Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

The army discussed giving blankets that were collected from soldiers who had died of smallpox to Indians. Nobody can prove that they did it, but it is a fact that they seriously considered it.
Yeah and? biological warfare of this nature goes back at least as far as Genghis Khan and even if it did happen it doesn't support a case for an accusation of genocide, one might label it an "atrocity" or an "act of barbarism" but that's as far as it goes without some evidence that it was carried out as a deliberate policy designed to exterminate the Native Americans.

If you want to split hairs about whether or not the systematic slaughter of indians was genocide, or not, be my guest.
Since when is adhering to the actual meaning of words instead of just making up definitions as we go along "splitting hairs"? By continuing to blatantly misuse the term you diminish the importance and impact of the cases of ACTUAL genocide that have taken place.

When Andrew Jackson banished all tribes east of the Mississippi river, he did not even differentiate between those that were literate, and farmed their own land, from those that hunted on reservations. The death rate on the Trail of Tears was horrific.
What does that have to do with genocide? We could spend all year discussing how conquered populations have been ill-treated by their conquerors going back to the beginning of recorded human history. The native Americans represent a group of conquered civilizations, their civilizations were too weak to defend themselves from the Europeans and thus they join a very long list of others that met the same fate and I don't see anybody weeping for say the Etruscans or the Hittites, what makes Native Americans so special?

Raphael Lemkin the founder of the term genocide, actually considered what Spaniards did as genocide.

Raphael Lemkin’s History of Genocide and Colonialism — United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Lemkin evokes examples of genocide drawn from the Americas where he puts into practice and continuously deploys the categories of analysis of the diagrammatic summary. In an essay on “Spanish Treatment of South American Indians …”, Lemkin, drawing in particular on the observations of Las Casas, successively evokes “Methods of Genocide – Physical”, which include massacre, slavery and deprivation of livelihood; family life was disregarded, bread made of root-meal was often the only food; when the slaves fell sick, they were left to die or at best sent home
Exploitation, not genocide. Stop using that word.

It was global exploitation by the European powers

If anyone thinks what Columbus did was bad.....look what Europeans did to Africa

What Western Europeans did*************

True....Eastern Europeans were still wiping their asses with their fingers

In 1500 Poland was the head honcho in Europe.

Merely pointing out that compared to their neighbors in the west, Eastern Europeans were kind of backwards

While Western Europe was going through their Renaissance, Eastern Europe was harvesting potatoes
Wait aren't you libs supposed to hate generalizations like this?

I mean what were Africans doing until the Europeans arrived?
Fucking monkeys and chucking spears?

canabalism, human sacrifice....but those damn Christians stopped those......if only they would let the tribes brutalize each other like that!

shit talk about backwards....the british beat the Zulus with 100 men.....yeah 100 vs thousands...
It was global exploitation by the European powers

If anyone thinks what Columbus did was bad.....look what Europeans did to Africa

What Western Europeans did*************

True....Eastern Europeans were still wiping their asses with their fingers

In 1500 Poland was the head honcho in Europe.

Merely pointing out that compared to their neighbors in the west, Eastern Europeans were kind of backwards

While Western Europe was going through their Renaissance, Eastern Europe was harvesting potatoes
Wait aren't you libs supposed to hate generalizations like this?

I mean what were Africans doing until the Europeans arrived?
Fucking monkeys and chucking spears?

canabalism, human sacrifice....but those damn Christians stopped those......if only they would let the tribes brutalize each other like that!

shit talk about backwards....the british beat the Zulus with 100 men.....yeah 100 vs thousands...

Well, many Liberals think it's a crime to be prejudiced against everybody, but then there's the exception the Whitey's.
Really gay. Exactly why the Democrats are down to just 15 Governorships among the 50 states. Folks are so tired of their pathetic manufactured-outrage shite.
It was global exploitation by the European powers

If anyone thinks what Columbus did was bad.....look what Europeans did to Africa

What Western Europeans did*************

True....Eastern Europeans were still wiping their asses with their fingers

In 1500 Poland was the head honcho in Europe.

Merely pointing out that compared to their neighbors in the west, Eastern Europeans were kind of backwards

While Western Europe was going through their Renaissance, Eastern Europe was harvesting potatoes

Haha, good joke, Poland's Renaissance was among the most important in Europe.

- Albert Brudzewski's proper rotation of the Moon.

- Copernicus heliocentric model, and quantity theory of money.

- Michal Sedziwoj's discovery of Oxygen.

- Jozef Struthius modern pulse taking methods.

- Jan Heweliusz; first lunar map.

- Jozef Brozek's explanation of bee combs.

- Kazimierz Siemienowicz delta wing, and multi-stage rockets.

- Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski writer known as the father of Polish Democracy.

- Jan Kochanowski considered as one of the greatest poets of the Renaissance.

- Mikołaj Rej an important Polish renaissance writer.

- Klemens Janicki considered as one of the best Latin poets despite being Polish.

- Wawrzyniec Grzymała Goślicki philosopher who influenced the British Tudor parliament.

- Sodalitas Litterarum Vistulana the first writer's academy.

- Wacław of Szamotuły one of the best renaissance classical composers.

- Maciej Miechowita first accurate ethnographic, and geographic description of Eastern Europe.

- The Liberum veto voting method.

- Adam Adamandy Kochański mathematician.
..and if you knew anything about history, you would know that the Spanish crown convicted Columbus for crimes, not only against colonists, but also against natives, including the enslavement of those who had converted to Christianity, which is why he was banned from returning to the colony he founded, and why he later died in disgrace.

LOL and this helps the case for the Spanish Crown committing genocide how?


Actually, you are right. The Spanish did not wipe out the native populations completely. They joined with the natives, and created Latinos, which is a race that did not exist before. The British and the Americans, on the other hand, did not. They simply slaughtered the native Americans. AS a matter of fact, Hitler cited two precedents to his "Final Solution", by correctly saying that nobody even remembers the American genocide of the Indians, or the Armenian genocide of WW1.

hate to break it to ya, indians in the us hired pilgrims ti kill rivals.....

Which they did quite effectively. In fact, the first "Thanksgiving" was a celebration of such a massacre.

good so we can drop the act that whitey was bad and indians were pristine virtuous people living in harmony until whitey showed up.

We do not apologize for native American's who enslaved, and killed rival tribal members. We call attention to the hypocrisy of celebrating some guy from Genoa, for discovering America, which he did not, and forgetting about his brutality and mass extinction of the native Americans on the island he discovered, of which there are no survivors of that tribe today. But, I agree in fairness, so we will call for the end of whatever holiday that honors a Native American in exchange to the end of Columbus day. Hell, I am a fair minded guy. Do away with St. Patrick's Day as well. It also makes no sense.
LOL and this helps the case for the Spanish Crown committing genocide how?


Actually, you are right. The Spanish did not wipe out the native populations completely. They joined with the natives, and created Latinos, which is a race that did not exist before. The British and the Americans, on the other hand, did not. They simply slaughtered the native Americans. AS a matter of fact, Hitler cited two precedents to his "Final Solution", by correctly saying that nobody even remembers the American genocide of the Indians, or the Armenian genocide of WW1.

hate to break it to ya, indians in the us hired pilgrims ti kill rivals.....

Which they did quite effectively. In fact, the first "Thanksgiving" was a celebration of such a massacre.

good so we can drop the act that whitey was bad and indians were pristine virtuous people living in harmony until whitey showed up.

We do not apologize for native American's who enslaved, and killed rival tribal members. We call attention to the hypocrisy of celebrating some guy from Genoa, for discovering America, which he did not, and forgetting about his brutality and mass extinction of the native Americans on the island he discovered, of which there are no survivors of that tribe today. But, I agree in fairness, so we will call for the end of whatever holiday that honors a Native American in exchange to the end of Columbus day. Hell, I am a fair minded guy. Do away with St. Patrick's Day as well. It also makes no sense.

He didnt technically, but he did for the people that matter. And why not apologize for those members? They were far more brutal than the euorpeans. Atleast those pesky Christians stopped the human sacrifice, cannibalism and pulling hearts out of living people.

As for that tribe, how do we know? and lots of tribes are gone. Babylonians, Assyrians, ect..... the world changes some for the good and some for the bad......I mean why are we singling out whitey for attracities, when EVERYONE has committed them, hell slavery exists in Africa, TODAY....
Actually, you are right. The Spanish did not wipe out the native populations completely. They joined with the natives, and created Latinos, which is a race that did not exist before. The British and the Americans, on the other hand, did not. They simply slaughtered the native Americans. AS a matter of fact, Hitler cited two precedents to his "Final Solution", by correctly saying that nobody even remembers the American genocide of the Indians, or the Armenian genocide of WW1.

hate to break it to ya, indians in the us hired pilgrims ti kill rivals.....

Which they did quite effectively. In fact, the first "Thanksgiving" was a celebration of such a massacre.

good so we can drop the act that whitey was bad and indians were pristine virtuous people living in harmony until whitey showed up.

We do not apologize for native American's who enslaved, and killed rival tribal members. We call attention to the hypocrisy of celebrating some guy from Genoa, for discovering America, which he did not, and forgetting about his brutality and mass extinction of the native Americans on the island he discovered, of which there are no survivors of that tribe today. But, I agree in fairness, so we will call for the end of whatever holiday that honors a Native American in exchange to the end of Columbus day. Hell, I am a fair minded guy. Do away with St. Patrick's Day as well. It also makes no sense.

He didnt technically, but he did for the people that matter. And why not apologize for those members? They were far more brutal than the euorpeans. Atleast those pesky Christians stopped the human sacrifice, cannibalism and pulling hearts out of living people.

As for that tribe, how do we know? and lots of tribes are gone. Babylonians, Assyrians, ect..... the world changes some for the good and some for the bad......I mean why are we singling out whitey for attracities, when EVERYONE has committed them, hell slavery exists in Africa, TODAY....

I will repeat myself, by asking why we are celebrating a man who was directly responsible for the extinction of an entire tribe of people. Why compare his brutality to brutalities of native Americans, when we are not celebrating them. Again, if you feel that singling Columbus out for misdeeds is unfair, we would quite cheerfully also stop celebrating all native American heros who have a holiday dedicated to them.

The truth is that if Columbus were alive today, he would be tried for crimes against humanity, including the sale of natives girls from 9 years old and up, into sexual slavery. The Arawaks were so gentle that they possessed no weapons

Columbus Day? True Legacy: Cruelty and Slavery | HuffPost

So there are no native americans left? Thsts a bit of news to me. We shoild have wiped them out, but we didn't.
Genocide doesn't require the entire group be killed. Just a large portion. The native Americans were certainly victims of genocide.

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Maybe like todays feral black population they should have learned how to behave and act civilized.
Oooo you're disgusting.

Natives lived much more civilly than we do in my opinion.
You obviosly don't know anything about native Americans.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

So there are no native americans left? Thsts a bit of news to me. We shoild have wiped them out, but we didn't.
Genocide doesn't require the entire group be killed. Just a large portion. The native Americans were certainly victims of genocide.

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Maybe like todays feral black population they should have learned how to behave and act civilized.
Oooo you're disgusting.

Natives lived much more civilly than we do in my opinion.
You obviosly don't know anything about native Americans.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Most cultures were more "savage" back then. To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous.
Different Times. Different Standards
Columbus was a great explorer and it took brass balls to sail across the Atlantic.

He’s credited with discovering America, which isn’t true. But what he did do was commit genocide against entire native populations. Here’s why we really shouldn’t be celebrating Christopher Columbus.

VIDEO: Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

Native American Genocide

Another sad day for Native Americans.

Here's another moron who drinks at the same trough that you do....

"San Juan mayor accuses Trump of ‘genocide’ after hurricane"
San Juan mayor accuses Trump of ‘genocide’ after hurricane
So there are no native americans left? Thsts a bit of news to me. We shoild have wiped them out, but we didn't.
Genocide doesn't require the entire group be killed. Just a large portion. The native Americans were certainly victims of genocide.

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Maybe like todays feral black population they should have learned how to behave and act civilized.
Oooo you're disgusting.

Natives lived much more civilly than we do in my opinion.
You obviosly don't know anything about native Americans.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Most cultures were more "savage" back then. To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous.

"To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous."

  1. Attacks by French-allied Indians hit Pennsylvania in October 1755. Sixty to one hundred arrived beyond the settlements, and divided into smaller groups, which went into different valleys to reconnoiter. Each spy ”lay[ing] about a House some days & nights, watching like a wolf” to see ”the situation of the Houses, the number of people at Each House, the places the People most frequent, & to observe at each House where there is most men, or women.” The individual farmsteads they chose a targets were at last attacked in parallel by still smaller groups, each only big enough to kill or capture the number of people it was likely to meet. Col. James Burd, “Pennsylvania Archives,” 1:3:99-104
    1. The brunt of these attacks fell on people who were outside doing field work. The attacks were manufactured to instill paralyzing fear- and they did.
    2. In 1756,William Fleming gave an unrivaled account of life in one of these little attack groups. Delawares stormed the house of Fleming’s neighbor, a farmer named Hicks, and took one of the Hicks boys as prisoner. The Indians then went on to instill fear by having Fleming witness the Hicks boys’ murder: they bludgeoned the boy to the ground with a tomahawk, split open his head- pausing at this point, in “Sport…to imitate his expiring Agonies” – and scalped him, and continued “all over besmared with [Hicks’s] blood.”
    3. Fleming wrote of watching while a youth from a neighboring family was taken by Indians while inside were “numerous Family of able young Men” and despite his “scream[ing] in a most piteous Manner for help,” his brothers made no attempt to help. A narrative of the sufferings and surprizing deliverances of William and Elizabeth Fleming [electron... | National Library of Australia

    1. Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 1778. Four men, two with wives and eight children, were attacked by Indians. [T]his occaion’d our men to flee as fast as they could,…before they were out of sight of the wagon they saw the Indians attacking the women & Children with their Tomahawks.” The net day, the three men came back to the scene for the corpses, which include the stabbed and scalped bodies of Smith’s wife, and of “a Little girl kill’d & sclped, [and] a boy the same.” Pa. Arch. 1:6:591
  1. The essential fact about Indian-European warfare in the middle colonies was that the Europeans almost always did very badly. Though the American Revolution brought about a glorified, misleading view of frontier fighters and riflemen, during the eighteenth century country people practically never managed to mount even faintly convincing defenses against Indian attacks….The only thing that worked was leaving. (p.53)
"Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America"
Peter Silver

Have you ever had a book that didn't require Crayons???
^ well there you have liberals. I've read books written over 50 years ago with narratives about local Texas goings on back in the 1870's and up, told to the author by relatives and others who saw it, or were a generation removed from those who saw it, and Many Texas Indians were as savage as you could get.

One such book is "Goodbye to a river" by John Graves. It provides a narrative of his 3 week canoe trip down the Braozs river in the 1950's with just him and a dog from Possum Kingdom dam to lake whitney, IIRC, and the history of the land and areas surrounding that part of the Brazos. Not something I would relish living in. I have gone down some of the same sections of that river where he talks about, via canoe. PK dam is about 100 miles NW of DFW and it is just about as wild and isolated as you can get without going on a much farther trip.

He’s credited with discovering America, which isn’t true. But what he did do was commit genocide against entire native populations. Here’s why we really shouldn’t be celebrating Christopher Columbus.

VIDEO: Christopher Columbus' So-Called American 'Discovery' Leaves Little To Celebrate

Native American Genocide

Another sad day for Native Americans.

He didn't commit genocide....but thanks for lying.

What did happen....cannibalism and human sacrifice were ended here...thanks Columbus.
^ well there you have liberals. I've read books written over 50 years ago with narratives about local Texas goings on back in the 1870's and up, told to the author by relatives and others who saw it, or were a generation removed from those who saw it, and Many Texas Indians were as savage as you could get.

One such book is "Goodbye to a river" by John Graves. It provides a narrative of his 3 week canoe trip down the Braozs river in the 1950's with just him and a dog from Possum Kingdom dam to lake whitney, IIRC, and the history of the land and areas surrounding that part of the Brazos. Not something I would relish living in. I have gone down some of the same sections of that river where he talks about, via canoe. PK dam is about 100 miles NW of DFW and it is just about as wild and isolated as you can get without going on a much farther trip.

Yup.....most of the Indians were simply stone age savages

. " September, 1874, Catherine German and her family had been moving up the Smoky Hill River in western Kansas with everything they owned in the back of a covered wagon. The Germans, originally from Georgia, were bound for Colorado and a fresh start. Just moments after breaking camp that morning, the family was surprised by Indians. Within minutes the wagon was in flames, the mother, father, and two children were dead and scalped, and four daughters — Catherine, aged 17, Sophia, 12, and little Julia and Addie, aged 7 and 5 respectively — were carried off into captivity.

Catherine’s story is not a pretty one to relate.

There are no Harlequin Romance endings here; no Dances With Wolves Hollywood nonsense; no silly sentimentality. Catherine was raped repeatedly during her captivity, as was her sister, Sophia; both were traded back and forth from one brave to the next; both were transformed into tribal prostitutes, their worth measured in horses. Each time the frail young women were forced to fetch wood or water for their respective lodges, each trembled in fear for each could expect to be raped as many as six times per trip.

[Hmmmmm.....brings to mind a contemporary savage culture.....]

Although the details surrounding Catherine’s rescue are a bit unusual, the conditions of her captivity are not. During the research for my book,Scalp Dance: Indian Warfare on the High Plains, 1865–1879
, I had a chance to study at random the ordeals of some dozen young women captured by Indians, including Catherine German and her sisters. With little variation, the accounts told the same sad story—rape, enslavement, brutality, beatings, abuse. For good reason I named their chapter in the book, “A Fate Worse Than Death.”
Thomas Goodrich, "A Fate Worse Than Death" | Counter-Currents Publishing
In one excerpt from "Goodbye to a river" the author recounted a group of indians that were placed on a reservation and hung around a local fort or locality of some kind. They knew of a man with buffaloes and begged the man to give them one and he did. He thought they could feed themselves with it for a while. Much to his surprise, all the Indians did is drive the beast ahead of them and kill it with arrows and spears, leaving the meat to rot. Then they just hung out again.

My narrative is close to the actual story but I can't find the book right now to clean it up.
So there are no native americans left? Thsts a bit of news to me. We shoild have wiped them out, but we didn't.
Genocide doesn't require the entire group be killed. Just a large portion. The native Americans were certainly victims of genocide.

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Maybe like todays feral black population they should have learned how to behave and act civilized.
Oooo you're disgusting.

Natives lived much more civilly than we do in my opinion.
You obviosly don't know anything about native Americans.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Most cultures were more "savage" back then. To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous.

There was no First Nations genocide. That's a lie. A lie that was greatly perpetuated by that mega fraud Ward Churchill. It's true that First Nations populations declined but that was due greatly to diseases that they had no immunity to.

And Christians no matter how vile they had acted in the past could ever, ever reach the levels of evil cruelty of the Comanches.
Genocide doesn't require the entire group be killed. Just a large portion. The native Americans were certainly victims of genocide.

Genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
Maybe like todays feral black population they should have learned how to behave and act civilized.
Oooo you're disgusting.

Natives lived much more civilly than we do in my opinion.
You obviosly don't know anything about native Americans.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Most cultures were more "savage" back then. To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous.

"To pretend natives were savage and Christians were civil is ridiculous."

  1. Attacks by French-allied Indians hit Pennsylvania in October 1755. Sixty to one hundred arrived beyond the settlements, and divided into smaller groups, which went into different valleys to reconnoiter. Each spy ”lay[ing] about a House some days & nights, watching like a wolf” to see ”the situation of the Houses, the number of people at Each House, the places the People most frequent, & to observe at each House where there is most men, or women.” The individual farmsteads they chose a targets were at last attacked in parallel by still smaller groups, each only big enough to kill or capture the number of people it was likely to meet. Col. James Burd, “Pennsylvania Archives,” 1:3:99-104
    1. The brunt of these attacks fell on people who were outside doing field work. The attacks were manufactured to instill paralyzing fear- and they did.
    2. In 1756,William Fleming gave an unrivaled account of life in one of these little attack groups. Delawares stormed the house of Fleming’s neighbor, a farmer named Hicks, and took one of the Hicks boys as prisoner. The Indians then went on to instill fear by having Fleming witness the Hicks boys’ murder: they bludgeoned the boy to the ground with a tomahawk, split open his head- pausing at this point, in “Sport…to imitate his expiring Agonies” – and scalped him, and continued “all over besmared with [Hicks’s] blood.”
    3. Fleming wrote of watching while a youth from a neighboring family was taken by Indians while inside were “numerous Family of able young Men” and despite his “scream[ing] in a most piteous Manner for help,” his brothers made no attempt to help. A narrative of the sufferings and surprizing deliverances of William and Elizabeth Fleming [electron... | National Library of Australia

    1. Northampton County, Pennsylvania, 1778. Four men, two with wives and eight children, were attacked by Indians. [T]his occaion’d our men to flee as fast as they could,…before they were out of sight of the wagon they saw the Indians attacking the women & Children with their Tomahawks.” The net day, the three men came back to the scene for the corpses, which include the stabbed and scalped bodies of Smith’s wife, and of “a Little girl kill’d & sclped, [and] a boy the same.” Pa. Arch. 1:6:591
  1. The essential fact about Indian-European warfare in the middle colonies was that the Europeans almost always did very badly. Though the American Revolution brought about a glorified, misleading view of frontier fighters and riflemen, during the eighteenth century country people practically never managed to mount even faintly convincing defenses against Indian attacks….The only thing that worked was leaving. (p.53)
"Our Savage Neighbors: How Indian War Transformed Early America"
Peter Silver

Have you ever had a book that didn't require Crayons???

Check out the Comanches....

S C Gwynne, author of Empire Of The Summer Moon about the rise and fall of the Comanche, says simply: ‘No tribe in the history of the Spanish, French, Mexican, Texan, and American occupations of this land had ever caused so much havoc and death. None was even a close second.’

He refers to the ‘demonic immorality’ of Comanche attacks on white settlers, the way in which torture, killings and gang-rapes were routine. ‘The logic of Comanche raids was straightforward,’ he explains.

‘All the men were killed, and any men who were captured alive were tortured; the captive women were gang raped. Babies were invariably killed.’

Read more: How Comanche Indians butchered babies and roasted enemies alive | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
In one excerpt from "Goodbye to a river" the author recounted a group of indians that were placed on a reservation and hung around a local fort or locality of some kind. They knew of a man with buffaloes and begged the man to give them one and he did. He thought they could feed themselves with it for a while. Much to his surprise, all the Indians did is drive the beast ahead of them and kill it with arrows and spears, leaving the meat to rot. Then they just hung out again.

My narrative is close to the actual story but I can't find the book right now to clean it up.

They did this with thousands of buffalo!!!!

"... environmentalists "who are involved in dealings with Aboriginal people in conservation matters will become quickly disillusioned. One has only to camp in the bush with Aboriginal people in many areas and see children cutting down any and everything in sight to appreciate this".
"Aborigines and conservationism: the Daintree-Bloomfield road", Australian Journal of Social Issues, volume 24, 1989, page 220.

"... the Aranda of the Central Australian desert responded to the times of plenty that followed heavy rains: Animals were slaughtered ruthlessly, and only the best and fattest parts of the killed game were eaten; every tree was stripped bare of its fruits, and all that were unripe and tasteless were tossed away ... " Strehlow, Aranda Traditions, Melbourne, 1947, pages 49-50

"....American Indians displayed a similar lack of sensitivity to the "complex web of life". The Sioux, as Daniel Guthrie has noted, "showed no qualms about driving a herd of buffalo over a cliff or about starting a range fire to drive the buffalo". And when buffalo were plentiful, often only the choicest parts were eaten, with the rest of the kill being left to rot --Dances with Wolves notwithstanding. " "Primitive man's relationship to nature",Bioscience, volume 21, 1971, page 722.

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