Christians blast Trump in new ad: ‘The days of using our faith for your benefit are over’

All the illegals must have been watching and skewed the ratings...
Well, my prediction came true. I told a few on here that I thought it would be funny if Biden beat Trump in the ratings when they held their town halls in the same time slot.

Guess what? Biden DID beat Trump, and Trump not only was on NBC, but was also simulcast on MSNBC and CNBC, yet still came up with lower ratings than Biden, even in spite of having the advantage of 2 extra channels.

Wonder how long it's gonna take Trump to start his tweet storm?

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

No wonder Crazy Uncle is afraid to debate head to head with Vice President Biden. It'l be interesting to see what strategy he employs to get out of the last debate. Hopefully Biden will find a way to force him to show up and help Biden's poll numbers.

Trump pulled out of the second debate, not Biden.

The commission pulled out of the second debate.

I love how you guys spin every event to hide Trump's self inflicted black eye.

They rearranged the format due to Trump & Team coming down with Covid and being less then forthcoming on test results.

Debates are done face to face. They cancelled that and set up a farce so that Crazy Joe could use a teleprompter and have his handlers help him.

According to who?
I'm a Christian and I would never vote for Trump. For numerous reasons.

People are too easily fooled, it happens all the time, with almost every presidency.
Trump was playing hardball with "Karen" doing her best to bring down Trump.
They were only hardball questions because Trump made it so.

Take when she asked him if he’s been tested before the first debate. Is that a hard question? Not in the least. The answer is easy, it’s either yes or no. What was Trump’s answer? He doesn’t know, ask someone else, maybe or probably but not yes or no.

Why is that a hard question for Trump? Well, in my opinion, it’s because the answer is no and he doesn’t want to admit it because it would demonstrate he lied to the debate and it would look bad.
Well, my prediction came true. I told a few on here that I thought it would be funny if Biden beat Trump in the ratings when they held their town halls in the same time slot.

Guess what? Biden DID beat Trump, and Trump not only was on NBC, but was also simulcast on MSNBC and CNBC, yet still came up with lower ratings than Biden, even in spite of having the advantage of 2 extra channels.

Wonder how long it's gonna take Trump to start his tweet storm?

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.
More people watched Biden out of morbid curiosity as to what does an extortionist look like when running for POTUS? lol
Looks like real Christians have had enough of Trump using them for his nefarious deeds.

“Christians don’t need Trump to save them,” the spot adds. “The truth is that Trump needs Christians to save his flailing campaign.”

This rings true. If self-professed evangelicals weren't a political group masquerading as a Christian group, this would be convincing to them. However, that's not the case.

Powerful ad just the same though.

What say you?

I'd say the person that cast an evil eye on a man who has suffered four years of intolerable calumnies against him and members of his family does not understand that the purposes of Jesus Christ has always been reconciliation of humans to the Lord and the reconciliation of human beings to other human beings in whatever developmental stage they are experiencing.
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Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

now include all nbc affiliates

even on youtube with all the tik tok kids

Trump had 250 thousand on main nbc feed, 150k on cnbc, probably on others

ABC only has one feed

I garuntee you trump won just based on that fact alone. It wasn't ever fair, trump was going to be broadcast on at minimum 3 channels while biden only got ABC.

MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC all carried Trump

You're guarantee sucks. Biden beat Trump, even though Trump had 3 channels and Biden only had one.

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.

But, just like all the other Trump supporters, you're probably gonna call this "fake news".
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

now include all nbc affiliates

even on youtube with all the tik tok kids

Trump had 250 thousand on main nbc feed, 150k on cnbc, probably on others

ABC only has one feed

I garuntee you trump won just based on that fact alone. It wasn't ever fair, trump was going to be broadcast on at minimum 3 channels while biden only got ABC.

MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC all carried Trump

You're guarantee sucks. Biden beat Trump, even though Trump had 3 channels and Biden only had one.

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.

But, just like all the other Trump supporters, you're probably gonna call this "fake news".

They also did not air the Trump Town Hall on all NBC local affiliates, some places only had it on cable CNBC. They also weren’t on at the same time, at least not where I am. President Trump’s ended and I flipped it to Biden’s, his went on for another half hour so I am sure most people just jumped over.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

now include all nbc affiliates

even on youtube with all the tik tok kids

Trump had 250 thousand on main nbc feed, 150k on cnbc, probably on others

ABC only has one feed

I garuntee you trump won just based on that fact alone. It wasn't ever fair, trump was going to be broadcast on at minimum 3 channels while biden only got ABC.

MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC all carried Trump

You're guarantee sucks. Biden beat Trump, even though Trump had 3 channels and Biden only had one.

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.

But, just like all the other Trump supporters, you're probably gonna call this "fake news".

They also did not air the Trump Town Hall on all NBC local affiliates, some places only had it on cable CNBC. They also weren’t on at the same time, at least not where I am. President Trump’s ended and I flipped it to Biden’s, his went on for another half hour so I am sure most people just jumped over.

Here in Amarillo TX, (Suddenlink cable), it was on MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC, all at the same time. Dunno what kind of cable you have, but here, all 3 NBC stations were running it at the same time. I checked. And, not only that, but there were 2 Spanish stations that were running it as well. Sorry, but Trump got better (more stations) station time than Biden, and Biden still whipped his ass.
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.


Christians are looking around, and seeing Democrats attacking people purely on the basis of their religious views.

And those people who are attacking Christians on the basis of their Christian views, are pretending to be shocked when we support the Republican no matter how they are.

Why is this shocking? What can't you people on the left figure out?

Left-wing "We attack and berate and smear everyone who has Christian beliefs.... and then they vote for Trump? HOW CAN THAT BE!?!?!"

Do you not see how stupid that it is to ask why we're supporting Trump?
democrats: xtians are stupid and racist and fundamentalist nutcases

democrats: i just cant understand why xtians dont support us
I didn't see the link but it seems that Christians actually need Trump to save them from the agnostic socialist agenda promoted by democrats these days. Look at what they are doing to Trump's Supreme Court nominee. They aren't attacking her on her intellectual ability or her knowledge in Constitutional law. Democrats are attacking Mrs. Barrett on the basis of her religious beliefs.


Christians are looking around, and seeing Democrats attacking people purely on the basis of their religious views.

And those people who are attacking Christians on the basis of their Christian views, are pretending to be shocked when we support the Republican no matter how they are.

Why is this shocking? What can't you people on the left figure out?

Left-wing "We attack and berate and smear everyone who has Christian beliefs.... and then they vote for Trump? HOW CAN THAT BE!?!?!"

Do you not see how stupid that it is to ask why we're supporting Trump?
democrats: xtians are stupid and racist and fundamentalist nutcases

democrats: i just cant understand why xtians dont support us

EXACTLY! I laugh every time I see these threads. And even more ironic, it's shocking how many of these threads pop up, in some cases within just hours, of a thread about how dumb and stupid and idiotic Christians are, by the SAME POSTER!

Its a bit late but better late than never. As trump falters in the polls his evangelical base is drifting away. When is "man of God" Jerry Falwell going to speak up in support of his soiled hero ?
Evangelicals, Christian conservatives, and the like supported Trump for one reason and one reason only: abortion.

Now that the battle is won and Roe/Casey is soon to be overturned, the Christian right can cut Trump lose.

So this isn’t about Christians ‘seeing the light’ or ‘coming to their senses’ concerning Trump – it’s about authoritarian Christian conservatives willing to do anything to codify their religious dogma into secular law, expanding their influence in governance and public policy, and increasing the power of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
Don't you leftists have anything but fear-mongering?
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

The Trump presidential reality show has run its course. Trump is a bore and his character has been revealed to be a fraud. . Trump will be dumped as unceremoniously by the American public as Charlie Sheen was dumped from Two and a Half Men.

Must be why Trump has a packed house at every rally, and Crazy Joe has a half dozen reporters show up at his. :iyfyus.jpg:

But we're supposed to believe Biden attracts the ratings.

I guess PROGS missed the cause of the effect as usual right? Biden was on MAINSTREAM ABC under a title of "Biden for the people".

Trump was on a SECONDARY NBC station.

PROGS run what again? Oh that's right, news, media, debates and now town halls. But you know, PROGS care about our election-process Democracy and stuff like that.

Democrats are afraid Americans will interfere in the election.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

You're half right, doll. twitter deserves to be put on the trash pile, and so does facebook, too. They are magnets for criminal identity thefts, airing of private disputes that can go viral and break relationships, bring on cyber bullying and other untoward issues. My mother's generation had a saying about what may be found in public places.

Reported for off-topic trolling. This thread is not about your obsessive hatred for Twitter.

Did Twitter report Trump was the ratings loser, or did they refuse to allow it until they could prove it wasn't just made-up snowflake crap?

Crying again? Need a tissue snowflake?

yes Trump was the ratings loser. And the all-time money loser. And he is broke and has been for years. And he owes $421 million in personal loans.

he is the biggest loser.

He could get some money from Burisma, but they have exclusive contracts with the Bidens.
The Democrats have staked out the anti-Christian position in American politics. How in hell could they think there'd be profit in attacking Trump as a bad Christian?
They're just flinging poo at random, hoping something sticks.
Americans are no longer interested in the same tired act.

now include all nbc affiliates

even on youtube with all the tik tok kids

Trump had 250 thousand on main nbc feed, 150k on cnbc, probably on others

ABC only has one feed

I garuntee you trump won just based on that fact alone. It wasn't ever fair, trump was going to be broadcast on at minimum 3 channels while biden only got ABC.

MSNBC, CNBC, and NBC all carried Trump

You're guarantee sucks. Biden beat Trump, even though Trump had 3 channels and Biden only had one.

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.

But, just like all the other Trump supporters, you're probably gonna call this "fake news".

Well, it IS Vanity Fair.
Let us get something straight. Trump is not a Christian.

And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
Matthew 6:5

Remember when Trump made that big scene, chasing off protestors and then posing in front of a church with a bible. He did that to be seen.

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 18:14

Trump has made a career out of exalting himself. Rest assured, he will be humbled. Probably when he declares bankruptcy in the next few years, again.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

We can strike humbly off rather quickly. And Trump's vindictiveness pretty much sweeps kindness away. Justice, well when you turn the arm of the government that is suppose to be about justice in to your own political machine that kind of negates that one as well.

“Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.

“The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
Daniel 11:36-37

Enough said.

You actually said too much, B.S.

Are you aware that Christians are being killed for their faith and their churches are burned to the ground, all over the world. NO GROUP IN THE ENTIRE WORLD IS CLOSE TO CHRISTIANS IN SUFFERING PERSECUTION.

In just the last year*, there have been:

Over 260 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution

2,983 Christians killed for their faith
9,488 churches and other Christian buildings attacked
3,711 believers detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned
Now the Church you refer to, St. John's Episcopal Church, had suffered a fire and vandalism and the President decided to take a stand, appearing there holding up a Bible, the very Bible you quote,

You claim "He did that to be seen"...REALLY? Are you saying that have the same abilities of the LORD to see what is in a man's heart??

1 Samuel 16:7
... the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
Let us get something straight. Trump is not a Christian.

And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward.
Matthew 6:5

Remember when Trump made that big scene, chasing off protestors and then posing in front of a church with a bible. He did that to be seen.

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.
Luke 18:14

Trump has made a career out of exalting himself. Rest assured, he will be humbled. Probably when he declares bankruptcy in the next few years, again.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

We can strike humbly off rather quickly. And Trump's vindictiveness pretty much sweeps kindness away. Justice, well when you turn the arm of the government that is suppose to be about justice in to your own political machine that kind of negates that one as well.

“Then the king will do as he pleases, and he will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will speak monstrous things against the God of gods; and he will prosper until the indignation is finished, for that which is decreed will be done. He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all.

“The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all.
Daniel 11:36-37

Enough said.

You actually said too much, B.S.

Are you aware that Christians are being killed for their faith and their churches are burned to the ground, all over the world. NO GROUP IN THE ENTIRE WORLD IS CLOSE TO CHRISTIANS IN SUFFERING PERSECUTION.

In just the last year*, there have been:

Over 260 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution

2,983 Christians killed for their faith
9,488 churches and other Christian buildings attacked
3,711 believers detained without trial, arrested, sentenced or imprisoned
Now the Church you refer to, St. John's Episcopal Church, had suffered a fire and vandalism and the President decided to take a stand, appearing there holding up a Bible, the very Bible you quote,

You claim "He did that to be seen"...REALLY? Are you saying that have the same abilities of the LORD to see what is in a man's heart??

1 Samuel 16:7
... the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”

Are you flippin kidding me. No group is close to suffering persecution like Christians? For real. How about Muslims in India? Hindus in Bangladesh. I mean I know you won't find coverage of that type of thing on FOX news, but you might try reading once in a while, or maybe NPR "The World" if you can't read.
Well, my prediction came true. I told a few on here that I thought it would be funny if Biden beat Trump in the ratings when they held their town halls in the same time slot.

Guess what? Biden DID beat Trump, and Trump not only was on NBC, but was also simulcast on MSNBC and CNBC, yet still came up with lower ratings than Biden, even in spite of having the advantage of 2 extra channels.

Wonder how long it's gonna take Trump to start his tweet storm?

According to Nielsen numbers released Friday, the Biden event was watched by 13.9 million viewers on ABC, easily besting Trump’s NBC spectacle, which drew just 10.9 million viewers. The Trump event’s total viewership was dwarfed by Biden’s even though Trump’s was simulcast on CNBC and MSNBC: as CNN noted, the three networks combined for roughly 13 million viewers, a total that still lagged behind the Biden event.
I'm a Christian and I would never vote for Trump. For numerous reasons.

People are too easily fooled, it happens all the time, with almost every presidency.
I am a CHRISTIAN and I am voting for TRUMP.

Clearly Biden is a war-monger, having supported military actions in Serbia, Kosovo, Iraq, Syria and Libya and none of those countries posed a threat to the United States. TRUMP is a man of Peace.

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