Christian war on Hinduism; court rules against them

A school in California offers Yoga as an alternative to P.E. A Christian family, whose 2 children attend the school, sued them claiming that Yoga is a gateway to Hinduism. They, of course, lost by unanimous decision.

Appeals court Yoga doesn t bend rules on religious freedom - Yahoo News UK

More proof that Christians want special treatment in this country.

Actually yoga is a gateway into demon possession and the Occult. It shouldn't be permitted in any school - public or private. The only thing the ruling proves is that the liberals in control of the courtrooms are completely ignorant to the enemies devices. Which is why the LORD warns repent. The wicked shall be destroyed. America is under the judgment of God. I am not in fear of that day but anyone who is not born again and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty should be utterly terrified of what is coming on the horizon for America.

Jeremiah, would you please explain to me why you believe that yoga is a "gateway into demonic possession and the Occult"? I am very interested in learning a Christian perspective on the matter..

I was trying to get you to say something in my last night's post but I agree, everything has its own forum to discuss.
A school in California offers Yoga as an alternative to P.E. A Christian family, whose 2 children attend the school, sued them claiming that Yoga is a gateway to Hinduism. They, of course, lost by unanimous decision.

Appeals court Yoga doesn t bend rules on religious freedom - Yahoo News UK

More proof that Christians want special treatment in this country.

Yoga is not a gateway to Hinduism. It IS Hinduism. Which is why there's 'Jewish/Christian/Muslim 'yoga-like' programs.
As to the prohibition (in the Jewish Tanach by the by) against practicing other religions where the Christians' objection would be coming from, my first question to them would be, do you object to practicing other religions? If they answer 'yes' my next is, "What about the OT in your Bible. Isn't that "another religion, called Judaism?" :)
A school in California offers Yoga as an alternative to P.E. A Christian family, whose 2 children attend the school, sued them claiming that Yoga is a gateway to Hinduism. They, of course, lost by unanimous decision.

Appeals court Yoga doesn t bend rules on religious freedom - Yahoo News UK

More proof that Christians want special treatment in this country.

Actually yoga is a gateway into demon possession and the Occult. It shouldn't be permitted in any school - public or private. The only thing the ruling proves is that the liberals in control of the courtrooms are completely ignorant to the enemies devices. Which is why the LORD warns repent. The wicked shall be destroyed. America is under the judgment of God. I am not in fear of that day but anyone who is not born again and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty should be utterly terrified of what is coming on the horizon for America.

Jeremiah, would you please explain to me why you believe that yoga is a "gateway into demonic possession and the Occult"? I am very interested in learning a Christian perspective on the matter..

Probably some preacher read somewhere about practicing yoga in certain esoteric groups: Thelemites such as O.T.O., A.:A.:, Rosicrucians such as Golden Dawn, FLO. I am quite sure you know that very well. 7 pointed star, rose cross.

Even the Golden Dawn is heavily influenced by Christianity and the Jewish Qabbalah (among other things). Christians generally view the "occult" as "satanic"... when even the Abrahamic religions have their own epic traditions of mysticism that can be considered "occult".

My point was that yoga is something fun and relaxing that can help people improve their health physically and psychologically. Yoga helps one feel peace and calm. Yoga usually does not lead to the Dark Side lol.

But... I suppose if one is open minded enough... a Christian who chooses to experience things like yoga and meditation may come to realize the benefits of exploring other spiritual/ religious practices outside of their traditional Christian ways... and may indeed one day find themselves evoking and invoking the forces above and below...

Jeremiah... you use the Internet. Can the Internet not be viewed as a "gateway into demonic possession and the occult"? I mean, on a much larger scale than yoga. Just think of all the vile, wicked, and heretical things accessable to anyone, anywhere, within seconds of using the Internet. Yet... many Christians seem to do just fine surfing the web. Why then should they worry about yoga?

A school in California offers Yoga as an alternative to P.E. A Christian family, whose 2 children attend the school, sued them claiming that Yoga is a gateway to Hinduism. They, of course, lost by unanimous decision.

Appeals court Yoga doesn t bend rules on religious freedom - Yahoo News UK

More proof that Christians want special treatment in this country.

Actually yoga is a gateway into demon possession and the Occult. It shouldn't be permitted in any school - public or private. The only thing the ruling proves is that the liberals in control of the courtrooms are completely ignorant to the enemies devices. Which is why the LORD warns repent. The wicked shall be destroyed. America is under the judgment of God. I am not in fear of that day but anyone who is not born again and abiding under the shadow of the Almighty should be utterly terrified of what is coming on the horizon for America.

Jeremiah, would you please explain to me why you believe that yoga is a "gateway into demonic possession and the Occult"? I am very interested in learning a Christian perspective on the matter..

Probably some preacher read somewhere about practicing yoga in certain esoteric groups: Thelemites such as O.T.O., A.:A.:, Rosicrucians such as Golden Dawn, FLO. I am quite sure you know that very well. 7 pointed star, rose cross.

Even the Golden Dawn is heavily influenced by Christianity and the Jewish Qabbalah (among other things). Christians generally view the "occult" as "satanic"... when even the Abrahamic religions have their own epic traditions of mysticism that can be considered "occult".

My point was that yoga is something fun and relaxing that can help people improve their health physically and psychologically. Yoga helps one feel peace and calm. Yoga usually does not lead to the Dark Side lol.

But... I suppose if one is open minded enough... a Christian who chooses to experience things like yoga and meditation may come to realize the benefits of exploring other spiritual/ religious practices outside of their traditional Christian ways... and may indeed one day find themselves evoking and invoking the forces above and below...

Thank you :eusa_angel: Gosh, I wish I could talk to you.
My point was that yoga is something fun and relaxing that can help people improve their health physically and psychologically. Yoga helps one feel peace and calm.

Interesting gospel quote relating to meditation.

Matthew 6:6
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Matthew 6:6.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
My point was that yoga is something fun and relaxing that can help people improve their health physically and psychologically. Yoga helps one feel peace and calm.

Interesting gospel quote relating to meditation.

Matthew 6:6
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Matthew 6:6.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
Earnest prayer is close to meditation, I think.

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