Christian values

I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.
I should have known better than to believe a lying sack of shit republican or christian. I wanted to see if it was true that government was forcing churches to perform gay marriages.

I found this half truth, which as far as I'm concerned is a lie. If they don't tell all the facts, they are misleading liars.

Local Government Orders Christian Ministers: Perform Same-Sex Weddings or Face Jail, Fines

But then I have to go to god damn snopes to find out the whole truth.

But the chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
They are if they are running a for profit business.

The chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.

How can we return to Christian values if we haven't left them? You're not making sense.

"We" haven't left Christian Values.

"We" are merely temporarily saddled with a Godless Cult in power at the highest levels of US Government... which is working itself out. Once the US Economy tanks again... and the US Government, as operated by the Ideological Left finally tanks... the supply chain dries up, the US Will erupt into civil war and Christian values will return, in the absence of the Godless left.

There is nothing in Christ's teaching, which sets the Christian up for suicide. THAT tab was paid in full... .
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
They are if they are running a for profit business.

The chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
That's pretty good, silly dodo. You're bringing up a case I wasn't even aware of.

Is a straw man something like a half truth?
Stating a moral code and BEING A MORAL CODE are two entirely different things.

You and your coven mates have proven that throughout this thread through your inability to answer the standing queries.

If it helps, I've presented that same challenge thousands of times and to date, not a single valid response has come forth on any of dozens of sites.

How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..
Stating a moral code and BEING A MORAL CODE are two entirely different things.

You and your coven mates have proven that throughout this thread through your inability to answer the standing queries.

If it helps, I've presented that same challenge thousands of times and to date, not a single valid response has come forth on any of dozens of sites.

How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..

No such thing

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values
The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

Perhaps people would take your points more seriously if you showed any knowledge about any religion
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
They are if they are running a for profit business.

The chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
That's pretty good, silly dodo. You're bringing up a case I wasn't even aware of.

Is a straw man something like a half truth?

First, ya need to realize that you're arguing with a Relativist. Such would-be 'people', reject the very existence of objectivity, thus lack the means to so much as recognize 'truth'. As a result, they lack any sense of trust... given that truth is an essential element of trust. Due to this debilitating disorder, they are incapable of coming to any understanding of a soundly reasoned morality... as this thread proves in spades.

And where a 'people' lack the means to recognize morality, they are incapable of knowing justice.

We're watching this consequence play out in the communist centers in the North-East, which long ago infected the mid-west, where we seeing riots across St. Louis and runaway murder in Chicago.

There's truly nothing complex about any of this, it is just frustrating when ya try to explain it to the intellectually less fortunate... and ever more so when ya forget that they're incapable of understanding any of it.
How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..
How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..

No such thing

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values
The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

Perhaps people would take your points more seriously if you showed any knowledge about any religion
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
They are if they are running a for profit business.

The chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
That's pretty good, silly dodo. You're bringing up a case I wasn't even aware of.

Is a straw man something like a half truth?

First, ya need to realize that you're arguing with a Relativist. Such would-be 'people', reject the very existence of objectivity, thus lack the means to so much as recognize 'truth'. As a result, they lack any sense of trust... given that truth is an essential element of trust. Due to this debilitating disorder, they are incapable of coming to any understanding of a soundly reasoned morality... as this thread proves in spades.

And where a 'people' lack the means to recognize morality, they are incapable of knowing justice.

We're watching this consequence play out in the communist centers in the North-East, which long ago infected the mid-west, where we seeing riots across St. Louis and runaway murder in Chicago.

There's truly nothing complex about any of this, it is just frustrating when ya try to explain it to the intellectually less fortunate... and ever more so when ya forget that they're incapable of understanding any of it.
I'm not arguing with him. He's having his own conversation.
How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..
How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..

No such thing

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values
The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

Perhaps people would take your points more seriously if you showed any knowledge about any religion
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
They are if they are running a for profit business.

The chapel is also registered as a for-profit business — not as a church or place of worship — and city officials said that means the owners must comply with a local nondiscrimination ordinance.
Read more at Idaho Ministers Forced to Officiate Gay Weddings
That's pretty good, silly dodo. You're bringing up a case I wasn't even aware of.

Is a straw man something like a half truth?

First, ya need to realize that you're arguing with a Relativist. Such would-be 'people', reject the very existence of objectivity, thus lack the means to so much as recognize 'truth'. As a result, they lack any sense of trust... given that truth is an essential element of trust. Due to this debilitating disorder, they are incapable of coming to any understanding of a soundly reasoned morality... as this thread proves in spades.

And where a 'people' lack the means to recognize morality, they are incapable of knowing justice.

We're watching this consequence play out in the communist centers in the North-East, which long ago infected the mid-west, where we seeing riots across St. Louis and runaway murder in Chicago.

There's truly nothing complex about any of this, it is just frustrating when ya try to explain it to the intellectually less fortunate... and ever more so when ya forget that they're incapable of understanding any of it.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.

Huh... God is energy. Thus he exist across the entire spectrum, all spectrums.

And if it makes you feel any better about it, you being saddled with a lessor color isn't what precludes you from being capable of sound reason... that's merely the evil that animates you.
They are if they are running a for profit business.


How precious is THAT?

"Rights according to Relativism: You got Rights, unless you're in business!"


You can NOT make this crap up!
Don't talk to me talk to the law in that state.

If you are a church you can discriminate if you're a for profit business you can't.

Don't like the law? Challenge it.
They are if they are running a for profit business.


How precious is THAT?

"Rights according to Relativism: You got Rights, unless you're in business!"


You can NOT make this crap up!
Don't talk to me talk to the law in that state.

If you are a church you can discriminate if you're a for profit business you can't.

Don't like the law? Challenge it.

I don't get my rights from the State or 'the states'. Therefore I do not consult either, regarding my rights.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.

Huh... God is energy. Thus he exist across the entire spectrum, all spectrums.

And if it makes you feel any better about it, you being saddled with a lessor color isn't what precludes you from being capable of sound reason... that's merely the evil that animates you.
Can you explain scientifically how your color is a greater color?
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.

Huh... God is energy. Thus he exist across the entire spectrum, all spectrums.

And if it makes you feel any better about it, you being saddled with a lessor color isn't what precludes you from being capable of sound reason... that's merely the evil that animates you.
Can you explain scientifically how your color is a greater color?

Yes... empirical evidence provides that the color associated with the greatest peace and prosperity is preferred over colors commonly associated with lessor desired states.

Again... there's nothing particularly complex about any of this... it only appears to be so to those of you of a lower intellectual perspective.
They are if they are running a for profit business.


How precious is THAT?

"Rights according to Relativism: You got Rights, unless you're in business!"


You can NOT make this crap up!
Don't talk to me talk to the law in that state.

If you are a church you can discriminate if you're a for profit business you can't.

Don't like the law? Challenge it.

I don't get my rights from the State or 'the states'. Therefore I do not consult either, regarding my rights.
Sure you do. If we were Iran you'd have the right to be a Muslim only.

And if Christians had their way this would be the Christian equivalent.

You only have the right to a gun because your country or government says its OK.
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.

Huh... God is energy. Thus he exist across the entire spectrum, all spectrums.

And if it makes you feel any better about it, you being saddled with a lessor color isn't what precludes you from being capable of sound reason... that's merely the evil that animates you.
Can you explain scientifically how your color is a greater color?

Yes... empirical evidence provides that the color associated with the greatest peace and prosperity is preferred over colors commonly associated with lessor desired states.
So Chinese is the best?
Right. White People values. The only kind, the only kind that matter anyway.

Yes... exactly, white people's values; the only kind that actually work; thus the only kind that work.

Ya see scamp... 'work' means 'viable' in white people words.

Does that help?

Or were you under the impression that multi-culturalism was, first a word... and second, that it was a valid, sustainable concept; or as you would put it: somethin' that werks'.
God is not a white dude.

Huh... God is energy. Thus he exist across the entire spectrum, all spectrums.

And if it makes you feel any better about it, you being saddled with a lessor color isn't what precludes you from being capable of sound reason... that's merely the evil that animates you.
God does not like being called energy.

Apparently you are the one who was saddled with a color as it has corrupted your mind.
They are if they are running a for profit business.


How precious is THAT?

"Rights according to Relativism: You got Rights, unless you're in business!"


You can NOT make this crap up!
Don't talk to me talk to the law in that state.

If you are a church you can discriminate if you're a for profit business you can't.

Don't like the law? Challenge it.

I don't get my rights from the State or 'the states'. Therefore I do not consult either, regarding my rights.
You don't really even have the right to life. If this country or your government started a war with China and needed you to run towards the bunker knowing full well you would die or be mowed down you would have no right to say no

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