Chuck Schumer is a man of integrity.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

Did you notice any flight manifests with Chuckie's name on the Lolita Express? It's been rumored.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

ya think

Its the uni party if its a paul ryan or chuckie ...d ....r
no diff
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

ya think

Its the uni party if its a paul ryan or chuckie ...d ....r
no diff

Like I said, Chucky is wrong about everything, and a typical shit bag New York politician, but at least he won't keep money donated by a kid fucker.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

But he won't take money from child humper.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009

On that shit he is wrong. But he won't keep money he got from a child fucker. All the other politicians are.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

Did you notice any flight manifests with Chuckie's name on the Lolita Express? It's been rumored.

Man I hope not. The fact that he returned the money gives me a bit of hope that politicians aren't complete shit bags. I'll tell ya though, right now allot of those super rich democrat politicians and movie stars are shitting them selves. In a few months they will begin snitching on each other. This is pretty sad.
Lol, the Mods must be Hannity fans. Got moved to conspiracy theories. They lack integrity I guess.

Sen. Schumer will donate campaign contributions from accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to charity

Sen. Schumer will donate campaign contributions from accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein to charity

  • New York Sen. Chuck Schumer will offset more than $7,000 in campaign contributions from accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein by donating the money to anti-sex trafficking and anti-violence against women groups.
  • Epstein gave a total of $7,000 to Schumer between 1992 and 1997, split across seven $1,000 donations, according to Open Secrets, as well as to Schumer-related PACs.
  • Schumer is just one of several politicians to receive donations from Epstein.
Chucky is a sick bastard so why try to make him out to be some kind of Mr. morality. Let him retire. He has the disease of power and he's powerless to give it up. People like him are the reason our government got so corrupt. They get to the point where they think they're untouchable and above the law. Watch what happens to Comey and company when the investigation results become public. The same thing can happen to anyone who has been in office or politics too long. We need fresh blood in politics and I'm not talking about radical America haters like the squad either. Viva Trump. Best President since Eisenhower.
Chucky is a sick bastard so why try to make him out to be some kind of Mr. morality. Let him retire. He has the disease of power and he's powerless to give it up. People like him are the reason our government got so corrupt. They get to the point where they think they're untouchable and above the law. Watch what happens to Comey and company when the investigation results become public. The same thing can happen to anyone who has been in office or politics too long. We need fresh blood in politics and I'm not talking about radical America haters like the squad either. Viva Trump. Best President since Eisenhower.

Maybe so, but at least he draws the line at accepting money from a guy who likes having sex with kids.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

But he won't take money from child humper.
No, he should have returned the money. He donated it to make himself look good. He got something out of it, he still profited from it.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

But he won't take money from child humper.
No, he should have returned the money. He donated it to make himself look good. He got something out of it, he still profited from it.

If you must. Other democrats are keeping it. I say he ain't a supporter of child fuckers. To me that equals integrity.
Yes, he is a libtard and wrong about everything, but as far as being a typical scumbag politician, he just isn't. Why? Well it's the money Epstin gave him. When Hannity jizzed in his pants over the fact that Epstin gave Schumer money that's all he saw, that's all he reported. Hannity neglected to also report that Schumer gave the money away. So if held up and compared together, Chuck Schumer fucked up libtard that he is, gave the money a child molester donated to his campaign away rather then keep it. Hannity? Well, he uses the trams inflicted on a bunch of little girls to get TV ratings. Hannity is trash. A man who lacks integrity. Just a disgusting little mic pig. Good on you Chucky.

what happened to this chuck ?
“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple… People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens and illegal aliens should not be treated the same as people who entered the U.S. legally.” – Senator Chuck Schumer, 2009
He's a two-faced lying piece of shit, THAT'S what happened to him.

But he won't take money from child humper.
No, he should have returned the money. He donated it to make himself look good. He got something out of it, he still profited from it.

If you must. Other democrats are keeping it. I say he ain't a supporter of child fuckers. To me that equals integrity.
That's a pretty low bar. He still used money from a child molester for political gain. He should have said "Fuck you, I don't want your money". That would have shown integrity. Profiting from it doesn't.

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