Christy bans gay conversion "therapy"

"The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals and three hundred sixty two admonishments to heterosexuals. That doesn't mean that God doesn't love heterosexuals. It's just that they need more supervision." Lynne Lavner

There are few things in life so clearly obvious that explanation isn't required. My brother is gay, I am not. It is so simple a thing I wonder at those who continue to debate orientation. So allow me to test myself, join in with me please. Today I will be gay, I'll switch hit to use a baseball action as metaphor. 'Oh jeez he has nice behind, and look at those biceps.' Hmm, ain't gonna work. Know why? Now you try, give it a day or so. Remember stay oriented opposite, no cheating.

That was wrong Dear God letter. Here is right one but I need to find link.

Dear God,

This is a letter from James, but you already knew that. I know I am being presumptuous but I wanted to share some thoughts.

What is it about all these people who fear gay people? Let them marry too. Jeez, oh sorry, that may be blasphemous, I'll stop using it. But heck, you've seen Jerry Springer and Maury Povich and Dr Phil, I mean I can't figure out why they even allow heterosexual marriage! Can you? Sure causes a lot more pain for people than gay people do. All those crazy people raising kids!

My brother is gay, I know you knew that, but you must also know he was always that way, you made him right? Anyway I knew it quite young, no one decides those things. I can't remember when girls, women, woke up that longing in me. I know that was no balancing act, no choice, they still drive me wild, just a bit less so as age unfolds. That Scarlett Johansson sure is something! Given poverty, cancer, terrorism, hatred, and other bad stuff, seems people often worry about things that just are the way they are.

Enough thoughts for now, hope the weather is nice where you are.

Take care, you know who

Edit wrong link.

"Hate is not a reasoned argument. Don’t pander to those who hate by trying to prove you ‘couldn’t help it’, or ‘given the choice, you’d be heterosexual’. Beware of the ‘good little boy’ syndrome, where you over-achieve in the hope that people will be willing to ‘overlook’ your supposed imperfection. These things only justify the discrimination.

"The cause of sexuality is really quite irrelevant, except to those who are insecure and want you to conform. There’s no need to look for some cause, as your sexuality is not an imperfection. You’re just fine the way you are, with your own potential, possibilities and set of things you have to offer to the world.

"Be yourself, inasmuch at does not bring physical harm, and know you’re not alone. History is littered with proof of the fact that it is possible for the majority to be wrong.

"And quite frankly, the only ‘reasonable’ answer to unreasonable bigots is, well, none at all."
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It's threads like this that show you how far out of touch with reality the far right has become. Look at the whack jobs in this thread who can't understand how someone with an (R) next to their name would ever do something reasonable like this.

And you people wonder why your candidates keep losing major elections.

Why it it 'reasonable' to remove an option, a choice, that was formerly open to free men and women?

Any who chose not to avail themselves of the choice....didn't choose it.

Why do you bow at the alter of 'government knows what's best for everyone'?

Demand to make your own conservatives do.

I can give you plenty of reasons why

1) You can't reverse gay
2) This is banning the practice being used on children. Children who are struggling enough with who they are and facing that they are gay in a world full of people who will look down on them, simply for being who they are. Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work. It will only confuse them further.
3) This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different.

You're welcome
It's threads like this that show you how far out of touch with reality the far right has become. Look at the whack jobs in this thread who can't understand how someone with an (R) next to their name would ever do something reasonable like this.

And you people wonder why your candidates keep losing major elections.

Why it it 'reasonable' to remove an option, a choice, that was formerly open to free men and women?

Any who chose not to avail themselves of the choice....didn't choose it.

Why do you bow at the alter of 'government knows what's best for everyone'?

Demand to make your own conservatives do.

come on now, he is the "in touch" one...the government says bow, and he says yes, dear government
The Right doesn't want to remove options even if the options are harmful.

See how that works
If you believe that that the so-called "Gay Agenda" is to undermine and the traditional, Judeo-Christian view of human sexuality, marriage and family and you have the liberal media, government, educators, the medical community and the other bastions of liberal demagoguery pushing that agenda. It stands to reason that the young are going to get caught up and confused about their sexual orientation.

Having or pushing for government deciding what's best for your family is nothing more than the liberalism/the Gay agenda willing to steal basic Constitutional rights.

There have always been gays amongst us and there will always be gays. Nothing is going to alter that. This nation was founded on the basis of equality. Just as there should be no government discrimination based on race, sex or creed there should not be any based upon orientation either in my opinion. Adolescence is a confusing time for young people since they are moving from childhood to adulthood. We no longer insist that women must only remain in the kitchen and raise the children. As a society we are evolving towards being more understanding of what others have to contribute. If there is an "agenda" it was one that the Founding Fathers put in place for us.

oh so understanding is banning our freedoms of choice? and it's only ones that some of you find reasonable...then lets ban abortions it's not good for our Society..we should be evolving in wanting to stop killing off our children, NO?

Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?
There have always been gays amongst us and there will always be gays. Nothing is going to alter that. This nation was founded on the basis of equality. Just as there should be no government discrimination based on race, sex or creed there should not be any based upon orientation either in my opinion. Adolescence is a confusing time for young people since they are moving from childhood to adulthood. We no longer insist that women must only remain in the kitchen and raise the children. As a society we are evolving towards being more understanding of what others have to contribute. If there is an "agenda" it was one that the Founding Fathers put in place for us.

oh so understanding is banning our freedoms of choice? and it's only ones that some of you find reasonable...then lets ban abortions it's not good for our Society..we should be evolving in wanting to stop killing off our children, NO?

Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

REALLY? since when don't PARENTS have rights in this country over their OWN CHILDREN?
now the government is THE PARENT?
some of you people don't deserve to live free or have children you see this as a good thing stepping on Parents RIGHTS
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oh so understanding is banning our freedoms of choice? and it's only ones that some of you find reasonable...then lets ban abortions it's not good for our Society..we should be evolving in wanting to stop killing off our children, NO?

Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

REALLY? since when don't PARENTS have rights in this country over their OWN CHILDREN?
now the government is THE PARENT?
some of you people don't deserve to live free or have children you see this as a good thing stepping on Parents RIGHTS

So parents must be allowed to poison and/or molest their children because that is their "Parents RIGHTS"?
Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

REALLY? since when don't PARENTS have rights in this country over their OWN CHILDREN?
now the government is THE PARENT?
some of you people don't deserve to live free or have children you see this as a good thing stepping on Parents RIGHTS

So parents must be allowed to poison and/or molest their children because that is their "Parents RIGHTS"?

resort to the dramatics...this is a THREAPY...
what right does Christy have to decide what is good or NOT...
some of you are so helpless you can't make decisions for yourself or your families..
cheering this by Christy proves it
REALLY? since when don't PARENTS have rights in this country over their OWN CHILDREN?
now the government is THE PARENT?
some of you people don't deserve to live free or have children you see this as a good thing stepping on Parents RIGHTS

So parents must be allowed to poison and/or molest their children because that is their "Parents RIGHTS"?

resort to the dramatics...this is a THREAPY...
what right does Christy have to decide what is good or NOT...
some of you are so helpless you can't make decisions for yourself or your families..
cheering this by Christy proves it

No, therapy is for a DIAGNOSIS. There is no diagnosis involved.

Christie opposes conversion therapy but will he sign a ban into law? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The bill – which was approved by a state Senate committee on Monday – would make it illegal for a professional counselor to "engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a person under 18." Therapy methods vary, but are often times associated with fundamentalist Christian groups who oppose homosexuality. Shock therapy is used in some instances.

Major medical groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association, oppose therapies that aim to treat homosexuality as a mental disorder.

So YOU want parents to have the "right" to force their minor children to undergo electrical shocks purely because of the parents own personal religious beliefs?
So parents must be allowed to poison and/or molest their children because that is their "Parents RIGHTS"?

resort to the dramatics...this is a THREAPY...
what right does Christy have to decide what is good or NOT...
some of you are so helpless you can't make decisions for yourself or your families..
cheering this by Christy proves it

No, therapy is for a DIAGNOSIS. There is no diagnosis involved.

Christie opposes conversion therapy but will he sign a ban into law? ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The bill – which was approved by a state Senate committee on Monday – would make it illegal for a professional counselor to "engage in sexual orientation change efforts with a person under 18." Therapy methods vary, but are often times associated with fundamentalist Christian groups who oppose homosexuality. Shock therapy is used in some instances.

Major medical groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Medical Association, oppose therapies that aim to treat homosexuality as a mental disorder.

So YOU want parents to have the "right" to force their minor children to undergo electrical shocks purely because of the parents own personal religious beliefs?

Answer: Yes
Reason: None
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?


And it’s going to be a real headache for social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists.

I expect fundamentalists and social conservatives will wind up being a pain for Christie.

The liberty wing of the party wants nothing to do with him, as well.

Democrats like him because they know he's easy prey. I truly wish that he would switch parties and seek the democratic nomination. We'll see how much they like him, then.
Christy should take the next step and just BAN all therapy...If he finds this one should be banned none of them can be good for a person


lets give a clue to ban abortion, call him folks suggest it

Research has been done on this type of therapy and it's been found to be basically a harmful fraud. not to work &__utmv=-&__utmk=193237549

So in other words. Christy is stopping a fraud practiced by unqualified snake oil salesmen. It can be harmful to the "patient" and of course there's the cost of this unproven practice which goes against professional studies.
States often outlaw fraudulent scams to protect it's citizens and this is no different.

The APA has become a harmful fraud.
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

What do you care?
For teenagers, how it is a choice to go to some fake doctor? They are being pushed by their parents, who have made them believe that they need to change, that there is something wrong with them.
If parents would get their heads out of the Bible and love their children for who they are, there wouldn't be a problem.

True enough. But when it comes to consenting adults, it's nobody else's business.

Then stop telling us about your homo love
I am not going to hell, it doesn't exist.

Perhaps, you could show some tolerance and respect for what you obviously don't understand by cutting back on the nonsensical remarks.

Says the person who believes in an invisible man in the sky who sends people to a place of agony and burning if they don't do everything he asks.

Says the person who emerged from a cosmic slush pile through an as yet unknown process.
Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

REALLY? since when don't PARENTS have rights in this country over their OWN CHILDREN?
now the government is THE PARENT?
some of you people don't deserve to live free or have children you see this as a good thing stepping on Parents RIGHTS

So parents must be allowed to poison and/or molest their children because that is their "Parents RIGHTS"?

They should let the government do it, I guess.
More like

Homo therapy = Bad BECAUSE it doesn't work
Abortion = Bad BUT it Works

Lots of ex-gays say it works. But we can't believe them, right? How in the hell would they know?

Lots of witches say Witchcraft works

Lots of liberals confuse the non sequitur with intelligent discourse.

Seems to me if someone says they used to be homosexual and now are not, they'd be the ones to know, wouldn't they?

I suppose they should ask a government official for confirmation.

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