Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

History says differently.

The Papal States and the Caliphate are two centuries -long counterpoints to that assertion.

The United States is what I would term a "secularized Christian nation"...

With its collective law and morality and traditions very deeply rooted in Christianity...

But with very liberal and generous accommodation for other belief systems in peaceful coexistence within the Republic.

The way it should be.
As long as all religions can practice is the key. Their infusion is vital to our survival.
Your fear is palpable.

We can could your fear with a knife, except that the sight of the knife would only cause your fear to harden and vibrate such that it might snatch the knife from our hands and fling it across the room.

"Potential" return the White House? Accepting the possibility is the first step to acknowledging then inevitibility.
No one fears you or your kind after J6 and Charlottesville and Oakland. You will break and run away crying, "run away, run away."
As long as all religions can practice is the key. Their infusion is vital to our survival.
Practicing protection rackets based on coercive fairy tales and non-existent entities is only vital for low IQs. Keeping religion from copulating with the State is the key (Thomas Jefferson, et al).

A leading candidate to become Donald Trump's chief of staff in a potential second term is spearheading an effort to inject right-wing Christian extremism into his administration.

Russell Vought, who previously served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is head of The Center for Renewing America think tank that has been developing a document that explicitly calls for "Christian nationalism" to be a policy priority in a potential return to the White House, reported Politico.

Christian nationalism is listed as a bullet point in a list of top priorities, which also includes invoking "the Insurrection Act on Day One to put down protests and refusing to spend funds authorized by Congress on unwanted projects, which has been banned since the Richard Nixon era."

Vought sees his organization's mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” according to CRA's website, and reorganizing the U.S. as an explicitly Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God."

More at the link below...

Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One'

Christian nationalism? Sounds pretty scary to me! I prefer being governed by a SECULAR Constitution and government - not the Bible! What do you think?

This is yet another example of how Trump is a threat to democracy.
No one fears you or your kind after J6 and Charlottesville and Oakland. You will break and run away crying, "run away, run away."
Progs are killing themselves. Their agendas are now detrimental to the Western world including the United States. Democracy which forced social justice agendas on all has turned Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand into near dystopian nations and we are not far behind. You have to broadcast things from stages like what you typed. And they could have had false flag help through our government agencies of tyranny. There are issues to be sure. Understand, the other side does not believe you. You hide the downside of your follies as much as you can.
No one fears you or your kind after J6 and Charlottesville and Oakland. You will break and run away crying, "run away, run away."
You track your fears far better than I.

Charlottesville? Oakland? I’ve heard of those cities, but I have no idea what it is that frightens you about them.

Is Oakland just as covered in homeless peoples poop as San Francisco? If so, I have to admit I would be afraid to go there also.
Yeah, heaven forbid anyone in government would actually believe these words from our founding document.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

To the founders, "their Creator" is God.

You Godless commies should just self abort, then you'd have nothing to worry yourselves about. KAREN!!!!!! LMAO

For most of Americas history it has failed to match those words.

A leading candidate to become Donald Trump's chief of staff in a potential second term is spearheading an effort to inject right-wing Christian extremism into his administration.

Russell Vought, who previously served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is head of The Center for Renewing America think tank that has been developing a document that explicitly calls for "Christian nationalism" to be a policy priority in a potential return to the White House, reported Politico.

Christian nationalism is listed as a bullet point in a list of top priorities, which also includes invoking "the Insurrection Act on Day One to put down protests and refusing to spend funds authorized by Congress on unwanted projects, which has been banned since the Richard Nixon era."

Vought sees his organization's mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” according to CRA's website, and reorganizing the U.S. as an explicitly Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God."

More at the link below...

Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One'

Christian nationalism? Sounds pretty scary to me! I prefer being governed by a SECULAR Constitution and government - not the Bible! What do you think?

Want a tissue?

A leading candidate to become Donald Trump's chief of staff in a potential second term is spearheading an effort to inject right-wing Christian extremism into his administration.

Russell Vought, who previously served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is head of The Center for Renewing America think tank that has been developing a document that explicitly calls for "Christian nationalism" to be a policy priority in a potential return to the White House, reported Politico.

Christian nationalism is listed as a bullet point in a list of top priorities, which also includes invoking "the Insurrection Act on Day One to put down protests and refusing to spend funds authorized by Congress on unwanted projects, which has been banned since the Richard Nixon era."

Vought sees his organization's mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” according to CRA's website, and reorganizing the U.S. as an explicitly Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God."

More at the link below...

Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One'

Christian nationalism? Sounds pretty scary to me! I prefer being governed by a SECULAR Constitution and government - not the Bible! What do you think?

How many are in his organization?
You track your fears far better than I.

Charlottesville? Oakland? I’ve heard of those cities, but I have no idea what it is that frightens you about them.

Is Oakland just as covered in homeless peoples poop as San Francisco? If so, I have to admit I would be afraid to go there also.
Translation: "runaway, runaway."
Christian Extremism?

How is this "extremism" likely to manifest itself?

Serious question.
Uniting church and state.

Codifying religious dogma into secular law.

Federal abortion ban.

Criminalization of homosexuality.

Mandatory Christian instruction in public schools.

Restrictions on religious minorities.

Just to name a few.
This thread topic seems to be getting considerable airtime on CNN and MSNBC. Christian nationalism goes against our Godless Constitution and secular government. I strongly believe in the separation of church and state!

The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."[4]

This thread topic seems to be getting considerable airtime on CNN and MSNBC.
Sure, it's red meat for the stupid.
Christian nationalism goes against our Godless Constitution and secular government. I strongly believe in the separation of church and state!

The Treaty is often cited in discussions regarding the role of religion in United States government for a clause in Article 11 of the English language American version which states that "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."[4]

The Constitution prevents the U.S. from being theocracy.

It does not prevent individual Americans from practicing Christianity, nor believing in "Christian Nationalism," however CNN's lastest bogeyman is defined.

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