Christian Vandalism

Never said that, stop baring false testimony.
You are making your faith look failed and proving all my points, on second thought let it all out and let everyone
see that so called love of Christ.

Jesus hated families (Luke 8:19-21,Luke 14:26,33,Luke 18:29-30, Matt 10:34-37), hated life (1 John 2:15-17) and this earth and mankind (2 Peter 3:10, Mat 10: 34-40 & Thomas 16, 2 Thessalonians 1:8), hated the Pharisee , hated Woman (1 Cor. 11, 1 Timothy 2:11-15 & all over the book of Thomas), hated his brethren (seen by what he caused to them), hated people with disabilities(Mark 9:14-19,Matt 9:32-33, 12:22 & Luke 11:14) hated gentiles (Matt15:26), hated his own chosen town of Capernaum (Mat.11:23), thus must not have Knoweth G-d according to 1John 4:8

Hav Shev, may it be you have a collection of bible verses like others have a collection of match-box-cars? How absurde is it to try to say Christians hate families, Christians hate life, Christians hate women and so on and so on? How crazy is this?

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I specifically said the character Jesus, not Christians.
The post was about false testimony and what did you do?
The lesson is the faith makes a "created image" on Jesus that is falsely testified from the description of his acts and beliefs in the text. That if they can't keep honest testimonies and prove to always lie or need to lie to save face, then what truly is the faith, but one giant lie?
=father of all lies, creates the lies society accepts as their reality, one that has always been harmful to humanity.
I specifically said the character Jesus, not Christians.
The post was about false testimony and what did you do?
The lesson is the faith makes a "created image" on Jesus that is falsely testified from the description of his acts and beliefs in the text. That if they can't keep honest testimonies and prove to always lie or need to lie to save face, then what truly is the faith, but one giant lie?
=father of all lies, creates the lies society accepts as their reality, one that has always been harmful to humanity.

And that's why the chicken crossed the road?

Zaang, The chicken crossed the road to get away from those Awful Kentucky Fried Chicken Colonel Sanders commercials.

Did anyone notice that the guy playing Colonel Sanders is that Saturday Night Live Comedian Darrell Hammond?
It's creepy.
But did anyone notice the recent one where they switched him with Norm McDonald as Col. Sanders?

See some people can notice even subtle things, while others are wifty or blind or less observant. That's what the advertiser was doing testing the audience.
When the less observant start squawking at the people with theirs eyes open then we have a problem, because the blind can't be telling the ones of sight how things are.
Zaang, The chicken crossed the road to get away from those Awful Kentucky Fried Chicken Colonel Sanders commercials.

Did anyone notice that the guy playing Colonel Sanders is that Saturday Night Live Comedian Darrell Hammond?
It's creepy.

I'm not a member of the english speaking world, so I don't have any idea what you are speaking about now.

But did anyone notice the recent one where they switched him with Norm McDonald as Col. Sanders?

See some people can notice even subtle things, while others are wifty or blind or less observant. That's what the advertiser was doing testing the audience.
When the less observant start squawking at the people with theirs eyes open then we have a problem, because the blind can't be telling the ones of sight how things are.

I remember when I decided to live for 2 years without TV. One day I decided to watch again TV - I switched on and they brought news. The news was: In Hamburg someone had murdered a young woman. I was shocked and I switched off the TV immediatelly - but I was not able to switch off my tears for half an hour.

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