Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

Anyone who molests a child should be thrown into prison. PERIOD.
How do you define "molest" - do you consider molesting a child to be simply physical contact of a sexual nature - what about the "Rape - Culture" promoted by gay activists and aimed at Children - I for one consider that a type of Child Molestation.

I am not aware of the "Rape Culture" you are talking about. The gays I know are not interested in sex with children and do not advocate any sort of rape.

I am, however, aware of what some call "Rape Culture" among straight people (especially men). Those are the ones who want to blame the women who were raped. You know, the ones who say "Why was she out so late?" of "The way she was dressed she was asking for it".

Yes - I am well aware of the Feminazi slant on Human Heterosexual Courting - which is why I used that phrase "Rape Culture" To sort of rub your libtard nose in it - but ceist la vie - it went boing- zoom right over your friggin head.

The link below is only somewhat relevant - so don' t bother clicking on it - it's too advanced for you anyway - it's more there for the convenience of some of the more intellectually endowed people who wander by.

Pedophilia American Style Legitimizing Child Rape

I read enough to get the gist of the article. Not going to waste my time on more. But the article starts out talking about men abusing underage girls. Not exactly an indictment on homosexuality.

And how is it Feminazi slant when people blame the victim for being raped? If she said no, the man stops. Period.

Yeah, if labeling me as a "libtard" helps you think you made a point, feel free. I get called both a "libtard" and a "conservatard". It depends on the topic.
Those are the ones who want to blame the women who were raped
Related question occurs: why is the "straight" community so interested in the gay community?

I think you have it reversed. Straights would prefer gays stay in the closet. Gays prefer promiscuity. Therefore gays are more interested in straights as there more of us then them!

What straights are you talking about that prefer gays stay in the closet?

I am straight and do not care one bit. In fact, I would find anyone who is that concerned about wanting gays to stay in the closet to be too interested in the gays.
I am straight and do not care one bit

That's because you have latent homosexual tendencies - basically you're a closet fag.

LMAO!! Oh please. This is the sort of ignorant trolling that makes these forums so entertaining. You are clueless about who I am, but somehow you know I am a "closet fag"? Project much?

Obviously in addition to a low intellect - you also have a relatively short memory span. I've bitch smacked you a few times on this forum - you're easy. And so far as "clueless as to who you are" ... don't know who you are - don't really care either - you're a nobody - text on a screen.

So far as what you are - yes my pompous little pretentious minion , I know exactly what you are.

Closet Fag - Latent Homosexual Tendencies yada yada yada .... is a tactic used by your buddies in the queer militia aka the duckie boys or Gay Agenda - it's known as Jamming.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .
Gay Brainwashing Techniques

Just as the Feminazi comment - it was a libtard tactic thrown back in your face .

Conservatard ? lol - i doubt anyone has called you that - although it's possible, you liberals are a pretty ignorant cluelless lot . If it makes you feel any better - I know you're not a "conservatard" too low info and low intellect.
Those are the ones who want to blame the women who were raped
Related question occurs: why is the "straight" community so interested in the gay community?

I think you have it reversed. Straights would prefer gays stay in the closet. Gays prefer promiscuity. Therefore gays are more interested in straights as there more of us then them!

What straights are you talking about that prefer gays stay in the closet?

I am straight and do not care one bit. In fact, I would find anyone who is that concerned about wanting gays to stay in the closet to be too interested in the gays.
I am straight and do not care one bit

That's because you have latent homosexual tendencies - basically you're a closet fag.

LMAO!! Oh please. This is the sort of ignorant trolling that makes these forums so entertaining. You are clueless about who I am, but somehow you know I am a "closet fag"? Project much?

Obviously in addition to a low intellect - you also have a relatively short memory span. I've bitch smacked you a few times on this forum - you're easy. And so far as "clueless as to who you are" ... don't know who you are - don't really care either - you're a nobody - text on a screen.

So far as what you are - yes my pompous little pretentious minion , I know exactly what you are.

Closet Fag - Latent Homosexual Tendencies yada yada yada .... is a tactic used by your buddies in the queer militia aka the duckie boys or Gay Agenda - it's known as Jamming.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .
Gay Brainwashing Techniques

Just as the Feminazi comment - it was a libtard tactic thrown back in your face .

Conservatard ? lol - i doubt anyone has called you that - although it's possible, you liberals are a pretty ignorant cluelless lot . If it makes you feel any better - I know you're not a "conservatard" too low info and low intellect.

I have no idea when you THINK you bitch smacked me. It is obviously a figment of your imagination.

And, on the onehand you claim not to know me, and then in the same post you claim to know my sexual orientation and my politics. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

As for any intellectual nature you think have been in your posts, all I have seen is name-calling and a link that did not support your claim. Not setting the bar very high, are you?
Those are the ones who want to blame the women who were raped
I think you have it reversed. Straights would prefer gays stay in the closet. Gays prefer promiscuity. Therefore gays are more interested in straights as there more of us then them!

What straights are you talking about that prefer gays stay in the closet?

I am straight and do not care one bit. In fact, I would find anyone who is that concerned about wanting gays to stay in the closet to be too interested in the gays.
I am straight and do not care one bit

That's because you have latent homosexual tendencies - basically you're a closet fag.

LMAO!! Oh please. This is the sort of ignorant trolling that makes these forums so entertaining. You are clueless about who I am, but somehow you know I am a "closet fag"? Project much?

Obviously in addition to a low intellect - you also have a relatively short memory span. I've bitch smacked you a few times on this forum - you're easy. And so far as "clueless as to who you are" ... don't know who you are - don't really care either - you're a nobody - text on a screen.

So far as what you are - yes my pompous little pretentious minion , I know exactly what you are.

Closet Fag - Latent Homosexual Tendencies yada yada yada .... is a tactic used by your buddies in the queer militia aka the duckie boys or Gay Agenda - it's known as Jamming.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .
Gay Brainwashing Techniques

Just as the Feminazi comment - it was a libtard tactic thrown back in your face .

Conservatard ? lol - i doubt anyone has called you that - although it's possible, you liberals are a pretty ignorant cluelless lot . If it makes you feel any better - I know you're not a "conservatard" too low info and low intellect.

I have no idea when you THINK you bitch smacked me. It is obviously a figment of your imagination.

And, on the onehand you claim not to know me, and then in the same post you claim to know my sexual orientation and my politics. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

As for any intellectual nature you think have been in your posts, all I have seen is name-calling and a link that did not support your claim. Not setting the bar very high, are you?

Most of it went way over your head little buddy - I was simply feeling you out to see what you had - not much apparently - I'll entertain myself with a higher caliber Libtard - have a nice life dumb ass
Those are the ones who want to blame the women who were raped
What straights are you talking about that prefer gays stay in the closet?

I am straight and do not care one bit. In fact, I would find anyone who is that concerned about wanting gays to stay in the closet to be too interested in the gays.
I am straight and do not care one bit

That's because you have latent homosexual tendencies - basically you're a closet fag.

LMAO!! Oh please. This is the sort of ignorant trolling that makes these forums so entertaining. You are clueless about who I am, but somehow you know I am a "closet fag"? Project much?

Obviously in addition to a low intellect - you also have a relatively short memory span. I've bitch smacked you a few times on this forum - you're easy. And so far as "clueless as to who you are" ... don't know who you are - don't really care either - you're a nobody - text on a screen.

So far as what you are - yes my pompous little pretentious minion , I know exactly what you are.

Closet Fag - Latent Homosexual Tendencies yada yada yada .... is a tactic used by your buddies in the queer militia aka the duckie boys or Gay Agenda - it's known as Jamming.

The objective of jamming is to force opponents into silence by accusations of homophobia, latent homosexual tendencies and bigotry . The purpose being to create a social stigmatization of anyone whom opposes the Agenda. Jamming is to ridicule the opponent in the eyes of the world and to evoke the "pack mentality" .
Gay Brainwashing Techniques

Just as the Feminazi comment - it was a libtard tactic thrown back in your face .

Conservatard ? lol - i doubt anyone has called you that - although it's possible, you liberals are a pretty ignorant cluelless lot . If it makes you feel any better - I know you're not a "conservatard" too low info and low intellect.

I have no idea when you THINK you bitch smacked me. It is obviously a figment of your imagination.

And, on the onehand you claim not to know me, and then in the same post you claim to know my sexual orientation and my politics. Kinda hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

As for any intellectual nature you think have been in your posts, all I have seen is name-calling and a link that did not support your claim. Not setting the bar very high, are you?

Most of it went way over your head little buddy - I was simply feeling you out to see what you had - not much apparently - I'll entertain myself with a higher caliber Libtard - have a nice life dumb ass

Another delusional poster who takes it personally and offers little in the way of actual discussion. What a surprise.
gay people, most anyway say they wish they weren't gay. Other libs say why would anyone choose to be gay. Oh really?- here is your chance now.....
Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

More interesting is "Why are Republicans afraid of gays"?
gay people, most anyway say they wish they weren't gay. Other libs say why would anyone choose to be gay. Oh really?- here is your chance now.....
So you are actually saying they couldn't choose. They just were/are.
gay people, most anyway say they wish they weren't gay. Other libs say why would anyone choose to be gay. Oh really?- here is your chance now.....
So you are actually saying they couldn't choose. They just were/are.

libs say they were born that way, I don't believe that. BUT- IF they believe that, then whats the hesitation to try the therapy since supposedly they don't want to be gay....
gay people, most anyway say they wish they weren't gay. Other libs say why would anyone choose to be gay. Oh really?- here is your chance now.....
So you are actually saying they couldn't choose. They just were/are.

libs say they were born that way, I don't believe that. BUT- IF they believe that, then whats the hesitation to try the therapy since supposedly they don't want to be gay....
Perhaps it's the fact it's never worked on any of the thousands who tried?
gay people, most anyway say they wish they weren't gay. Other libs say why would anyone choose to be gay. Oh really?- here is your chance now.....
So you are actually saying they couldn't choose. They just were/are.

libs say they were born that way, I don't believe that. BUT- IF they believe that, then whats the hesitation to try the therapy since supposedly they don't want to be gay....
Perhaps it's the fact it's never worked on any of the thousands who tried?

it worked on many......

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