‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

There's also the problem of the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the "Democratic Republic of Congo" and the former "German Democratic Republic". We point these out to said Revisionistas, and their response is to go :lalala: and dig deeper.

Sadly there is this contingent on this board that regards politics as not the workings of government but a giant football match wherein everyone is assigned a "side" and "my side" needs to outscore "your side", and to that end they'll stop at nothing, least of all the Doublethink required to post "Hitler was a leftist" with a straight face. But that's the motivation.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

How inconvenient for you that the first prisoners at Dachau were communists and socialists then.

"Socialism" was a new and trendy term at the time. And the term was already in the name of the party when Hitler joined it. He objected to it but went along with the name. It was good marketing.

If you're this degree of enslaved to taking names literally, diga me this ---

How many people comprise the rock band "10,000 Maniacs"?


This is 100% correct. Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau, the first camp opened in 1933 was primarily designed for "Enemies of The State". It's very first groupings of inmates were Communists, Socialists, Liberals, Trade Unionists.

The actual press statement regarding this reads (March 1933):

"On Wednesday the first concentration camp is to be opened in Dachau with an accommodation for 5000 people. 'All Communists and—where necessary—Reichsbanner and Social Democratic functionaries who endanger state security are to be concentrated here, as in the long run it is not possible to keep individual functionaries in the state prisons without overburdening these prisons, and on the other hand these people cannot be released because attempts have shown that they persist in their efforts to agitate and organize as soon as they are released."

Re. Social Democratic. This was of course the SPD, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, founded in 1875 and the main Leftist political party in Germany and a member of Socialist International.

Hitler banned the SPD in 1933, all members were arrested or shot, some members fled abroad to Praha then later to Paris then later to London, where they operated using the name Sopade.

The Reichsbanner, they were a sort of military unit of the Leftists, founded if I remember in 1924 and banned by Hitler in 1933. The Reichsbanner, who were obviously supported by the SPD, were founded to defend the DISASTER THAT WAS THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC from attempted overthrow from Monarchists and Fascists.

The Right had the Freikorps, Himmler, Ernst Röhm, Rudolf Höß amongst others who joined the NSDAP came from the Freikorps.

A variety of Clergy were imprisoned at Dachau also, nearly 3,000. Protestants, Greek Orthodox, Old Catholics and Mariavites and Muslims.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

They were against Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, they considered all of them equally wrong. The Nazi's were for what was termed a "Third Way".

The Nazi's were what today we would call Far-Right and Fascist in actual fact back then they were termed Extreme Right and Fascist.

Here in Europe Nazism and Fascism in general was and has always been on the Far-Right of the political spectrum.

Here in Europe

That's true here too. Except for the revisionists on message boards. They've run this ploy before, and they're still running it over and over, expecting different results. I'm afraid the Ministry of Truth works overtime around here.

I'm on the Right, but I'm European....Anglo-Austrian, so being European obviously I like my European brothers and sisters, are extremely well-versed on this topic....we know a Leftist from a Fascist and we know a Socialist from a Fascist.

It's all rather bizarre that some American's actually believe that the NSDAP were a Socialist Party.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

There's also the problem of the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", the "Democratic Republic of Congo" and the former "German Democratic Republic". We point these out to said Revisionistas, and their response is to go :lalala: and dig deeper.

Sadly there is this contingent on this board that regards politics as not the workings of government but a giant football match wherein everyone is assigned a "side" and "my side" needs to outscore "your side", and to that end they'll stop at nothing, least of all the Doublethink required to post "Hitler was a leftist" with a straight face. But that's the motivation.

Gosh, with Korea and the Congo, let's just NOT go there! :eek-52:

Yes I just commented, all very odd this "Hitler was a Leftist" thing....I'm telling you, if someone stood on any street anywhere in Europa, well they'd certainly be openly laughed at by 99.9% of the people.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

They were against Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, they considered all of them equally wrong. The Nazi's were for what was termed a "Third Way".

The Nazi's were what today we would call Far-Right and Fascist in actual fact back then they were termed Extreme Right and Fascist.

Here in Europe Nazism and Fascism in general was and has always been on the Far-Right of the political spectrum.

Here in Europe

That's true here too. Except for the revisionists on message boards. They've run this ploy before, and they're still running it over and over, expecting different results. I'm afraid the Ministry of Truth works overtime around here.

Of course, the obvious thing should be....were the NSDAP Socialists then they themselves would have put themselves in KZ Dachau, utterly absurd thought.
I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

They were against Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, they considered all of them equally wrong. The Nazi's were for what was termed a "Third Way".

The Nazi's were what today we would call Far-Right and Fascist in actual fact back then they were termed Extreme Right and Fascist.

Here in Europe Nazism and Fascism in general was and has always been on the Far-Right of the political spectrum.

Here in Europe

That's true here too. Except for the revisionists on message boards. They've run this ploy before, and they're still running it over and over, expecting different results. I'm afraid the Ministry of Truth works overtime around here.

Of course, the obvious thing should be....were the NSDAP Socialists then they themselves would have put themselves in KZ Dachau, utterly absurd thought.

Monty Python should have thought of that one. :lol:

But of course that wouldn't occur to them (or anyone) without the Revisionistas and their bizarre Doublethink uh, habits.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't find it snarky at all. Of course the depth of contempt I have for bed wetting libturds penetrates the core of the earth.

The moongod of the "profit" muhamhead was not a deity. If there was any supernatural influence when islime was shat upon the earth, it was the work of satan.

One point the article makes that I have to expound upon, when someone kills people at a planned murderhood clinic, they have to be Christian according to bed wetters, I don't know if that asshole called himself one or not.

Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

Jihadists call themselves islamic, bed wetters insist they're not.

Maybe regressive lunatics shouldn't be listened to, they should just be defeated because they don't know shit about shit.

The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

I forgot, the reason why the NSDAP were so against Capitalism is because it's considered a uniquely Jewish invention and concept. That all banks tended to be Jewish ie. Lehman Brothers (est. 1850), Goldman Sachs (est. 1869), M. M. Warburg & Co. (est. 1798) and the myriad of Red Shields aka Rothschilds.

Also Wall Street described as being in the grip of International Judentum by the Alt Reichskanzlei at Wilhelmstraße 77 and then at the Neu Reichskanzlei Voßstraße.

This is why Capitalism was a no-no.

To be perfectly honest I myself have an exceptional low opinion of bankers in general and I'm very anti-Globalisation, which I think is basically a disaster for much of this world.
The Nazi's weren't actual Socialists though, were they darling? I'm well on the Right, so I'm not what you refer to as a "bedwetter".

It's just a name, The National Socialist German Workers Party. The main Conservative party in Japan are called the Liberal Democrats, the main Conservative party in Australia are called The Liberal Party of Australia, the main Conservative party in Germany are called The Christian Democratic Union and the party I support are called The Christian Social Union, the main Right-Wing party in Sweden are called The Swedish Democrats.

So it's just a name....none of the above are Socialist, Liberal or Democratic, the latter as understood by Americans ie. Democratic/Democrats.

The Nazi's established a government that nationalized industry, controlled production and wages, rationed luxury items, provided "universal health care" and regulated who could own things like weapons and property.

They may have not been "socialist" in your perspective, but for damn sure they were not free market capitalists. They had far more in common with collectivist ecomies than they had with ours. I know you're not a bed wetter, and I don't think you're trying to say they were "right wing".

They were against Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, they considered all of them equally wrong. The Nazi's were for what was termed a "Third Way".

The Nazi's were what today we would call Far-Right and Fascist in actual fact back then they were termed Extreme Right and Fascist.

Here in Europe Nazism and Fascism in general was and has always been on the Far-Right of the political spectrum.

Here in Europe

That's true here too. Except for the revisionists on message boards. They've run this ploy before, and they're still running it over and over, expecting different results. I'm afraid the Ministry of Truth works overtime around here.

Of course, the obvious thing should be....were the NSDAP Socialists then they themselves would have put themselves in KZ Dachau, utterly absurd thought.

Monty Python should have thought of that one. :lol:

But of course that wouldn't occur to them (or anyone) without the Revisionistas and their bizarre Doublethink uh, habits.

Lol, yes it's ready-made for Monty Python.
I'm on the Right, but I'm European....Anglo-Austrian

Well your perspective's certainly of value here, so belated welcome, as I didn't see you come in.

Personally I don't care if a poster's left or right, only that they're honest.

--- And the next post will demonstrate what happens when they're not.
Last edited:
I'm on the Right, but I'm European....Anglo-Austrian

Well your perspective's certainly of value here, so belated welcome, as I didn't see you come in.

Personally I don't care if a poster's left or right, only that they're honest.

--- And the next post will demonstrate what happens when they're not.

Thanks for the welcome :)

I agree, I think honesty is very important, even if saying something goes against my own personal politics.
So the white Christian Republican who shot all those babies at Sandy Hook wasn't a terrorist? Thank God. I feel much safer now.

The sort of person who commits such an atrocity has psychological problems, their religion and politics has nothing to do with it.

As an Eastern Orthodox Christian myself, I know of nowhere in my Bible where it advocates committing such a massacre of innocents such as Sandy Hook or indeed anywhere else.

The only time you'll get immense amounts of Christians and probably all religions except Islam and even Athiests and Agnostics going forth to commit massacres is in the event The West has to have one Final Crusade if the Radical Islam crowd go absolutely full-on across The West and in that sort of situation it'll be kill or be killed, there simply isn't going to be any other choice at that point.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't see Christians invading countries like Iraq....oh, wait......
Nazis called themselves socialists, bed wetters insist they're not.

It's just so cuuuuuuuuute how you partisan hacks trying to score hack-points suddenly invest mass murderers, dictators, terrorists and general scumbags with traits of complete and total honesty when you think it will score you a field goal.

But let's play it your way -- Hitler also called himself a Christian who was 'finishing the work of the Lord '.

Your move, hack.

Yes the NSDAP began as Christian, predominantly Roman Catholic. However eventually the NSDAP gave up on Christianity as it was thought to invoke man's weakness, this was also the view earlier of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.

Most of the NSDAP after a certain period and something like 80% of the almost exclusively Roman Catholic Schutzstaffel (SS) considered themselves Gottgläubig, which translates as "believing in God", that's believing in God but rejecting any sort of affiliation with the Christian religion itself.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

I don't see Christians invading countries like Iraq....oh, wait......

The invasion of Iraq wasn't a Christian invasion, it was I believe like many do simply an oil thing. It certainly had nothing to do with either religion nor 9/11. It was a trumped-up invasion to grab oil and of course it's all gone horribly wrong on every level.
The Christian militia in Africa is a terrorist org. They kill muslims while claiming "ethnic cleansing"
Hell, I saw one run up to a child and slit his throat in the middle of a street. It was on video of course lol
Those so-called Christian terrorists are violently reacting to the violence perpetrated against them by the Islamists.
What's good for one is good for the other.
90 percent of their violence came from Christian elected, Christian dictators. Try again?
Well, TNHarley (aka: Achmed/Muhammad), you're using Taqiyya to distract from the truth that the initial provocations came from Islamists. Nice try.
Amen! I don't see devout Baptist bursting into a Lutheran church and shooting it up with assault weapons. I don't see Roman Catholics strapping on bomb vests and going into crowded shopping malls to commit suicide – leading to a glory path to the Pearly Gates. I don't see Sunday Schools teaching that all non-Christians are infidels and deserve to be massacred.

Workplace violence strikes again. “Allahu Akbar!” evidently means, “I quit,” and pipe bombs are the new resignation letter. Southern Baptist redneck Syed Rizwan Farook and his Irish Catholic wife, Tashfeen Malik, are reported to have been inexplicably in touch with ambiguously international, not-at-all-Islam-related terrorists under investigation by the FBI prior to mowing down 35 white-privileged American citizens at a Christmas party in San Bernardino, California.

A bit on the snarky side but quite apt. Read the full story @ ‘Christian Terrorists’ Don’t Exist

Yes, there have been terrorists who call themselves Christian.

But there has never been a Christian terrorist.
And there aren't any Christian charities or churches radicalizing or funding people to go out and kill innocents. You won't hear Christian preachers telling their congregation to kill muslims. You won't find any Christian charity that is funneling money into the hands of terrorists.

That's all Islam.


Comparing Jesus and Muhammad, Christianity and Islam
"8. Three “Phineas Priests”: In 1996 three men, Charles Barbee, Robert Berry, and Jay Merelle, were charged with two bank robberies and bombings at the banks, a Spokane newspaper, and a Planned Parenthood office. The men were anti-Semetic Christian Identity theorists who believed God wanted them to carry out violent attacks.

7. Buffalo Abortion Doctor’s Murder: On October 23, 1998, Dr. Barnett Slepian was assassinated by James Charles Kopp. Kopp was affiliated with the Roman-Catholic anti-abortion group “The Lambs of Christ.”

5. George Tiller Murder: On May 9, 2009, Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion extremist, shot and killed Dr. Tiller, a late term abortion provider. Tiller had long been a target of the right-wing nuts; Bill O’Reilly even referred to him as “Tiller the baby killer.” In 1986 his office was firebombed and in 1993 he was shot five times by another Christian terrorist. It was really only a matter of time before the rhetoric on the right led to his death.

2. 1997 Olympic Bombing: Eric Robert Rudolph detonated a nail packed bomb at the 1997 Olympics held in Atlanta. The bomb killed one and injured more than 100. Rudolph wasn’t apprehended until 2003, and on his years on the run he carried out attacks on two abortion clinics and a gay bar. He was another follower of the anti-Semitic Christian Identity theology.
Christian Terror: 12 Examples Of Terrorism From The Right

Others on the list didn't make the case they were specificly Christian-motivated. Ones I include did.

There are nut cases in every walk of life regardless what they call themselves or who they claim to be, but in reality they do whatever it is they do because they are deceived and deluded.
The Christian militia in Africa is a terrorist org. They kill muslims while claiming "ethnic cleansing"
Hell, I saw one run up to a child and slit his throat in the middle of a street. It was on video of course lol
Those so-called Christian terrorists are violently reacting to the violence perpetrated against them by the Islamists.
What's good for one is good for the other.
90 percent of their violence came from Christian elected, Christian dictators. Try again?
Well, TNHarley (aka: Achmed/Muhammad), you're using Taqiyya to distract from the truth that the initial provocations came from Islamists. Nice try.
Even if, wouldn't the Christians want to be better? Instead, they are just as savage as the Muslims.
Pathetic either way you look at it. And for you to sit there and defend them... Sad
They were against Communism, Socialism and Capitalism, they considered all of them equally wrong. The Nazi's were for what was termed a "Third Way".

The Nazi's were what today we would call Far-Right and Fascist in actual fact back then they were termed Extreme Right and Fascist.

Here in Europe Nazism and Fascism in general was and has always been on the Far-Right of the political spectrum.

Here in Europe

I don't know how the political spectrum in Europe works, but "right wingers" here are opposed to authoritarian government. The bed wetters want cradle to grave care from a nanny state, and want someone else to pay for it.

The Nazi's certainly had more in common with the democrook party than with anything I would vote for. The reason they locked up commies and such, is because these groups were competing for the same sort of people. Those who look to government for everything. They weren't being locked up because their policies conflicted entirely. The Nazi's were nationalists, the commies are globalists.

Libturdism, fascism, nazism, and socialism are all founded in the same sort of regressive dogma inspired by psuedo-intellectual pinheads of western acedemia from the late 1800's through the early 1900's. Shit like single payer healthcare, eugenics, and nationalizing of industry are all tenets of leftist psycobabble. They may be practiced to different degrees, but the bottom line is they're all asinine ideas.


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