"Christian" Religions which reject the Trinity Doctrine

It DOESNT say what you're trying to convince me of.

Do you call yourself Christian? You never answered. You reject Christ, because you reject what He clearly said about His divinity.

But I'll ask one more time: do you call yourself "Christian"?

No. I don't call myself a "Christian".

Don't people who call themselves " Christian" have to admit that they are a worthless piece of shit and believe that Jesus is God to join the club?

After all that I have said, the question never ceases to amaze me.
You shall be judged as you judge others.
Whether God is triune is an issue that confounded Christians even in the first four centuries. If God is almighty, then He is the only God. Two beings, God and the Son of God, can't both be almighty. And one who is begotten certainly cannot be equal to one who begets.

Jesus tells us, though, that he and the Father are One, and that if we have seen him we seen the Father (John 10:30; 14:9).

Also, whatever is perfect does not change. God would have changed when He begat a Son and became a Father, i.e., something else. Therefore, He had always been the Father and Jesus always the Son.

The Nicene Creed could have gone either way, though, really; a council of bishops is really what determined the orthodoxy.
Meh, who said perfection doesn't change..and who says that there was change?

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God."

or..if you prefer:

John 1:1-2 New International Version (NIV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.
Exactly. If whatever is perfect remains perfect, then it doesn't change. If God becomes a Father when He begets a Son, then He changes. Hence the outcome at the Council of Nicaea.

And this, of course, does not address the Holy Spirit, the Helper.
The only solution to the first cause is something which is eternal and unchanging.

It was always this way and will always be this way.

We receive law? Jesus was the Word since the beginning. Is that not in reference to creation?

The whole NT is about the Kingdom; it has made the earth new again.
The "Good News" is that we can change.

God does not expect us to do perfect things. He expects us to BE perfect.

The saints understand what this means, but many of us do not. It is a process; a journey.
The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14
You have already admitted that you do not accept scripture, yet you persist in using it. Wrongly.
We receive law? Jesus was the Word since the beginning. Is that not in reference to creation?

The whole NT is about the Kingdom; it has made the earth new again.
The "Good News" is that we can change.

God does not expect us to do perfect things. He expects us to BE perfect.

The saints understand what this means, but many of us do not. It is a process; a journey.
Is that what the Good News is? That individuals can change? That they can be perfect? Can you cite your source?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) is the Gospel of the Kingdom, or of the glory of Jesus Christ, as Paul tells the Corinthians.

Jesus preaches the Kingdom and its imminence repeatedly during his ministry.
We receive law? Jesus was the Word since the beginning. Is that not in reference to creation?

The whole NT is about the Kingdom; it has made the earth new again.
The "Good News" is that we can change.

God does not expect us to do perfect things. He expects us to BE perfect.

The saints understand what this means, but many of us do not. It is a process; a journey.
Is that what the Good News is? That individuals can change? That they can be perfect? Can you cite your source?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) is the Gospel of the Kingdom, or of the glory of Jesus Christ, as Paul tells the Corinthians.

Jesus preaches the Kingdom and its imminence repeatedly during his ministry.
The Good News is about living not death.
We receive law? Jesus was the Word since the beginning. Is that not in reference to creation?

The whole NT is about the Kingdom; it has made the earth new again.
The "Good News" is that we can change.

God does not expect us to do perfect things. He expects us to BE perfect.

The saints understand what this means, but many of us do not. It is a process; a journey.
Is that what the Good News is? That individuals can change? That they can be perfect? Can you cite your source?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1) is the Gospel of the Kingdom, or of the glory of Jesus Christ, as Paul tells the Corinthians.

Jesus preaches the Kingdom and its imminence repeatedly during his ministry.
The Good News is about living not death.
Life comes with the Kingdom: the Church, the Holy Spirit, the High Priest.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit effect this paradise, where God and man dwell together.
Mormonism - Latter-day Saints

Jehovah's Witnesses

Christian Science



Oneness Pentecostals

Unification Church

Unity School of Christianity

Scientology - Dianetics
All the above are considered cults that either have their own holy books other than the scriptures or are heresy.
It DOESNT say what you're trying to convince me of.

Do you call yourself Christian? You never answered. You reject Christ, because you reject what He clearly said about His divinity.

But I'll ask one more time: do you call yourself "Christian"?

No. I don't call myself a "Christian".

Don't people who call themselves " Christian" have to admit that they are a worthless piece of shit and believe that Jesus is God to join the club?

After all that I have said, the question never ceases to amaze me.
Dear hobelim
You remind me of a funny friend of mine who calls it the "god on a stick" philosophy. If you take it too literally it is reduced to ridiculous. Like a kid in Sunday school asking if God created the earth and firmaments where was he standing when he did all of this???

On the other hand if we look for common sense and wisdom we can make sense of what Christian's say that otherwise sounds crazy.

1. For example to admit we are all sinners or imperfect, I look at this as how we are all Biased in different ways. Our fears dislikes, what we avoid or can't forgive makes us less than this perfect set of universal laws and truth that God and Jesus authority represent. We demand equal justice for all and consistent truth, but each of us is so uniquely biased we can only see our part of what's right or wrong. Thus it takes all of us, working to help each other, to see and correct all the biases we have but only see in each other. That's why the Bible advises that we remove the Beam (or Bias) from our own eyes before helping a neighbor remove their own splinters or faults in their eyes. We all have limited biased perceptions and none of us see the whole truth or enforce the laws perfectly. That's why we need to constantly forgive ourselves and each other, or we'd go mad over every mistake in judgment instead of helping each other to fix our flaws and messes.

Note: Christianity can be translated to mean Charity for all neighbors. To be Christian means to be Conscionable and unchristian means unconscionable. Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice while Antichrist means Injustice or retributive justice abused in endless war and oppression that goes against Conscience or Christ.

2. For Jesus tobe God is like having faith in Universal "Justice" as "Divine" Good Will for all people as one. If you don't believe in anything "spiritual or divine" I often substitute the term "collective" which is also faith based as in collective humanity/society or truth/knowledge beyond empirical senses in the present.

We can't impose man-made justice because our selfish biases by party or personal beliefs will keep us divided in war, as we see now with bullying and civil warfare through media and courts and Congress. To submit to Jesus as Lord means to let go of our one-sided view of Justice and receive Equal Justice Under Law that includes all of us equally and is greater than any of us. Jesus means Justice and Lord means authority of Law. This means all people agreeing to put Equal Justice for All above what we demand for our own groups beliefs or interests and having Faith this higher Justice will satisfy both us and these other people and groups we don't trust with their views of justice. We let go and seek the highest Truth and Justice that includes everyone equally without conflict or compromise. That takes faith and we don't have faith where we have fear that blocks us from seeing these ideal solutions that everyone would support.

Again that's why Christian's preach about the power of Grace and forgiveness. And those who practice forgiveness teach this by example.

I still laugh at the "god on a stick" image of how strange and silly it looks from the outside. But the real compassion and heart for humanity that it takes to want to heal all the hurts right all the wrongs and restore all human relations to perfect peace and harmony is truly a humble and beautiful realization.
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The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14
You have already admitted that you do not accept scripture, yet you persist in using it. Wrongly.
Wrong. I told you that I accept scripture, even as divinely inspired. And I do believe that Jesus is the messiah, I have shown you how. And I do believe in God, just not an edible one that became fully human..

I will never accept your ignorant interpretations of scripture, which would amount to accepting insanity, and will always excoriate your mountain of blasphemous beliefs as the specious falsehoods of men inspired by demons. I will never give up my birthright as a human being, the ability to reason, the only way to grasp and hold on to the truth, in exchange for a bowl of fairy tale porridge or trade the Body of Christ, words from God that are the sustainer of life, for something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.

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The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14

I agree with everything EXCEPT he part I bolded. This is YOUT mistaken interpretation, not a problem for Paul or Jesus.

This tells me you are not Christian.

Did you ever answer my two questions?

1. How many beings is "Man."
2. Do you call yourself Christian?

If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.
The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14

I agree with everything EXCEPT he part I bolded. This is YOUT mistaken interpretation, not a problem for Paul or Jesus.

This tells me you are not Christian.

Did you ever answer my two questions?

1. How many beings is "Man."
2. Do you call yourself Christian?

If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.

You shall be judged as you judge others.

yeah, right. promises, promises...

Here's the kicker... you will be the one judging yourself, but your pride will be stripped away first and then you will see how you really were.

The exalted will humbled and the humble will be exalted.
The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14

I agree with everything EXCEPT he part I bolded. This is YOUT mistaken interpretation, not a problem for Paul or Jesus.

This tells me you are not Christian.

Did you ever answer my two questions?

1. How many beings is "Man."
2. Do you call yourself Christian?

If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.
He hates Christians. Especially Catholics.

Personally I think he is a subversive plant on a mission to subordinate the dominant religion. That or a dupe of those who would.
The NT isn't really about any law. In fact, Paul decries Mosaic law as a stumbling block. And does the Gospel actually say that now we live by the spirit of any law?

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. (do them) For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever sets aside even the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven,"

According to Jesus the law will remain in power and will be in full force until the end of the world.

This means that either Paul or Jesus was a deceiver. Care to take a wild guess which one was the liar?

To understand what Jesus meant by saying whoever sets aside the law and teaches others to do the same will be called "least" in the kingdom of Heaven, see Genesis 3:14
You have already admitted that you do not accept scripture, yet you persist in using it. Wrongly.
Wrong. I told you that I accept scripture, even as divinely inspired. And I do believe that Jesus is the messiah, I have shown you how. And I do believe in God, just not an edible one that became fully human..

I will never accept your ignorant interpretations of scripture, which would amount to accepting insanity, and will always excoriate your mountain of blasphemous beliefs as the specious falsehoods of men inspired by demons. I will never give up my birthright as a human being, the ability to reason, the only way to grasp and hold on to the truth, in exchange for a bowl of fairy tale porridge or trade the Body of Christ, words from God that are the sustainer of life, for something that doesn't even qualify as a cheap snack food.

Actually that's not what you said about Scripture.

As for your belief in God, yes, you made that claim. You also said that you see evidence of God in everything. But when I pressed you to show me what evidence you saw, you did nothing but arm waving.

I don't believe you are genuine. You spend all of your time and effort attacking the dominant religion of the land. That is your mission here. That's what you do.
Mormonism - Latter-day Saints

Jehovah's Witnesses

Christian Science



Oneness Pentecostals

Unification Church

Unity School of Christianity

Scientology - Dianetics
All the above are considered cults that either have their own holy books other than the scriptures or are heresy.
If you are being honest, all religions are cults. Even mine. Even yours.

cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.

Nonsense. I have provided ample evidence, new evidence that you never heard before, irrefutable evidence that something is amiss in your world, a deception at work in the church.... all the churches.

Thats something to debate right there.

There would be no point for you to debate with me only if you didn't care if you were right or wrong, or if you didn't care if you were misleading others or if you didn't care if you were perpetuating falsehood the the name of God.

Do you share the beliefs of unbelievers? No? Why do you debate them day and night? .You'd rather kick sand in the faces of children playing in the sandbox? Whats up with that? I am a believer in scripture, a believer in Jesus, and a believer in God. A trifecta of common ground. Why not debate with someone your own size? lol...

Can't handle a little egg on your face? You care more about being proven wrong than Jesus being proven right? A soldier of Christ putting on some clown shoes and going for a section 8 as soon as you hear a firecracker?

You are dedicated to the truth? You know the way to salvation? You love Jesus?

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If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.

Nonsense. I have provided ample evidence, new evidence that you never heard before, irrefutable evidence that something is amiss in your world, a deception at work in the church.... all the churches.

Thats something to debate right there.

There would be no point for you to debate with me only if you didn't care if you were right or wrong, or if you didn't care if you were misleading others or if you didn't care if you were perpetuating falsehood the the name of God.

Do you share the beliefs of unbelievers? No? Why do you debate them day and night? .You'd rather kick sand in the faces of children playing in the sandbox? Whats up with that? I am a believer in scripture, a believer in Jesus, and a believer in God. A trifecta of common ground. Why not debate with someone your own size? lol...

Can't handle a little egg on your face? You care more about being proven wrong than Jesus being proven right? A soldier of Christ putting on some clown shoes and going for a section 8 as soon as you hear a firecracker?

You are dedicated to the truth? You know the way to salvation? You love Jesus?

Jesus was likely gay, did you know that?
If you are not Christian, thee is no point for m to debate you. If there s no common foundation, there is nothing to debate.

Nonsense. I have provided ample evidence, new evidence that you never heard before, irrefutable evidence that something is amiss in your world, a deception at work in the church.... all the churches.

Thats something to debate right there.

There would be no point for you to debate with me only if you didn't care if you were right or wrong, or if you didn't care if you were misleading others or if you didn't care if you were perpetuating falsehood the the name of God.

Do you share the beliefs of unbelievers? No? Why do you debate them day and night? .You'd rather kick sand in the faces of children playing in the sandbox? Whats up with that? I am a believer in scripture, a believer in Jesus, and a believer in God. A trifecta of common ground. Why not debate with someone your own size? lol...

Can't handle a little egg on your face? You care more about being proven wrong than Jesus being proven right? A soldier of Christ putting on some clown shoes and going for a section 8 as soon as you hear a firecracker?

You are dedicated to the truth? You know the way to salvation? You love Jesus?

Jesus was likely gay, did you know that?

If Jesus was gay, not that there's anything wrong with that, what was he doing running around with prostitutes?

Playing canasta? Keeping up appearances for the orthodox so he would fit in? lol....
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