Christian values

"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.
Again, Christians have no 'monopoly' on values and morality, and the notion that Christian values are the 'best ever invented' is clearly untrue.

Moreover, the issue isn't whether 'most' Christians abide by their values, but that far too many Christians fail to apply those values consistently in everyday life.

For example, there are 'Christians' advocating that innocent children be denied their citizenship and expelled from their home country for no other reason than their parent's immigration status.

Such advocacy is not only reprehensible, but clearly contrary to Christian values; indeed, there are non-Christians who understand and acknowledge how wrong and immoral this is.

So much for 'Christian values.'
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.

One of the reasons Christianity has been so popular is that it allows you to murder someone, go to church on Sunday or speak to the priest, and everything is forgiven. It's the ultimate chocolate of the religious world. Islam requires fasting. It requires praying 5 times a day. It requires not drinking alcohol. Islam requires not eating stuff and praying too. Christianity requires that you feel good about doing bad stuff.
Spoken like a true ignoramus who has had a spectacularly limited education.

Please, do tell me what my education is.

I'm just wondering why you think someone whose argument is just to insult would have a higher standard of education than someone who doesn't.

Oh, who gives a shit. I'll just stick you on ignore. I won't be missing anything good.
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.

One of the reasons Christianity has been so popular is that it allows you to murder someone, go to church on Sunday or speak to the priest, and everything is forgiven. It's the ultimate chocolate of the religious world. Islam requires fasting. It requires praying 5 times a day. It requires not drinking alcohol. Islam requires not eating stuff and praying too. Christianity requires that you feel good about doing bad stuff.
Spoken like a true ignoramus who has had a spectacularly limited education.

Please, do tell me what my education is.

I'm just wondering why you think someone whose argument is just to insult would have a higher standard of education than someone who doesn't.

Oh, who gives a shit. I'll just stick you on ignore. I won't be missing anything good.
I imagine you ignore most things that don't fit your narrow, ignorant vision. Nobody who has been exposed to any history or who had ever made even a casual study of Christianity would make the ridiculous comments you do.
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.

One of the reasons Christianity has been so popular is that it allows you to murder someone, go to church on Sunday or speak to the priest, and everything is forgiven. It's the ultimate chocolate of the religious world. Islam requires fasting. It requires praying 5 times a day. It requires not drinking alcohol. Islam requires not eating stuff and praying too. Christianity requires that you feel good about doing bad stuff.
Spoken like a true ignoramus who has had a spectacularly limited education.

Please, do tell me what my education is.

I'm just wondering why you think someone whose argument is just to insult would have a higher standard of education than someone who doesn't.

Oh, who gives a shit. I'll just stick you on ignore. I won't be missing anything good.
I imagine you ignore most things that don't fit your narrow, ignorant vision. Nobody who has been exposed to any history or who had ever made even a casual study of Christianity would make the ridiculous comments you do.

I ignore insulters. Simple as.
What we is a good old fashioned Jewish revival, since Christianity was a Jewish splinter group with idols to pray to.
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.
Better than the Internet's?
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.

One of the reasons Christianity has been so popular is that it allows you to murder someone, go to church on Sunday or speak to the priest, and everything is forgiven. It's the ultimate chocolate of the religious world. Islam requires fasting. It requires praying 5 times a day. It requires not drinking alcohol. Islam requires not eating stuff and praying too. Christianity requires that you feel good about doing bad stuff.
Spoken like a true ignoramus who has had a spectacularly limited education.

Please, do tell me what my education is.

I'm just wondering why you think someone whose argument is just to insult would have a higher standard of education than someone who doesn't.

Oh, who gives a shit. I'll just stick you on ignore. I won't be missing anything good.
I imagine you ignore most things that don't fit your narrow, ignorant vision. Nobody who has been exposed to any history or who had ever made even a casual study of Christianity would make the ridiculous comments you do.

I ignore insulters. Simple as.
It's not an insult, it's the answer to your question. Your entire ignorant commentary about Christianity was an insult. A bigoted lot of garbage from a person who can't be bothered to pick up a book before passing off his own hatred as a valid commentary.
Wrong. Many societies have developed moral code. According to you, only the Judeo-Christian societies did it under the guidance of a real god. But the Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, Persians, Greeks, Indians, etc, etc, etc all developed moral codes without the guidance of your god. So ... you are absolutely wrong.

Stating a moral code and BEING A MORAL CODE are two entirely different things.

You and your coven mates have proven that throughout this thread through your inability to answer the standing queries.

If it helps, I've presented that same challenge thousands of times and to date, not a single valid response has come forth on any of dozens of sites.

How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..
Wrong. Many societies have developed moral code. According to you, only the Judeo-Christian societies did it under the guidance of a real god. But the Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, Persians, Greeks, Indians, etc, etc, etc all developed moral codes without the guidance of your god. So ... you are absolutely wrong.

Stating a moral code and BEING A MORAL CODE are two entirely different things.

You and your coven mates have proven that throughout this thread through your inability to answer the standing queries.

If it helps, I've presented that same challenge thousands of times and to date, not a single valid response has come forth on any of dozens of sites.

How hard is it for you to understand that Christian values are good values. THey are just not EXCLUSIVE to the club because you received them from God.. It's pretty arrogant to believe you OWN EXCLUSIVELY a prohibition against adultery for example. Is that why you're pissed? Because no one else can possess that value without paying homage to you or your church?

I'll tell you one moral value that MAY be in the Bible -- but it not a front page hell-burner. And that is TOLERANCE for the actions of others -- even if you disagree with the choices. Seems like you are demonstrating that one clearly right now as we speak..

As to the OP -- there is a desperate need to return to morality and values in this country. We are being consumed by sin. Whether defined as biblical or not...
How non believers define it is irrelevant.

REALLY??? So "dont commit adultery" is somehow ambiguous without FAITH? So "Don't bear false witness" isn't legally well enough defined without joining a congregation? Keys said it outright. You can't value it without God (and presumably a membership fee). Is that your contention also?

I've tried very hard to make clear how much I VALUE Judeo/Christian tenets. But I've never witnessed this "exclusivity" clause that you and others are putting on what are clearly common sense moral values..

No such thing

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values
The label “Judeo-Christian” tends to assume, at the expense of Judaism, that Christians and Jews believe essentially the same things.

There’s No Such Thing as Judeo-Christian Values

Perhaps people would take your points more seriously if you showed any knowledge about any religion
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.

How can we return to Christian values if we haven't left them? You're not making sense.
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.
Again, Christians have no 'monopoly' on values and morality, and the notion that Christian values are the 'best ever invented' is clearly untrue.

Moreover, the issue isn't whether 'most' Christians abide by their values, but that far too many Christians fail to apply those values consistently in everyday life.

For example, there are 'Christians' advocating that innocent children be denied their citizenship and expelled from their home country for no other reason than their parent's immigration status.

Such advocacy is not only reprehensible, but clearly contrary to Christian values; indeed, there are non-Christians who understand and acknowledge how wrong and immoral this is.

So much for 'Christian values.'

Why would you want to separate children from their parents? It's absolutely stupid to think we should deport adults by seize their children so they remain here
"Christian values"

In many respects an oxymoron.

It's telling how many Christians are incapable of abiding by the very 'values' they espouse.
Still there are much more Christians than unbelievers who really abide those 'values'. In fact you can believe into any other god or just be completely secular. Those Christian commandments are just the best thing the human civilization ever invented.
Again, Christians have no 'monopoly' on values and morality, and the notion that Christian values are the 'best ever invented' is clearly untrue.

Moreover, the issue isn't whether 'most' Christians abide by their values, but that far too many Christians fail to apply those values consistently in everyday life.

For example, there are 'Christians' advocating that innocent children be denied their citizenship and expelled from their home country for no other reason than their parent's immigration status.

Such advocacy is not only reprehensible, but clearly contrary to Christian values; indeed, there are non-Christians who understand and acknowledge how wrong and immoral this is.

So much for 'Christian values.'

Why would you want to separate children from their parents? It's absolutely stupid to think we should deport adults by seize their children so they remain here
It's the progressive way. Take the kids and let the state raise them...that's what this is all about.
There are just too many good things in the Christian way of life which are almost completely forgotten nowadays.

Indeed there are:
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
How about not believing in Christianity? Is that a good enough reason?

How does your lack of belief stop the op?
No one is saying the Christians rule book isn't a nice book most of the time but it says so many different things that I do not want it to be our societies rule book. You are free to use it but don't push it on me.

I don't even like it for Christians to be honest because they twist things however they feel like twisting them. Is adultery lusting after someone in your heart or do you have to actually cheat? Is birth control bad? Is it ok to lie as long as you are lying for the lord? Do non christians go to hell? Should our government do nothing for the poor or should it help the poor? Is gay a sin?

So I don't share the same values as you. In fact, I doubt any two Christians have the exact same values. That's why we have laws.
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
How about not believing in Christianity? Is that a good enough reason?

How does your lack of belief stop the op?
Don't you think that we should go back to our Christian values? NO.

Liberalism is a road to nowhere. NOT TRUE.

It's just impossible to become absolutely 'free'. TRUE.

Christian way of life is the perfect way to reach happiness FALSE

Protestant ethics help people to work better and earn more. IF YOU SAY SO.

It's not like we need to become religious. There are just too many good things in the Christian way of life which are almost completely forgotten nowadays. LIKE WHAT?
I haven't seen a response to what I asked. What is stopping anyone from living Christian values?
The Supreme Court has recently.

A couple times, I believe.

Really? Cause I'm still living Christian values. I must not have gotten the memo
It was all over the news just a few short weeks ago, but here's your memo.

By court order now, Christians are compelled to act contrary to their faith.
By court order, Chrstians have to stop discriminating and muslims have to stop chopping off non muslim heads.

Sorry we are forcing you religious people to start acting right. If your faith compells you to act like an asshole maybe you should stop belonging to that faith?

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