Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
you don't get it do you?? it's like CNN or HuffPost commenting on Trump = bullshit
Do tell.....what source would be acceptable to you? Who do you trust and believe? I cant wait !!
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Not all Christians. This is Republican Christians.

Republicans don’t have the nerve to attack blacks and Hispanics in church. Well I mean not all Republicans. We saw Dylan roof.

But Republicans hate gay people number one. I believe Republicans hate gay people more than blacks, Hispanics and Muslims all put together.

Gays have been number one for Republicans for years.
Oh please, STFU

Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does

You and your ilk will trash people for being fake Christians
because their actions aren’t in sync with the teachings of Jesus
but then turn around and trash His teachings and Christians
when it comes to issues like homosexuality, abortion or laziness

If I’m on the North side I am not shocked when I see
2 guys holding hands or 2 girls kissing

Now why is it when I am anywhere else in the city
I have yet to see homosexuals engaged in PDA?

If you are not ashamed of being gay
then you shouldn’t care what others think
Needing others to accept homosexuality
so you can accept being homosexual is a personal problem

I don’t hate anyone who is gay
but I don’t consider homosexuality normal
and certain homosexuals I consider perverse

I have a problem with homosexuals
having a problem with those who are not on board

I don’t have to accept their homosexual lifestyle
they have to accept that I don’t accept that lifestyle
bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
Yeah, the left loves to be bigoted against Republicans and Christians. But that is okay to them, because they are fucking morons and dont know they are bigots.
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
A bigot is defined as...

A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

What makes you think I am a bigot but you are not
according to the definition of a bigot?

Being intolerant of my opinion means you are a bigot as well
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
A bigot is defined as...

A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

What makes you think I am a bigot but you are not
according to the definition of a bigot?

Being intolerant of my opinion means you are a bigot as well
Ya know what? You can call me any damned thing that you want.

The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.

My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
A bigot is defined as...

A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

What makes you think I am a bigot but you are not
according to the definition of a bigot?

Being intolerant of my opinion means you are a bigot as well
Ya know what? You can call me any damned thing that you want.

The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.

My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason
Yeah, like the intolerant fags who got a business shut down because they ddint want to make a cake into a penis. real fucking tolerant of you queers.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Seems to me, that this is just a hit job by faggots of the left, just like Ms. Ford "accused" SCJ Kavanaugh. Where is the police report from the queers? Always trying to use "Rules for Radicals" when you libfucks never get your way. So go in, and blame others for not kowtowing down to the fudge packing way, then say you were victimized, yet not once in the story was the police called for the "ABUSIVE" behavior of the church goers. I smell some stinky ass shit. As always with HIV carriers.
Are you saying that it didn't happen jackass.?? Here is another account of it. Now shut the fuck up.

Oklahoma church being investigated for restraining gay man during prayer at church service
Fake news, all queers lie.
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
A bigot is defined as...

A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

What makes you think I am a bigot but you are not
according to the definition of a bigot?

Being intolerant of my opinion means you are a bigot as well
Ya know what? You can call me any damned thing that you want.

The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.

My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason
Again, if the faggots would of just stayed in their bedrooms and not shove their immorality into the faces of "normal" human beings, then nothing would be noted, but it wasn't enough, they like good like Marxists have shoved their crap upon the rest of US for decades, and they dont think that it might cause some people to react negatively? The stupidity of the liberal mind knows, no bounds.
What these so called church members did was an illegal assault.

This sounds just like the American evangelicals aka the American Taliban; the very same folks that support serial fornicators, serial liars, con men, sexual perverts, swindlers, etc., for political office.

Yes, these 'religious' nutz are all over the land; The American Taliban.

God love 'em.
Is what they did, like those who cross the border illegally?
Fucking troll!!
Yeah, I am still a little pissed off when two queers went into a bakery and shut it down. Troll, you fuckers know it best.

This couple went to this bakery to order a cake, following advertising by the bakery. They did nothing to "shut it down." There is no basis for blaming them. BTW: I checked out the advertising. The bakery was advertising cakes. It had/has a website.
In the end you will lose. You may have not even peaked out yet. More accolades a coming. People return to things when times are not safe. Excessive ways of living, even if not doing well causes people to live way different when meals are tougher to come by and a roof over the head is harder to get. 8 billion people with many not living that great is not a good omen. You are to trusting and to arrogant to admit it. People will shed the empathy and compassion and go to themselves. And they will form tribes with who they are comfortable.
What these so called church members did was an illegal assault.

This sounds just like the American evangelicals aka the American Taliban; the very same folks that support serial fornicators, serial liars, con men, sexual perverts, swindlers, etc., for political office.

Yes, these 'religious' nutz are all over the land; The American Taliban.

God love 'em.
Is what they did, like those who cross the border illegally?
Fucking troll!!
Yeah, I am still a little pissed off when two queers went into a bakery and shut it down. Troll, you fuckers know it best.

This couple went to this bakery to order a cake, following advertising by the bakery. They did nothing to "shut it down." There is no basis for blaming them. BTW: I checked out the advertising. The bakery was advertising cakes. It had/has a website.
In the end you will lose. You may have not even peaked out yet. More accolades a coming. People return to things when times are not safe. Excessive ways of living, even if not doing well causes people to live way different when meals are tougher to come by and a roof over the head is harder to get. 8 billion people with many not living that great is not a good omen. You are to trusting and to arrogant to admit it. People will shed the empathy and compassion and go to themselves. And they will form tribes with who they are comfortable.
Actually it is hardship that forces people to be less selfish and more selfless.
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
you don't get it do you?? it's like CNN or HuffPost commenting on Trump = bullshit
Do tell.....what source would be acceptable to you? Who do you trust and believe? I cant wait !!
an acceptable source is one that is not blatantly biased
hahahhaha-even HuffPost says it wasn't violent--and HP is anti-white/anti-hetero-/etc
who held him down
They hold me down, pin me down,
Oklahoma Man Says He Was Attacked By Churchgoers Because He's Gay | HuffPost
it WASN'T an attack!!
So what are a couple of pervert troublemakers doing harassing a church? They should be in jail.

You didn't read it. This poor guy's stupid relatives harassed him for several months into going to their "church." He brought his partner. The relatives were responsible for them being there in the first place, then they attacked him.
it's bullshit...the link is not credible

Why is the link not credible? It is entirely possible that this guy's creepy relatives lured him and his partner to this "church" and had a plan in place to assault them prior to the assault itself, making the assault premeditated.

Man says Blackwell church members held him down because he is gay

The couple alleges, among other things, that they were specifically called up to the altar, that Gardner was pushed out, that Cormie was physically held down, and people were speaking some la-la language over him, and they immediately filed a police report. This sounds like a cult ritual.
they are anti-Religion!!/etc--duh
Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does
Forget about Republican and Christians. It is bigots vs. the rest of us. Calling someone who speaks out against bigoty a bigot is like calling someone who fights back against a violent mugger …..violent
A bigot is defined as...

A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions

What makes you think I am a bigot but you are not
according to the definition of a bigot?

Being intolerant of my opinion means you are a bigot as well
Ya know what? You can call me any damned thing that you want.

The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.

My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason
Yeah, like the intolerant fags who got a business shut down because they ddint want to make a cake into a penis. real fucking tolerant of you queers.

Whoa! Who asked anyone to "make a cake into a penis"? Who got a business shut down?
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

This never happened.

false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive;
an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

What’s the difference between....

Telling your child to leave their tooth
under the pillow for the tooth fairy...
otherwise, she can’t take the tooth and leave some money

And, telling your wife you’re going out
for a few drinks after work with some coworkers
when you’re going to the motel 6 with a 6 pack, to fuck your secretary

There is no difference, a lie is a lie
My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason

unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior
that differ from one's own


treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
"attempts to marginalize those who disagree“

to treat someone or something as if they are not important

Your intolerance is still that, intolerance
Your own intolerance runs its own cycle of hate
Your own intolerance marginalizes others
Your own intolerance denies others equality of a different kind

My ‘intolerance’ is towards those who were given an inch
and have been running for miles and miles ever since

My ‘intolerance’ dislikes homosexuality, not homosexuals
Your intolerance dislikes anyone who dislikes homosexuality
Big difference
The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.
The fact is your own intolerance harms others,
marginalizing those with differing opinions with negative labels

If my ‘intolerance’ harms others, that’s on them
Being tolerant would harm me
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

This never happened.
Oh really? You know that , exactly?

false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive;
an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

What’s the difference between....

Telling your child to leave their tooth
under the pillow for the tooth fairy...
otherwise, she can’t take the tooth and leave some money

And, telling your wife you’re going out
for a few drinks after work with some coworkers
when you’re going to the motel 6 with a 6 pack, to fuck your secretary

There is no difference, a lie is a lie
My intolerance is for those who initiated the cycle of hate and who advocate marginalizing others and denying them equality for no rational reason

unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behavior
that differ from one's own


treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
"attempts to marginalize those who disagree“

to treat someone or something as if they are not important

Your intolerance is still that, intolerance
Your own intolerance runs its own cycle of hate
Your own intolerance marginalizes others
Your own intolerance denies others equality of a different kind

My ‘intolerance’ is towards those who were given an inch
and have been running for miles and miles ever since

My ‘intolerance’ dislikes homosexuality, not homosexuals
Your intolerance dislikes anyone who dislikes homosexuality
Big difference
The fact is that your intolerance harms others, Others who have done nothing to you but exist.
The fact is your own intolerance harms others,
marginalizing those with differing opinions with negative labels

If my ‘intolerance’ harms others, that’s on them
Being tolerant would harm me
I made my point. Deal with it. You're ilk are the aggressors. If you would just leave others alone there would be no problem. Call me intolerant all you want. I am intolerant...of intolerance. You are intolerant of human beings who don't conform to what you think they should be but have done nothing to you or anyone else .Deal with it.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this.

First things first: Homosexuals suffer from a mental disorder and are perverts who engage in abominable acts of perversion.

Lets start there. If you are not willing to admit thats true, then I am not going to waste time worrying about some outlier goofy church that is out of line.
First things first: Ignorant bigots suffer from a mental disorder and are perverts who engage in abominable acts of perversion.

Well then the two of you should become besties really quick...

Most anti-gay people no matter Christian, Muslim... Well those two groups are usually closet folks fearing their sexual feelings for the same sex and the very conservative of the bunch will use violence to suppress their closet feelings...

Now as you get ready to bash me for calling you a close mind bigot like the other poster just remember I enjoy being bashed so do your best...

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