Church denies funeral to gay man

The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?
The church certainly has the right to refuse to perform a funeral. In the old days, homos, suicides and others who died in a state of sin were buried outside the churchyard, in unmarked graves...or even at crossroads. At night, no less. Clergy are not obliged to perform services in the church that they don't want to perform.

All the more reason not to attend such peasant temples of hate.
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.
I believe the Pastor should be able to freely make the decision to do the funeral service or not. People can say it's Un-Christian or disagree with his views, but I think he should have and keep the right to decide. I won't criticize him for it. :doubt:
I believe the Pastor should be able to freely make the decision to do the funeral service or not. People can say it's Un-Christian or disagree with his views, but I think he should have and keep the right to decide. I won't criticize him for it. :doubt:

He obviously has the right to serve whomever he likes.

Just like I have the right to call him a hypocrite.
I believe the Pastor should be able to freely make the decision to do the funeral service or not. People can say it's Un-Christian or disagree with his views, but I think he should have and keep the right to decide. I won't criticize him for it. :doubt:

He obviously has the right to serve whomever he likes.

Just like I have the right to call him a hypocrite.

That's fine.
...and yet, Episcopalian, Presbyterian, and Congregationalists are Christians, and they ordain gays, so I guess you should rewrite your post, starting with the words "Christian belief states that homosexual acts are a sin against god"

Ordination of LGBT Christian clergy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that some other Christian sects, believe something different, doesn't disprove anything.

It's like saying national socialists are not socialists because they are not communist.

No, they still are socialists, even if a different flavor with slightly differing beliefs.

The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.
And you're at liberty to believe and practice the ignorance and hate taught to you by your bible, as was the case where the church refused to accommodate a gay American.

You are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify that ignorance and hate in secular law in violation of the Constitution.
The church certainly has the right to refuse to perform a funeral. In the old days, homos, suicides and others who died in a state of sin were buried outside the churchyard, in unmarked graves...or even at crossroads. At night, no less. Clergy are not obliged to perform services in the church that they don't want to perform.
As if on cue, an excellent example of the ignorance and hate practiced by most on the social right.

We are indeed fortunate to have a Constitution that protects citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.
The church certainly has the right to refuse to perform a funeral. In the old days, homos, suicides and others who died in a state of sin were buried outside the churchyard, in unmarked graves...or even at crossroads. At night, no less. Clergy are not obliged to perform services in the church that they don't want to perform.

All the more reason not to attend such peasant temples of hate.

I agree completely. If you really think that our belief system is hate.... do us all a favor, and don't come here. We have no intention of trying to hunt you down or anything. Go someplace else if you don't like us. That's ok with us.

But why go to a church you hate, and then complain bitterly about it? What purpose does that serve? Doesn't that make you the hateful one?
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The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
The church certainly has the right to refuse to perform a funeral. In the old days, homos, suicides and others who died in a state of sin were buried outside the churchyard, in unmarked graves...or even at crossroads. At night, no less. Clergy are not obliged to perform services in the church that they don't want to perform.
As if on cue, an excellent example of the ignorance and hate practiced by most on the social right.

We are indeed fortunate to have a Constitution that protects citizens from this sort of ignorance and hate.

As if on cue, an excellent example of the ignorance and hate by the left, broad brush judging the social right.

We are indeed fortunate to have a Constitution that protects freedom of speech from this sort of ignorance and hate.
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
Says the biggest offender on the board.

I'm not at all bothered by any criticism you have, hypocrite.
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
Says the biggest offender on the board.

I'm not at all bothered by any criticism you have, hypocrite.

You indicted yourself. Not me. I just pointed out your own words to you.

As for what you think of me.... I apologize if I ever gave you any indication that I cared what you thought of me.
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
Says the biggest offender on the board.

I'm not at all bothered by any criticism you have, hypocrite.

You indicted yourself. Not me. I just pointed out your own words to you.

As for what you think of me.... I apologize if I ever gave you any indication that I cared what you thought of me.

Hilarious that you can't refute my statement (which is true, so at least you know it), and have to resort to "I know you are, but what am I?" retorts.

Enjoy yourself, pharisee.
"Matthew 5:17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.…

I would love for anyone to show me that Jesus told us to do away with the Old Testament, problem is, He never said that."

Well, then, Arche, we have a lot of work to do. It has been thousands of years since we have followed the Bible's directive that we stone a woman for gathering sticks on the Sabbath.... We need to make up for lost time.
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
Says the biggest offender on the board.

I'm not at all bothered by any criticism you have, hypocrite.

You indicted yourself. Not me. I just pointed out your own words to you.

As for what you think of me.... I apologize if I ever gave you any indication that I cared what you thought of me.

Hilarious that you can't refute my statement (which is true, so at least you know it), and have to resort to "I know you are, but what am I?" retorts.

Enjoy yourself, pharisee.

I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)
The Christian Bible, says very clearly homosexuality is a sin. You can disagree, that's fine. This is what the rest of us believe. That's all there is too it.

Gluttony is also a sin, but how many obese clergy have you seen?

There are none righteous, no not one.

Right. I agree completely. So what? Does someone else doing wrong, make another doing wrong, right?

As I've stated numerous times, it's hypocrisy to criticize others when one is stained with sin themselves, and we are all, each and every one of us, stained with sin.

Again.... so what? Does that mean it's not sin, if someone else has sinned? Yes or no?

It means you're nobody's judge but your own. Look to the plank in your own eye, pharisee.

Are you suggesting that we shouldn't have a justice system, because every jury member has likely done something wrong in their lives, and we sure wouldn't want them to be hypocritical?

Strawman. The justice system is not a religious organization.

That's your opinion. My is there is no difference. If "judging" is inherently wrong when you are not perfect, then that standard should be universal.

Ironically, you are the one judging others, yourself. The Bible was not written to beat other people over the head with.... right? It was meant for people to judge their own actions.

You quoting the passage about the plank in your eye, is ironic, because you are violating it right now.
Says the biggest offender on the board.

I'm not at all bothered by any criticism you have, hypocrite.

You indicted yourself. Not me. I just pointed out your own words to you.

As for what you think of me.... I apologize if I ever gave you any indication that I cared what you thought of me.

Hilarious that you can't refute my statement (which is true, so at least you know it), and have to resort to "I know you are, but what am I?" retorts.

Enjoy yourself, pharisee.

I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.
"Matthew 5:17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished.…

I would love for anyone to show me that Jesus told us to do away with the Old Testament, problem is, He never said that."

Well, then, Arche, we have a lot of work to do. It has been thousands of years since we have followed the Bible's directive that we stone a woman for gathering sticks on the Sabbath.... We need to make up for lost time.

Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved."

Matthew 9:17

Christianity is a new religion, we are not meant to observe Old Testament practices, as they are the old wineskin.
Look at the how this is playing out in this thread. Christian belief states that homosexual acts are a sin against God. You don't have to believe in God to acknowledge that this is what Christians believe. What is the liberal response? Christians are WRONG for being JUDGMENTAL. When liberals do this they signal something important about their Religion, which is that logical rules don't apply and that they need to condemn people who are being judgmental, as though being judgmental is a sin in the Church of Liberalism. Look outside of this debate and you see liberals everywhere sneering at people for being judgmental - it's a mark, to a liberal, of someone being narrow minded, unintelligent and low class. To have standards and to judge by those standards is a sign of lack of enlightenment.

You are a biblical literalist, yet have the nerve to call others Illogical.

Um.... do you know that you just proved his point? You just did.... exactly what he says liberals do. You don't see any irony in this?

Absolutely wrong, as usual. Lol. You who take the bible literally are illogical. Hate to inform you. :D
The church certainly has the right to refuse to perform a funeral. In the old days, homos, suicides and others who died in a state of sin were buried outside the churchyard, in unmarked graves...or even at crossroads. At night, no less. Clergy are not obliged to perform services in the church that they don't want to perform.

All the more reason not to attend such peasant temples of hate.

I agree completely. If you really think that our belief system is hate.... do us all a favor, and don't come here. We have no intention of trying to hunt you down or anything. Go someplace else if you don't like us. That's ok with us.

But why go to a church you hate, and then complain bitterly about it? What purpose does that serve? Doesn't that make you the hateful one?

Who's complaining ? I do not attend any peasant temple of hate, and have no intention of doing so any time in the future.

And no I am not the hateful one.

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