Christian Man Asks Thirteen Gay Bakeries To Bake Him Traditional Marriage Cake; Turned Down By All

I didn't think you had the character to hold up the white flag of surrender. I accept your surrender.

The bitter tears of failed leftist require more than a single hanky....
You are an idiot to think somehow the Christian bakers and those that have tried to defend their nonsense in this debate aren't the failures in this wedding cake fiasco. The defenders are now using amateur phone scams and resorting to blatant misrepresentations and outright lies to promote or renew the debate they have already lost. Let's see how soon a new Christian baker will refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
You are an idiot to think somehow the Christian bakers and those that have tried to defend their nonsense in this debate aren't the failures in this wedding cake fiasco.

You honestly think that the use of the state to force businesses to bake cakes and hold weddings against their will is a net gain for the Anti-Culture left?

Given clear violation of both 13th and 14th Amendment clauses, has it never occurred to you that a major spanking by the SCOTUS is looming for the entire Anti-Culture movement?

The defenders are now using amateur phone scams and resorting to blatant misrepresentations and outright lies to promote or renew the debate they have already lost. Let's see how soon a new Christian baker will refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple.

The defenders of civil rights? I would hope that defenders of civil liberty would use any means to expose the assault on liberty and the United States Constitution by you of the Anti-Culture.
I didn't think you had the character to hold up the white flag of surrender. I accept your surrender.

The bitter tears of failed leftist require more than a single hanky....
You are an idiot to think somehow the Christian bakers and those that have tried to defend their nonsense in this debate aren't the failures in this wedding cake fiasco. The defenders are now using amateur phone scams and resorting to blatant misrepresentations and outright lies to promote or renew the debate they have already lost. Let's see how soon a new Christian baker will refuse to bake a cake for a gay couple.
It never was about "equality". It's all about submission. the eyes of the law, do you think "Gay Marriage is Wrong" is equivalent to "Congratulations Bob and Jim on your marriage"?

Would a gay couple have a case if they'd gone to a Christian baker and asked for a cake that said "Christianity is Wrong"?

Given the fact that the cake was being selected for a "Traditional Marriage" celebration ???

Makes perfect sense to me ....
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.

They didnt make him become gay....Maybe there is a part that says being in contact with gays is a sin.
homosexuality is an abomination to God

You don't get to impose your religious beliefs on anyone else.

If you want to obtain a state business license you cannot discriminate against the public on the basis of your personal religious beliefs. You cannot refuse to bake a cake for Wiccans or Muslims or Atheists. You cannot refuse to bake a cake for gays either.

However if someone came into your bakery and asked you to bake a cake that says God Hates Gays on it you would be within your rights to refuse to do so because you are not in the business of providing political slogans.

Was that too fast for you?


That dude has been discredited by everyone in the world! He claimed to be a terrorist and was laughed at, he lies everytime he writes something, and he's as much a fucking idiot racist as you are.

a. How do we know the caller was a "Christian"?

b. How do we know who was on the other line?

Go the fuck away.
Hey I'm going to go to a Christian bakery and ask them to make me a Satan cake because...

I'm an, I mean because I'm being discriminated against boo hoo
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Skeptics challenge life stories offered by high-profile Muslim converts to Christianity

Other avowed terrorists-turned-Christians have drawn scrutiny as well, including U.S. citizens Walid Shoebat, author of "Why We Want To Kill You," and Kamal Saleem, who has worked for Focus on the Family and recently wrote "The Blood of Lambs." Like Caner's book, their books purport to be insider explorations of radical Islam.

Shoebat, who has called Islam "the devil," says he was recruited by the Palestine Liberation Organization as a teenager. In 1977, he has said, he threw a bomb on the roof of the Bethlehem branch of an Israeli bank.

The bank, however, has no record of the incident, and it was never reported by Israeli news outlets.

When asked by the Jerusalem Post in 2008 why there were no records, Shoebat surmised that the incident was not serious enough to merit news coverage. Yet four years earlier, he told Britain's Sunday Telegraph: "I was terribly relieved when I heard on the news later that evening that no one had been hurt or killed by my bomb."

Skeptics also point out that Shoebat and Saleem say they carried out terrorist activities in the 1960s and 1970s, long before modern Islamic radicalism emerged in the 1980s. They also ask why, if their stories are true, the two have been able to retain their U.S. citizenship.

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Caner, Shoebat, Saleem and others like them belong to an "industry" that is often perpetuated by fundamentalist Christians.

"The people that are doing this do it to make money or get converts or to get some personal benefit," Hooper said.

Muslims and non-Muslims alike are troubled that these avowed former terrorists have been welcomed as experts. They have appeared on CNN and Fox News and spoken at Harvard Law School. In 2008, they were speakers at a terrorism conference sponsored by the Air Force Academy, the findings of which were to be distributed at the Pentagon and Capitol Hill.

"Being an ex-terrorist myself is to understand the mindset of a terrorist," Shoebat told CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."

But CNN reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinianterritories found no evidence that would support that biography. Neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat's involvement in terrorism, despite repeated requests.
"Being an ex-terrorist myself is to understand the mindset of a terrorist," Shoebat told CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360."

But CNN reporters in the United States, Israel and the Palestinianterritories found no evidence that would support that biography. Neither Shoebat nor his business partner provided any proof of Shoebat's involvement in terrorism, despite repeated requests.
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.

They didnt make him become gay....Maybe there is a part that says being in contact with gays is a sin.
Come on we have been through this when you supported forcing someone to do something they didn't want to because of religious reasons. He wasn't against the queers purchasing thing from his bakery. He just didn't want to make a wedding cake for the queers. You were all for it, now someone wants to get a queer to make a cake with gay marrige is wrong written on it. Your against it. Can't have it both ways, the queers need to make the damn cake or go out of business.
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Like I said the queers need to bake the cake or shut the business down.
That's what the queers did to a strait baker who was made to go against his religion. You supported that. Get over it, the queer bakers should bake the cake or go out of business.

Tell me something...

How did queers make a baker "go against his religion" specifically?

He was forced to bake them a WEDDING cake.

And how does that specifically make him go against his religion again?
Okay I will say this slowly, homosexuality is an abomination to God. So for him becoming a part of a gay wedding. Is going against the word of God, and your type wants to make him do it or shut down his business. Since it was forced on him, those queers bake the cake or shut down the business.
Ok, I will say this slowly: your interpretation of scripture has nothing to do with criminal or civil code.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
He had religious freedom, they could've bought the cake and decorated it themselves. Like I said he would sale them goods, but didn't want to be apart of the wedding.
The caller SPECIFICALLY asked about COOKIES to an owner of a cookie shop, when your excuse was used.

One lady asked "are you going to suck a dick right now?"

One lady on the phone refused and said "we're also a gay cookie shop"

Another lady at shop that does bake cakes hung up on him.

Give it up, Joe.

Public accommodations laws are nothing more than an excuse.

PC and public accommodations laws are a one-way street.

The lady said "Is this a prank phone call?" and she was probably a lot more polite with him than I would have been.
We hope that you Communists get your chance to defend your assault on basic liberty in court. The Christian who is forced at the point of a gun to bake a cake promoting the union of lesbians is the victim of a hate crime.

The reason homosexuals seek out Christian bakers is hate, the desire to rub the face of Christians in the fact that they no longer enjoy civil rights and are subject to involuntary servitude to those who bitterly hate them.

Again- I've known gay people who've been beaten up, a gay person who lost her job after working for the company for 14 years after her co-workers found out she was gay.

That's what hate looks like. Making you actually provide the services your company promises... not so much.

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