Church denies funeral to gay man

Judgment comes part and parcel with rules. Why do you judge a man who cheats on his wife? Because he broke the rule of fidelity in marriage. Why do you judge a rapist? Because he broke the rule against rape.

But you are not a judge in Israel, in this case.
First of all, I don't really care if a man cheats on his wife. That is not my business. If it were my husband, then I would be upset. So, no, we aren't all just jumping in to make judgments. A rapist HARMS people. A gay person does not harm anyone else. There is no NEED to judge him since his actions are harmless.

People with standards don't attach a rider which restricts the judgment only in the cases in which they are personally harmed.

I'm not harmed when a man cheats on his wife but I still judge him as a piece of shit for violating an oath he took. Liberals are different that way - they have their own weird moral universe.
Nope, not in the faulty way that you are suggesting. Satan can chastise, demons can chastise demons, and you cannot (1) disprove that and (2) your misreading of the scripture has already been noted.

Biblical literalism is heresy, religious error.
Nope, not in the way that you are suggesting. Satan can chastise, demons can chastise demons, and you cannot (1) disprove that and (2) your misreading of the scripture has already been noted.

Biblical literalism is heresy, religious error.

I have to disprove nothing, you're the one making the claim that requires evidence to support it.
Your faulty statement was about demons casting out other demons, not Satan.

Details matter.

Nope, not in the faulty way that you are suggesting. Satan can chastise, demons can chastise demons, and you cannot (1) disprove that and (2) your misreading of the scripture has already been noted.

Biblical literalism is heresy, religious error.
I have to disprove nothing, you're the one making the claim that requires evidence to support it.

Not at all. The scripture does not say what you interpret. It is clear in terms of my point.

Satan may sanction his demons, demons may sanction other demons, and nothing in the scripture away disproves that, while nothing in it supports your suggestion.

The point is very clear that your interpretation is incorrect.
People with standards don't attach a rider which restricts the judgment only in the cases in which they are personally harmed.

I'm not harmed when a man cheats on his wife but I still judge him as a piece of shit for violating an oath he took. Liberals are different that way - they have their own weird moral universe.

No one cares what you think, Rik, other than it is your opinion. Who cares?
Not at all. The scripture does not say what you interpret. It is clear in terms of my point.

Satan may sanction his demons, demons may sanction other demons, and nothing in the scripture away disproves that, while nothing in it supports your suggestion.

The point is very clear that your interpretation is incorrect.

Fail. That's not how it works, Jakey.

You can't just make some claim about demons and then say nothing in the Bible disproves it. Claims have to be proven positive with actual scriptural support, not just "nothing says otherwise".

What a juvenile response. :bsflag:

That is exactly how it works. Someone posted the OP, I demonstrated the scripture was wrong, and you cried. Tough.

Matthew 12:24-26

King James Version (KJV)

24 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils.

25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:

26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?

Nothing above says that Satan cannot cast out demons, thus the inference that demons can cast out demons is sound.

Jesus is saying that the wicked will struggle against itself, thus guaranteeing its failures.

That can also be applied to the far left, the far right, and the libertarians, that their inner struggles will lead to their political desolation.

Why then are you supporting an OP that is based on heresy, that the church should deny the man a funeral?
That is exactly how it works. Someone posted the OP, I demonstrated the scripture was wrong, and you cried. Tough.

It must be pretty, that fairy tale world you have created for yourself.

Can you draw? I'd love to see a picture.
Cut the post that had the evidence and argument that he could not refute so that he could make a cheap shot.

Wake is better than that, so there is hope.
Nothing above says that Satan cannot cast out demons, thus the inference that demons can cast out demons is sound.

Incorrect. The lack of a negative does not guarantee, or even suggest, a positive. In order to support such a claim, there has to be explicit scriptural support, otherwise you're simply speculating.

Jesus is saying that the wicked will struggle against itself, thus guaranteeing its failures.

That is entirely irrelevant to your claim. Struggling does not necessarily equate to exorcism, and to this day I've never found any scriptural support of demons exorcising demons.

That can also be applied to the far left, the far right, and the libertarians, that their inner struggles will lead to their political desolation.

Now you're just rambling. Enjoy your muddy water.

Why then are you supporting an OP that is based on heresy, that the church should deny the man a funeral?

I suggest you reread my posts in this thread, because you have devolved into idiocy.
Cut the post that had the evidence and argument that he could not refute so that he could make a cheap shot.

Wake is better than that, so there is hope.

You have yet to post evidence, as I have stated several times. Tired of repeating myself.
People with standards don't attach a rider which restricts the judgment only in the cases in which they are personally harmed.

I'm not harmed when a man cheats on his wife but I still judge him as a piece of shit for violating an oath he took. Liberals are different that way - they have their own weird moral universe.

Maybe you should mind your own business, especially when it comes to other people's sex lives. You know, that is one thing that really sticks out to me about religious people on internet forums, they really seem obsessed with other people's sex. Why is that? Is it because they constantly have to suppress their own urges and sex drive? It's interesting to contemplate.
Maybe you should mind your own business, especially when it comes to other people's sex lives. You know, that is one thing that really sticks out to me about religious people on internet forums, they really seem obsessed with other people's sex. Why is that? Is it because they constantly have to suppress their own urges and sex drive? It's interesting to contemplate.

Yet you have no problem pointing out how a church should behave and operate. Do you hypocrite much, or do you live life that way?
What really angers me about this is the fact that this church (and others, and some posters) just completely disregard the poor grieving mom. She JUST lost her son, and THAT must have been like getting a punch in the gut. Selfish bastards that would treat a mom who just lost her child that way, no matter if he was gay, straight or whatever. The funeral is for HER and the family, and all of this just seems awfully petty and just mean-spirited IMO. Do you know how DIFFICULT it is just to plan such a funeral when you are in such a condition? I feel so badly for the mom. :frown: I don't care about the stupid church. It doesn't have feelings.

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