'Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

1. Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!
Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.

2. At the sign of triumph Satan's host doth flee;
on then, Christian soldiers, on to victory!
Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.

3. Like a mighty army moves the church of God;
brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod.
We are not divided, all one body we,
one in hope and doctrine, one in charity.

4. Crowns and thrones may perish, kingdoms rise and wane,
but the church of Jesus constant will remain.
Gates of hell can never gainst that church prevail;
we have Christ's own promise, and that cannot fail.

5. Onward then, ye people, join our happy throng,
blend with ours your voices in the triumph song.
Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King,
this through countless ages men and angels sing.


Where does that song say anything about persecuting and killing humans? Where does it say that Christians are supposed to go to war against other groups of people? Where does it say anything about weapons other than the cross of Jesus and anthems?

The song is all allegory. Nothng more. Some dummy on another forum thought it was a song written for the Crusades, as no doubt do some on here. :lol:

This hymn was originally a processional song for children:

Onward, Christian Soldiers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I mean how do you even tolerate going to a graduation and having Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance played?

Are there words to "Pomp and Circumstance"?

Oh, God (you should excuse the expression). Now you've done it. Liberals didn't know "Pomp and Circumstance" HAD any words. Now we're going to see them suing and rioting in the streets to have it removed from graduation ceremonies.


Hello Sunshine, how's it hangin'? I am a liberal but too lazy to protest, or write lengthy diatribes about mythology and social interaction rhetorical falsehoods.
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Yeah, I know, you're always telling us how fantastic you are.

You're a self-aggrandizing blowhard, and ignorant besides. But please continue to list your spectacular accomplishments.

Anyway, your comment has no merit. None.

I am arrogant.
I also have been blown hard.
The Bible is very clear that Christian culture is social and communal, that the individual serves Jesus by serving others, as He said. The Savior died forso others may live is the best example. In a nation based on Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman principles, the role of our government is to help those who can't help themselves.

If Jesus were to come today and see Michelle Bachman's world, He would sigh and tell someone "I will be down at the Garden. Tell the Police Chief. We will have to do this all over again."

Anyone ever notice how liberals love Jesus and want to follow him when they want bigger government, but then mock Christians when the Christians exercise their constitutional rights.

I HAVE noticed how they fanatically fight to remove any reference to Christianity (or Judaism, for that matter) from anything even slightly political, but then jump to hide behind the hem of Jesus' robe in defense of their political policies. Apparently, Jesus would want children to go to shitty public schools, but then be prevented from praying there. :eusa_eh:

No one is prevented from praying at any school in America anywhere.
You need to quit spreading rumor and innuendo.
Facts work better. Try some.
This is from the same idiot that thinks we should sell F-16s to Venezuela.

Hugo is our friend, and American Christians are our enemies.

Way to go liberals, keep up the good work in letting all of America know what fucking idiots you are.
If there's a wrong side to an issue, the left jumps on it with both feet. :cool:

If there's a mob, the left jumps in front to lead it.
They do likes their torches and pitchforks, don't they?
private prayer was preffered to public prayer by Jesus.

There's a difference between praying publicly because you're doing it as a group, and praying publicly because you're trying to impress others with your piety.

Way to embrace the letter of the law in order to butcher the spirit.
If there's a mob, the left jumps in front to lead it.
They do likes their torches and pitchforks, don't they?

And all those short, catchy slogans are SOOO much easier than actual thought.


Oh, God (you should excuse the expression). Now you've done it. Liberals didn't know "Pomp and Circumstance" HAD any words. Now we're going to see them suing and rioting in the streets to have it removed from graduation ceremonies.


Hello Sunshine, how's it hangin'? I am a liberal but too lazy to protest, or write lengthy diatribes about mythology and social interaction rhetorical falsehoods.

ROFL. If it isn't old home week!
Your libs and elites are aware the Constitution trumps sharia or Jewish contract law or whatever. No fox has no key to no hen house. Sharia banking law is subordinate to the Constitution, and do you really think the true ubers there, Scalia and Alito and Thomas, are going to back sharia over American law? Come now.

I truly pray not. But why would it have to go so far to the SCOTUS? Why would it even have to go past the local STATE courts at all? ENUMERATED POWERS!!! Article 1, section 8 LIMITS the federal govt from overriding the states, and the 10th Amendment secures states' rights because the Founders knew that all govt was BAD govt and would grow itself more and more!

But the problem is that our Reps/Senators are acting not in our interest, but in their political best gain, and they are THWARTING the LAW of the LAND - our Constitution - to which they vowed their work in Congress.

***thought bubble***
I wish the new Tea Party Conservatives in Congress could take over and implement a conditional extension of service for members that included a review of term. If a member were found to have overridden or thwarted the Constitution in any way during their term, the punishment would be hanging until dead. If they upheld the Const., they would be allowed to continue as a member of Congress. Talk about term limits!! hahahaha!!! :lol:
GetdClu, the 10th Amendment was gutted by the Civil War and the 14th Amendment. The General Welfare clause and the federal supremacy clause subordinates Art 1 Sec 8. Your points are interesting, were judged non-compelling long ago, and the Tea Party right is distrusted by the overwhelming majority of Americans. As the economy improves over the next year without the TPE help, those Tea Party freshmen will be mostly sent home next year. This country is not going back to the fifties.
So far we have these undisputed facts:
Anyone can pray at any time in any school in America. The claims that prayer has been taken out of the schools are lies that continue to be spread.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes is in most all public schools. My son was in it and he prayed before each and every game before the game and as a group in a circle after the game. The claims that this does not go on at schools are lies that continue to be spread.
Many self proclaimed "conservatives" that claim that any and all opposition to organized prayer sponsored by the government is always "leftist", "liberal" are spreading lies.
Opposition to state sponsored religion is as old as the founding of this nation and is as conservative a stance as one can take.
Conservatism IS LESS GOVERNMENT including keeping government out of everything and anything religion, prayer included.
GetdClu, the 10th Amendment was gutted by the Civil War and the 14th Amendment. The General Welfare clause and the federal supremacy clause subordinates Art 1 Sec 8. Your points are interesting, were judged non-compelling long ago, and the Tea Party right is distrusted by the overwhelming majority of Americans. As the economy improves over the next year without the TPE help, those Tea Party freshmen will be mostly sent home next year. This country is not going back to the fifties.

Jake, I disagree with your assessment. I do not see that the 10th Amndmt was gutted by the 14th.

TENTH AMENDMENT: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People."

The 14th Amndmet was ratified in 1868 during the Reconstruction amendments. The broades of its goals was to ensure that the Civil Rights Act passed in 1866 would remain valid ensuring that "all persons born in the United States...excluding Indians not taxed...." were citizens and were to be given "full and equal benefit of all laws." (Quotes from the Civil Rights Act of 1866).

Four principles were asserted in the text of the 14th amendment. They were:

1. State and federal ciizenship for all persons regardless of race both born or naturalized in the United States was reaffirmed.
2. No state would be allowed to abridge the "privileges and immunities" of citizens.
3. No person was allowed to be deprived of life, liberty,or property without "due process of law."
4. No person could be denied "equal protection of the laws."
[americanhistory (dot) about (dot) com (slash) od (slash) usconstitution (slash) a (slash) 14th-Amendment-Summary (dot) htm

That corporations too are protected by "due process" along with being granted "equal protection" is an unintended effect of the amndmt, if that's the catch to which you're referring.

As to the General Welfare Clause, it has been misinterpreted for decades. The GWC DOES NOT give Congress power to pass any law on any subject as long as it is for the ‘general Welfare of the United States’ !!!

And here I refer you to my dear friend and mentor, Publius Huldah:
publiushuldah (dot) wordpress (dot) com (slash) category (slash) general-welfare-clause

First, you must learn what “welfare” meant when the Constitution was ratified: “Welfare” as used in the Preamble & in Art. 1, §8, cl. 1, U.S. Constitution, meant

Exemption from any unusual evil or calamity; the enjoyment of peace and prosperity, or the ordinary blessings of society and civil government (Webster’s, 1828).​

But The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1969), added a new meaning: “Public relief – on welfare. Dependent on public relief”. Do you see how our Constitution is perverted when new meanings are substituted for original meanings?

Second, James Madison addresses this precise issue in Federalist No. 41 (last 4 paras): Madison points out that the first paragraph of Art. I, §8 employs “general terms” which are “immediately” followed by the “enumeration of particular powers” which “explain and qualify”, by a “recital of particulars”, the general terms. So, yes! The powers of Congress really are restricted to those listed herein above.

OUR FOUNDERS UNDERSTOOD that the “general Welfare”, i.e., the enjoyment of peace & prosperity, and the enjoyment of the ordinary blessings of society & civil government, was possible only with a civil government which was strictly limited & restricted in what it was given power to do!

11. “OK”, you say, “but what about ‘the commerce clause‘ (Art. I, §8, cl. 3)? Doesn’t that give Congress power to pass laws on any subject which ‘affects’ ‘interstate commerce’ “? NO, IT DOES NOT! In Federalist No. 22 (4th para) and Federalist No. 42 (11th &12th paras), Alexander Hamilton & James Madison explain the purpose of the “interstate commerce” clause: It is to prohibit the States from imposing tolls and tariffs on articles of import and export – merchandize – as they are transported through the States for purposes of buying and selling. That’s what it does, Folks; and until the mid-1930’s and FDR’s “New Deal”, this was widely understood. ***

12.”Well, then”, you say, “doesn’t the ‘necessary & proper’ clause’ ["elastic clause" or "sweeping clause" ] (Art. I, §8, last clause) allow Congress to make any laws which the people in Congress think are ‘necessary & proper’?” NO, IT DOES NOT! Alexander Hamilton says the clause merely gives to Congress a right to pass all laws necessary & proper to execute its declared powers (Federalist No. 29, 4th para); a power to do something must be a power to pass all laws necessary & proper for the execution of that power (Federalist No. 33, 4th para); “the constitutional operation of the intended government would be precisely the same if [this clause] were entirely obliterated as if [it] were repeated in every article” (Federalist No. 33, 2nd para); and thus the clause is “perfectly harmless”, a tautology or redundancy. (Federalist No. 33, 4th para). James Madison agrees with Hamilton’s explanation. (Federalist No. 44, 10th-17th paras). In other words, the clause simply permits the execution of powers already declared and granted. Hamilton & Madison are clear that no additional substantive powers are granted by this clause.

13. The 10th Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So! If a power is not delegated by the Constitution to the federal government; and if the States are not prohibited (as by Art. I, § 10) from exercising that power; then that power is retained by the States or by The People. And WE are “The People”!

14. Our Framers insisted repeatedly that Congress is restricted to its enumerated powers. James Madison says in Federalist No. 45 (9th para):

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people….[emphasis added]​

In Federalist No. 39 (14th para):

…the proposed government cannot be deemed a national one; since its jurisdiction extends to certain enumerated objects only, and leaves to the several States a residuary and inviolable sovereignity over all other objects.

and in Federalist No. 14 (8th para):

…the general [federal] government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects…

15. In all its recent legislation, Congress ratchets up its concerted pattern of lawless usurpations. The executive branch and the federal courts approve it. Such is the essence of tyranny. They are “ruling” without our consent, and hence the federal government is now illegitimate. PH

*** See Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion in United States v. Lopez (1995). Justice Thomas’ opinion shows why those disposed to usurp attack him so virulently.

*****PH has given me permission to replicate her papers in order to educate and share information about our Constitution.

Jake, I doubt you or the media know the first thing about the thoughts and desires of the majority of Americans and, yes, our Constitution remains compelling and vibrant in the land if its birth. May more Americans grab a copy and learn its contents to become better informed so that they may counter naysayers like you. We don't need to return to any decade before; we just need to follow thru in the future and hold onto our foundational values like the ones delineated in our core documents, the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence! :razz:
GetdClu, any American well schooled in our history, our law, our Constitution, and our culture will give no heed to your arguments above.


They have already been long decided by our history, law, culture, and Constitution.

I have no doubt that Americans overwhelmingly do not agree with your narrow and long outdated opinion.

Having said the above, thank you for loving America.
Jake, any person well-schooled in these things knows they are truthful and correct. Those Americans awakening to the fragrance of liberty or disturbed by the stench of despotism and totalitarianism are once again realizing the greatness and simplicity of our Constitution. And they see the discord between what was written by those great men and how the govt runs today by statists and usurpers.

This is no narrow or out-dated view. It is bigger than the Tea Party, and can be seen in schools across the nation as kids are eager to tell their parents about civics and adults share with others about our inherent freedoms... This is an American Awakening, a Constitutional Conservatism that spans the political left or right and is faithful to the intent of the Founders.

The Founders realized that the folks of their day might have trouble understanding how they came to the decisions they made concerning this great document, so they discussed each section in what we call The Federalist Papers. We are curious today, as well. These Papers teach us what the Constitution means and what their intent was! So there really is no guessing. Thus, your comments are not only illogical, they have hoisted you on your own petard.

May I suggest:
The Federalist Papers: Modern English Edition Two by Mary Webster (yes, she's related to Noah) (2008); http://Mary.Webster.org
(This is the best out there! ~L)
Any "person well-schooled in these things knows" that you are on the wrong side of history and the great majority of Americans oppose righty extremism. You do not speak for the Founders, period. Your views are narrow and out-dated, righty extremism is the not the correct narrative of the nation.

I counsel you to read all of the federalist essays carefully, pondering and praying, as you do. You clearly do not understand the wonderful efforts of the writers.

Best fortune!
The so-called "religious right" composed of Christian fundamentalists (evangelical fanatics) and extremists, have hijacked the Republican party. They are not Christians, but the worst kind of political subversives. They are unethical and intellectually dishonest, their professed beliefs a perversion of Christ’s teachings, and their practices a corruption of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. They are, in short, pious frauds; they are anathema. It is they - not the Muslim terrorists - that pose the greatest threat to American democracy. They will be their own undoing; for it is they who have pushed the Republicans far from their traditional conservative values in order to impose their own radical agenda on the nation and the world. They shall succeed only in alienating true conservatives and causing a rift in the Republican party; which, ultimately, shall result in their political downfall.

I thought the Tea Party was highjacking the Republican Party. Return to Huffo and get your story straight.
When I try to reconcile conservative ideology with the teachings of Christ, I can only wonder how the man who gave out the loaves and fishes to the multitude by the Sea of Galilee would not be branded a “liberal” today.

It was acts of charity from the crowd which generated the loaves and fish, not the Roman government.
How many 'Christian militants' are there in comparison to, say, Islamic militants?

Who kills indiscriminately? Recruits children to be homocide bombers? What sort of jack wagon would try to make a parallel here?

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