‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

Maybe you're not paying attention to all the news? Here's Fallwell Jr., encouraging students at Liberty University (that is supposed to be a Christian school) telling his students to get guns.....yeah, because Jesus taught us that we should shoot our enemies and forbid us to pray for them.

The trouble with Republican/conservatives that claim to be devout Christians is that they don't really know what Jesus taught. They're mostly full of hate for people they are afraid of and want to round them all up and kill them. That's real Christ-like.

Really, the suggested actions of some conservative psuedo Christians makes them just as bad as ISIS.

Those comments from Falwell -- a son of the late evangelist, conservative political activist and Liberty University founder -- spurred vigorous applause from thousands of students gathered Friday night for Liberty's weekly convocation. In a phone interview Saturday with CNN, Falwell said he wasn't talking about all Muslims, just those who perpetrate attacks.
Liberty U. president urges students to get guns

Luke 6:27-36

[27] "But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, [28] bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. [29] If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. [30] Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. [31] Do to others as you would have them do to you.
The Christian militia in Africa is a terrorist org. They kill muslims while claiming "ethnic cleansing"
Hell, I saw one run up to a child and slit his throat in the middle of a street. It was on video of course lol
"8. Three “Phineas Priests”: In 1996 three men, Charles Barbee, Robert Berry, and Jay Merelle, were charged with two bank robberies and bombings at the banks, a Spokane newspaper, and a Planned Parenthood office. The men were anti-Semetic Christian Identity theorists who believed God wanted them to carry out violent attacks.

7. Buffalo Abortion Doctor’s Murder: On October 23, 1998, Dr. Barnett Slepian was assassinated by James Charles Kopp. Kopp was affiliated with the Roman-Catholic anti-abortion group “The Lambs of Christ.”

5. George Tiller Murder: On May 9, 2009, Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion extremist, shot and killed Dr. Tiller, a late term abortion provider. Tiller had long been a target of the right-wing nuts; Bill O’Reilly even referred to him as “Tiller the baby killer.” In 1986 his office was firebombed and in 1993 he was shot five times by another Christian terrorist. It was really only a matter of time before the rhetoric on the right led to his death.

2. 1997 Olympic Bombing: Eric Robert Rudolph detonated a nail packed bomb at the 1997 Olympics held in Atlanta. The bomb killed one and injured more than 100. Rudolph wasn’t apprehended until 2003, and on his years on the run he carried out attacks on two abortion clinics and a gay bar. He was another follower of the anti-Semitic Christian Identity theology.
Christian Terror: 12 Examples Of Terrorism From The Right

Others on the list didn't make the case they were specificly Christian-motivated. Ones I include did.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

More hatred of Christians from the Obama Administration:

Three Persecuted Christian Families Flee Syria And Go To The US, The American Government Is Now Holding Them In Captivity And Refuses To Let Them Go Even Though It Has Been Proven That They Pose No Threat - Walid Shoebat
Title: ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

.... Kinda makes Robert Dear, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Shelley Shannon, Paul Jennings Hill, Michael Griffin, Matt Goldsby, Jimmy Simmons, Kathy Simmons, Kaye Wiggins, Joseph Grace, Reverend Edward Markley, Reverend John Earl, Clayton Waagner, the entities that encouraged them to their violence from the ACLA to the "Army of God" to "Rescue America", along with scores of perps that were never caught, hard to explain, donut?

Course, that's just in this country. TNH mentioned cases in Africa. You know, where they still burn witches?

Maybe you should devote some of that massive take-over-the-board caffeine intake to thinking it through before you embarrass yourself.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

More hatred of Christians from the Obama Administration:

Three Persecuted Christian Families Flee Syria And Go To The US, The American Government Is Now Holding Them In Captivity And Refuses To Let Them Go Even Though It Has Been Proven That They Pose No Threat - Walid Shoebat

I think the only hatred that is obvious in the US is that exhibited by many who claim to be Christian, who need guns to feel safe and advocate shooting Muslims, whether or not they had part in any crime. Why don't they suggest the same thing when "white males" do awful crimes....like the males in Aurora Colorado, Louisiana, South Carolina and Colorado Springs?

CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.
The Christian militia in Africa is a terrorist org. They kill muslims while claiming "ethnic cleansing"
Hell, I saw one run up to a child and slit his throat in the middle of a street. It was on video of course lol

Yes but most Africans in general are basically savages, the religion doesn't actually matter, it's the Centuries-old savage mentality that's still in them and will always be in them.

The Congo and Angola especially, those entire nations really just need to be levelled and left as complete wasteland.

The only relatively normal nations in Africa are Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda (post-lunatic Adi Amin) and Ethiopia (post-Commie Government That Was Directly Responsible For The Mega-Famine).
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

More hatred of Christians from the Obama Administration:

Three Persecuted Christian Families Flee Syria And Go To The US, The American Government Is Now Holding Them In Captivity And Refuses To Let Them Go Even Though It Has Been Proven That They Pose No Threat - Walid Shoebat

I think the only hatred that is obvious in the US is that exhibited by many who claim to be Christian, who need guns to feel safe and advocate shooting Muslims, whether or not they had part in any crime. Why don't they suggest the same thing when "white males" do awful crimes....like the males in Aurora Colorado, Louisiana, South Carolina and Colorado Springs?

CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

Perhaps because they need to feel safe due to the abundance of predominantly black males who tend to commit the most crimes, from robbery to rape to murder.

Also now with Black Lives Matter with their completely deranged and intense hatred of seemingly ALL white people, including the police, is it any wonder the members of the public who have guns really really want to keep them and also purchase more of them.
It wasn`t Christian motivated terrorism but our "shock and awe" in Iraq was terrorism. We didn`t like their president.
Yes but most Africans in general are basically savages, the religion doesn't actually matter, it's the Centuries-old savage mentality that's still in them and will always be in them.

Now THAT's funny. I should explain why as you're new here.

When the Islamobigot echo chamber around here starts sputtering about "honor killings" and FGM, trying to pin them on Islam, some of us who are actually awake point out that those are cultural traditions that long predate Islam and any other modern religion, and exist in defiance of all of them. I get lots of blowback, insisting these are "Muslim" practices -- even after proving and documenting to these yahoos that they can't be.

But here I see culture is back as a basis of argument. As long as it's convenient to be of course.

I just can't keep up. What is it, alternate Mondays?
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

So the white Christian Republican who shot all those babies at Sandy Hook wasn't a terrorist? Thank God. I feel much safer now.
First ever suicide bomber was a Christian.

Suicide Bombing: The First Was A Christian

"The first recorded suicide bombing came from Christian soldiers during the Crusades to free The Holy City of Jerusalem from the control of Muslim armies. During the Crusades, the Knights Templar destroyed one of their own ships with 140 Christians on board in order to kill 10 times as many Muslims in the opposing fleet."
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

More hatred of Christians from the Obama Administration:

Three Persecuted Christian Families Flee Syria And Go To The US, The American Government Is Now Holding Them In Captivity And Refuses To Let Them Go Even Though It Has Been Proven That They Pose No Threat - Walid Shoebat

I think the only hatred that is obvious in the US is that exhibited by many who claim to be Christian, who need guns to feel safe and advocate shooting Muslims, whether or not they had part in any crime. Why don't they suggest the same thing when "white males" do awful crimes....like the males in Aurora Colorado, Louisiana, South Carolina and Colorado Springs?

CHARLESTON, S.C. — The man she had married professed to be deeply religious. But after more than seven years with Robert L. Dear Jr., Barbara Micheau had come to see life with him as a kind of hell on earth.

Perhaps because they need to feel safe due to the abundance of predominantly black males who tend to commit the most crimes, from robbery to rape to murder.
You sound like one of Trump's droolers. He posted a stat on black crime that turned out to be false. And, white males commit robberies, rapes and murders.....I guess you think if they commit "fewer" then they are not as bad? That's funny.

Also now with Black Lives Matter with their completely deranged and intense hatred of seemingly ALL white people, including the police, is it any wonder the members of the public who have guns really really want to keep them and also purchase more of them.

Considering that white cops kill, arrest and abuse more blacks than whites, I can see why blacks would be given to anger. But, not all blacks are like that, just like not all cops are like that either....but this idea that all Muslims are bad because of the three idiots in San Bernardino is foolish. I don't see you labeling all white males as "bad" because of the shooter in Colorado, or the one in Louisiana or South Carolina and recently in Colorado Springs.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

Yes, there have been terrorists who call themselves Christian.

But there has never been a Christian terrorist.
Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

It's just so cuuuuuuuuute how you partisan hacks trying to score hack-points suddenly invest mass murderers, dictators, terrorists and general scumbags with traits of complete and total honesty when you think it will score you a field goal.

But let's play it your way -- Hitler also called himself a Christian who was 'finishing the work of the Lord '.

Your move, hack.
There are Christian terrorist organizations. Religious extremists in secular Western countries have been largely marginalized. In other less developed countries the threat is quite real. No religion is impervious to radicalization.
Yes but most Africans in general are basically savages, the religion doesn't actually matter, it's the Centuries-old savage mentality that's still in them and will always be in them.

Now THAT's funny. I should explain why as you're new here. When the Islamobigot echo chamber starts sputtering about "honor killings" and FGM, trying to pin them on Islam, some of us who are actually awake point out that those are cultural traditions that long predate Islam and any other modern religion, and exist in defiance of all of them.

But here I see culture is back as a basis of argument. As long as it's convenient to be of course.

I just can't keep up. What is it, alternate Mondays?

The thing is it appears to be only Muslims that practice these grotesque things, the FGM atrocity is committed by tens of thousands of them in our own Western nations, despite it being outlawed by 100% of Western nations.

I don't hear of any other peoples, let alone any other so-called religions committing the absolute evil that is FGM....do you?

Islam is a 7th Century creation, they unfortunately still follow this barbaric so-called religion, they adhere to all that Mohammed and The Qur'an teaches them....even the non-Radicals still believe in it and thus there's a fine line between being a Moderate and then going full-on into Radicalisation, and this is the fundamental problem, this is why Islam doesn't belong in the West. We're talking immense differences not only in Culture but in what is considered Civilisation.

Oil and water just don't mix. Islam and the West can't mix, it wants US to change essentially to accommodate IT and it's followers.

Christians follow the Bible, but we don't go about stoning those who commit adultery, nor do we gouge eyes out and that sort of grisly stuff, we don't do that grisly stuff anymore as being Western, we've developed both intellectually and in terms of civilisation.

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