Christian Tenets/Principles this Country's founded on...

It doesn't matter what you see them as. Truth is not subject to your distorted filter. The truth is, they were experienced by the founding fathers as CHRISTIAN tenets...

As your messiah stated himself.

really ? that interesting when jefferson wrote a sheik that America is not a christian country but one that honors all . ya ya I editorialized ,
tenets of christianity you are talking is bull shit , you excepted slavery is lagiutant , do not steel do not screw my wife , do not purger your self about your neighbor , theses are ancient rules, is a society . the only premise or commandment is don't worship other gods before you talk to me . and he was talking to the jews not you !

the constitution was based on britains Maegan carta .
no were in christianity does it's a all men are created equal , nothing is mentioned about being free .
how dare you question the church but our constitution encourages it .

you cant be serious about our tenets are based on christian values ,
they have none .
It is a country that honors all, and it's not a theocracy.

We've already been over this, btw. Just because we're based on Christian princples does not make us a theocracy.
And of course it's based on Christian tenets. All the founding fathers said so, and not even the Obama himself contradicts this well known fact.
It doesn't matter what you see them as. Truth is not subject to your distorted filter. The truth is, they were experienced by the founding fathers as CHRISTIAN tenets...

As your messiah stated himself.

really ? that interesting when jefferson wrote a sheik that America is not a christian country but one that honors all . ya ya I editorialized ,
tenets of christianity you are talking is bull shit , you excepted slavery is lagiutant , do not steel do not screw my wife , do not purger your self about your neighbor , theses are ancient rules, is a society . the only premise or commandment is don't worship other gods before you talk to me . and he was talking to the jews not you !

the constitution was based on britains Maegan carta .
no were in christianity does it's a all men are created equal , nothing is mentioned about being free .
how dare you question the church but our constitution encourages it .

you cant be serious about our tenets are based on christian values ,
they have none .

You mean the ancient rules that came from the 10 Commandments?
setting out 4 exact examples is superfluous to their intentions as an idea imho. Many of them are simply universal ala the code of Hammurabi or the ten commandants.

I would put it this way;

Judeo–Christian (sometimes written as Judaeo–Christian) refers to a set of beliefs and ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity. It is a common term in American cultural and political rhetoric. One definition appeared in a Washington Post editorial in 1991:

"In our country, ‘Judeo-Christian values’ is shorthand for a complex idea: the common culture of the American majority. The values are called Judeo-Christian because they derive from the complementary ideas of free will, the moral accountability of the individual rather than the group, the spiritual imperative of imperfect man’s struggle to do what is right and the existence of true moral law in the teachings of Christ and the Jewish prophets. Along with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, they are the political and cultural heritage of the Founding Fathers. The declaration and the Constitution define the source and the limits of state power. But they do not tell us how a moral life within this society should be led. While they have provided a durable structure for America’s success, only Judeo-Christian values, freely held by the majority, explain its continuing realization.

These values are not identical with the Christian religion, although they manifest its universal insights. Americans, as the Founding Fathers hoped, uphold the Constitution, but live according to “Judeo-Christian values."[1]

more here-


However, I do not see those as limited to the Judeo and Christian experience...they are found in one form or another in pretty much all the major and minor religions.

sure thats why they are universal, but not in governing foundation, and of course you are aware of whom they read and influenced them and, they were Christians, so their thoughts ran in that direction so to speak.

Locke Rousseau Hume et al all were European, and, they thought there was another dimension unexplored ( as bolded by you in my excerpt) along those universal lines to be made [in] practical governing principals and concept(s) .

Exactly, but let us also remember as Europeans at that time, they had to tip toe around the Church and the Monarchies in place....I believe Locke, in his writings, had to be very careful in not pissing off England's rulers and England's was in AMERICA where the influence of the home churches was weakest because of distance that the secular ideas of the Enlightenment could flourish in our new government.
And of course it's based on Christian tenets. All the founding fathers said so, and not even the Obama himself contradicts this well known fact.

List those Christian tenets:





Space for your daily negative rep: _______________________
So you are saying that the founding fathers, and every esteemed and learned person since then, who have all SAID the country was formed according to Christian precepts, were lying.

And you know better.

All hail bodecea. She's got it figured out. Just ignore those pesky facts.
And of course it's based on Christian tenets. All the founding fathers said so, and not even the Obama himself contradicts this well known fact.

List those Christian tenets:





Space for your daily negative rep: _______________________

I guess it wasn't big enough.

"And the ideals on which they framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — that man is subject to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, that God created man equal and endowed him with basic unalienable rights, that human nature is sinful and therefore government power must be carefully restrained by the Constitution — are ideals that they derived, directly or indirectly, from the Bible. Some of these ideals may be shared by those of other religious traditions. But the Founding Fathers, with few exceptions, did not read the Koran, or the Upanishads, or the Bagavigita. They read the Bible, and they heard the Bible preached on Sunday mornings."

Obama: America Not a Christian Nation
pursuit of happiness

You can run down the list of the top 10

no entangling alliances - those that live by the sword...

There's more than just a few.

But since men are highly flawed...
And of course it's based on Christian tenets. All the founding fathers said so, and not even the Obama himself contradicts this well known fact.

List those Christian tenets:





Space for your daily negative rep: _______________________

I guess it wasn't big enough.

"And the ideals on which they framed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution — that man is subject to the laws of nature and of nature’s God, that God created man equal and endowed him with basic unalienable rights, that human nature is sinful and therefore government power must be carefully restrained by the Constitution — are ideals that they derived, directly or indirectly, from the Bible. Some of these ideals may be shared by those of other religious traditions. But the Founding Fathers, with few exceptions, did not read the Koran, or the Upanishads, or the Bagavigita. They read the Bible, and they heard the Bible preached on Sunday mornings."

Obama: America Not a Christian Nation

The Koran is one of the books all Free Masons read. A large chunk of the Founders were Masons
1. Limited Federal Government
Then Christian tenets;
To Think for yourself
to have self government
to be responsible
to be accountable for your actions and words
to take care of your neighbors
to have values and character
However, I do not see those as limited to the Judeo and Christian experience...they are found in one form or another in pretty much all the major and minor religions.

sure thats why they are universal, but not in governing foundation, and of course you are aware of whom they read and influenced them and, they were Christians, so their thoughts ran in that direction so to speak.

Locke Rousseau Hume et al all were European, and, they thought there was another dimension unexplored ( as bolded by you in my excerpt) along those universal lines to be made [in] practical governing principals and concept(s) .

Exactly, but let us also remember as Europeans at that time, they had to tip toe around the Church and the Monarchies in place....I believe Locke, in his writings, had to be very careful in not pissing off England's rulers and England's was in AMERICA where the influence of the home churches was weakest because of distance that the secular ideas of the Enlightenment could flourish in our new government.

It appears you have not digested what I posted originally and what I have said, maybe I have said it badly- the founders intentions were to do exactly that, the “Not” Europe and to us take us away from the semi feudalism of Europe, where in the state drove society, but yet use the best principals of the "Western" culture as a forge to build a federal republic where in we would be imbued with those values, yet not have to have them codified.

It is no accident, and there is a reason as to why the codes of Hammurabi and the Ten commandants are engraved in the walls and doors of the Supreme Court yet many of their dictum are detailed or inscribed code in law but their 'virtues' aren't.

Their intentions are borne out by the excepts etc. I posted and their success realized by simply perusing a political map of Europe circa- 1800, 1900, 1950 and now.

Please read my original excerpt again as to intentions and influences, what you seem to want is exactly what , in 4 Bullets, they wished to avoid, you cannot bulletize virtue/morals/ethics etc. .
pursuit of happiness

You can run down the list of the top 10

no entangling alliances - those that live by the sword...

There's more than just a few.

But since men are highly flawed...

But...are those CHRISTIAN Tenets?
sure thats why they are universal, but not in governing foundation, and of course you are aware of whom they read and influenced them and, they were Christians, so their thoughts ran in that direction so to speak.

Locke Rousseau Hume et al all were European, and, they thought there was another dimension unexplored ( as bolded by you in my excerpt) along those universal lines to be made [in] practical governing principals and concept(s) .

Exactly, but let us also remember as Europeans at that time, they had to tip toe around the Church and the Monarchies in place....I believe Locke, in his writings, had to be very careful in not pissing off England's rulers and England's was in AMERICA where the influence of the home churches was weakest because of distance that the secular ideas of the Enlightenment could flourish in our new government.

It appears you have not digested what I posted originally and what I have said, maybe I have said it badly- the founders intentions were to do exactly that, the “Not” Europe and to us take us away from the semi feudalism of Europe, where in the state drove society, but yet use the best principals of the "Western" culture as a forge to build a federal republic where in we would be imbued with those values, yet not have to have them codified.

It is no accident, and there is a reason as to why the codes of Hammurabi and the Ten commandants are engraved in the walls and doors of the Supreme Court yet many of their dictum are detailed or inscribed code in law but their 'virtues' aren't.

Their intentions are borne out by the excepts etc. I posted and their success realized by simply perusing a political map of Europe circa- 1800, 1900, 1950 and now.

Please read my original excerpt again as to intentions and influences, what you seem to want is exactly what , in 4 Bullets, they wished to avoid, you cannot bulletize virtue/morals/ethics etc. .

4 bullets was just a suggestion, not a firm get a list started.

I still fail to see the Christian aspect of our founding tenets tho....sorry, really don't. From the look and behavior of our founders, the actual ideas they put is place were ideas put forth in opposition to the Christian ideas of the old world. Divine Right of Kings....gone. Christian enforcement by government...gone. Overlap of church and state...gone. Church courts...gone. Almost solid class structure based on birth, church status...gone. Patron saint of country...gone.
pursuit of happiness

You can run down the list of the top 10

no entangling alliances - those that live by the sword...

There's more than just a few.

But since men are highly flawed...

But...are those CHRISTIAN Tenets?

I think you are confusing christian with catholic church.

Most, if not all the founders were protestants.

Are what I listed just christian tenants? no idea, I'm not at all familiar with non-christian faith.

If you really wanted to know, it would take some work. Search qoutes in the Constitution then search the bible.

It shouldn't be overly hard online.
This thread and others are overflowing with the statements of the founding fathers who SAID THEY WERE BUILDING A COUNTRY UPON CHRISTIAN TENETS. They said it over and over. And over. And all those quotes (well many of them, not all...the site would crash) are here.

She's sticking to her guns..the founding fathers were deliberately lying when they said they were forming a nation based upon Christian values.

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