Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

Well thdre is no real harm in it apart from the ridiculous gun worship. But for most of its existence Americans have paid lip service to it. That isnt controversial.
The Constitution is, to us, a living, breathing part of the American social fabric.

It is our Basic Law, codifying on the macro-level the best of English traditions and our own unique needs and perspective.

We use it each and every day in governing ourselves and defining rights and responsibilities and boundaries.

No nation - and no people - "live up to" the ideals of their most lofty articulations of hope for their nation or people.

The same is true for us - but we continue to try after 230+ years, and we get better at it with each passing generation.

Our defenders swear an oath to remain loyal to that Basic Law and its ideals rather than pledging to a king or other ruler.

As surety for that oath they offer their lives and sometimes those lives are forfeit in defense of that Law and its ideals.

The Constitution is Governing Law and Declaration of Rights and Articulation of Ideals and guards against overreach.

It doesn't get any better than that in this life insofar as Man has been able to contrive thus far on such a grand scale.

So do excuse our dust as we continue our construction efforts to build and maintain a better union amongst ourselves.

We took what you began and ran with it on a vastly larger scale amongst a vastly more diverse population.

And we do that today in a much faster-paced and vastly more dangerous world that that of your Old Empire.

People looked to your Empire as an exploiter and oppressor... they look to us for protection and support for Home Rule.

So excuse us if we are not overly concerned about what you-and-yours think of our efforts or our progress to date.
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View attachment 906398

"A clear-eyed, compelling study of the road to Jan. 6 and the possible future of the politics-versus-religion battle in the U.S." --Kirkus Reviews, starred review

Watching the eerie footage of the January 6 insurrection, Bradley Onishi wondered: If I hadn't left evangelicalism, would I have been there?

The insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, was not a blip or an aberration. It was the logical outcome of years of a White evangelical subculture's preparation for war. Religion scholar and former insider Bradley Onishi maps the origins of White Christian nationalism and traces its offshoots in Preparing for War.

What a bunch of horseshit.

Leftard "scholars" fleecing their sheeple.

Christian Nationalists don't fund 8 months of racial riots to torpedo the political opposition.

Leftard fear mongering bullshit from start to finish.

No one's gonna buy this crap.

Except brain dead leftards.
An opinion piece from "OCCUPY DEMOCRATS"? How cute!


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  • Overall, we rate Occupy Democrats Questionable due to far left-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, and the publication of fake news as evidenced by numerous failed fact checks.
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lol, I was just thinking of this….something like “those lefty’s better get in line, because if trump wins, he’s coming for them!”

But then I realized that if you say something like that, even as a joke, the left will take you seriously…
If it were to happen , as much as you hate liberals and Dems, what would be your reaction?

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