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Obama: The Chicago Farewell

This speech is what Trump wishes he could give.

The biggest applause was when Obama said leading the military was the one thing he was most proud of. Talking about his admiration for those who served.

Remember, in WWII, there were over 41,000 Americans that became POW's. Half held by Japan died from torture and mistreatment. Don't ever forget, Donald Trump said he likes people that weren't captured. Don't ever forget that.

Trump puts his foot in his mouth now and then but even the slowest of rubes would know trump was referring to his feuding with John McCain. real bad choice of words on the spur of the moment yes, but unless Trump has some history somewhere of putting down US military members, your fears are pretty unfounded.
Hussaine said "middle aged white guys" are confused by technology. Hey Hussaine, hate to break it to you , but white guys invented pretty much everything in existence you stupid Kenyan douchebag!
Hussaine said "middle aged white guys" are confused by technology. Hey Hussaine, hate to break it to you , but white guys invented pretty much everything in existence you stupid Kenyan douchebag!

i didnt listen to a word he said


from what i have scanned through

not many did tune him in

I haven't listened to the self absorbed dickhead in years. Why start now.
The obongo blowhard will tell the left how great he was and the rest of us will send him to the historical ash bin as worse then carter...

The Chicago Farewell
A more dangerous nation is the president’s legacy.
January 4, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


“On Tuesday, January 10,” President Obama said Monday in Hawaii, “I’ll go home to Chicago to say my grateful farewell to you, even if you can’t be there in person.” The president sees his remarks “as a chance to say thank you for this amazing journey, to celebrate the ways you’ve changed this country for the better these past eight years, and to offer some thoughts on where we all go from here.”

Since 2009, the president added, “we’ve faced our fair share of challenges, and come through them stronger. That’s because we have never let go of a belief that has guided us ever since our founding—our conviction that, together, we can change this country for the better.”

The president’s chosen venue of Chicago certainly isn’t much better. In 2016 a full 762 homicides took place in Chicago, up from 485 in 2015 and the biggest increase in 60 years. The 762 homicides, an increase of 57 percent, are more than New York and Los Angeles combined. In Chicago, shootings also jumped 46 percent to 3,550, and most of the victims lived in poor and minority neighborhoods. True to form, on this president’s watch, the entire nation has become a more dangerous place.

The president supports the Black Lives Matter narrative that racist cops are out to gun down African Americans. The president has hosted leaders of this hatemongering group, which celebrates the killing of police officers. In 2016, at least 64 law enforcement officers have been shot and killed, the most in five years. In July, Micah Xavier Johnson assassinated five police officers in Dallas, Texas.

President Obama wants to admit more Islamic refugees, whether or not they are sufficiently vetted, and this has made universities more dangerous. Last November Abdul Razak Ali Artan, a Muslim refugee from Somalia, rammed his car into a building at Ohio State University then began stabbing people, injuring 13.

American nightclubs are also more dangerous, as Omar Mateen killed 50 people at the Pulse club in Orlando, Florida. It was the deadliest mass shooting in American history, but not the only one. In December of 2015, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik gunned down 14 innocents at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California.

As police learned, Farook and Malik had plans to attack schools and motorists on the freeway. In similar style, sporting events have also become a target-rich environment for terrorists. The 2013 Boston Marathon bombers were two Muslims from southern Russia, Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his brother Dzhokhar.

On President Obama’s watch, even U.S. military bases have become sites of terror attacks. At Ford Hood in 2009, self-described “Soldier of Allah” Nidal Hasan gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers while screaming “Allahu Akbar!” Nidal’s attack claimed twice as many casualties as the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. The Fort Hood victims included private Francheska Velez, 21, pregnant and preparing to go home.


He will remain in Washington and many expect him to be an activist ex-president in the mold of Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter, whom Steven Hayward profiled in The Real Jimmy Carter as the nation’s worst ex-president. Obama has a tough act to follow but he’s well trained for the task.

The Chicago Farewell

what's obongo, moron?
This, obongo/moron...:afro:
Obama’s Last-Minute Power Grab Seeks to Control Future Elections
Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you have to make one up.
Trey Sanchez

Democrats love a good crisis. Rahm Emanuel once said, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” And where there is no crisis they can point to, they make one up.

With a little over a week to go before President Obama vacates the White House, he’s doing all he can under his executive authority to cram through as many last-minute “midnight regulations” as he can whether the perceived threat is real or not. In this case, the Obama administration has declared that America’s election system is vulnerable to foreign cyber attack and the president must step in to protect the legitimacy of future elections.

The Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson released a fear-mongering report on Russia’s alleged hacking of the November election and is using it as a smokescreen to give the federal government more power over state and local elections. This unconstitutional move based only on allegations would remove state sovereignty by declaring local systems “pieces of critical infrastructure” to be mandated and overseen by DHS. State officials aren’t happy with that possibility.

“[Obama’s executive actions] uses security as an excuse to subvert the Constitution and establish the basis for federal encroachment into election systems,” Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp said.

Democrat Vermont Secretary of State Jim Candos spoke to Politico, “What I think a lot of folks get concerned about; when the federal government says, ‘Well, look, we’re not really interested in doing that, but we just want to give you this,’ and then all of a sudden this leads to something else.”

The secretaries of each state run the local elections, and each one of them knows that a “decentralized U.S. election system makes large-scale hacking almost impossible,” as National Review’s John Fund stated.

There’s zero proof that Russia hacked the election signal and changed a single vote from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. This is political theater; nothing but sour grapes by the Democrats who can’t stomach that America and the Electoral College chose Trump and so, they need something or someone to blame.

However, the Obama administration needs only to look inward to see it has left classified information accessible to hackers on several occasions (Secretary Clinton, anyone?) and that alone disqualifies them from even suggesting the federal government intervene in local elections. Fund wrote:


Obama’s entire presidency has been one circumvention of the Constitution after another. This last-minute power grab is just another example of his thirst to secure his legacy.

Obama’s Last-Minute Power Grab Seeks to Control Future Elections
Farewell, Radical-in-Chief
Obama says goodbye to a nation he despises.
January 11, 2017
Matthew Vadum

President Barack Hussein Obama bid farewell last night to the nation he despises in what was, for him, a mercifully brief speech.

“America is a better, stronger place than it was when we started,” he said in all apparent seriousness.

After sending aid and comfort to an Islamic supremacist dictator in Egypt, he falsely claimed to have pulled the rug out from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear weapon program. The Nobel Peace Prize winner left out how his illegal war destabilized Libya and the fact that the U.S. military deeply distrusts him.

He pretended the economy is going gangbusters while leaving out the fact that nine days away from his departure from the Oval Office, his signature legislative accomplishment, Obamacare, is collapsing as insurers run away from the so-called insurance exchanges. He acted as if fighting alleged manmade global warming was more important than just about everything.

It some ways it wasn’t much different than the warm and fuzzy victory speech the Divider-in-Chief gave in Chicago in 2008, except in this speech he got to lie about his record while throwing in cheap shots against his critics and the incoming president. (A transcript of Obama’s final great oratorical atrocity is available here.)

In a forum resplendent with the echo-acoustics our megalomaniacal president prefers, the pathologically dishonest Obama tried last night to cast himself as a unifying figure:


“After my election there was talk of a post-racial America,” the president said. “And such a vision however well-intended was never realistic. Race remains a potent and divisive force in our society.”

It also remains Democrats' meal ticket as they race-bait across the fruited plain in search of votes. Obama harnessed race as an issue precisely because he knew how “potent and divisive” a force it could be in our society.

He deliberately made things worse in order to advance his twisted, un-American policy agenda. He created turmoil and chaos and didn’t hesitate to spawn race riots. His Justice Department refused to enforce civil rights laws when the victims were white.

The black community, which Obama claims to champion, is worse off. Income and employment is down in recent years and food stamp use is exploding. The national economy, which affects all races, is hobbling along, expanding at anemic European rates, while the national debt has roughly doubled.

Obama is proud that he has exacerbated tension between blacks and whites. He brought Black Lives Matter, whose supporters kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man live on Facebook, into the White House for tea and crumpets. He even blamed five Dallas cops for their own murder last year at the hands of a Black Lives Matter-inspired sniper.


While Obama has been in the White House, there has been “a net loss of 1,042 state and federal Democratic posts, including congressional and state legislative seats, governorships and the presidency,” according to one tally.

Democratic U.S. Senate seats plummeted from 55 to 46. House Democrats fell from 256 seats to 194. Republicans now control both chambers of Congress and in a few days, the presidency. There were 28 Democrat governors; now there are 16.

After the farewell address, on Fox News Channel Sean Hannity asked radio host Larry Elder what Obama’s legacy would be.

“His legacy is Donald J. Trump,” Elder replied.

Farewell, Radical-in-Chief
Yes Obama will soon be just a footnote in history!

He will go down as the first half white president and that will be his legacy!

Well other than making race relations worse, the middle worse, unaffordable health insurance, bailing out banks and wall street, etc..

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