Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

Comrade Stalin, from your perspective as one who hates freedom, if a man goes to a baker who is an alcoholic, and asks for a cake that reads "Don't Drink and Drive,' is the message "hateful?"

Well, no, since the baker probably knows he has a problem...

speaking of which, you really shouldn't be hitting the bottle that early in the morning.
Again- I've known gay people who've been beaten up, a gay person who lost her job after working for the company for 14 years after her co-workers found out she was gay.

That's what hate looks like. Making you actually provide the services your company promises... not so much.

Which even if true, which is doubtful, has utterly no bearing on your demand that civil rights be stripped from your enemies/enemies of the party.

Assault is a crime, if you have evidence of an assault, prosecute. This does not grant you license to remove civil rights from a class of citizens that your filthy party has declared enemies.
Well, no, since the baker probably knows he has a problem...

speaking of which, you really shouldn't be hitting the bottle that early in the morning.

Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says. There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

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Constitution overrules your law.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says. There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Romans I and First Corinthians 6:9-10.
Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Constitution overrules your law.

Thank you for shooting yourself in the foot.

there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids gay marriage.

Thanks for your help.

Now, back under your musty rock.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says. There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Romans I and First Corinthians 6:9-10.

NO specific acts are mentioned. And you know that. And Jesus did not mention the gay even once. Not even once.
He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Constitution overrules your law.

Thank you for shooting yourself in the foot.

there is nothing in the Constitution that forbids gay marriage.

Thanks for your help.

Now, back under your musty rock.
You're ignoring the part about religious freedom. Liar.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Perhaps that may be how they feel. But that is not what the Torah says. There are only two verses in Torah that deal with homosexual acts, not homosexuality. 2 of 613 commandments. G-d is just as hard on people who eat shellfish, but apparently, Christians somehow managed to reconcile that one. And tatoos are also forbidden in Torah, and yet, lots of Christians wear them, in spite of the death penalty hung by the Almighty for tatoos. And adultery is also to be met with the death penalty in the Torah. Tell that to Jim Bakker. He appears to have survived it. Adultery is mentioned more than 60 times in the OT, but Christians gloss it over. Homosexual acts are mentioned all of two times, but many Christians go totally apoplectic the moment they see anything that could be remotely gay. I mean, you just cannot fix stupid. Christians who act this way prove that point day in and day out.

So, a Christian has every right in the world to think that homosexuality is a greater personal failing than drunkenness, but it is only addressed in 2 of 613 Mitzvoteem in the Torah and not even once in the Christian New Testament. And in the two verses in the Tanakh, homosexuality is not directly addressed, but rather, specific homosexual acts. And for Christians who ignore the entire OT except for those two lonely verses, I can only call them utter hypocrites.

So, instead of calling people "comrade" in order to get over your weird inferiority complex, go educate yourself.

There are far more important things for Christians to be concerning themselves with than teh ghey. Hint: read what Yeshua wrote. That might be a dandy starting place.
Homosexuality is condemned in the New Testament. Romans I and First Corinthians 6:9-10.

NO specific acts are mentioned. And you know that. And Jesus did not mention the gay even once. Not even once.

Homosexuality is mentioned and Jesus said marriage is a man and woman in Matthew 19.
Which even if true, which is doubtful, has utterly no bearing on your demand that civil rights be stripped from your enemies/enemies of the party.

Assault is a crime, if you have evidence of an assault, prosecute. This does not grant you license to remove civil rights from a class of citizens that your filthy party has declared enemies.

discrimination is a crime. If you have evidence of discrimination, you fine the offending party until they correct their behavior.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Anyone who still thinks that in the 21st century is the kind of bigot who needs re-education.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Anyone who still thinks that in the 21st century is the kind of bigot who needs re-education.
Spoken like a true totalitarian.
Why should a gay bakery agree to make an anti gay cake? And why would an idiot expect them to?
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.

They didnt make him become gay....Maybe there is a part that says being in contact with gays is a sin.
Every right winger knows that if you breathe same air or come in physical contact, you could get "turned".
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Anyone who still thinks that in the 21st century is the kind of bigot who needs re-education.
Spoken like a true totalitarian.

Hey, i'm tired of dealing with you fucking rubes. Simply, you bible thumpers are too fucking stupid for me to care about your opinions anymore. But unlike the Plutocrats who keep getting you dumb fucks to vote against your own economic interests, I'll tell you to your face how stupid you are.
Comrade, you are a bigot. As a bigot, you ignore fact in favor of your prejudice.

To many Christians, homosexuality is as great or greater a personal failing as drunkenness is. Because you are a bigot, you cannot grasp that the fact that you disagree is utterly irrelevant.

Anyone who still thinks that in the 21st century is the kind of bigot who needs re-education.
Spoken like a true totalitarian.

Hey, i'm tired of dealing with you fucking rubes. Simply, you bible thumpers are too fucking stupid for me to care about your opinions anymore. But unlike the Plutocrats who keep getting you dumb fucks to vote against your own economic interests, I'll tell you to your face how stupid you are.

Date, time, and location please.
Why should a gay bakery agree to make an anti gay cake? And why would an idiot expect them to?

Why would someone that believes in a male/female marriage agree to make a cake for homos? Why would an idiot expect them to? Wait, plenty of you idiots did because you said that bakery was a public accommodation. Don't those rules apply to fags that own bakeries?
Which even if true, which is doubtful, has utterly no bearing on your demand that civil rights be stripped from your enemies/enemies of the party.

Assault is a crime, if you have evidence of an assault, prosecute. This does not grant you license to remove civil rights from a class of citizens that your filthy party has declared enemies.

discrimination is a crime. If you have evidence of discrimination, you fine the offending party until they correct their behavior.

The businesses refused service as a public accommodation and because the people were Christian.

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