Christy bans gay conversion "therapy"

Glad it was banned. It amounts to child abuse, and any parent who takes their kid to these quacks needs to be charged.

Why is it child abuse to tell a child that they have a choice about their sexual preference, but not to tell a boy that they are really a girl? Why is it legal to get a child therapy to help it believe that it is a different sex, but illegal to tell that same child that it can chose whatever sexual preference they want?

Because no one does have a choice about their sexual preference. No one can pick and choose who they are attracted to.

I suppose that's true if they have a tail and bark...:lol:
Glad it was banned. It amounts to child abuse, and any parent who takes their kid to these quacks needs to be charged.

Why is it child abuse to tell a child that they have a choice about their sexual preference, but not to tell a boy that they are really a girl? Why is it legal to get a child therapy to help it believe that it is a different sex, but illegal to tell that same child that it can chose whatever sexual preference they want?

Because no one does have a choice about their sexual preference. No one can pick and choose who they are attracted to.

BULLSHIT...why are people BIXSEXUAL?
you all just won't ADMIT that some DO CHOOSE to be doesn't fit you AGENDA
If Abusive, which it is. Abuse because its from their parent is not an option

No that doesn't count. Going to church isn't the same as this "therapy' they are talking about.

And did you link to Conservapedia!?!??!? ROFL!

1. If it is abuse....file charges of abuse.
Were there such criminal convictions for use of this plan?
No? isn't abuse.

So the parents that subjected their children to the abuse didnt file charges and you wonder why? Is that what you're saying? Maybe because the parents didnt want to admit they volunteered them to abuse. Its really simple

2. Why do I constantly find myself teaching basic English to dolts like you?
A doctor telling a person to get out in the fresh air is therapy.....

ther·a·py (thr-p)
n. pl. ther·a·pies
1. Treatment of illness or disability.
2. Psychotherapy.
3. Healing power or quality: the therapy of fresh air and sun.

Thanks that proves nothing about this shit being therapy. I have some stick therapy where I smack people with sticks. Its not beating them see, because I call it "therapy". Call it whatever you want, its harmful

3. How stupid do you have to be to claim that Liberal sources will regularly provide the truth about Liberal boondoggles?

Conservapedia....if you have evidence of errors in there.....reveal 'em. remain a dope.l

Conservapedia says that going to church is the same as going to homo therapy. Its not, one is going to church the other isnt. Understand? Also, you asked if going to church counts.

You asked a question. The answer is...its not the same. The proof that it isnt the same is your own confusion on if it is or not. You wouldnt ask if it was

"So the parents that subjected their children to the abuse didnt file charges and you wonder why?"

No, you idiot....

The parents wouldn't have to be the ones filing if there were a crime.
Why is it child abuse to tell a child that they have a choice about their sexual preference, but not to tell a boy that they are really a girl? Why is it legal to get a child therapy to help it believe that it is a different sex, but illegal to tell that same child that it can chose whatever sexual preference they want?

Because no one does have a choice about their sexual preference. No one can pick and choose who they are attracted to.

BULLSHIT...why are people BIXSEXUAL?
you all just won't ADMIT that some DO CHOOSE to be doesn't fit you AGENDA

So when did you choose not to be Steph? Were you, like a bisexual, equally attracted to both men and women but decided to just stick with one?

Sexuality exists on a scale. Some people are 100% on either side of that scale with most somewhere in the middle. Nobody choose their orientation, just whether or not to act upon it. Even people who have gone through the most heinous of these "conversion" therapies (like shock treatments and the like) do not change their orientation, they just stop the behaviors associated.

2009 APA task force found that conversion therapies, despite being touted by religious organizations, have little evidence to back them up. A review of studies from 1960 to 2007 found only 83 on the topic, the vast majority of which did not have the experimental muscle to show whether the therapies achieved their stated goals. (Many of the people studied in the early years were court-mandated to take the therapies, adding a coercive element to those outcomes.)

The best-quality studies were more recent and qualitative, the APA task force found, meaning they focused not on the statistical effectiveness of treatment, but of the subjective experience.

"These studies show that enduring change to an individual's sexual orientation is uncommon," the task force wrote in their 2009 report. The participants continued to report same-sex attractions after the conversion therapy, and were not significantly more attracted to the opposite gender.

5 Surprising Facts About Gay Conversion Therapy
oh so understanding is banning our freedoms of choice? and it's only ones that some of you find reasonable...then lets ban abortions it's not good for our Society..we should be evolving in wanting to stop killing off our children, NO?

Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

Minors don't have a choice about a lot of things, what makes this one more egregious than any of the other things minors don't have a choice about?

The provably harmful outcomes.
1. If it is abuse....file charges of abuse.
Were there such criminal convictions for use of this plan?
No? isn't abuse.

So the parents that subjected their children to the abuse didnt file charges and you wonder why? Is that what you're saying? Maybe because the parents didnt want to admit they volunteered them to abuse. Its really simple

Thanks that proves nothing about this shit being therapy. I have some stick therapy where I smack people with sticks. Its not beating them see, because I call it "therapy". Call it whatever you want, its harmful

3. How stupid do you have to be to claim that Liberal sources will regularly provide the truth about Liberal boondoggles?

Conservapedia....if you have evidence of errors in there.....reveal 'em. remain a dope.l

Conservapedia says that going to church is the same as going to homo therapy. Its not, one is going to church the other isnt. Understand? Also, you asked if going to church counts.

You asked a question. The answer is...its not the same. The proof that it isnt the same is your own confusion on if it is or not. You wouldnt ask if it was

"So the parents that subjected their children to the abuse didnt file charges and you wonder why?"

No, you idiot....

The parents wouldn't have to be the ones filing if there were a crime.

Who would file then? The people doing the abusing? The parents?
Why is it child abuse to tell a child that they have a choice about their sexual preference, but not to tell a boy that they are really a girl? Why is it legal to get a child therapy to help it believe that it is a different sex, but illegal to tell that same child that it can chose whatever sexual preference they want?

Because no one does have a choice about their sexual preference. No one can pick and choose who they are attracted to.

BULLSHIT...why are people BIXSEXUAL?
you all just won't ADMIT that some DO CHOOSE to be doesn't fit you AGENDA

Do you like cake?

Do you like Ice cream?

How could you like both?
Minors do not have a "choice" as far as this undiagnosed "therapy" is concerned. Once they become adults there is nothing stopping them from availing themselves of this "therapy" if they so choose for themselves. Gov Christie is protecting children from being exposed to a "therapy" for which there is no legitimate diagnosis. That falls within the duties that he was elected to do for the people of New Jersey. The NJ Legislature passed this law based upon a careful evaluation of the benefit/harm to the children. Why do you want to deny the people of New Jersey their freedom of choice to decide what is best for their own children? Doesn't NJ have a "states right" to make this choice for themselves?

Minors don't have a choice about a lot of things, what makes this one more egregious than any of the other things minors don't have a choice about?

The provably harmful outcomes.

yeah well, there's been provable harmful outcomes from abortion, we don't see you all calling for them to be's screw all the women that are hurt from abortion, this therapy is MORE IMPORTANT to ya...Selective caring and not giving a crap about others freedoms being stepped on as long as this banning please you
Minors don't have a choice about a lot of things, what makes this one more egregious than any of the other things minors don't have a choice about?

The provably harmful outcomes.

yeah well, there's been provable harmful outcomes from abortion, we don't see you all calling for them to be's screw all the women that are hurt from abortion, this therapy is MORE IMPORTANT to ya...Selective caring and not giving a crap about others freedoms being stepped on as long as this banning please you

So the reason you're for something that hurts people is because there are other things that hurt people? But you're against only one of those hurtful things because its hurtful? :cuckoo:
It is NORMAL to be heterosexual. Anything else is ABNORMAL!

I do believe that homos are predisposed genetically sort of like diabetes or other conditions. Certainly though, environment and choice plays important roles as to whether the person develops into homosexuality or whatever. It's a combination of factors in other words. I am a Christian and a biologist by the way.
I guess the issue is pretty important to radical sodomites. Nobody else gives a shit and besides it's better than talking about the Obama administration.
Christy can kiss his Presidential dreams goodbye..he just showed he is willing to step on people rights and the left isn't going to vote for him..

He better enjoy the love from them today, because they will fly away in a heartbeat from the left he does something they don't LIKE
It is NORMAL to be heterosexual. Anything else is ABNORMAL!

I do believe that homos are predisposed genetically sort of like diabetes or other conditions. Certainly though, environment and choice plays important roles as to whether the person develops into homosexuality or whatever. It's a combination of factors in other words. I am a Christian and a biologist by the way.

It is "NORMAL heterosexuals" who are producing these "ABNORMAL" homosexuals so either there is something genetically ABNORMAL about these "NORMAL heterosexuals" or they are doing something ABNORMAL when it comes to raising their children. Since you are the Christian and the biologist I guess it is your choice as to which option you prefer.
Homosexuality is an anomaly. It is a randomly occurring defect. Can a child with a homosexual parent or even one being parented by two homosexuals ever be heterosexual? Or would that be the homosexuals raising an abnormal child?
Homosexuality is an anomaly. It is a randomly occurring defect. Can a child with a homosexual parent or even one being parented by two homosexuals ever be heterosexual? Or would that be the homosexuals raising an abnormal child?

Would you be interested in compiling all of your posts into a book? I'd be willing to pay for something like that.
Homosexuality is an anomaly. It is a randomly occurring defect. Can a child with a homosexual parent or even one being parented by two homosexuals ever be heterosexual? Or would that be the homosexuals raising an abnormal child?

Based on that logical fallacy no heterosexual parents could ever "parent" a homosexual child.
Homosexuality is an anomaly. It is a randomly occurring defect. Can a child with a homosexual parent or even one being parented by two homosexuals ever be heterosexual? Or would that be the homosexuals raising an abnormal child?

In a word, yes. Most of our kids turn out straight, just like most of y'all's.
Because no one does have a choice about their sexual preference. No one can pick and choose who they are attracted to.

BULLSHIT...why are people BIXSEXUAL?
you all just won't ADMIT that some DO CHOOSE to be doesn't fit you AGENDA

So when did you choose not to be Steph? Were you, like a bisexual, equally attracted to both men and women but decided to just stick with one?

Sexuality exists on a scale. Some people are 100% on either side of that scale with most somewhere in the middle. Nobody choose their orientation, just whether or not to act upon it. Even people who have gone through the most heinous of these "conversion" therapies (like shock treatments and the like) do not change their orientation, they just stop the behaviors associated.

2009 APA task force found that conversion therapies, despite being touted by religious organizations, have little evidence to back them up. A review of studies from 1960 to 2007 found only 83 on the topic, the vast majority of which did not have the experimental muscle to show whether the therapies achieved their stated goals. (Many of the people studied in the early years were court-mandated to take the therapies, adding a coercive element to those outcomes.)

The best-quality studies were more recent and qualitative, the APA task force found, meaning they focused not on the statistical effectiveness of treatment, but of the subjective experience.

"These studies show that enduring change to an individual's sexual orientation is uncommon," the task force wrote in their 2009 report. The participants continued to report same-sex attractions after the conversion therapy, and were not significantly more attracted to the opposite gender.

5 Surprising Facts About Gay Conversion Therapy

Hell hath no fury....

The only reason we have homosexuals is because heterosexual women keep giving birth to homosexual children.
Christy can kiss his Presidential dreams goodbye..he just showed he is willing to step on people rights and the left isn't going to vote for him..

Seems like the same things were being said about Romney - and when he emerged as the only viable candidate, everyone that didn't love him before all of a sudden thought he was the greatest. Bet my knickers that every conservative will be be praising Christie if he emerges as the Republican candidate.

He better enjoy the love from them today, because they will fly away in a heartbeat from the left he does something they don't LIKE

Not sure what you mean by this statement, it doesn't make much sense, but the left likes Christie only because he sounds more sane than the rest of the Republican candidates. Of course, he is still a Republican, and most on the left don't like their policies.

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