Zone1 Christianity and our founding fathers

The first amendment doesn't mention the restrictions apply to states, only to Congress

It’s a bill of rights for individual citizens. It is not a bill of rights for states. It has nothing to do with states. States had to adjust to the bill of rights and they later did.
Hey everybody, check out the glasses.. It's the Eveready Jackass!

It’s a bill of rights for individual citizens. It is not a bill of rights for states. It has nothing to do with states. States had to adjust to the bill of rights and they later did.
Dummy, the Bill of Rights are restrictions on government. The only government being restricted is the federal government. Hence the phrase, CONGRESS shall make no law. Take the loss.
It’s a bill of rights for individual citizens. It is not a bill of rights for states. It has nothing to do with states. States had to adjust to the bill of rights and they later did.
Can you tell me why SCOTUS ruled the 1st Amendment restrictions on government that were applied to Congress had to be applied to the states after the 14th Amendment was passed if the 1st Amendment restrictions always applied to the states?

It protects no one if States can ignore the restrictions imposed on the Feds.
Incorrect. It protects everyone from the federal government including the states which was the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

It's actually quite funny that you didn't know the Bill of Rights were a restriction upon government and was limited to the federal government. You do understand your employer doesn't have to give you any of these rights, right? Or do you believe you have freedom of speech at work or even on this website? Because you don't.
the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

Maybe you would feel safer Saint Ding if you lived in a Christian Theocracy also in NATO on good terms with the secular government of the USA and its military might being guaranteed to protect you, Hungary comes to mind. Did you go to Maralago to meet the Supreme Ayatollah of Hungary last weekend to get a whiff of the Boss.

Tell me Saint Ding that you do not consider yourself to be a “person” as part of “the people” upon whom No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;

Tell me Saint Ding that you do not consider yourself to be a “person” as part of “the people” upon whom no state shall deprive any person of “liberty” without due process of law;

The Constitution was amended to clarify what was the framers original intent when the Bill of rights was written;

Amendment IX​

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X​

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Amendment XIV​

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Read them as one document Saint Ding

My right to freedom from your state controlled religion was protected from infringement in the original Constitution and later held up in court to protect me clearly fro people like you Confederates fighting forever your lost culture war causes.
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So glad you agree that the establishment clause was written to protect state established religions from a national established religion by restricting Congress from interfering with state established religions.
It was not, and you know it. Even Bastian does not agree with you, or David Barton.
It doesn't need to. It says Congress can not write laws establishing a national religion. There was no such requirement limiting states which half of the states had an established religion. It was written to prevent a repeat of what happened in England.

Read the history, dummy.
That Amendment has incorporated the states. They cannot establish a church state.
the Bill of Rights were a restriction upon government and was limited to the federal government.

Your argument has become absurd that Jefferson and Madison’s proudest achievement being Religious Freedom that was limited to a national religion only.

There would be no national church state in Dingland however there would be fifty church states where a religious oath would be required to serve or work in state government and religious laws would apply. Non Christian Truth books and non/Christian news would be banned.
Maybe you would feel safer Saint Ding if you lived in a Christian Theocracy also in NATO on good terms with the secular government of the USA and its military might being guaranteed to protect you, Hungary comes to mind. Did you go to Maralago to meet the Supreme Ayatollah of Hungary last weekend to get a whiff of the Boss.

Tell me Saint Ding that you do not consider yourself to be a “person” as part of “the people” upon whom No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;

Tell me Saint Ding that you do not consider yourself to be a “person” as part of “the people” upon whom no state shall deprive any person of “liberty” without due process of law;

The Constitution was amended to clarify what was the framers original intent when the Bill of rights was written;

Amendment IX​

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X​

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Amendment XIV​

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Read them as one document Saint Ding

My right to freedom from your state controlled religion was protected from infringement in the original Constitution and later held up in court to protect me clearly fro people like you Confederates fighting forever your lost culture war causes.
I feel pretty safe with the truth and was happy to teach you the history of this great nation. I look forward to you using your new found knowledge.
I feel pretty safe with the truth and was happy to teach you the history of this great nation. I look forward to you using your new found knowledge
See how Saint Ding runs. Jefferson lie when had no defense. There is no excuse lying about Jefferson’s writings to to argue that his strong objection to the Christian Religion and dogma make Jefferson part of our Christian Heritage.
Thomas Jefferson affirmed the core of classical philosophical theology. Jefferson understood Nature’s God to be a creating, particularly providential, and moralistic being, whose existence and causal relation to the world was essential to the foundations of natural-rights republicanism. For Jefferson, belief in such a God was warranted on the basis of reason, and thus is akin to the propositions that Thomas Aquinas called the preambula fidei. Jefferson’s theology was essential to natural-rights republicanism in that God’s creation and ordering of man to happiness grounded the moral law, human moral equality, and the natural right of property. Jefferson did not adhere to the major tenets of orthodox Christianity as presented in the religion’s earliest creeds, but he nonetheless affirmed the existence of a God of Nature whose attributes included being a providential, moralistic creator.

Thomas Jefferson, Nature’s God, and the Theological Foundations of Natural-Rights Repub

Ding is well named.

Let him enjoy himself.

Ding is kind of a Catholic who spreads white Christian nationalist propaganda for the Trump Party,

Most Catholics don’t spread WCN propaganda exaggeration of our white Protestant Christian Heritage and the bizarre belief that Protestant Christian’s from England, who worship the Cross of Christ for its salvation power, were chosen people of a desert religion God and to this day America is locked in as a chosen nation in some kind of Covenant with the Catholic God that had nothing to do with the Decade
of 1776 in what became the United States of America

Ding avoids the ‘chosen’ vs ‘God didn’t give a shit about the natives that the “chosen’ were entitled to commit genocide against if need be.

It’s a theological question white Christian nationalists on the Protestant side do not want to discuss, What’s interesting to me is the fact that American Catholics had nothing to do with robbing the original inhabitants of their heritage in the bane of a desert god.

Si why does Saint Ding Catholic do it.
You better check Catholic slave owners and traders of indigenous peoples in South Carolina. By the 1680s, Charleston was a major shipping port for indigenous slaves sent to the West Indies.

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