Chuck Todd caught deceptively editing video and lying.

Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system, a special treatment for Trump's associates and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
You should not be calling anyone an idiot.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.

Obama bent over backwards to not even so much as give an APPEARANCE of meddling with DOJ investigations. Trump's constant, brazen interference is to the point that even his Roy Cohn is telling him to STFU and let him quitely do what Trump wants.

Last edited:
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations.
Yes, there is. It is all coming out now. Get an education, Dummy.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations, even as Clinton was T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.

Good lord.
Why does anyone trust any of these leftist clown "news" outlets?

Lil Chucky busted yet again..............

NBC admits Chuck Todd's 'Meet the Press' deceptively edited Barr remarks on Flynn

NBC News' Chuck Todd aired a deceptively edited clip of Attorney General Bill Barr discussing the Michael Flynn case during his "Meet the Press" broadcast on Sunday, prompting the network to concede the mistake hours later -- but there is still no word on whether Todd will apologize on-air.

Asked by CBS News' Catherine Herridge how history would judge the DOJ's decision to move to dismiss the Flynn case, Barr initially responded, laughing: "Well, history is written by the winners, so it largely depends on who's writing the history."

After the brief clip aired, Todd remarked that he was "struck by the cynicism of the answer -- it's a correct answer, but he's the attorney general. He didn't make the case that he was upholding the rule of law. He was almost admitting that, yeah, this was a political job."

In the full clip, which the NBC show did not air, Barr immediately went on to state explicitly that, in fact, he felt the Flynn decision upheld the rule of law.

"I think a fair history would say it was a good decision because it upheld the rule of law," Barr said. "It upheld the standards of the Department of Justice, and it undid what was an injustice."

The Daily Caller's Greg Price had called out the edit earlier Sunday.

Greg Price

Today on Meet The Press, @chucktodd wildly took context out of an answer AG Bill Barr gave about his decision to drop the case into Gen. Michael Flynn.

I cut Todd's segment along with Barr's full answer together. Look at how blatantly dishonest this is.
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1:23 PM - May 10, 2020
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"Very disappointed by the deceptive editing/commentary by @ChuckTodd on @MeetThePress on AG Barr’s CBS interview," DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec wrote. "Compare the two transcripts below. Not only did the AG make the case in the VERY answer Chuck says he didn’t, he also did so multiple times throughout the interview."

In response, the "Meet the Press" Twitter account posted: "You’re correct. Earlier today, we inadvertently and inaccurately cut short a video clip of an interview with AG Barr before offering commentary and analysis. The remaining clip included important remarks from the attorney general that we missed, and we regret the error."

"'Inadvertently strikes again!'" tweeted independent journalist Mike Cernovich.

Little Chuckie Todd is not a journalist, but a political operative for the Democratic Party. If NBC has any integrity they would fire his ass.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
ZERO? LMAO!!!!!! So the FBI went rogue?
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
Wake-up dummy.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
ZERO? LMAO!!!!!! So the FBI went rogue?
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
ZERO? LMAO!!!!!! So the FBI went rogue?
If it wasn't on the news, Barry didn't know about it.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations.
Yes, there is. It is all coming out now. Get an education, Dummy.

Whats coming out idiot?

That Obama demanded loyalty from Comey?
That Obama told him to "let Clinton go?"
That Obama fired him when he publicly t-boned Hillary 2 weeks out from the election in direct breach of DOJ policy?

NO is the answer. There is nothing even close in Obama's Whitehouse to Trump's shameless swamp.
His initial remarks stand however, regardless of how he later characterized them.
Todd was sloppy and stupid but that doesn’t change what Barr said

History is written by the winners.

that IS incredibly cynical
Nothing But Crap lives up to its name again.... Will these idiots ever learn?
Learning’s got nothing to do with it. They could care less they got caught again, nor will they next time. This shit is how they fertilize their little garden of crackpot lefty loons who swallow it all, 24/7.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations.
Yes, there is. It is all coming out now. Get an education, Dummy.

Whats coming out idiot?

That Obama demanded loyalty from Comey?
That Obama told him to "let Clinton go?"
That Obama fired him when he publicly t-boned Hillary 2 weeks out from the election in direct breach of DOJ policy?

NO is the answer. There is nothing even close in Obama's Whitehouse to Trump's shameless swamp.
Stay ignorant, Dummy. It's what you do. :abgg2q.jpg:
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
ZERO? LMAO!!!!!! So the FBI went rogue?
If it wasn't on the news, Barry didn't know about it.

Know about it? That's your evidence of Obama's politicization of DOJ? He was briefed about Flynn-the-civilian undermining Obama's foreign policy?

His initial remarks stand however, regardless of how he later characterized them.
Todd was sloppy and stupid but that doesn’t change what Barr said

History is written by the winners.

that IS incredibly cynical

Great, so you admit to having a lot in common with the Toddster.
Barr is a total fucking idiot for making the "history written by winners" comment. DOJ is not supposed to be about "winning" it's supposed to be about justice and ONLY justice.

As to his follow up comment that DOJ trying to squash Flynn's sentencing was just, even though he clearly broke the law on multiple counts and pled guilty? Pure horseshit. There was only one reason his DOJ dropped the case in such an unprecedented, baseless manner - POLITICS. Trump didn't want Flynn to be convicted and so his lapdog AG found a way to "let Flynn go".

This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.
This is a perversion of our justice system and that's EXACTLY how it will go down in history.

The perversion was by the Obama regime, Dummy.

Horseshit, there is ZERO evidence Obama's White House had any involvement in FBI's investigations. There were no tweets or any other steering of investigations like we see with Trump and his AG, even as Clinton was getting T-boned by FBI two weeks out from a fucking election.
ZERO? LMAO!!!!!! So the FBI went rogue?
If it wasn't on the news, Barry didn't know about it.

Know about it? That's your evidence of Obama's politicization of DOJ? He KNEW about Flynn undermining Obama's foreign policy?

So you believe the FBI went rogue? Yes or no?

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