Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

Remember how the Left Wing Bigots purposely choose Christian owned businesses to harass and sue.
Maybe this is another case of Left Wing Bigots making fake accusations of oppression.
We know that the Left has a history of fake hate crimes.
Liberals seem to have a deep desire to be victims.
This has to be investigated and verified because it looks like another set-up.

Where is the evidence that anyone purposely chooses businesses owned by right-wing fundamentalist Christians? Most people shop via the internet and personal recommendations. Where is there any warning that any of us who are shopping might run in to a right-wing fundamentalist, even just walking down Main Street? When I walk into a shop, how should I know?
Tolerant people respect other people's faith and just choose a different Baker.
But, a left wing bigot will try to destroy people who will not lower their moral standards to theirs.
This is why they purposely choose "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" even though probably 99% of the Christian sects do not accept same gender marriages.
It is just as bigoted to hate the "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" as it is any other religious sect.
A decent person would never demand that a Muslim business owner sell beer, or a Jewish deli owner sell ham and it should be the same for the Christian business owners.
BTW the left lost their case against that Baker because they do not understand the 1st amendment.

Forcing people to do things against their faith is very bigoted.

Muslim business owners do not have beer in stock. A Jewish deli owner does not have ham in stock. There is no law that requires a business owner to stock anything. All a person who is a business owner has to say is that he does not have this particular product in his store. This is entirely different than a business owner who openly advertises that he has certain products to offer to the public, and then refuses to sell to some customers while selling to others. We customers know what to expect when we walk into a halal or kosher market. How do any of us know when we walk into a store/business/market that it is run by right-wing fundies?
Remember how the Left Wing Bigots purposely choose Christian owned businesses to harass and sue.
Maybe this is another case of Left Wing Bigots making fake accusations of oppression.
We know that the Left has a history of fake hate crimes.
Liberals seem to have a deep desire to be victims.
This has to be investigated and verified because it looks like another set-up.

Where is the evidence that anyone purposely chooses businesses owned by right-wing fundamentalist Christians? Most people shop via the internet and personal recommendations. Where is there any warning that any of us who are shopping might run in to a right-wing fundamentalist, even just walking down Main Street? When I walk into a shop, how should I know?
Tolerant people respect other people's faith and just choose a different Baker.
But, a left wing bigot will try to destroy people who will not lower their moral standards to theirs.
This is why they purposely choose "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" even though probably 99% of the Christian sects do not accept same gender marriages.
It is just as bigoted to hate the "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" as it is any other religious sect.
A decent person would never demand that a Muslim business owner sell beer, or a Jewish deli owner sell ham and it should be the same for the Christian business owners.
BTW the left lost their case against that Baker because they do not understand the 1st amendment.

Forcing people to do things against their faith is very bigoted.

Muslim business owners do not have beer in stock. A Jewish deli owner does not have ham in stock. There is no law that requires a business owner to stock anything. All a person who is a business owner has to say is that he does not have this particular product in his store. This is entirely different than a business owner who openly advertises that he has certain products to offer to the public, and then refuses to sell to some customers while selling to others. We customers know what to expect when we walk into a halal or kosher market. How do any of us know when we walk into a store/business/market that it is run by right-wing fundies?

The homos keep losing in court...

Think hard
Muslim business owners do not have beer in stock. A Jewish deli owner does not have ham in stock. There is no law that requires a business owner to stock anything. All a person who is a business owner has to say is that he does not have this particular product in his store. This is entirely different than a business owner who openly advertises that he has certain products to offer to the public, and then refuses to sell to some customers while selling to others. We customers know what to expect when we walk into a halal or kosher market. How do any of us know when we walk into a store/business/market that it is run by right-wing fundies?

Actually, the sue-happy assholes who file these suits seek out exactly those people....They're not concerned at all about anyone's rights, they're just out on intimidation missions.
Muslim business owners do not have beer in stock. A Jewish deli owner does not have ham in stock. There is no law that requires a business owner to stock anything. All a person who is a business owner has to say is that he does not have this particular product in his store. This is entirely different than a business owner who openly advertises that he has certain products to offer to the public, and then refuses to sell to some customers while selling to others. We customers know what to expect when we walk into a halal or kosher market. How do any of us know when we walk into a store/business/market that it is run by right-wing fundies?

Actually, the sue-happy assholes who file these suits seek out exactly those people....They're not concerned at all about anyone's rights, they're just out on intimidation missions.

How do you know all of this? Who do you know? If someone like me who wishes to avoid patronizing fundie businesses, how do I know when their advertising invites me in?
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.
so how am I supposed to avoid businesses run by right-wing evangelicals, when they advertise to the general public?
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

The media lies so much it is hard to believe this story is true.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

The media lies so much it is hard to believe this story is true.

How does "the media" lie? Time for some specifics. There is a police report. Garner got away. Cormie did not. Anyone in that church is a witness.I don't know,
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
So what are a couple of pervert troublemakers doing harassing a church? They should be in jail.
How the fuck were they harassing a church? They were lured to the church and attack, set up by the parents of one of them. This has been reported by multiple news outlets. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Kidnapping and assault for starters.
Remember how the Left Wing Bigots purposely choose Christian owned businesses to harass and sue.
Maybe this is another case of Left Wing Bigots making fake accusations of oppression.
We know that the Left has a history of fake hate crimes.
Liberals seem to have a deep desire to be victims.
This has to be investigated and verified because it looks like another set-up.

Where is the evidence that anyone purposely chooses businesses owned by right-wing fundamentalist Christians? Most people shop via the internet and personal recommendations. Where is there any warning that any of us who are shopping might run in to a right-wing fundamentalist, even just walking down Main Street? When I walk into a shop, how should I know?
Tolerant people respect other people's faith and just choose a different Baker.
But, a left wing bigot will try to destroy people who will not lower their moral standards to theirs.
This is why they purposely choose "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" even though probably 99% of the Christian sects do not accept same gender marriages.
It is just as bigoted to hate the "right-wing fundamentalist Christians" as it is any other religious sect.
A decent person would never demand that a Muslim business owner sell beer, or a Jewish deli owner sell ham and it should be the same for the Christian business owners.
BTW the left lost their case against that Baker because they do not understand the 1st amendment.

Forcing people to do things against their faith is very bigoted.

Muslim business owners do not have beer in stock. A Jewish deli owner does not have ham in stock. There is no law that requires a business owner to stock anything. All a person who is a business owner has to say is that he does not have this particular product in his store. This is entirely different than a business owner who openly advertises that he has certain products to offer to the public, and then refuses to sell to some customers while selling to others. We customers know what to expect when we walk into a halal or kosher market. How do any of us know when we walk into a store/business/market that it is run by right-wing fundies?
Everyone gets it. The Christians are not welcomed in the Democratic Party. The USSC has already ruled on this. The Left Wing Bigots lost because they do not either understand 1st amendment Freedom of Religion rights or they are reject it.
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Seems to me, that this is just a hit job by faggots of the left, just like Ms. Ford "accused" SCJ Kavanaugh. Where is the police report from the queers? Always trying to use "Rules for Radicals" when you libfucks never get your way. So go in, and blame others for not kowtowing down to the fudge packing way, then say you were victimized, yet not once in the story was the police called for the "ABUSIVE" behavior of the church goers. I smell some stinky ass shit. As always with HIV carriers.
Are you saying that it didn't happen jackass.?? Here is another account of it. Now shut the fuck up.

Oklahoma church being investigated for restraining gay man during prayer at church service
Oh, you poor poor queers. Keep shoving your immoral shit in everyones faces, and soon people start to hate you. Way to go...
CRC canon law....aka christian sharia.
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

Afterwards did they go out for chick fila? Im sure church groups who show up get a discount
bullshit fake crap = the link is from Progressive Secular Humanist
..that's like having hitler talk about Jews

Progressive Secular Humanist
adopts an optimistic stance towards the world that entails self determination and the dignity and worth of all people. More than simply negating the supernatural, Progressive Secular Humanist investigates the human condition in search of the truth.

With an eye towards human and civil rights, separation of church and state, oppression and discrimination, life and death; Progressive Secular Humanist explores all manner of intolerance, bigotry, and injustice, often where politics and religion intersect.

Informed by science, inspired by art, and motivated by compassion, the task is to question the world in pursuit of the good; to explore and expose inhumanity, while promoting the humane, the just, and the wise.

Holy fucking shit.!! Can you possibly be this stupid, or insane? You just posted an endorsement of all of the positive values and views that the Progressive Secular Humanist espouses and then call it fake and invoke Hitler? Having a problem with what the Progressive Secular Humanist stands for puts YOU in the same category as Hitler
View attachment 279932
I didn't bring up Hitler jackass
Folks, I am really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this. The guys own family set him up for this assault!! I am not saying that this behavior is representative of all Christians but there is clearly a virulent strain out there that is capable of this sort of outrageous behavior. The whole bunch of them need to see some serious jail time.

Church Congregation Violently Attacks Same-Sex Couple To ‘Pray The Gay Away’

A same-sex couple said they were attacked at a Blackwell church and one was held down, while church goers tried to, quote, “pray the gay away.”

Gary Gardner of Blackwell said he and his boyfriend, Sean Cormie, were invited to The First Assembly of God Church by Cormie’s family. Gardner said everything started okay…

Gardner narrates what happened at the church service:

A lot of Sean’s family came over and started praying on us, and church members started praying on us and started getting louder and louder and louder.

Cormie notes the pastor led the kidnapping and assault by declaring:

It’s a sin, it’s an abomination, you need to realize, wake up, and see it for a sin.

If it went down as they described, it should be investigated and put through the legal system.

The "I'm really anxious to see who is prepared to defend this" shows you are looking for a shit flinging contest more than a discussion.

Isn't that what trolls do?
What these so called church members did was an illegal assault.

This sounds just like the American evangelicals aka the American Taliban; the very same folks that support serial fornicators, serial liars, con men, sexual perverts, swindlers, etc., for political office.

Yes, these 'religious' nutz are all over the land; The American Taliban.

God love 'em.

I agree with your first sentence.

The rest of the post isn't fit to wipe ass with.

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