that the deceased person had no desire to be a part of these cult proceedings.

There is plenty of opportunity for the purveyors of grizzly and goulish fairy tales and god myths to work their "magic" AFTER the coroner has done his business.

Hanging around the scene of a tragedy trying to weasel their way into the situation is grizzly and goulish.

I realize that many peopole are duped into believing that a priest or other form of witch doctor will be some benefit to the dead person or give comfort to the greiving relatives should they be present. They remind me of ambulance chasing lawyers.

There could just as well be no benefit to the dead and the people close to the departed might find the presence of these johnnie on the spot god pushers to be in bad taste...if not insulting to the intelligence.

Just because you believe people are "duped" does not make you right. That is your opinion, not a fact. For those who believe, clergy does provide a benefit of comfort/strength for the grieving. Again, just because it doesn't for you does not mean it is of no benefit to someone else.

This is also true. For those who do not believe, the presence of clergy is meaningless, unnecessary, and nonsensical.

So ... should clergy stay away from scenes like Oso because those who not believe think they are nonsensical, leaving the believers grasping for the comfort/strength they gain from having clergy nearby, or should clergy go to scenes like Oso for those who do believe, and the non-believers can simply look the other way?

Huggy, did you lose someone in the mudslide?

I'm not sure yet. They haven't releaased all of the names yet. I know someone that lives in the immediate vacinity. They keep saying that they will announce the complete list of confirmed dead and those missing. I guess I will know then.
You are so close yet so far away... My truth is just as important as yours.

Is there no right and wrong when you say your truth is just as important as mine? Are you absolutely sure? Being absolutely sure defines that there is a right and wrong and saying your truth is just as important as mine is a contradiction of that right and wrong. Are you absolutely sure? Whatever you answer makes you wrong.

You keep demanding that I have to be absolutely sure. Laughable.

An avalanche of scientific information indicates that the earth is not only several billions of years old but that there WAS a Big Bang and life on earth evolved from nearly nothing to what it is today.

There is absolutely no such proof that some "god" created life as depicted th the bibles.

YOUR explaination requires 100% on "faith" yet you ask "Am I absolutely sure ?".

YOUR faith flies in the face of billions of examples of evidense contradicting any foundation of your argument nor any explaination able to contradict the ongoing tsunami of facts suggesting that earth and life has evolved along on a very explainable path we call evolution. All reasonable evidense supports my beliefs and contradicts yours.

YET you think "I" am the one that needs to be absolutely sure. Laughable.
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