Christianity as Sessions understands it


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I don't think Jeff knows Jesus or His Love.

I hope you do.

For someone terrified to identify the Jesus you worship you're pretty opinionated.
When parents break the law, their children suffer. Where is the outrage about American citizens that get separated from their children when they are arrested for breaking the law. We probably have thousands of children in foster care because of this.
You know, that Bible verse that Sessions used to justify his policy is beyond stupid.

Hey, what happened to separation of church and state? Thomas Jefferson is probably spinning in his grave right now.
Avatar4321 is out of step with his denomination on these matters, just saying.

Doc1 does not know Jesus and refuses to meet Him, even though he has received the witness of many.

JoeMoma's argument has been refuted elsehwere, so I will ignore it here from now on.
For someone terrified to identify the Jesus you worship you're pretty opinionated.
I've asked Fake Jake several times what church he attends or denomination he belongs to.

He has always dodged the question, and flat out refused to answer when pressed.

Every Christian that I know would gladly tell you all about their Church.

I wonder what Jake is trying to hide?? ... :dunno:
Baby Jesus and his parents fled violence in their homeland and sought asylum in Egypt. Good thing it wasn't the United States.

I am a Christian. I follow the Christ. If anyone thinks they belong to a 'true' domination or 'the one way', then they are ignoring their Savior and His suffering and triumph. Poor souls.
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When parents break the law, their children suffer. Where is the outrage about American citizens that get separated from their children when they are arrested for breaking the law. We probably have thousands of children in foster care because of this.

Children cannot be held responsible for the action of their parents.

And all persons in the United States are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Taking children from their parents as a punitive measure is unlawful when the parents haven't been found guilty of a crime.
Baby Jesus and his parents fled violence in their homeland and sought asylum in Egypt. Good thing it wasn't the United States.

I am a Christian. I follow the Christ. If anyone thinks the belong to a 'true' domination or 'the one way', then they are ignoring their Savior and His suffering and triumph. Poor souls.

I agree that Christians should have compassion for the needy and downtrodden. But I have a few questions for you. Do you believe we should have immigration laws at all? Or do you believe we should just open the borders and allow everyone to come in?

Also, do you think it is unfair to all the immigrants who come here the right way (legally) when we reward those who have a complete disregard for the law? If you waited for years and did everything the right way, and someone else who broke the law was rewarded for their actions… How would you feel?

I'm not being sarcastic, I am genuinely curious to know your views on that.
When parents break the law, their children suffer. Where is the outrage about American citizens that get separated from their children when they are arrested for breaking the law. We probably have thousands of children in foster care because of this.

Children cannot be held responsible for the action of their parents.

And all persons in the United States are innocent until proven guilty and entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

Taking children from their parents as a punitive measure is unlawful when the parents haven't been found guilty of a crime.

Adults who can't post bail are held until due process is complete, their children can't be detained. Deal with it.

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I am a Christian. I follow the Christ. If anyone thinks the belong to a 'true' domination or 'the one way', then they are ignoring their Savior and His suffering and triumph.
Does your church have a name or a sign out front? ..... :cool:
"Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you". . . has always been counsel when confronted by such weak souls, even as SM who gave up Jesus for Allah.

Be care of the conservo-Catholics of the French style, the evangelicals, the fundamentalists, the Pentecostals, and others that mistake their belief for those of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

The pharisaical hypocrites of Christianity are the ones who need to be reminded that one of their myths is that evolution is about the origins of life: it is not.

One of their myths is that evolution is a salvation issue.

One of their myths is that God has been removed from the classroom: God has not.

One of their myths is that Jefferson, Adams, and Washington were religiously like the far right conservative Christians alive today.

One of their myths is that the first century Christians were religiously like the far right conservative Christians alive today.

What I am saying is, guys, work on your relationship with Jesus: lean on the Lord.
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