Chuck Schumer Calls Police Over Forged Sexual Harassment Document

Dragonlady says .. nope, I'm not intensely biased, although, I do have a flare for it... :rolleyes:

I don’t like lies or liars much. So when idiots continually post provable lies, I like to fact check them.

Nobody does but if you consider your opponents always deplorable many could simply care less it seems.

They don’t care about facts, and they’re too intellectually lazy to question anything. That’s what makes them deplorable. And completely gullible to right wing liars.

While Newt Gingerich was prosecuting Clinton for a consensual blow job, Gingerich was having an affair with a member of his staff.

While you go on and on about going after Roy Moore being sleazy tactics on unproven allegations, just over a year ago Donald Trump marched Paula Jones, Anita Broaddrick, Kathleen Wylie and Kathy Shelton in a debate against Hillary Clinton.

Republicans invented sleazy tactics on unproven allegations: Benghazi, the IRS scandal, Fast and Furious, Uranium One, Pay for Play. The list is endless.

No doubt that you're open minded and willing to accept alternate views of reality without political bias or introspection.. te he.

btw. OK Texas seems pretty calm and reasonable to me, not even close to the subhuman and unbelievable status you've placed him in.

I don’t know which of Anita Broaddrick’s stories I believe. First she told people Bill Clinton raped her and then the following week she attended his fundraiser. Did she say she was raped because she was married to one man and having an affair with another and had a fling with the candidate for governor which she instantly regretted?

She didn’t report the rape but that’s not unusual. That she voluntarily worked on his campaigns and accepted board appointments from him is very usual.

And then there is her sworn affidavit wherein she says most definitely that Bill Clinton did not rape her and please leave her alone on this issue. This was a voluntary statement she made and she was not in any way ambiguous about it.

Then Ken Starr threatened her with perjury charges and she completely recanted the denial.

She a proven liar one way or another. She had good reasons to regret the encounter but were they rape? Why would she volunteer to help the campaign of her rapist? Why would she accept appointments from him?

The Affidavit was given voluntarily but she recanted only under threat of charges if she didn’t. As a law clerk, I place a lot of weight on Affidavits. It’s the only sworn statement she made on the matter.

OK is right. If Bill Clinton had kept it in his pants, it wouldn’t be an issue. Bill Clinton is a low down hound dog but that’s Hillary’s problem. I’d have divorced him years ago. Being a hound dog doesn’t make him a rapist.

I know lots of guys who are married and unfaithful. I think they’re swine. I also think a woman who would knowingly bed a married man is trash. I’ve never dated married men because won’t ever be that woman. Anita was already having an affair so her character wasn’t the best either.

I also would not go to a man’s hotel room unless I was planning to have sex with him. And Anita willingly went to his hotel room.

Really, I have no idea what happened in that hotel room other than Bill and Anita had sex.

Epic Post .. from my point of view Dragonlady... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

I'd rather just soak it in and ponder... Wow, you are an interesting Lady..

mmm. (I mean that in the most non-threatening way possible).. :)

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