Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

Remember how the Left Wing Bigots purposely choose Christian owned businesses to harass and sue.
Maybe this is another case of Left Wing Bigots making fake accusations of oppression.
We know that the Left has a history of fake hate crimes.
Liberals seem to have a deep desire to be victims.
This has to be investigated and verified because it looks like another set-up.
That is a boatload of bigoted bizarre bovine excrement !
Straight from the mouth of a bizarre bovine excrement fudge packer.
The following is the correct Christian position on homosexuality. It calls out homosexual acts as perverted and unacceptable. BUT it then goes on to say that they should not be treated cruelly.

Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that "homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered."142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.

2358 The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. These persons are called to fulfill God's will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord's Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition.

2359 Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.


ME: I personally treat them the same way I treat alcoholics. If an alcoholic is clean and sober then they are all good with me. If not then I give them truth and tough love and tell them they need help. The homosexual gets the same thing. And THAT is not hate by the way, that is true friendship, saying the difficult thing that needs to be said.
You are truly FUCKED IN THE HEAD
Says the guy who fucks men in the ass. Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa...Insane people tells everyone else is crazy.
Merely praying the gay away isn't enough. You also need to smack them hard on the forehead with a large Bible, preferentially the one with big text.

That usually sends the demons scurrying out of them.

The evangelicals could try this technique with, let's see, cancer patients; pray the cancer away.

Maybe the church could try it with the national debt; pray the debt away.

Next thing we know they could progress to praying the Russians away, and the Chinese, and the Republicans too.

I'm actually starting to gain a small curiosity about this now. :26:
I got a really good idea, round up all the liberals and pray them to Cuba...What a novel idea...

If that works, I have a brother in law I'd like to add.
If you have a sick chicken you get rid of it before it infects the flock. Mandatory gay conversion therapy is a good first step
The articles all read a bit different. I see a picture of him but no bruises from 'being punched in the face' as he left the church?

Video of his interview;
Man claims he was held down, punched as church members tried to pray gay away

From your link:
“They hold me down, pin me down, and I’m crying, and the Holy Spirit just comes through me, and they keep speaking in tongues, praying over me,” Mr. Cormie said to KFOR-TV. “I was just crying, ‘Mercy, mercy.’”
Hopefully they prayed some sense into them. Good for them trying and showing them the love they need. Maybe they can turn their lives around now.
What these so called church members did was an illegal assault.

This sounds just like the American evangelicals aka the American Taliban; the very same folks that support serial fornicators, serial liars, con men, sexual perverts, swindlers, etc., for political office.

Yes, these 'religious' nutz are all over the land; The American Taliban.

God love 'em.

I agree with your first sentence.

The rest of the post isn't fit to wipe ass with.

and your ass prolly smells like a tree full of rotted figs ..............
Hopefully they prayed some sense into them. Good for them trying and showing them the love they need. Maybe they can turn their lives around now.
Sounds like from his own description a possible exorcism was taking place. Those get kind of wonky. The pastor said in some articles there was a lot more to it than what is being reported.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Not all Christians. This is Republican Christians.

Republicans don’t have the nerve to attack blacks and Hispanics in church. Well I mean not all Republicans. We saw Dylan roof.

But Republicans hate gay people number one. I believe Republicans hate gay people more than blacks, Hispanics and Muslims all put together.

Gays have been number one for Republicans for years.
You are to high maintenance!
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Nothing here. They were praying. No one was hurt. No one was held against their will. Case closed.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Not all Christians. This is Republican Christians.

Republicans don’t have the nerve to attack blacks and Hispanics in church. Well I mean not all Republicans. We saw Dylan roof.

But Republicans hate gay people number one. I believe Republicans hate gay people more than blacks, Hispanics and Muslims all put together.

Gays have been number one for Republicans for years.
Oh please, STFU

Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does

You and your ilk will trash people for being fake Christians
because their actions aren’t in sync with the teachings of Jesus
but then turn around and trash His teachings and Christians
when it comes to issues like homosexuality, abortion or laziness

If I’m on the North side I am not shocked when I see
2 guys holding hands or 2 girls kissing

Now why is it when I am anywhere else in the city
I have yet to see homosexuals engaged in PDA?

If you are not ashamed of being gay
then you shouldn’t care what others think
Needing others to accept homosexuality
so you can accept being homosexual is a personal problem

I don’t hate anyone who is gay
but I don’t consider homosexuality normal
and certain homosexuals I consider perverse

I have a problem with homosexuals
having a problem with those who are not on board

I don’t have to accept their homosexual lifestyle
they have to accept that I don’t accept that lifestyle
Nothing here. They were praying. No one was hurt. No one was held against their will. Case closed.

Case isn't closed. The gays have to repent now, i.e. change their minds about being homosexual, stop lying, and stop being drama queens.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Afterwards did they go out for chick fila? Im sure church groups who show up get a discount
You're part of the congregation, aren't you? If not I bet you wish that you were

Maybe Miss F.I. maybe
After I smack the shit outta someone I can be a little peckish to ....sure i could eat
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
next time, use reliable/credible sources
So what are a couple of pervert troublemakers doing harassing a church? They should be in jail.

You didn't read it. This poor guy's stupid relatives harassed him for several months into going to their "church." He brought his partner. The relatives were responsible for them being there in the first place, then they attacked him.
it's bullshit...the link is not credible
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Was the fag named Smollette?
The articles all read a bit different. I see a picture of him but no bruises from 'being punched in the face' as he left the church?

Video of his interview;
Man claims he was held down, punched as church members tried to pray gay away

From your link:
“They hold me down, pin me down, and I’m crying, and the Holy Spirit just comes through me, and they keep speaking in tongues, praying over me,” Mr. Cormie said to KFOR-TV. “I was just crying, ‘Mercy, mercy.’”
it's fake---look at the link again and who wrote it
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Not all Christians. This is Republican Christians.

Republicans don’t have the nerve to attack blacks and Hispanics in church. Well I mean not all Republicans. We saw Dylan roof.

But Republicans hate gay people number one. I believe Republicans hate gay people more than blacks, Hispanics and Muslims all put together.

Gays have been number one for Republicans for years.
Oh please, STFU

Why you think Republicans are the only ones
not on board with homosexuality is beyond me

You come here and point to what you consider
the bias and bigotry of Republicans and Christians,
and call your own bias and bigotry social justice...
just like the gay community does

You and your ilk will trash people for being fake Christians
because their actions aren’t in sync with the teachings of Jesus
but then turn around and trash His teachings and Christians
when it comes to issues like homosexuality, abortion or laziness

If I’m on the North side I am not shocked when I see
2 guys holding hands or 2 girls kissing

Now why is it when I am anywhere else in the city
I have yet to see homosexuals engaged in PDA?

If you are not ashamed of being gay
then you shouldn’t care what others think
Needing others to accept homosexuality
so you can accept being homosexual is a personal problem

I don’t hate anyone who is gay
but I don’t consider homosexuality normal
and certain homosexuals I consider perverse

I have a problem with homosexuals
having a problem with those who are not on board

I don’t have to accept their homosexual lifestyle
they have to accept that I don’t accept that lifestyle

Jesus never taught about homosexuality, abortion, or laziness.

What do you mean by "accept"? What do you mean by being "on board" with someone or something? As we move about in society, we "accept" everyone we encounter; at a supermarket, an airport, a public meeting, a restaurant, or just on the street. Everyone has the same rights in this country.

What is unacceptable is to take a stand against someone else enjoying the same rights as those that you enjoy.
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
you don't get it do you?? it's like CNN or HuffPost commenting on Trump = bullshit
So what are a couple of pervert troublemakers doing harassing a church? They should be in jail.

You didn't read it. This poor guy's stupid relatives harassed him for several months into going to their "church." He brought his partner. The relatives were responsible for them being there in the first place, then they attacked him.
it's bullshit...the link is not credible

Why is the link not credible? It is entirely possible that this guy's creepy relatives lured him and his partner to this "church" and had a plan in place to assault them prior to the assault itself, making the assault premeditated.

Man says Blackwell church members held him down because he is gay

The couple alleges, among other things, that they were specifically called up to the altar, that Gardner was pushed out, that Cormie was physically held down, and people were speaking some la-la language over him, and they immediately filed a police report. This sounds like a cult ritual.

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