Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

Okay the bakeries should be fined, made to make the cake as the customer wants, or be forced out of business. Sound familiar, I told you this would happen when a baker was forced to bake against his will a couple of queers a wedding cake. Queers has gotten a taste of their own medicine, get over it. Bake the damn cyake and shut up.
Has the person who was refused service reported those bakeries to the government? Or are they just whining on-line? I look forward to seeing what the authorities do in this regard.
The same should happen to the gay baker. Bake the cake or go out of business.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

Except that this is not an identical reverse scenario.

The concept is identical, that of forcing a craftsman to produce against their will, a product that promotes something that offends them.

They weren't being asked to make a wedding cake for a marriage which is the business that they are in.

The business they are in is baking. According to the anti-culture, one has no rights at all if they have a business, and must accommodate the public. A business is to be enslaved specifically based on the sexual preference of the customer. You have the greatest issue in the foundation you rest upon, Title VII specifically names religion as protected - and actually says nothing of sexual preference. Yet here you are, claiming sexual preference may force involuntary servitude, but religion can not.

Instead they were being asked to participate in a hate crime against themselves. The parallel here is if the KKK went into a black tailor's shop and asked him/her to make them Klan outfits.

A cake that says "homosexuality is a sin," is not a hate crime, Comrade.
BZZZT Wrong!

None of those bakeries would have refused to make a wedding cake with a man and woman on top. But that wasn't what they were asked for. Instead they asked to be participants in a hate crime against themselves.

We hope that you Communists get your chance to defend your assault on basic liberty in court. The Christian who is forced at the point of a gun to bake a cake promoting the union of lesbians is the victim of a hate crime.

The reason homosexuals seek out Christian bakers is hate, the desire to rub the face of Christians in the fact that they no longer enjoy civil rights and are subject to involuntary servitude to those who bitterly hate them.
Well, no, not really.

This guy wasn't asking for a wedding cake. He was asking for a cake with a specific message on it that was hateful.

Kind of like when that one guy wanted to make a cake for the son he named "Adolf Hitler", someone called the authorities...

Comrade Stalin, from your perspective as one who hates freedom, if a man goes to a baker who is an alcoholic, and asks for a cake that reads "Don't Drink and Drive,' is the message "hateful?"
BZZZT Wrong!

None of those bakeries would have refused to make a wedding cake with a man and woman on top. But that wasn't what they were asked for. Instead they asked to be participants in a hate crime against themselves.

We hope that you Communists get your chance to defend your assault on basic liberty in court. The Christian who is forced at the point of a gun to bake a cake promoting the union of lesbians is the victim of a hate crime.

The reason homosexuals seek out Christian bakers is hate, the desire to rub the face of Christians in the fact that they no longer enjoy civil rights and are subject to involuntary servitude to those who bitterly hate them.


We know you have nothing whenever you play the "commie card".
If this argument had any substance the thread title would not have to be a total and blatant lie. A guy got on the phone and called some bakery's allegedly owned or operated by gay people. He didn't request a traditional wedding cake as the thread title claims. He requested a cake promoting a political agenda be made. He requested a bumper sticker type comment be written on a cake. None of these bakery's are in the business of producing cakes with phrases promoting a political agenda or declaring some kind of personal opinion. Almost certain, any of the baker's called would have been happy to produce and sell a traditional wedding cake for the caller. That is what their business does. Unless someone can prove otherwise, there is not a single incident on record of a gay bakery refusing to bake a traditional wedding cake for a traditional wedding. Nobody cares about the names or gender of the figurines that go on top of a cake. Nobody, except some extreme Westboro Baptist type Christians and goofy homophobes.

We know you have nothing whenever you play the "commie card".

We know you have nothing, ever.

Still, the fact remains that your demands to strip others of civil rights have consequences. You demand a double standard, but in maintaining the illusion of law, the courts will be hard pressed to deny rights to those whom you hate, while protecting the rights of your allies.

You been backed into a corner, and you're snarling and baring your teeth as expected. You don't really think you'll prevail, ergo the reaction.

"Hate Crime" - a term used by snivling little fucks to try and justify their assault on civil liberty.
If this argument had any substance the thread title would not have to be a total and blatant lie. A guy got on the phone and called some bakery's allegedly owned or operated by gay people. He didn't request a traditional wedding cake as the thread title claims. He requested a cake promoting a political agenda be made. He requested a bumper sticker type comment be written on a cake. None of these bakery's are in the business of producing cakes with phrases promoting a political agenda or declaring some kind of personal opinion. Almost certain, any of the baker's called would have been happy to produce and sell a traditional wedding cake for the caller. That is what their business does. Unless someone can prove otherwise, there is not a single incident on record of a gay bakery refusing to bake a traditional wedding cake for a traditional wedding. Nobody cares about the names or gender of the figurines that go on top of a cake. Nobody, except some extreme Westboro Baptist type Christians and goofy homophobes.

If this argument had any substance the thread title would not have to be a total and blatant lie. A guy got on the phone and called some bakery's allegedly owned or operated by gay people. He didn't request a traditional wedding cake as the thread title claims. He requested a cake promoting a political agenda be made. He requested a bumper sticker type comment be written on a cake. None of these bakery's are in the business of producing cakes with phrases promoting a political agenda or declaring some kind of personal opinion. Almost certain, any of the baker's called would have been happy to produce and sell a traditional wedding cake for the caller. That is what their business does. Unless someone can prove otherwise, there is not a single incident on record of a gay bakery refusing to bake a traditional wedding cake for a traditional wedding. Nobody cares about the names or gender of the figurines that go on top of a cake. Nobody, except some extreme Westboro Baptist type Christians and goofy homophobes.

I didn't think you had the character to hold up the white flag of surrender. I accept your surrender.
To me, if a cake is that important to a person, they should try to make it them self and if they do well on it, that will only make it even more special. :) :) :)

God bless you and the man always!!! :) :) :)

Holly the eyes of the law, do you think "Gay Marriage is Wrong" is equivalent to "Congratulations Bob and Jim on your marriage"?

Would a gay couple have a case if they'd gone to a Christian baker and asked for a cake that said "Christianity is Wrong"?
I think a business should be able to work with whoever they want and reject customers at their own peril. Interesting at the sheer number of "gay" bakeries which seem to have an issue. Who discriminates again? the eyes of the law, do you think "Gay Marriage is Wrong" is equivalent to "Congratulations Bob and Jim on your marriage"?

In the eyes of the law, the first is specifically protected by Title VII, and the second is not.

Not only are you on thin ice by denying rights to Christians, you are 180° from legal standing.

Would a gay couple have a case if they'd gone to a Christian baker and asked for a cake that said "Christianity is Wrong"?

Under the current climate, no doubt the Christian would be forced to bake the cake.

You of the left demand rights for the preferred. What you don't grasp is that in reality, there are rights for all, or rights for none. What you substitute for rights is privilege. You seek to grant privilege to preferred groups.
I think a business should be able to work with whoever they want and reject customers at their own peril. Interesting at the sheer number of "gay" bakeries which seem to have an issue. Who discriminates again?

This means you believe in liberty. The left does not. This is the basis of the conflict between the left and the right. The collectivist notion of people as property of the state means that people must adopt the ideas that the state promotes. the eyes of the law, do you think "Gay Marriage is Wrong" is equivalent to "Congratulations Bob and Jim on your marriage"?

Would a gay couple have a case if they'd gone to a Christian baker and asked for a cake that said "Christianity is Wrong"?

Yes but they know this is not the same...but cons have to lie to have a point
I discriminate against businesses that overcharge. In favor of ones that are local. Against those that don't have the item in stock. In favor of those that are friendly. We all discriminate, give me a good reason to do business with you.

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