Christmas; biggest religious lie in christianity.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Christ and that’s why is a big celebration among conservatives and most atheists. Christmas was never celebrated by Christ, his disciples and early Christians. Not celebrated until the 4th century and has connections to the celebration of winter. What does a cut evergreen tree, fat old white man with a white beard in a red suit with a bag of gifts riding in a sleigh pulled by 8 reindeers in winter have to do with the birth of Christ? Nothing. And one lie lead to other lies.
Easter. What does a bunny rabbit that lays colored eggs have to do with the death and resurrections of Christ? Christ told us in no uncertainty how to worship him and his father but we choose to worship him in our own way. John 4;23,24. In truth and there no truth in Christmas or in Easter celebrations.
Catholic religions is one big celebration of pagan and Christian teachings. Customs, traditions, relics and images and rituals.
Jeremiah 10; 1-15.
3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless; they cut a tree out of the forest, and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
Exodus 20;4,5.
“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
Gal 4;9-11
9 But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and worthless elementary principles of the world, whose slaves you want to be once more? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years! 11 I am afraid I may have labored over you in vain.
Psa 115; 4-8
Their idols are silver and gold,
The work of men’s hands.
5 They have mouths, but they do not speak;
Eyes they have, but they do not see;
6 They have ears, but they do not hear;
Noses they have, but they do not smell;
7 They have hands, but they do not handle;
Feet they have, but they do not walk;
Nor do they mutter through their throat.
8 Those who make them are like them;
So is everyone who trusts in them.

Christmas Was Not Originally A Christian Holiday
Christmas Was Not Originally A Christian Holiday
Are there truths to Christianity? Besides maybe Jesus being a real person
Catholics do not worship statues or icons, or treat them as idols. That is what your Biblical passages mainly are referencing. Like the golden calf in Moses’ time.

I really think the emphasis on these “incongruities” is borderline legalism, another matter Jesus warned against. As one saint said --- statues and religious paintings are the gospels for the illiterate and the poor. 1500 years before the Guttenberg press, most people could not read or had not holy book.

Christmas and Easter remain high holy days of the Church. It’s the Catholic Church itself where you really have issues, is it not?
If you put your creche under the tree and hang a Santa ornament on the tree are you putting Santa above Jesus?
Are there truths to Christianity? Besides maybe Jesus being a real person

I assume you have tried finding that out besides on these boards?

It remains an important matter.

Uhhh yea. And yes it is an important matter. I would love to know the truth. But religion and truth are apples and oranges

I know, it confounds me. That is, how some can see it and grasp it, and others cannot no matter what.

But "religion" is too large of a word. I can no better defend what Islam or Hinduism espouses than I can what agnosticism may claim. Christianity, and even more specifically Catholicism, are on trial only to defend their own claims and truths. Their credibility should not be damaged by what other religions may do or say.
I assume you have tried finding that out besides on these boards?

It remains an important matter.

Uhhh yea. And yes it is an important matter. I would love to know the truth. But religion and truth are apples and oranges

I know, it confounds me. That is, how some can see it and grasp it, and others cannot no matter what.

But "religion" is too large of a word. I can no better defend what Islam or Hinduism espouses than I can what agnosticism may claim. Christianity, and even more specifically Catholicism, are on trial only to defend their own claims and truths. Their credibility should not be damaged by what other religions may do or say.
I concur. I dont find ANY religion appealing. I dont doubt a supreme being, but have 100% doubt of religion. I dont base my bias for one religion anymore than the other
Are there truths to Christianity? Besides maybe Jesus being a real person

I assume you have tried finding that out besides on these boards?

It remains an important matter.

Uhhh yea. And yes it is an important matter. I would love to know the truth. But religion and truth are apples and oranges

Not necessarily. Some of the most precious truths in the universe are found in religious faith. The key is to search, study and ask God.
I assume you have tried finding that out besides on these boards?

It remains an important matter.

Uhhh yea. And yes it is an important matter. I would love to know the truth. But religion and truth are apples and oranges

Not necessarily. Some of the most precious truths in the universe are found in religious faith. The key is to search, study and ask God.

And....if She answers you?
And no. Christmas is not the biggest lie in Christianity. Christians are very much aware that it's the day that was chosen to celebrate Christ's birth and not it's actual day. Most are also aware that all the secular additions to the holiday are not any sort of Christian requirement. Neither are they proscribed.
Uhhh yea. And yes it is an important matter. I would love to know the truth. But religion and truth are apples and oranges

Not necessarily. Some of the most precious truths in the universe are found in religious faith. The key is to search, study and ask God.

And....if She answers you?

God answers the sincere prayers of His children. What happens most of the time is we don't listen since He speaks in a still small voice. Or we havent learned to tune into His answers.

But His answers are always there.
And no. Christmas is not the biggest lie in Christianity. Christians are very much aware that it's the day that was chosen to celebrate Christ's birth and not it's actual day. Most are also aware that all the secular additions to the holiday are not any sort of Christian requirement. Neither are they proscribed.

Dec 25 must be national celebrate our religious leader day. There are pre-Christianity religions that celebrate on the same day. Coincedence?
And no. Christmas is not the biggest lie in Christianity. Christians are very much aware that it's the day that was chosen to celebrate Christ's birth and not it's actual day. Most are also aware that all the secular additions to the holiday are not any sort of Christian requirement. Neither are they proscribed.

Dec 25 must be national celebrate our religious leader day. There are pre-Christianity religions that celebrate on the same day. Coincedence?

Thank the Roman Empire for that.
And no. Christmas is not the biggest lie in Christianity. Christians are very much aware that it's the day that was chosen to celebrate Christ's birth and not it's actual day. Most are also aware that all the secular additions to the holiday are not any sort of Christian requirement. Neither are they proscribed.

Dec 25 must be national celebrate our religious leader day. There are pre-Christianity religions that celebrate on the same day. Coincedence?

So? And no it's no a coincidence. It was a very delibrate move. Doesn't change the fact that Christmas isn't a lie. Nor does it change the purpose Christmas is celebrated: The birth of the Messiah.
And no. Christmas is not the biggest lie in Christianity. Christians are very much aware that it's the day that was chosen to celebrate Christ's birth and not it's actual day. Most are also aware that all the secular additions to the holiday are not any sort of Christian requirement. Neither are they proscribed.

Dec 25 must be national celebrate our religious leader day. There are pre-Christianity religions that celebrate on the same day. Coincedence?

So? And no it's no a coincidence. It was a very delibrate move. Doesn't change the fact that Christmas isn't a lie. Nor does it change the purpose Christmas is celebrated: The birth of the Messiah.

It was deliberate to make a day of celebration on the same day as pre-christianity religious messiahs (or whatever)? If he was the son of "GOD" shouldnt it have been a day all it's own? (im not trying to upset you avatar. Just trying to understand)
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