Christy bans gay conversion "therapy"

I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

No one mocks the lifestyles of the truly devout as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves, Lumpy. It is only if they attempt to impose their "lifestyles" on others that they incur mockery, criticism and prejudice. A case in point is followers of Islam. Prior to 9/11 no one really cared about Moslems unless they were like Malcom X and made a big issue about their faith. The average Moslem was left to go about their lives pretty much normally. After 9/11 they found themselves to be the objects of "mockery, criticism and prejudice" even though they were just as shocked and appalled by what had happened.

So they too know what it is like to live a "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice". Let me take this one step further. As an Atheist no one cares how I live my life but if any Atheist decides to object a religious artifact being sponsored with government funding in violation of the Constitution then suddenly all Atheists are "mocked, criticized and subject to prejudice".

Does this make it right for it to happen to Christians? Of course it doesn't. In each and every instance it is a minority who are grabbing the headlines and this causes problems for all of those who happen to be in the same category.
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

What about the Christian lifestyle. Would you like therapy forced on you to change your Christian behavior?
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

What about the Christian lifestyle. Would you like therapy forced on you to change your Christian behavior?

From the Government?
I can give you plenty of reasons why

1) You can't reverse gay
2) This is banning the practice being used on children. Children who are struggling enough with who they are and facing that they are gay in a world full of people who will look down on them, simply for being who they are. Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work. It will only confuse them further.
3) This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different.

You're welcome

"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay. She may have just wanted publicity, and chose to go along with the idea of hooking up with Ellen just for that reason. That's probably why she was so screwed up after she left Ellen, because going against your natural inclinations messes with your mind.

Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark. When I was a teen, I knew girls that were straight, then all of a sudden they broke up with their guy and they were suddenly gay and having relationship with another girl. In the end, they all came back to their natural desire - men! You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket.
Those that are truly gay, will always be gay. You couldn't get me to change to gay.

The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships.

That's because they were not ever really gay. There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives.

Young people today seem to want to experiment everything. That doesn't mean it is their natural orientation. Just like we as adults would think it would be stupid to take medicine not prescribed to oneself and not knowing what it is for, but teenagers today are having what they call Skittles parties, where everyone brings pills, they place them in a candy bowl and they take them like they would candy. That doesn't say that if they happen to escape without killing themselves that they would be doing the same at 35.

I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl? In another forum/thread, the same people that condemn homosexuality were having fits over a 6 yr old boy's parents insisting that he be allowed to wear a dress to school. Most were saying the parents had no right to push his desire to be a girl. But now, you are saying the parents should have that right.

We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up.

Of course it does.....removing choice is the hallmark of you busibody Libs.
You're the ones removing choice, wanting to mold children into what the parents think they should be, instead of supporting them and letting them decide when they grow up.

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.
Looks like you're having a hard time with that in NJ. Apparently Christie is putting uptight conservatives in their place.

Chris Christie signs N.J. bill banning gay conversion therapy -

Why does everyone forget the Bisexuals?
I can give you plenty of reasons why

1) You can't reverse gay
2) This is banning the practice being used on children. Children who are struggling enough with who they are and facing that they are gay in a world full of people who will look down on them, simply for being who they are. Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work. It will only confuse them further.
3) This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different.

You're welcome

"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"I gave a speech recently, an empowerment speech to a gay audience, and it included the line 'I've been straight and I've been gay, and gay is better.' And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice," Nixon said, to the chagrin of many disapproving homosexual activists.
"You don't get to define my gayness for me," Nixon added.
Cynthia Nixon Responds to Critics of 'Gay by Choice' Comments

No matter what aspect of sexuality you name, it can placed on a spectrum....and as far as permanence, it has been shown to exist anywhere from 'always' to 'never'....and that encompasses 'sometimes.'

a. "In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? -

b. The CDC released a study indicating that many, if not most, tend to move away from homosexuality as they get older; by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%.

Read the study yourself:

That's one misconception destroyed. wrong as you have just been shown to be about this ....can you imagine how many other areas you've been mislead about.

Think about it.

2. "This is banning the practice being used on children."
Children are the charge of their parents.
While the 'therapy' is often used on young adults....if it is used on small children, I say let their parents decide.....not you, or the governor.....or the state.

a. "Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work."

Does this count?
 In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]
Homosexuality Statistics - Conservapedia

And....If it doesn't work, why are you so worried about it?

3. "This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different."

Of course it does.....removing choice is the hallmark of you busibody Libs.
"...not be pushed in to it by overbearing..." Parents making their best decisions for their own children.....that's being 'overbearing'?
Sounds like a totalitarian who can't stand folks not agreeing with him.
Perhaps you require some sort of tolerance-therapy?

"...can't handle that their child just might be a little different."
That's your business?
Seems to me that's the reason folks send the young un's to soccer, violin lessons, math classes..... Overbearing?

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.

LOL, like I thought. Your typical post of no substance or evidence for anything you post. Please provide links and please order them with a bulleted list. I also recommend you drone on as long as possible and bold random portions of what you respond with. Thank you for your anticipated compliance.

^ :cuckoo:
"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay. She may have just wanted publicity, and chose to go along with the idea of hooking up with Ellen just for that reason. That's probably why she was so screwed up after she left Ellen, because going against your natural inclinations messes with your mind.

Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark. When I was a teen, I knew girls that were straight, then all of a sudden they broke up with their guy and they were suddenly gay and having relationship with another girl. In the end, they all came back to their natural desire - men! You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket.
Those that are truly gay, will always be gay. You couldn't get me to change to gay.

The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships.

That's because they were not ever really gay. There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives.

Young people today seem to want to experiment everything. That doesn't mean it is their natural orientation. Just like we as adults would think it would be stupid to take medicine not prescribed to oneself and not knowing what it is for, but teenagers today are having what they call Skittles parties, where everyone brings pills, they place them in a candy bowl and they take them like they would candy. That doesn't say that if they happen to escape without killing themselves that they would be doing the same at 35.

I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl? In another forum/thread, the same people that condemn homosexuality were having fits over a 6 yr old boy's parents insisting that he be allowed to wear a dress to school. Most were saying the parents had no right to push his desire to be a girl. But now, you are saying the parents should have that right.

We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up.

You're the ones removing choice, wanting to mold children into what the parents think they should be, instead of supporting them and letting them decide when they grow up.

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.
Looks like you're having a hard time with that in NJ. Apparently Christie is putting uptight conservatives in their place.

Chris Christie signs N.J. bill banning gay conversion therapy -

Why does everyone forget the Bisexuals?

FFS let's not forget them or the trannies or pedophiles or shit eaters or animal fuckers or..............
You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay. She may have just wanted publicity, and chose to go along with the idea of hooking up with Ellen just for that reason. That's probably why she was so screwed up after she left Ellen, because going against your natural inclinations messes with your mind.

Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark. When I was a teen, I knew girls that were straight, then all of a sudden they broke up with their guy and they were suddenly gay and having relationship with another girl. In the end, they all came back to their natural desire - men! You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket.
Those that are truly gay, will always be gay. You couldn't get me to change to gay.

The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships.

That's because they were not ever really gay. There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives.

Young people today seem to want to experiment everything. That doesn't mean it is their natural orientation. Just like we as adults would think it would be stupid to take medicine not prescribed to oneself and not knowing what it is for, but teenagers today are having what they call Skittles parties, where everyone brings pills, they place them in a candy bowl and they take them like they would candy. That doesn't say that if they happen to escape without killing themselves that they would be doing the same at 35.

I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl? In another forum/thread, the same people that condemn homosexuality were having fits over a 6 yr old boy's parents insisting that he be allowed to wear a dress to school. Most were saying the parents had no right to push his desire to be a girl. But now, you are saying the parents should have that right.

We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up.

You're the ones removing choice, wanting to mold children into what the parents think they should be, instead of supporting them and letting them decide when they grow up.

Looks like you're having a hard time with that in NJ. Apparently Christie is putting uptight conservatives in their place.

Chris Christie signs N.J. bill banning gay conversion therapy -

Why does everyone forget the Bisexuals?

FFS let's not forget them or the trannies or pedophiles or shit eaters or animal fuckers or..............

^ Another RWr that does not know the difference between consent and non-consent. We should start a list of those people need to stay away from since they cannot discern the difference.
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

No one mocks the lifestyles of the truly devout as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves, Lumpy. It is only if they attempt to impose their "lifestyles" on others that they incur mockery, criticism and prejudice. A case in point is followers of Islam. Prior to 9/11 no one really cared about Moslems unless they were like Malcom X and made a big issue about their faith. The average Moslem was left to go about their lives pretty much normally. After 9/11 they found themselves to be the objects of "mockery, criticism and prejudice" even though they were just as shocked and appalled by what had happened.

So they too know what it is like to live a "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice". Let me take this one step further. As an Atheist no one cares how I live my life but if any Atheist decides to object a religious artifact being sponsored with government funding in violation of the Constitution then suddenly all Atheists are "mocked, criticized and subject to prejudice".

Does this make it right for it to happen to Christians? Of course it doesn't. In each and every instance it is a minority who are grabbing the headlines and this causes problems for all of those who happen to be in the same category.

Sooo bottom line.. Gays can speak out and promote their lifestyle but the opposing view can't without being persecuted. Is that what your saying, I want to be sure?
I can give you plenty of reasons why

1) You can't reverse gay
2) This is banning the practice being used on children. Children who are struggling enough with who they are and facing that they are gay in a world full of people who will look down on them, simply for being who they are. Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work. It will only confuse them further.
3) This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different.

You're welcome

"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"I gave a speech recently, an empowerment speech to a gay audience, and it included the line 'I've been straight and I've been gay, and gay is better.' And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice," Nixon said, to the chagrin of many disapproving homosexual activists.
"You don't get to define my gayness for me," Nixon added.
Cynthia Nixon Responds to Critics of 'Gay by Choice' Comments

No matter what aspect of sexuality you name, it can placed on a spectrum....and as far as permanence, it has been shown to exist anywhere from 'always' to 'never'....and that encompasses 'sometimes.'

a. "In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? -

b. The CDC released a study indicating that many, if not most, tend to move away from homosexuality as they get older; by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%.

Read the study yourself:

That's one misconception destroyed. wrong as you have just been shown to be about this ....can you imagine how many other areas you've been mislead about.

Think about it.

2. "This is banning the practice being used on children."
Children are the charge of their parents.
While the 'therapy' is often used on young adults....if it is used on small children, I say let their parents decide.....not you, or the governor.....or the state.

a. "Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work."

Does this count?
 In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]
Homosexuality Statistics - Conservapedia

And....If it doesn't work, why are you so worried about it?

3. "This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different."

Of course it does.....removing choice is the hallmark of you busibody Libs.
"...not be pushed in to it by overbearing..." Parents making their best decisions for their own children.....that's being 'overbearing'?
Sounds like a totalitarian who can't stand folks not agreeing with him.
Perhaps you require some sort of tolerance-therapy?

"...can't handle that their child just might be a little different."
That's your business?
Seems to me that's the reason folks send the young un's to soccer, violin lessons, math classes..... Overbearing?

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.

LOL, like I thought. Your typical post of no substance or evidence for anything you post. Please provide links and please order them with a bulleted list. I also recommend you drone on as long as possible and bold random portions of what you respond with. Thank you for your anticipated compliance. I've reduced you to a being a liar.

"no substance or evidence for anything you post"

And, at least five clickable links, including the CDC report.

And...this: "LOL, like I thought."

It's 'As I thought." don't think.

"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"I gave a speech recently, an empowerment speech to a gay audience, and it included the line 'I've been straight and I've been gay, and gay is better.' And they tried to get me to change it, because they said it implies that homosexuality can be a choice. And for me, it is a choice," Nixon said, to the chagrin of many disapproving homosexual activists.
"You don't get to define my gayness for me," Nixon added.
Cynthia Nixon Responds to Critics of 'Gay by Choice' Comments

No matter what aspect of sexuality you name, it can placed on a spectrum....and as far as permanence, it has been shown to exist anywhere from 'always' to 'never'....and that encompasses 'sometimes.'

a. "In other words, for the minority who may have experimented with gay relationships at some juncture in their lives, well over 80% explicitly renounced homosexual (or even bisexual) self-identification by age of 35. For the clear majority of males (as well as women) who report gay encounters, homosexual activity appears to represent a passing phase, or even a fleeting episode, rather than an unshakable, genetically pre-determined orientation."
Column: Does it matter if only 1.4% of people are gay? -

b. The CDC released a study indicating that many, if not most, tend to move away from homosexuality as they get older; by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%.

Read the study yourself:

That's one misconception destroyed. wrong as you have just been shown to be about this ....can you imagine how many other areas you've been mislead about.

Think about it.

2. "This is banning the practice being used on children."
Children are the charge of their parents.
While the 'therapy' is often used on young adults....if it is used on small children, I say let their parents decide.....not you, or the governor.....or the state.

a. "Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work."

Does this count?
 In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]
Homosexuality Statistics - Conservapedia

And....If it doesn't work, why are you so worried about it?

3. "This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different."

Of course it does.....removing choice is the hallmark of you busibody Libs.
"...not be pushed in to it by overbearing..." Parents making their best decisions for their own children.....that's being 'overbearing'?
Sounds like a totalitarian who can't stand folks not agreeing with him.
Perhaps you require some sort of tolerance-therapy?

"...can't handle that their child just might be a little different."
That's your business?
Seems to me that's the reason folks send the young un's to soccer, violin lessons, math classes..... Overbearing?

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.

LOL, like I thought. Your typical post of no substance or evidence for anything you post. Please provide links and please order them with a bulleted list. I also recommend you drone on as long as possible and bold random portions of what you respond with. Thank you for your anticipated compliance. I've reduced you to a being a liar.

"no substance or evidence for anything you post"

And, at least five clickable links, including the CDC report.

And...this: "LOL, like I thought."

It's 'As I thought." don't think.


I'm starting to feel some pity for him...:lol:
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

This doesn’t make any sense.

No government is taking control of “basic family decision and Constitutional rights,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.

There are no Federal, state, or local laws that interfere with families making decisions or violate any rights of families to make decisions.

Again, the New Jersey law is a wise and appropriate regulatory measure designed to prohibit the quackery that is ‘conversion therapy,’ indeed, the state would be remiss in its duties if it were to fail to do so.
Chris Christie To Sign Gay Conversion Therapy Ban

Gov. Chris Christie plans to sign a bill Monday barring licensed therapists from trying to turn gay teenagers straight, making New Jersey the second state to ban so-called conversion therapy, along with California.

The bill passed both houses of the New Jersey Legislature with bipartisan support in June. Assemblyman Tim Eustace, who sponsored the bill and is openly gay, described the therapy as "an insidious form of child abuse."

Well ............ its a start.

And, looks more and ore like he's running for prez.

About his stomach stapling surgery - does it look like he's lost weight?

He vows to ban AA, and Gamblers Anonymous next!
What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

No one mocks the lifestyles of the truly devout as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves, Lumpy. It is only if they attempt to impose their "lifestyles" on others that they incur mockery, criticism and prejudice. A case in point is followers of Islam. Prior to 9/11 no one really cared about Moslems unless they were like Malcom X and made a big issue about their faith. The average Moslem was left to go about their lives pretty much normally. After 9/11 they found themselves to be the objects of "mockery, criticism and prejudice" even though they were just as shocked and appalled by what had happened.

So they too know what it is like to live a "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice". Let me take this one step further. As an Atheist no one cares how I live my life but if any Atheist decides to object a religious artifact being sponsored with government funding in violation of the Constitution then suddenly all Atheists are "mocked, criticized and subject to prejudice".

Does this make it right for it to happen to Christians? Of course it doesn't. In each and every instance it is a minority who are grabbing the headlines and this causes problems for all of those who happen to be in the same category.

Sooo bottom line.. Gays can speak out and promote their lifestyle but the opposing view can't without being persecuted. Is that what your saying, I want to be sure?

Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, that wasn't what I was trying to do. Gays have no more right to "impose" themselves on you than anyone else does. Gays have the right to live their "lifestyle" just as Christians have the right to their "lifestyle" too. This is matter of equality rather than one of imposition. That was what I understand the Founding Fathers were passing on to us a legacy. None of us are better than anyone else. There is no "aristocracy" or "upper class". We all have the same rights and my rights end where yours begin.
2. "This is banning the practice being used on children."
Children are the charge of their parents.
While the 'therapy' is often used on young adults....if it is used on small children, I say let their parents decide.....not you, or the governor.....or the state.

If Abusive, which it is. Abuse because its from their parent is not an option

a. "Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work."

Does this count?
 In 1980 a study was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry which stated that eleven former homosexual men became heterosexuals "without explicit treatment and/or long-term psychotherapy" through their participation in a Pentecostal church.[3]
Homosexuality Statistics - Conservapedia

And....If it doesn't work, why are you so worried about it?

No that doesn't count. Going to church isn't the same as this "therapy' they are talking about.

And did you link to Conservapedia!?!??!? ROFL!

1. If it is abuse....file charges of abuse.
Were there such criminal convictions for use of this plan?
No? isn't abuse.

2. Why do I constantly find myself teaching basic English to dolts like you?
A doctor telling a person to get out in the fresh air is therapy.....

ther·a·py (thr-p)
n. pl. ther·a·pies
1. Treatment of illness or disability.
2. Psychotherapy.
3. Healing power or quality: the therapy of fresh air and sun.

3. How stupid do you have to be to claim that Liberal sources will regularly provide the truth about Liberal boondoggles?

Conservapedia....if you have evidence of errors in there.....reveal 'em. remain a dope.l
Why does everyone forget the Bisexuals?

FFS let's not forget them or the trannies or pedophiles or shit eaters or animal fuckers or..............

^ Another RWr that does not know the difference between consent and non-consent. We should start a list of those people need to stay away from since they cannot discern the difference.

It’s also another conservative exhibiting his hate, ignorance, and propensity for authoritarianism.

Bisexual and transgender persons are in no way in the same category as pedophiles, to suggest so is idiocy.
I can give you plenty of reasons why

1) You can't reverse gay
2) This is banning the practice being used on children. Children who are struggling enough with who they are and facing that they are gay in a world full of people who will look down on them, simply for being who they are. Children don't need to be pushed in to quack "therapy" which has never been proven to work. It will only confuse them further.
3) This does not eliminate the "choice" you love so much for consenting adults who are old enough to make their own decisions and not be pushed in to it by overbearing parents who can't handle that their child just might be a little different.

You're welcome

"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay. She may have just wanted publicity, and chose to go along with the idea of hooking up with Ellen just for that reason. That's probably why she was so screwed up after she left Ellen, because going against your natural inclinations messes with your mind.

Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark. When I was a teen, I knew girls that were straight, then all of a sudden they broke up with their guy and they were suddenly gay and having relationship with another girl. In the end, they all came back to their natural desire - men! You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket.
Those that are truly gay, will always be gay. You couldn't get me to change to gay.

The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships.

That's because they were not ever really gay. There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives.

Young people today seem to want to experiment everything. That doesn't mean it is their natural orientation. Just like we as adults would think it would be stupid to take medicine not prescribed to oneself and not knowing what it is for, but teenagers today are having what they call Skittles parties, where everyone brings pills, they place them in a candy bowl and they take them like they would candy. That doesn't say that if they happen to escape without killing themselves that they would be doing the same at 35.

I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl? In another forum/thread, the same people that condemn homosexuality were having fits over a 6 yr old boy's parents insisting that he be allowed to wear a dress to school. Most were saying the parents had no right to push his desire to be a girl. But now, you are saying the parents should have that right.

We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up.

Of course it does.....removing choice is the hallmark of you busibody Libs.
You're the ones removing choice, wanting to mold children into what the parents think they should be, instead of supporting them and letting them decide when they grow up.

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.
Looks like you're having a hard time with that in NJ. Apparently Christie is putting uptight conservatives in their place.

Chris Christie signs N.J. bill banning gay conversion therapy -

1. "You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay."
But....and this reflects on your post....I have proof that you are a moron.

2. "Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark."
You probably don't realize how this supports my evisceration of RDD....that's because you're a moron.

" You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket." did it again.

3. "The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships."
I guess moron's can't decide which side of an argument they're on....that's pretty much
the definition of moron.

I guess you forgot that I said this: "No matter what aspect of sexuality you name, it can placed on a spectrum."

Get it....moron?

4. "There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives."
Now...that's hard evidence.

What do you do, read ever other line?
I posted: "The CDC released a study indicating that many, if not most, tend to move away from homosexuality as they get older; by the time they get to middle age, the rate of self-identified homosexuality among women plummets well below 1%."

Do you understand what that means?
Nah...then you might not be a moron.

5. "Young people today seem to want to experiment everything."
Could you possibly be more general?
Only morons write like tha.....oops.

6. "I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl?"
I'd say they're like you...morons....but I wouldn't pass a law against it.
They're the parents.

7. "We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up."
Now, see....even a moron is right once in a while: you've got a great argument for closing the public schools!

8. "You're the ones removing choice,..."
There is no way you'll ever realize how abysmally stupid you are: that comment in a thread where I'm opposing a law which removes a choice.

9. "...uptight conservatives...."'re a half-wit and you're half right.

This was fun....we have to do it again some time.
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

No one mocks the lifestyles of the truly devout as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves, Lumpy. It is only if they attempt to impose their "lifestyles" on others that they incur mockery, criticism and prejudice. A case in point is followers of Islam. Prior to 9/11 no one really cared about Moslems unless they were like Malcom X and made a big issue about their faith. The average Moslem was left to go about their lives pretty much normally. After 9/11 they found themselves to be the objects of "mockery, criticism and prejudice" even though they were just as shocked and appalled by what had happened.

So they too know what it is like to live a "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice". Let me take this one step further. As an Atheist no one cares how I live my life but if any Atheist decides to object a religious artifact being sponsored with government funding in violation of the Constitution then suddenly all Atheists are "mocked, criticized and subject to prejudice".

Does this make it right for it to happen to Christians? Of course it doesn't. In each and every instance it is a minority who are grabbing the headlines and this causes problems for all of those who happen to be in the same category.

"as long as they keep their beliefs to themselves"

Do you say that to Liberals, you fascist?
"I can give you plenty of reasons why"
And I can destroy every

1. "1) You can't reverse gay"
Of course you can. Anne Heche did, that she is heterosexual.
In 2001, a year after her break-up with DeGeneres, Heche married cameraman Coleman Laffoon, with whom she has a son. Since their separation in 2007 (they divorced in 2009), she has lived with actor James Tupper, with whom she also has a son. Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You have no proof that Heche was ever really gay. She may have just wanted publicity, and chose to go along with the idea of hooking up with Ellen just for that reason. That's probably why she was so screwed up after she left Ellen, because going against your natural inclinations messes with your mind.

Obviously there probably are some that do it as a lark. When I was a teen, I knew girls that were straight, then all of a sudden they broke up with their guy and they were suddenly gay and having relationship with another girl. In the end, they all came back to their natural desire - men! You can't generalize and put everyone in the same basket.
Those that are truly gay, will always be gay. You couldn't get me to change to gay.

The same can be applied to heterosexual relationships.

That's because they were not ever really gay. There are couples in their 60s-70s that have been gay all their lives.

Young people today seem to want to experiment everything. That doesn't mean it is their natural orientation. Just like we as adults would think it would be stupid to take medicine not prescribed to oneself and not knowing what it is for, but teenagers today are having what they call Skittles parties, where everyone brings pills, they place them in a candy bowl and they take them like they would candy. That doesn't say that if they happen to escape without killing themselves that they would be doing the same at 35.

I wonder if you would say the same if the parents were allowing their 6 year old boy to dress as a girl? In another forum/thread, the same people that condemn homosexuality were having fits over a 6 yr old boy's parents insisting that he be allowed to wear a dress to school. Most were saying the parents had no right to push his desire to be a girl. But now, you are saying the parents should have that right.

We don't need more kids being messed up about something they can figure out on their own when they grow up.

You're the ones removing choice, wanting to mold children into what the parents think they should be, instead of supporting them and letting them decide when they grow up.

Time for you Libs to be put in your place.
Looks like you're having a hard time with that in NJ. Apparently Christie is putting uptight conservatives in their place.

Chris Christie signs N.J. bill banning gay conversion therapy -

Why does everyone forget the Bisexuals?

I most certainly do not!

I send a card every anniversary...
I commend Christie for that. I don't understand homosexuality, but then I also don't understand why some babies are born with both male/female genitalia. That doesn't mean we should condemn them.

Nobody would be fool enough to choose a lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice. If marriage is necessary for them to exercise their rights, then I say let them.

Since God created all men, it's up to God to decide whether or not they are sinning, and if they are, they can be forgiven just like divorcees, adulterers, cheaters, etc.,etc.

What about the Christian "lifestyle that is mocked, criticized, subject to prejudice." and a government that grabs control of a basic family decision and Constitutional rights?

This doesn’t make any sense.

No government is taking control of “basic family decision and Constitutional rights,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.

There are no Federal, state, or local laws that interfere with families making decisions or violate any rights of families to make decisions.

Again, the New Jersey law is a wise and appropriate regulatory measure designed to prohibit the quackery that is ‘conversion therapy,’ indeed, the state would be remiss in its duties if it were to fail to do so.

United States Bill of Rights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

from the OP link

"The Republican governor also said the health risks of trying to change a child's sexual orientation, as identified by the American Psychological Association, outweigh concerns over the government setting limits on parental choice."

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