Church denies funeral to gay man

I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!

I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!

I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?

It seems as if you will kick anyone out of your life for "sins." Well, you should love your friends and family regardless of their sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin and all that good stuff.
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!

I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?

It seems as if you will kick anyone out of your life for "sins." Well, you should love your friends and family regardless of their sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin and all that good stuff.

He's so perfect that he would tell Jesus not to eat with whores or tax collectors and be right.
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!

I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?

It seems as if you will kick anyone out of your life for "sins." Well, you should love your friends and family regardless of their sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin and all that good stuff.

He's so perfect that he would tell Jesus not to eat with whores or tax collectors and be right.

I don't remember ever hearing that you cannot ASSOCIATE with sinners in the Bible. I always thought that you were supposed to help them and show them love and understanding. Meh, I guess I would be more of a NT person than an OT person. I just can't be THAT harsh to people. We are NOT perfect beings and we are all flawed on some level.
I have no need to refute anything you say, because I don't care what you think of me. And yes, I do enjoy myself very much. Thanks.

The very instant you made the argument about me... you lost. Because I don't care what you think of me.

"You break x law!"

Don't care.

"You are a Pharisee!"

Still don't care.

"You didn't refute me!"

Why would I refute your opinion, when I don't care about your opinion? Think whatever you want about me.

(psst: you are not that important in my world. Shocking I know)

Since I obviously have to explain how you're mischaracterizing me, I will.

Unlike you, I'm not judging you as a person. I'm addressing your actions. Unlike me, you are criticizing who people are.

Me addressing you as a pharisee is just pointing out that you are acting exactly as they do. I have no clue whether you are a good or bad person, but your actions here on USMB are downright hypocritical.

That's a very interesting rationalization for your choices.

Look, you still seem to think I care what you think of me. I don't. I'm not going to debate with you about whether I, or you, or anyone else, is judging actions, or judging "who they are", as if who they are makes sin, no longer sin, or whatever other nifty dumb arguments you come up with.

I'm not here to discuss with you, whether I am, or am not, doing whatever it is you think I'm doing.


Because I don't care what you think.

My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

I don't care if sin, is "who you are" or not.

And don't bother justifying yourself to me. I don't care about that either. Besides, I'm not the one who sits in judgement on your own hypocrisy. G-d is. Unless you are a member of my church, and you are spewing such nonsense, I don't care.

Rationalize your judgement of others as being fine. That's works for me, because I don't care. You are not part of my church. You rationalize whatever you want.

Are you seeing theme here? I'm not here to debate your personal version of the Bible. I'm not here to discuss why it's ok for you to judge me, but no one else is allowed to judge anyone.

I am simply standing up for what I know is right, and I don't care what ANY OF YOU thinks.

"well you're a hypocrite and a pharisee and a hate monger and a (insert whatever popular insult you want here)"

That's very interesting. Your opinion has been noted, and filed in the appropriate oval can for future non-consideration.

I don't need to 'refute' you. I don't need to justify myself. I don't have to explain my beliefs to you, or convince you they are right.

I don't have to prove anything to you at all. Why?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

I'm not here to force you to believe, what I believe. I am simply TELLING YOU... what I believe, and that's all there is to it. I don't care what you think about my belief, me, or my church, or my Bible.

You can either accept that, and we can live in peace... or you can't not accept it, and I simply believe it without you. Either way, I'm going to continue to believe what I believe, and practice what I believe, and live out my life the way I believe, and you can be angry about it, or not. That's up to you, because I don't care what you think. Never have, don't now, and never will.

But by all means, continue posting your opinion of me, and your rationalizations about why your opinion in right, and why I should care. I'll keep posting the phrase that accurately reflects how I view all who spout their opinion of me and my religion.

I do not care.
That seems so clear to me. I don't know why you people keep missing that.

Wow! You must be perfect and without sin! Impressive!

I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?

It seems as if you will kick anyone out of your life for "sins." Well, you should love your friends and family regardless of their sins. Love the sinner, hate the sin and all that good stuff.

No no no no.... Wrong. Read my comments again.
My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If you go to my CHURCH.... and you proclaim yourself a Christian going to our Christian Church... in doing so, you represent our Church. If you intentionally live a life that is completely contrary to what the church says, and give some excuse like "well it's who I am" or such... those people, SPECIFICALLY, those people, are gone.

If you show up and say "I have sinned, and I repent of my evil ways", that person stays. The Church is made for the those seeking forgiveness.

Now OUTSIDE of the church, in "my life" as you said... not true at all. I have many friends that are not Christians, don't pretend to be Christians, don't believe the Bible, some are 100% atheist, others are of different faiths like Muslim and so on... No problem.

A non-Christian, living as a Non-Christian is expected. I have no problem with that at all. I could sit down with you, who doesn't believe in Christianity (according to your prior posts), and have lunch, chat and talk, and that wouldn't bother me one bit. Why? Because you are not pretending to be Christian.

You could even come to my Church, if you wanted to (not saying you would), and that wouldn't bother anyone one bit either.

But now if you come and say, 'I'm a Christian! But I'm still going to live exactly as I did before in some clearly sinful lifestyle, and I am not going to change, because it's who I am.' then you are out.

That's where the problem come in. When you proclaim yourself a Christian in our Church, and yet blatantly refuse to accept Christian belief system, then we have a problem.

Again, it's like joining up with PETA, and then refusing to stop eating meat. You are not going to be a member long. When you are a member, you represent PETA to the rest of the world. You go around a the Japanese Steak House, and flashing your PETA membership to everyone, you are not going to be a member long.

All groups, all organizations of all types, operate this way. If you want to be a member, you have to follow the rules of membership. Christianity is the same. And I don't know of any organization that expects non-members to follow the rules they do... until you join them.
I have thought many positive things about you specifically ChrisL. I can't say that any of your many interesting posts, made me believe that you were perfect and without sin.

In looking at my post, I don't see where I said anything to indicate to you, that I was perfect or without sin either.

Please be so kind, as to point out the specific text where I said "I am perfect without sin", or anything that implied it?

What about this Androw? :D

I don't remember ever hearing that you cannot ASSOCIATE with sinners in the Bible. I always thought that you were supposed to help them and show them love and understanding. We are NOT perfect beings and we are all flawed on some level.
No no no no.... Wrong. Read my comments again.
My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If you go to my CHURCH.... and you proclaim yourself a Christian going to our Christian Church... in doing so, you represent our Church. If you intentionally live a life that is completely contrary to what the church says, and give some excuse like "well it's who I am" or such... those people, SPECIFICALLY, those people, are gone.

If you show up and say "I have sinned, and I repent of my evil ways", that person stays. The Church is made for the those seeking forgiveness.

Now OUTSIDE of the church, in "my life" as you said... not true at all. I have many friends that are not Christians, don't pretend to be Christians, don't believe the Bible, some are 100% atheist, others are of different faiths like Muslim and so on... No problem.

A non-Christian, living as a Non-Christian is expected. I have no problem with that at all. I could sit down with you, who doesn't believe in Christianity (according to your prior posts), and have lunch, chat and talk, and that wouldn't bother me one bit. Why? Because you are not pretending to be Christian.

You could even come to my Church, if you wanted to (not saying you would), and that wouldn't bother anyone one bit either.

But now if you come and say, 'I'm a Christian! But I'm still going to live exactly as I did before in some clearly sinful lifestyle, and I am not going to change, because it's who I am.' then you are out.

That's where the problem come in. When you proclaim yourself a Christian in our Church, and yet blatantly refuse to accept Christian belief system, then we have a problem.

Again, it's like joining up with PETA, and then refusing to stop eating meat. You are not going to be a member long. When you are a member, you represent PETA to the rest of the world. You go around a the Japanese Steak House, and flashing your PETA membership to everyone, you are not going to be a member long.

All groups, all organizations of all types, operate this way. If you want to be a member, you have to follow the rules of membership. Christianity is the same. And I don't know of any organization that expects non-members to follow the rules they do... until you join them.

Okay, I agree that if you are going to be a member of a church with those beliefs then you should do your best to abide by them or do not become a member. However, I don't think that people plan for these "sins" in most cases, and that these are things that happen due to other underlying issues.
No no no no.... Wrong. Read my comments again.
My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If you go to my CHURCH.... and you proclaim yourself a Christian going to our Christian Church... in doing so, you represent our Church. If you intentionally live a life that is completely contrary to what the church says, and give some excuse like "well it's who I am" or such... those people, SPECIFICALLY, those people, are gone.

If you show up and say "I have sinned, and I repent of my evil ways", that person stays. The Church is made for the those seeking forgiveness.

Now OUTSIDE of the church, in "my life" as you said... not true at all. I have many friends that are not Christians, don't pretend to be Christians, don't believe the Bible, some are 100% atheist, others are of different faiths like Muslim and so on... No problem.

A non-Christian, living as a Non-Christian is expected. I have no problem with that at all. I could sit down with you, who doesn't believe in Christianity (according to your prior posts), and have lunch, chat and talk, and that wouldn't bother me one bit. Why? Because you are not pretending to be Christian.

You could even come to my Church, if you wanted to (not saying you would), and that wouldn't bother anyone one bit either.

But now if you come and say, 'I'm a Christian! But I'm still going to live exactly as I did before in some clearly sinful lifestyle, and I am not going to change, because it's who I am.' then you are out.

That's where the problem come in. When you proclaim yourself a Christian in our Church, and yet blatantly refuse to accept Christian belief system, then we have a problem.

Again, it's like joining up with PETA, and then refusing to stop eating meat. You are not going to be a member long. When you are a member, you represent PETA to the rest of the world. You go around a the Japanese Steak House, and flashing your PETA membership to everyone, you are not going to be a member long.

All groups, all organizations of all types, operate this way. If you want to be a member, you have to follow the rules of membership. Christianity is the same. And I don't know of any organization that expects non-members to follow the rules they do... until you join them.

Okay, I agree that if you are going to be a member of a church with those beliefs then you should do your best to abide by them or do not become a member. However, I don't think that people plan for these "sins" in most cases, and that these are things that happen due to other underlying issues.

Then we're talking about two different things.

There was a guy who cheated on his wife, and was a member of the choir.

The guy was devastated by it. Totally messed up. He repented. He left the choir of his own choice. He got some help, and such. He reconciled with his wife. (this wasn't like over the weekend, it was a long deal), but now he's back in the Choir.

We're not talking about that.

We're talking about the dude who says "Well... this is who I am, and I'm not going to stop". These people are 'planning to sin'. They are not repentant. They are not going to change. They fully intend to keep doing what they are doing, and they don't care what the Church says, what the Bible says, or what G-d says.

That's who I'm talking about when I say they are gone.
No no no no.... Wrong. Read my comments again.
My Bible says X is wrong. If I find someone in my church living in such a way, that violates what that book says..... they are out.

If they are sleeping with their girl friend, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are cheating on their wife, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If they are married to another man, and say "it's who I am". They are gone.

If you go to my CHURCH.... and you proclaim yourself a Christian going to our Christian Church... in doing so, you represent our Church. If you intentionally live a life that is completely contrary to what the church says, and give some excuse like "well it's who I am" or such... those people, SPECIFICALLY, those people, are gone.

If you show up and say "I have sinned, and I repent of my evil ways", that person stays. The Church is made for the those seeking forgiveness.

Now OUTSIDE of the church, in "my life" as you said... not true at all. I have many friends that are not Christians, don't pretend to be Christians, don't believe the Bible, some are 100% atheist, others are of different faiths like Muslim and so on... No problem.

A non-Christian, living as a Non-Christian is expected. I have no problem with that at all. I could sit down with you, who doesn't believe in Christianity (according to your prior posts), and have lunch, chat and talk, and that wouldn't bother me one bit. Why? Because you are not pretending to be Christian.

You could even come to my Church, if you wanted to (not saying you would), and that wouldn't bother anyone one bit either.

But now if you come and say, 'I'm a Christian! But I'm still going to live exactly as I did before in some clearly sinful lifestyle, and I am not going to change, because it's who I am.' then you are out.

That's where the problem come in. When you proclaim yourself a Christian in our Church, and yet blatantly refuse to accept Christian belief system, then we have a problem.

Again, it's like joining up with PETA, and then refusing to stop eating meat. You are not going to be a member long. When you are a member, you represent PETA to the rest of the world. You go around a the Japanese Steak House, and flashing your PETA membership to everyone, you are not going to be a member long.

All groups, all organizations of all types, operate this way. If you want to be a member, you have to follow the rules of membership. Christianity is the same. And I don't know of any organization that expects non-members to follow the rules they do... until you join them.

Okay, I agree that if you are going to be a member of a church with those beliefs then you should do your best to abide by them or do not become a member. However, I don't think that people plan for these "sins" in most cases, and that these are things that happen due to other underlying issues.

Then we're talking about two different things.

There was a guy who cheated on his wife, and was a member of the choir.

The guy was devastated by it. Totally messed up. He repented. He left the choir of his own choice. He got some help, and such. He reconciled with his wife. (this wasn't like over the weekend, it was a long deal), but now he's back in the Choir.

We're not talking about that.

We're talking about the dude who says "Well... this is who I am, and I'm not going to stop". These people are 'planning to sin'. They are not repentant. They are not going to change. They fully intend to keep doing what they are doing, and they don't care what the Church says, what the Bible says, or what G-d says.

That's who I'm talking about when I say they are gone.

You probably have plenty of people like that and worse in your congregation. Of course, people put on an act when they're at church or in other social situations. You never know what's going on behind closed doors.
He's so perfect that he would tell Jesus not to eat with whores or tax collectors and be right.

Ironically, I actually did eat dinner with a known whore.

Before or after?

I keed, I keed!

I had my suspicions before hand, but I learned quickly what she was all about. Her situation was really sad, with no father, and a over worked mother who simply didn't have the ability to teach her how to be an adult. In her case, she needed the money.

I actually have a higher respect for that, than I do the girls who give themselves away for free. How much self value do you have, that you give yourself away for ZERO? I don't understand that at all. Women today need self respect. At least this poor girl had enough self worth, she knew she was worth money.
He's so perfect that he would tell Jesus not to eat with whores or tax collectors and be right.

Ironically, I actually did eat dinner with a known whore.

Before or after?

I keed, I keed!

I had my suspicions before hand, but I learned quickly what she was all about. Her situation was really sad, with no father, and a over worked mother who simply didn't have the ability to teach her how to be an adult. In her case, she needed the money.

I actually have a higher respect for that, than I do the girls who give themselves away for free. How much self value do you have, that you give yourself away for ZERO? I don't understand that at all. Women today need self respect. At least this poor girl had enough self worth, she knew she was worth money.

You think it's respectable to sell your body? :eek-52: Say it isn't so Androw!!!

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