Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

That’s about as close to Nazism as you can get without actually wearing a swastika
Deporting people who illegally entered our country and are taxing our entire infrastructure and security of our country would hurt your sensibilities. WOW!

Other than the wind talkers during WW2 I can’t think of anything. And that was kind of a side benefit. Other than that I suppose we have sports team names. Like that’s an accomplishment. I’m just trying to think of the value you people have contributed.
Didn't they keep you people alive through your incompetent attempts at survival?
Why would believe that lie?

We are most certainly NOT a Christian nation. The population is certainly more Christians than anything else. But our founding fathers made sure the nation was never going to be a theocracy.
We became the greatest country the world has ever seen by having started as a Christian Nation.

Why is that so offensive to you? Why does it matter? Other than to just be contrary and argumentative.
We became the greatest country the world has ever seen by having started as a Christian Nation.

Why is that so offensive to you? Why does it matter? Other than to just be contrary and argumentative.

The ratification of the US Constitution was the beginning. And the US Constitution forbids the gov't from being Christian or any other religion.

It offends me because it becomes a license to create laws based solely on Christian dogma. And that is the opposite of freedom.

I am often contrary and argumentative. But this is simply about facts. The US is a nation of mostly Christians, but it is not a Christian nation.
We became the greatest country the world has ever seen by having started as a Christian Nation.

Why is that so offensive to you? Why does it matter? Other than to just be contrary and argumentative.
Dems don't understand what made America great.
We became the greatest country the world has ever seen by having started as a Christian Nation.

Why is that so offensive to you? Why does it matter? Other than to just be contrary and argumentative.

The ratification of the US Constitution was the beginning. And the US Constitution forbids the gov't from being Christian or any other religion.

It offends me because it becomes a license to create laws based solely on Christian dogma. And that is the opposite of freedom.

I am often contrary and argumentative. But this is simply about facts. The US is a nation of mostly Christians, but it is not a Christian nation.
Markle….Libs vehemently detest ALL THINGS that lie at the foundation of America’s crafting and ALL things that made America the greatest nation on the globe in a very short 150 years.
They hate that America is a white nation
They hate that America is an English speaking nation
They hate that America is a heterosexual nation
etc etc
They are so fascinated by that melting pot great experiment bullshit that they refuse to see things for what they actually are.
Diversity made America great. It sure as hell wasn't the delusional psycho religious zealots that are still fucking up America!
NEGATIVE….white, English speaking heterosexual Christians made America great…EVERYTHING else drags it down the shitter and everyone sane and in-touch knows it.
NEGATIVE….white, English speaking heterosexual Christians made America great…EVERYTHING else drags it down the shitter and everyone sane and in-touch knows it.
Griswold and Loving need to be overturned.

Dems don't understand what made America great.

I understand what made this country great. It was the individual freedom and the rewards for hard work and ingenuity. It was pulling together to face common foes. It was following the US Constitution, which is one of the greatest ever.
Griswold and Loving need to be overturned.

I see you want the nanny state gov't to push your agenda over freedom.

Why do you think the US Gov't have the right to deny birth control to adults?

Why do you think the US Gov't should have a say in who dates or marries who?
Why would believe that lie?

We are most certainly NOT a Christian nation. The population is certainly more Christians than anything else. But our founding fathers made sure the nation was never going to be a theocracy.
It amazes me how these people can ignore history, ignore the PRESENT in other parts of the world, and not see the dangers of mixing religion and government.

These are the same people who ignore history, ignore the PRESENT in other parts of the world, and support the idea of a strongman authoritarian dictatorship.

This is what blind commitment to an ideology does to people.
Griswold and Loving need to be overturned.

Make no mistake folks.

They are coming after gay marriage and LGBTQ rights next

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