Christy bans gay conversion "therapy"

Gays do have the right of free-speech and whining...that's for sure.

I'm thinking some may be born Gay and there's a high probability that for many it could be a learned/influenced choice. Finding your sexual identity is highly personal and may very well require "therapy", the ones that love you would know best. Government...... "F" off.

With all due respect Lumpy who would ever make that "choice" if their natural instinct was for the opposite sex? If it is a "learned/influenced choice" as you suggest then who were the primary influences on the child? Aren't they the same people now trying to "unlearn" that "influence" by sending the child to therapy? Shouldn't they, themselves, be undergoing therapy to figure out what they did to their own child? And if they did it to one child then why didn't it happen to all of their children? If I was a parent with a gay child and it was because of something that I had done I would most certainly question myself before I would blame my own child. The reality is that it is no more of a "choice" than the color of your eyes or being left handed. The weird thing is that when I was growing up one of my friends who lived across the street was left handed and his father used to force him to use his right hand or otherwise he would be punished. Still don't understand that to this day.

If you believe that that the so-called "Gay Agenda" is to undermine and the traditional, Judeo-Christian view of human sexuality, marriage and family and you have the liberal media, government, educators, the medical community and the other bastions of liberal demagoguery pushing that agenda. It stands to reason that the young are going to get caught up and confused about their sexual orientation.

Having or pushing for government deciding what's best for your family is nothing more than the liberalism/the Gay agenda willing to steal basic Constitutional rights.
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Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?

LOL.... can't quite steer around the irony of banning the personal choice of a controversial treatment, and his own choice to get stomach stapling. If hypocrisy is a requirement for being President (and it seems it might be), I'd say he's on track alright.
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For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

True enough. But when it comes to consenting adults, it's nobody else's business.
I am not going to hell, it doesn't exist.

Perhaps, you could show some tolerance and respect for what you obviously don't understand by cutting back on the nonsensical remarks.
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Didn't back it up? Geez QW, for some odd reason I don't think you read posts, you must skim read. I used three resources in my posts! And that's how I post consistently, I back them up and that sucks for you every time I do. Now QW will demonize my resources.

There was only one link in the post I quoted.

As for what that report says, the abstract says this.

The American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation conducted a systematic review of the peer-reviewed journal literature on sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) and concluded that efforts to change sexual orientation are unlikely to be successful and involve some risk of harm, contrary to the claims of SOCE practitioners and advocates. Even though the research and clinical literature demonstrate that same-sex sexual and romantic attractions, feelings, and behaviors are normal and positive variations of human sexuality, regardless of sexual orientation identity, the task force concluded that the population that undergoes SOCE tends to have strongly conservative religious views that lead them to seek to change their sexual orientation. Thus, the appropriate application of affirmative therapeutic interventions for those who seek SOCE involves therapist acceptance, support, and understanding of clients and the facilitation of clients’ active coping, social support, and identity exploration and development, without imposing a specific sexual orientation identity outcome.
Doesn't say a damn think about abuse there, does it? In fact, it concludes that not giving people the therapy they want is abusive.

Thanks for confirming that you skim posts. In the post that you replied to, I posted the following "I used three resources in my posts! Now you will notice I posted "posts", which would indicate plural. Now go back to my post #66. What do you see?
Thank you for your attention.

Thanks for proving you cannot read.

What part of what you just said contradicts anything I said?

If I go back and look at post 66 will will anything show that reparation therapy is abusive?

Lets find out. The first is a Yahoo news link about the legal status of conversion therapy based on the California law which will be struck down on 1st Amendment issues, and discusses the fact that there is no science behind conversion therapy while ignoring the fact that there is also no science behind any other type of therapy and/or psychology.

The second is a press release from the APA about a book that is written around their belief, without any evidence to back it up, that sexual preference is programmed into people.

The third is another press release talking about how they don't think conversion therapy is a valid treatment.

None of them back up your claim that there is actual research that has concluded that this type of therapy is abusive.

I guess that leads me back to my original question about you making claims and not backing them up.

Want to tell me again about the multiple resources you used?
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

All psychologists are fake doctors, yet schools practically mandate them.
Gays do have the right of free-speech and whining...that's for sure.

I'm thinking some may be born Gay and there's a high probability that for many it could be a learned/influenced choice. Finding your sexual identity is highly personal and may very well require "therapy", the ones that love you would know best. Government...... "F" off.

With all due respect Lumpy who would ever make that "choice" if their natural instinct was for the opposite sex? If it is a "learned/influenced choice" as you suggest then who were the primary influences on the child? Aren't they the same people now trying to "unlearn" that "influence" by sending the child to therapy? Shouldn't they, themselves, be undergoing therapy to figure out what they did to their own child? And if they did it to one child then why didn't it happen to all of their children? If I was a parent with a gay child and it was because of something that I had done I would most certainly question myself before I would blame my own child. The reality is that it is no more of a "choice" than the color of your eyes or being left handed. The weird thing is that when I was growing up one of my friends who lived across the street was left handed and his father used to force him to use his right hand or otherwise he would be punished. Still don't understand that to this day.

If you believe that that the so-called "Gay Agenda" is to undermine and the traditional, Judeo-Christian view of human sexuality, marriage and family and you have the liberal media, government, educators, the medical community and the other bastions of liberal demagoguery pushing that agenda. It stands to reason that the young are going to get caught up and confused about their sexual orientation.

Having or pushing for government deciding what's best for your family is nothing more than the liberalism/the Gay agenda willing to steal basic Constitutional rights.

There have always been gays amongst us and there will always be gays. Nothing is going to alter that. This nation was founded on the basis of equality. Just as there should be no government discrimination based on race, sex or creed there should not be any based upon orientation either in my opinion. Adolescence is a confusing time for young people since they are moving from childhood to adulthood. We no longer insist that women must only remain in the kitchen and raise the children. As a society we are evolving towards being more understanding of what others have to contribute. If there is an "agenda" it was one that the Founding Fathers put in place for us.
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

True enough. But when it comes to consenting adults, it's nobody else's business.

Good thing this law has nothing to do with consenting adults.
I am not going to hell, it doesn't exist.

Perhaps, you could show some tolerance and respect for what you obviously don't understand by cutting back on the nonsensical remarks.

Says the person who believes in an invisible man in the sky who sends people to a place of agony and burning if they don't do everything he asks.
With all due respect Lumpy who would ever make that "choice" if their natural instinct was for the opposite sex? If it is a "learned/influenced choice" as you suggest then who were the primary influences on the child? Aren't they the same people now trying to "unlearn" that "influence" by sending the child to therapy? Shouldn't they, themselves, be undergoing therapy to figure out what they did to their own child? And if they did it to one child then why didn't it happen to all of their children? If I was a parent with a gay child and it was because of something that I had done I would most certainly question myself before I would blame my own child. The reality is that it is no more of a "choice" than the color of your eyes or being left handed. The weird thing is that when I was growing up one of my friends who lived across the street was left handed and his father used to force him to use his right hand or otherwise he would be punished. Still don't understand that to this day.

If you believe that that the so-called "Gay Agenda" is to undermine and the traditional, Judeo-Christian view of human sexuality, marriage and family and you have the liberal media, government, educators, the medical community and the other bastions of liberal demagoguery pushing that agenda. It stands to reason that the young are going to get caught up and confused about their sexual orientation.

Having or pushing for government deciding what's best for your family is nothing more than the liberalism/the Gay agenda willing to steal basic Constitutional rights.

There have always been gays amongst us and there will always be gays. Nothing is going to alter that. This nation was founded on the basis of equality. Just as there should be no government discrimination based on race, sex or creed there should not be any based upon orientation either in my opinion. Adolescence is a confusing time for young people since they are moving from childhood to adulthood. We no longer insist that women must only remain in the kitchen and raise the children. As a society we are evolving towards being more understanding of what others have to contribute. If there is an "agenda" it was one that the Founding Fathers put in place for us.

oh so understanding is banning our freedoms of choice? and it's only ones that some of you find reasonable...then lets ban abortions it's not good for our Society..we should be evolving in wanting to stop killing off our children, NO?
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

All psychologists are fake doctors, yet schools practically mandate them.

Do you intentionally talk out of your ass? Literally every thread you decide to invade you somehow manage to make the most asinine statements that nobody with a shred of honesty or intelligence would be able to make with a straight face.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy your posts for their pure entertainment value, but it's scary to think sometimes that you are actually being serious.
Christy thinks this will get the lefties to vote for him he going to be in for one big ass shock...but he showed his true colors with wonder him and Obama are BFF's..two wannabe dictators in a pod
Christy thinks this will get the lefties to vote for him he going to be in for one big ass shock...but he showed his true colors with wonder him and Obama are BFF's..two wannabe dictators in a pod

Imagine if you didn't waste your life on Fox News and this site soaking up and spewing out the nonsense that you shit out of your mouth every day.

Just might not be poor and actually have done something with your life. Dare to dream!

And I know your pea-brain knee jerk reaction will be "look at how RDD attacks poor people". Nope, I have empathy for the poor, just not the terminally stupid.
I t sounds like Christy has spent too much time hobnobbing with the Queer B. Hussein Obama!

First Amendment rights are only valid when they are convenient for libs and RINOs!
It's threads like this that show you how far out of touch with reality the far right has become. Look at the whack jobs in this thread who can't understand how someone with an (R) next to their name would ever do something reasonable like this.

And you people wonder why your candidates keep losing major elections.

Why it it 'reasonable' to remove an option, a choice, that was formerly open to free men and women?

Any who chose not to avail themselves of the choice....didn't choose it.

Why do you bow at the alter of 'government knows what's best for everyone'?

Demand to make your own conservatives do.

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