'Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

The so-called "religious right" composed of Christian fundamentalists (evangelical fanatics) and extremists, have hijacked the Republican party. They are not Christians, but the worst kind of political subversives. They are unethical and intellectually dishonest, their professed beliefs a perversion of Christ’s teachings, and their practices a corruption of the most basic tenets of Christian faith. They are, in short, pious frauds; they are anathema. It is they - not the Muslim terrorists - that pose the greatest threat to American democracy. They will be their own undoing; for it is they who have pushed the Republicans far from their traditional conservative values in order to impose their own radical agenda on the nation and the world. They shall succeed only in alienating true conservatives and causing a rift in the Republican party; which, ultimately, shall result in their political downfall.

Perhaps you and Ahmadinejad or other Political Muslim leaders should get together for some tea and talk about how much better you are than others, how you are always so moral, never lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery, covet, or never do things wrong ever. You, who are perfect and know all. And talk about how all the Christian evangelicals are the only horrible terrible people on this earth, yes, they are the only ones who ever do wrong. Yes, you should do this since you know every man and woman's heart and are able to judge them accordingly, even all Christian evangelicals as a "whole" in generalizing.

Yes you are right: the United States is not a true democracy. U.S. Const., Art. IV, Sec. 4. It is a constitutional republic, which is a representative form of government, albeit there is now provision for initiatives to be enacted into law directly by public referendum (e.g., the previous initiative in California for an anti-gay marriage amendment to the State constitution). Likewise, you are also right regarding the tyranny of the majority; which is just the danger that politicized Christians pose to our “nation of laws.”

The religious are given a full set of rights just like everyone else. Don't like it? Go to Europe.

Need a tissue?
“Then cried they all again, saying, Not this man, but Barabbas.”
John 18:40 (KJV)

Getting involved in politics is a risky business. The gospels are instructive: When Christ drove the moneychangers from the temple, that sealed his fate. The Pharisees could put up with a radical teacher who preached selling all one has and giving to the poor; but now he was interfering with business. They had to get rid of him. It would be no different now, for nothing has changed. If Christ returned to earth today, he would be assassinated by Pat Robertson.

Oh yes, heaven forbid a Christian have the right to vote or freedom of speech and religion.

All Heil Nemo!! :clap2:

Dead straight, Allie, but the badness of the Islamic militants does not excuse the badness of Christian militants. Bad is bad. Go read your Bible.

True, but liberals always want us to start with the most evil and dangerous first.
Yes, it is good to be aware that the Shi'ites would like to take us over, but they won't because all of us are aware that radical Shia'ism and sharia are not appropriate for American legal systems.

It is also good to be aware that, yes, indeed, there are radical militias, and some of them so-called Christian, that would turn us into a theocracy if they could.

All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.

Europe and Canada are being over run with this. How is it we are so much smarter?
All Americans who love America are aware of these dangers.

That's the problem, Jake, the uber-libs and university elites seem to be asleep at the wheel when it comes to this situation. Even worse, they whitewash and even facilitate by erroneous news programing the continuation of the lies. Thus they allow themselves to believe there's no problem and work with these "peaceful Imams" for their political gain in the liberal community. These chickens are blinded to the fact that they have just given the fox the keys to the hen house.

Maybe it is because it is not a threat, or ever could be, unless they got voted in by... us.

It takes a fool to not even recognize a threat.
Dead straight, Allie, but the badness of the Islamic militants does not excuse the badness of Christian militants. Bad is bad. Go read your Bible.

True, but liberals always want us to start with the most evil and dangerous first.

And why do we have to quantify any outcry against the real and pervasive threat of Islam with the statement "Christians are bad, too..." when Christians aren't AS bad or as BIG a threat.
Dead straight, Allie, but the badness of the Islamic militants does not excuse the badness of Christian militants. Bad is bad. Go read your Bible.

True, but liberals always want us to start with the most evil and dangerous first.

And why do we have to quantify any outcry against the real and pervasive threat of Islam with the statement "Christians are bad, too..." when Christians aren't AS bad or as BIG a threat.

Because there are liberals who fear reasoned judgement.
Dead straight, Allie, but the badness of the Islamic militants does not excuse the badness of Christian militants. Bad is bad. Go read your Bible.

True, but liberals always want us to start with the most evil and dangerous first.

And why do we have to quantify any outcry against the real and pervasive threat of Islam with the statement "Christians are bad, too..." when Christians aren't AS bad or as BIG a threat.
But they don't care about threats to the nation. They care only about threats to their political power.
Christians are not brought up from birth to hate all outsiders, to consider them lower then dirt and to learn all sorts of ways to destroy them by age ten. Christians are taught to:

"Love one another as I have loved you."
"You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,"
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor like yourself."
"So be very careful to love the Lord your God."
"The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion."
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what the Lord requires of you. To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God."
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Obviously, each individual is at a different point in their walk with the Lord, but the Bible is replete with this theme - NOT "hate the infidels!" Christianity is inclusive, to have others find the joy of knowing the person of Jesus Christ for themselves, regardless of background. And the denominations (basically) represent differing ways to fellowship together as one body in Christ. Unlike strict Islam which, I believe, requires purging all those who don't go along with the Imam and certainly has harsh results for those wishing to leave the faith ("honor" killings, acid burnings, mob rape, families' homes burned, businesses destroyed, character assasinations, etc.).

Doesn't sound like a religion of love or peace, does it? So the next time a member of Congress pairs the word militant or something equivalent to Christian in the same paragraph with Islam, KNOW YOU ARE BEING PLAYED and speak up!! The best way to lead a nation astray of its values is to keep it ignorant of its history.
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Christian far right militants who threaten American safety and security go to jail just like Muslim extremists.

No great 'threat' exists from either group in America. Deal with the bozos when they act up, jail or kill them, and then go back to your gardening.
"Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along."
That's exactly what the French and the Brits said.

And this is what they got for ignoring the threat of Islam:

Christian far right militants who threaten American safety and security go to jail just like Muslim extremists.

No great 'threat' exists from either group in America. Deal with the bozos when they act up, jail or kill them, and then go back to your gardening.

"Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along."
That's exactly what the French and the Brits said.

And this is what they got for ignoring the threat of Islam:


For once, I actually agree with Allie! The threat of creeping Sharia is real, and the sooner Jake and those in our halls of power realize that the better.

And Jake, I don't garden, dear one; I scrapbook. :cool:
It would be better for this country chunk the rule of law and the constitution?


Christian far right militants who threaten American safety and security go to jail just like Muslim extremists.

No great 'threat' exists from either group in America. Deal with the bozos when they act up, jail or kill them, and then go back to your gardening.

"Nothing to see here folks, move along, move along."
That's exactly what the French and the Brits said.

And this is what they got for ignoring the threat of Islam:


For once, I actually agree with Allie! The threat of creeping Sharia is real, and the sooner Jake and those in our halls of power realize that the better.

And Jake, I don't garden, dear one; I scrapbook. :cool:

The creeping "threat" of Sharia is no more threatening then the threat of militant Christian extremism. Like I said, "Deal with the bozos when they act up, jail or kill them, and then go back to your" scrapbooking.

The issue I point out to my colleagues is that we are governed by the Constitution, not Torah not Bible not Quran. When we try that, we end up with Puritan or Mormon or Catholic or Jewish or Islamic theocracies, which is the path to the end of civil liberties.
Christian militants is a phrase to incite some feelings that are not based on fact. This is about the only country in the world where various religious thought co-exist side by side. Name one Muslim country where a Baptist church could be established in the middle of a big city. I know that Mecca is reserving a lot for the Methodist as we speak yet I see Mosque everyday down here in Houston. If I am my friends are as militant as some of you suggest the Mosque would only be good for a cookout but as it stands we welcome any religion who comes in peace and lets the rest of us alone.
We are not concerned with any country other than our own, so your construct is false from the beginning. Any Christian or Muslim or Jewish or other religious extremist idiot that acts criminally will be dealt with the same way: through the legal system.

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