Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

You don't have any "civil rights" not to be offended.

Free speech means that racists can post their vile BS in here and your "civil rights" are irrelevant.

Ditto when it comes to opening a business. Your "civil rights" don't mean that you can discriminate against someone because you don't like their religion, gender, race, etc.

Try enrolling in an adult remedial civics class at your local community college before exposing your ignorance again.

IF Christians are to be forced against their will to make items that offend their religious views, then you have to expect that homosexuals will occasionally be subjected to the same treatment. You demand that your pet groups enjoy rights that are denied to others. In fact, you deny the concept of 'rights" entirely, opting instead for privilege granted by group affiliation.

The question is whether the courts will uphold your farce. your double-standard? Further, if the courts WERE to uphold it, would the act further erode the concept of law that civil stability becomes impossible?

Yes, you scream "racist" and "tea bagger" and all the magic words you are told defeat logic and thought - yet reality persists.

Except that this is not an identical reverse scenario. They weren't being asked to make a wedding cake for a marriage which is the business that they are in. Instead they were being asked to participate in a hate crime against themselves. The parallel here is if the KKK went into a black tailor's shop and asked him/her to make them Klan outfits.
Gee, I'm sorry that we ruined your marriage by getting married ourselves. But honestly, if our getting legally married ruined YOUR can't have been much of a marriage to begin with, n'est-ce pas?

Utterly irrelevant to the subject.

If Christian bakers can be forced to bake cakes depicting same sex unions, then it will be difficult to offer a legally sound argument denying the same treatment for Christians who seek the opposite.

BZZZT Wrong!

None of those bakeries would have refused to make a wedding cake with a man and woman on top. But that wasn't what they were asked for. Instead they asked to be participants in a hate crime against themselves.
It's not an insult to call a piece of shit like you a piece of shit. Shame you don't know the difference between an insult and character identification.
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.

Incorporation falls under IRS and local state statutes. As such there are regulations that you and your business must comply with. If you fail to comply with those laws you are liable and can be penalized. You are not a law unto yourself.
Gee. whodaevuh thought that "gay" and "bakery" together in an OP title could cause so much emotion and input.

This stuff is obviously the alpha and omega of our planet. This is obviously THE social issue upon which all else hinges, what?

If your business is open to the public, you must accommodate that public. If, on the other hand, you call your business a 'private club', you must show the restrictions to membership. Otherwise, you're operating a public business illegally as a private club.

That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?

He'd have to feed you or the PUBLIC utility he uses would need to be disconnnected.
God damn but you folks are stupid!

Certainly anyone who actually believes a government should be able to force them to do business with someone is.
Ask Greyhound. Ask Woolworth's. The government told the idiot bigots who ran those companies that discrimination is illegal.

Are you just looking for legal cover to be an idiot bigot too?
You seem to be on edge. Do gay posters upset you that much?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.

Incorporation falls under IRS and local state statutes. As such there are regulations that you and your business must comply with. If you fail to comply with those laws you are liable and can be penalized. You are not a law unto yourself.

Until your a homo and either run a business choosing not to serve someone or a homo couple wanting someone to cater to you. At that point, the homos want to be treated special. They're special alright. They have papers. Anyone that thinks attraction to the same gender is normal should be registered as a nut.
"Public Accommodation Laws" are a one-way street, obviously.

Kinda like Political Correctness.

Too funny.

Well, no, not really.

This guy wasn't asking for a wedding cake. He was asking for a cake with a specific message on it that was hateful.

Kind of like when that one guy wanted to make a cake for the son he named "Adolf Hitler", someone called the authorities...
"Public Accommodation Laws" are a one-way street, obviously.

Kinda like Political Correctness.

Too funny.

Well, no, not really.

This guy wasn't asking for a wedding cake. He was asking for a cake with a specific message on it that was hateful.

Kind of like when that one guy wanted to make a cake for the son he named "Adolf Hitler", someone called the authorities...

Good illustration of how the PC Police assume the responsibility for dictating the definition of words ("hate", in this example), and how they are the judge and jury of the outcome.

An easy and convenient way of diverting away from those almighty public accommodation laws they defend when it suits them politically.

Good illustration of how the PC Police assume the responsibility for dictating the definition of words ("hate", in this example), and how they are the judge and jury of the outcome.

An easy and convenient way of diverting away from those almighty public accommodation laws they defend when it suits them politically.

Not an issue of public accommedation laws. the OP claimed that he wanted gays to bake him a 'traditional' wedding cake, but frankly, I've been to a lot of weddings, and I've never been to one where they felt the need to write a homophobic message on the cake.
Good illustration of how the PC Police assume the responsibility for dictating the definition of words ("hate", in this example), and how they are the judge and jury of the outcome.

An easy and convenient way of diverting away from those almighty public accommodation laws they defend when it suits them politically.

Not an issue of public accommedation laws. the OP claimed that he wanted gays to bake him a 'traditional' wedding cake, but frankly, I've been to a lot of weddings, and I've never been to one where they felt the need to write a homophobic message on the cake.

What does a message on a cake have to do with public accommodation laws?

They are open to the public, right?

Thread title is a blatant lie. And none of this has anything to do with public accommodation laws. None of the bakery's are in the business of putting bumper sticker type political message's on cakes.
What does a message on a cake have to do with public accommodation laws?

They are open to the public, right?

but they aren't required to provide a product they don't supply.

For instance, I can't go into a Japanese restaurant and ask for an Italian Pasta dish. However, they can't refuse to serve me if I order the Sushi.

same deal here. They didn't offer Homophobic Hate Cakes for sale, so htey aren't obligated to provide them.

However, the baker who said he provides wedding cakes has to provide wedding cakes.
One of the places stated they wouldn't bake the cake because "half of our staff is gay".

I don't think that would fly if an employee of a regular bakery refused to bake a cake with a pro-gay message, by saying because "half of our staff is straight".

There would be lawsuits.
What does a message on a cake have to do with public accommodation laws?

They are open to the public, right?

but they aren't required to provide a product they don't supply.

For instance, I can't go into a Japanese restaurant and ask for an Italian Pasta dish. However, they can't refuse to serve me if I order the Sushi.

same deal here. They didn't offer Homophobic Hate Cakes for sale, so htey aren't obligated to provide them.

However, the baker who said he provides wedding cakes has to provide wedding cakes.

The caller SPECIFICALLY asked about COOKIES to an owner of a cookie shop, when your excuse was used.

One lady asked "are you going to suck a dick right now?"

One lady on the phone refused and said "we're also a gay cookie shop"

Another lady at shop that does bake cakes hung up on him.

Give it up, Joe.

Public accommodations laws are nothing more than an excuse.

PC and public accommodations laws are a one-way street.

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Suppose this happened here. Why in the world wouldn't a homosexual bakery make a cake for someone that had a saying on it that that they didn't agree with? As long as it wasn't pornographic or vulgar, they have to make the cake. Christian bakers must make cakes for homosexual weddings but homosexual bakers don't have to abide by same? Bullshit. Hypocritical bullshit. Public accommodation laws apply to EVERYONE. And yes, if someone walks into a black bakery and wants a KKK cake, they must accommodate. Don't like it? Too bad, that's the law. You do NOT get to pick and choose who follows it and who doesn't based on the message. Right?

Didn't read the whole thread, not going to because why bother? It's the same shit that goes on all the time. Follow the law for thee but not for me.
Okay the bakeries should be fined, made to make the cake as the customer wants, or be forced out of business. Sound familiar, I told you this would happen when a baker was forced to bake against his will a couple of queers a wedding cake. Queers has gotten a taste of their own medicine, get over it. Bake the damn cyake and shut up.
That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?

He'd have to feed you or the PUBLIC utility he uses would need to be disconnnected.
God damn but you folks are stupid!

Certainly anyone who actually believes a government should be able to force them to do business with someone is.
Ask Greyhound. Ask Woolworth's. The government told the idiot bigots who ran those companies that discrimination is illegal.

Are you just looking for legal cover to be an idiot bigot too?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.

Incorporation falls under IRS and local state statutes. As such there are regulations that you and your business must comply with. If you fail to comply with those laws you are liable and can be penalized. You are not a law unto yourself.

Until your a homo and either run a business choosing not to serve someone or a homo couple wanting someone to cater to you. At that point, the homos want to be treated special. They're special alright. They have papers. Anyone that thinks attraction to the same gender is normal should be registered as a nut.
Whenever bigots say something like this the meaning is crystal clear. You bigots do not believe in America.

For, you see, here in America, the promise and the premise is the same: each and every citizen can enjoy all the rights and privileges enjoyed by every other citizen, Bigots, on the other hand, seem to think that this egalitarian ideal means that their own rights will be eroded as a result. Bigots think that they have the right to shut out any minority, any creed, any religion and any group they personally fear hate and loathe.

Well, the fact is no such provisions were written into the constitution. The laws apply to everyone equally. No one has special rights. Rights are rights and must be enjoyed equally by all.

Now, are you a trained psychologist? A psychiatrist? A mental health professional? If you are, you would realize what a stupid, ignorant statement you made. If you are not, it is still a stupid and ignorant statement with no basis in reality, only hate, fear and suspicion. Hate, fear and suspicion. Is this the way any society beyond the medieval should conduct itself?
Okay the bakeries should be fined, made to make the cake as the customer wants, or be forced out of business. Sound familiar, I told you this would happen when a baker was forced to bake against his will a couple of queers a wedding cake. Queers has gotten a taste of their own medicine, get over it. Bake the damn cyake and shut up.
Has the person who was refused service reported those bakeries to the government? Or are they just whining on-line? I look forward to seeing what the authorities do in this regard.
That doesn't answer the question sport.

How does being a "public business" suddenly remove my rights?

By the way kiddo. Do you have any public utilities in your home? I'm sure that if I showed up and your door on a night that you were having company over for dinner and demanded that you feed me to, you'd be fine with that right sport?

He'd have to feed you or the PUBLIC utility he uses would need to be disconnnected.
God damn but you folks are stupid!

Certainly anyone who actually believes a government should be able to force them to do business with someone is.
Ask Greyhound. Ask Woolworth's. The government told the idiot bigots who ran those companies that discrimination is illegal.

Are you just looking for legal cover to be an idiot bigot too?
I'm thinking it could be a case of projection. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Faggots demanding people cater to them bothers me.
Do you want to reserve your perceived right to hate? Why do you believe you have a right to discriminate? Should we roll back the clock so you can discriminate against Blacks too?

Why should law abiding, tax paying, sober adult American citizens be denied any of the services each and every other American takes for granted?

What have homosexuals done to you personally to make you have such a bitter attitude?

Absolutely, I should have the right to decline doing business with ANYONE , for ANY reason.

It's MY business, MY labor, MY products, MY property. NO ONE has a RIGHT to it, EXCEPT me.

Incorporation falls under IRS and local state statutes. As such there are regulations that you and your business must comply with. If you fail to comply with those laws you are liable and can be penalized. You are not a law unto yourself.

Until your a homo and either run a business choosing not to serve someone or a homo couple wanting someone to cater to you. At that point, the homos want to be treated special. They're special alright. They have papers. Anyone that thinks attraction to the same gender is normal should be registered as a nut.
I sense lots of projection in you. Do you dream of sucking big thick cock? Cuz I'm straight and an avowed pussy pumper but never get upset over gays. Who cares? It's been my observation that those who scream the loudest are often closet cases. So, do tell, do you secretly dream of big, thick, hard, cum filled cock filling your secretly queer holes, or are you just 100% batshit crazy? Lol.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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