Christians Destroy Almost All Of The Mosques In Central Africa


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Perhaps they have found an answer?

Shoebot ^
Christians in the Central African Republic have destroyed almost all of the mosques in their country, obliterating 417 of the nation’s 436 mosques. This was done as a result of the horrific persecutions done by jihadists against Christians, who have decided to wipe out the problem from its root, and that is Islam. I did a whole video on this ....
Wow nice! Good for them! This practice needs to spread like wildfire. Send the troglodytes back to the caves.

The best bet is getting the cavity creeps of earth out of your country, it never works well. They can not coexist.
Great. So applying their logic, the next time some thug who happens to be Christian does something we don't like we'll just go around burning down all the churches? Works for me.
Perhaps they have found an answer?

Shoebot ^
Christians in the Central African Republic have destroyed almost all of the mosques in their country, obliterating 417 of the nation’s 436 mosques. This was done as a result of the horrific persecutions done by jihadists against Christians, who have decided to wipe out the problem from its root, and that is Islam. I did a whole video on this ....

Seleka wasn't a Jihadi organization.
people can only turn their cheeks so many times before they have really had enough

Justifying genocide. How very Christian of you.

So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.
people can only turn their cheeks so many times before they have really had enough

Justifying genocide. How very Christian of you.

So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.
people can only turn their cheeks so many times before they have really had enough

Justifying genocide. How very Christian of you.

So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.

Suggesting that genocide is ever deserved is utterly disgusting. You sound like ISIS.
people can only turn their cheeks so many times before they have really had enough

Justifying genocide. How very Christian of you.

So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.

Suggesting that genocide is ever deserved is utterly disgusting. You sound like ISIS.

Funny...I dont seem to remember cutting off anyone's head,sexually assaulting children,burning people alive or executing any gays.
So you support the killing of...well,pretty much everyone.
You sure have a lot of hate in you.
ISIS and other terror groups are street gangs. Has nothing to do with Islam. But people who like to watch people fight try to portray it as such. While at the same time ISIS itself would love it to become a Muslims vs Christian fight since recruitment would skyrocket.
Those who support either side in slaughtering their opponents are the descendants of Hitler and his supporters, as well as haters of the American Constitution.
Justifying genocide. How very Christian of you.

So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.

Suggesting that genocide is ever deserved is utterly disgusting. You sound like ISIS.

Funny...I dont seem to remember cutting off anyone's head,sexually assaulting children,burning people alive or executing any gays.

ISIS depends on ideologues such as yourself to exist. A lot of idealogues didn't walk around physically killing each other either, they simply justified it through speech and writing as you are doing. It's terroristic and inhumane. you are morally little better than the people you would claim to hate.
So you're supposed to just let them continue to kill you?
How very ignorant of you....

The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.

Suggesting that genocide is ever deserved is utterly disgusting. You sound like ISIS.

Funny...I dont seem to remember cutting off anyone's head,sexually assaulting children,burning people alive or executing any gays.

ISIS depends on ideologues such as yourself to exist. A lot of idealogues didn't walk around physically killing each other either, they simply justified it through speech and writing as you are doing. It's terroristic and inhumane. you are morally little better than the people you would claim to hate.

What a bunch of crap. Take your moral platitudes and shove em up your ass.
The massacre of civilians and destruction of mosques is not a justifiable means of defense from internal violence. The anti-Balaka militias are war criminals every bit as much as the more radical elements of the former Seleka coalition, and quite frankly its concerning that supposedly "civilized" individuals such as yourselves would openly support genocide and such inhumanity.

Muslims only get what they deserve.

Suggesting that genocide is ever deserved is utterly disgusting. You sound like ISIS.

Funny...I dont seem to remember cutting off anyone's head,sexually assaulting children,burning people alive or executing any gays.

ISIS depends on ideologues such as yourself to exist. A lot of idealogues didn't walk around physically killing each other either, they simply justified it through speech and writing as you are doing. It's terroristic and inhumane. you are morally little better than the people you would claim to hate.

What a bunch of crap. Take your moral platitudes and shove em up your ass.

And then Jesus spoke unto the huddled masses saying thusly: "Go forth my flock and cut children apart with your machetes, bathe in their blood and destroy them as a people"

Does that sound about right to you? Are you a fan of Joseph Kony too?
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ISIS and other terror groups are street gangs. Has nothing to do with Islam. But people who like to watch people fight try to portray it as such. While at the same time ISIS itself would love it to become a Muslims vs Christian fight since recruitment would skyrocket.

Seems in here I hear about the Christian you see a similarity?

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