Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One' and inject right-wing Christian nationalism into admin policies

I pray you are right. Then we overturn U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark and send ALL anchor babies home to where they should have been born.
You won't. It will come to you affirming by signature (or mark in your case) that you follow the Constitution, or get shipped out to Iran.
Does the OP realize we are a Christian nation?
Do you realize that even suggesting such a thing is as UN-AMERICAN as it gets?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Because that is what Jesus would do?
“I really miss those traditional hardcore Bible thumping ‘Conservatives’….the ones who didn’t conserve, preserve or protect anything, the ones with no ball-sack, the one’s that would polish the AR-15’s they’d never have the nuts to use, the foolish suckers we could easily bully, easily steer their way of thinking by throwing a Bible verse in their face…we could get those passive dumbass pussies to accept anything with a simple guilt trip. The nutless bastards finally grew a pair of balls and now they won’t ignore us disgusting globalist degenerates as we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes dark socialist foreign shithole we seek.”

John Edgar Slow Horses
Because that is what Jesus would do?

Militant Christian evangelicals indeed are a wickedness of which to be aware.
Know this, contrary to your Lib belief, God is no push-over, he is a vengeful God.
Genesis speaks to Gods wrath….He set faggots on fire…he destroyed a whole city full of filthy faggots.

God does not approve of illegals.
Romans 13:1–7 makes it abundantly clear that God expects us to obey the laws of the government. The only exception to this is when a law of the government forces us to disobey a command of God (Acts 5:29). Illegal immigration is the breaking of a government’s law. There is nothing in Scripture that contradicts the idea of a sovereign nation having immigration laws. Therefore, it is rebellion against God to unlawfully enter another country. Illegal immigration is a sin.

A leading candidate to become Donald Trump's chief of staff in a potential second term is spearheading an effort to inject right-wing Christian extremism into his administration.

Russell Vought, who previously served as Trump’s director of the Office of Management and Budget, is head of The Center for Renewing America think tank that has been developing a document that explicitly calls for "Christian nationalism" to be a policy priority in a potential return to the White House, reported Politico.

Christian nationalism is listed as a bullet point in a list of top priorities, which also includes invoking "the Insurrection Act on Day One to put down protests and refusing to spend funds authorized by Congress on unwanted projects, which has been banned since the Richard Nixon era."

Vought sees his organization's mission as “renew[ing] a consensus of America as a nation under God,” according to CRA's website, and reorganizing the U.S. as an explicitly Christian nation “where our rights and duties are understood to come from God."

More at the link below...

Christian nationalist Trump ally crafting plan to 'invoke Insurrection Act on Day One'

Christian nationalism? Sounds pretty scary to me! I prefer being governed by a SECULAR Constitution and government - not the Bible! What do you think?

This country was founded on religious freedom, of which democrats want to take religion completely out of our country. It's about time there was a plan to get it back.
This country was founded on religious freedom, of which democrats want to take religion completely out of our country. It's about time there was a plan to get it back.
Fake news.
Nobody has ever tried to prevent anyone from excersing their own personal religion.
Where you nutcases get confused is when you mistake your own right to believe in whacky biological impossibilities like "virgin birth" with some mandate to force others to believe your stupidity.
If you're stupid enough to believe in a virgin giving birth you probably believe a person can change their gender right?
Neither one seems very "natural" does it?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
This country was founded on religious freedom, of which democrats want to take religion completely out of our country. It's about time there was a plan to get it back.

You are welcome to follow your religious beliefs. In fact, I will fight to assure those rights.

But, at the same time, I will fight against anyone trying to pass laws based solely on religious dogma or trying to create a theocracy.
You are welcome to follow your religious beliefs. In fact, I will fight to assure those rights.

But, at the same time, I will fight against anyone trying to pass laws based solely on religious dogma or trying to create a theocracy.
Maybe you are but most of the left want to totally get rid of religion.
Didn't they keep you people alive through your incompetent attempts at survival?
Not sure about keeping them alive but fair point. Let’s add that to the list. So far we have:

1- sports team names
2- WW2 wind talkers
3- knew how to grow corn
lol, I was just thinking of this….something like “those lefty’s better get in line, because if trump wins, he’s coming for them!”

But then I realized that if you say something like that, even as a joke, the left will take you seriously…
The left is scared to death. All these indictments were supposed to stop Trump and he is only gaining popularity and Biden is failing. Believe it. They're petrified.
I would call this a "Secularized Christian Nation" .

Our philosophy and beliefs and laws and social programming and liberalism all have their roots in European Christianity.

The vast majority of Americans who are religious subscribe to some form of Christian belief structure and traditions.

We are definitely and overwhelmingly a Christian Nation that insists upon a Separation of Church and State for governance.

That same "Secularized Christian Nation" makes liberal allowance and accommodation for non-Christian belief systems.

A number of European Nations, foundational to the United States, have also morphed into religiously tolerant countries.

It would be quite a challenge to find a similar number of Muslim countries with such tolerance for other religious beliefs.
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The left is scared to death. All these indictments were supposed to stop Trump and he is only gaining popularity and Biden is failing. Believe it. They're petrified.
Look, I have no delusion that they are not going to succeed in their quest to convict trump. With 91 charges and 4 indictments, they will get him on SOMETHING. That’s the entire plan. I have no doubt they will be successful in their quest to disqualify trump. I find the whole thing disgusting, but, I keep saying it, eventually these things will come back around on them and when that day comes, it will be marvelous!!

So yeah, I always caution the optimism that trump is going to walk away from this, I think you are going to see him disqualified, he won’t actually go to prison, but they will have him removed from the race.

Those are just my feelings. I suggest the Republican Party not throw Haley to the wayside….and keep her very close at hand, in case trump is indeed disqualified. The last thing you want is for a trial close to election season to disqualify him, and have nobody else ready to step forward, giving Biden the ability to win unopposed.
Do you realize that even suggesting such a thing is as UN-AMERICAN as it gets?
Clear enough for you godless heathens?


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