CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

You've been preconditioned to stop thinking at trigger words. LOL
It is not trigger words... It is simple, if someone starts referencing bullshit conspiracy theories then they are basing their information on bullshit...

The original article just explains that the intel services shifting norms to combat Russia, this is understandable....
It is not trigger words... It is simple, if someone starts referencing bullshit conspiracy theories then they are basing their information on bullshit...

The original article just explains that the intel services shifting norms to combat Russia, this is understandable....
Deep State is YOUR trigger word.

To me it just represents the permanent bureaucracy that exists long after any presidential administration or congress has come and gone. If you don't think there is one you should probably take a Poli Sci 101 class.
Deep State is YOUR trigger word.

To me it just represents the permanent bureaucracy that exists long after any presidential administration or congress has come and gone. If you don't think there is one you should probably take a Poli Sci 101 class.
A permanent bureaucracy that no longer feels inferior to the elected leadership and functions as the real governing authority
9 Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones
and dashes them against the rock!
There are 99 more quotes on your god's advising injuring or killing children. You'll need an excuse for each one if you persist with your religious superstitions where you don't belong.
Ran Paul is another coward who refused to serve his nation in the military, instead, he decided to be a politician with a yellow streak that was much better.
Bill Clinton was never in the military. Nor was Obama. Joe Biden never served. Bush the Younger was in the Air National Guard. Trump never served.

So by your standards Bill Clinton, Obama, Joe Biden and Trump were cowards with yellow streaks.

Did you ever serve in our military?
Your link:

"Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume.

"In other words, the article reports that the US 'deep state' admits to being actively engaged in lying to the American people in the hopes that it can manipulate public opinion

"According to the NBC News article, 'multiple US officials acknowledged that the US has used information as a weapon even when confidence in the accuracy of the information wasn’t high. Sometimes it has used low-confidence intelligence for deterrent effect…'"

I'm pretty sure most Americans don't know (or care) about when the CIA first began fighting for regime change in Russia by using Ukrainian nationals (and nationalism):

"In September, 1949, two Ukrainian agents working with the C.I.A. landed near Lviv, in what was then the Soviet Union.

"They were the vanguard of an operation that would acquire the code name Redsox. Its aim was to connect with anti-Soviet insurgents fighting by the tens of thousands in Ukraine, as well as in smaller numbers elsewhere on Russia’s rim."

The Complexities of the Ukraine Dilemma
It's America's war against Russia and that's starting to be accepted.
The internet conveys the facts to those who used to be completely uninformed and at the mercy of the propaganda war. The deniers of the truth can't 'not' know any longer.
It is not trigger words... It is simple, if someone starts referencing bullshit conspiracy theories then they are basing their information on bullshit...

The original article just explains that the intel services shifting norms to combat Russia, this is understandable....

Does your dumb ass know that right now the progression is about 6 months from conspiracy theory to fact?
Why not read the actual fucking article they are talking about rather than the commentary on the article...

The article states that CIA are being looser with the truth, the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, not that it is wrong...

This is an information wa and the US has to fight fire with fire... Why the OP is supporting the Russians is a bit disgraceful....

Russians will pump out any shit 24/7 but he wants the US Intelligence to meet court evidence standard...

You want the US to use peashooters against tanks next... Please stop fucking supporting the enemy, fucking hate traitors...

Because if they do that, they may have to actually think for themselves rather than have their opinions fed to them like Pablum.
Because if they do that, they may have to actually think for themselves rather than have their opinions fed to them like Pablum.

The article said the CIA is lying by claiming Russia "might" be preparing to use chemical weapons, when in reality, chemical weapons are extremely expensive, hard to use, and much less effective than ordinary explosives.
Nobody has used chemical weapons since the Iran/Iraq war.
So it is clear the CIA is lying to us.
Nothing the US government says can at all be trusted.
It's America's war against Russia and that's starting to be accepted.
The internet conveys the facts to those who used to be completely uninformed and at the mercy of the propaganda war. The deniers of the truth can't 'not' know any longer.
Sock puppets like georgephillip and Donald H rush to defend Russia...surprised?
The article said the CIA is lying by claiming Russia "might" be preparing to use chemical weapons, when in reality, chemical weapons are extremely expensive, hard to use, and much less effective than ordinary explosives.
Nobody has used chemical weapons since the Iran/Iraq war.
So it is clear the CIA is lying to us.
Nothing the US government says can at all be trusted.
Someone tell this sock puppet that chemical weapons were used by Saddam AFTER the Ian/Iraq war and by the Russians/Syrians just recently

Rigby is a rather stupid sock puppet.

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.

Yup. This doesn't surprise me at all! it shouldn't surprise anybody....every word coming out of this Ukrainian war and the Zelensky Globalist puppet wearing high heels, is a lie! almost every single word.
There are 99 more quotes on your god's advising injuring or killing children. You'll need an excuse for each one if you persist with your religious superstitions where you don't belong.
You are a liar and a murderer like your father, the father of lies, Satan. You have more than 99 sins to your name, and how will you account for them without Jesus Christ as your Advocate and Defense Counsel in The Court of Heaven on Judgment Day?

Perhaps, since you were already caught in one lie, child of Hell, that it is you that should present these 99 accusations against God and defend each one.

Why do you support the murder or 60 million black and hispanic babies in America through The DemNazi Extermination Camps called Planned Parenthood?
It's America's war against Russia and that's starting to be accepted.
The internet conveys the facts to those who used to be completely uninformed and at the mercy of the propaganda war. The deniers of the truth can't 'not' know any longer.
As always, the pro-war shills in US media provide no context.
When Biden began harping about a "threat" of Russian invasion last November, Americans were not reminded of the actions Zelensky took eight months earlier:

Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

"We have to go back to March 24, 2021.

"On that day, Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree for the reconquest of Crimea and began to deploy his forces towards the south of the country.

"Simultaneously, several NATO exercises were conducted between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, accompanied by a significant increase in reconnaissance flights along the Russian border.

"Russia then conducts a few exercises to test the operational readiness of its troops and show that it is following the evolution of the situation.

"Things calm down until October-November..."
Sock puppets like @georgephillip and @Donald H rush to defend Russia...surprised?
How many lies has Joe Biden told to the American people since 1972?

He is lying to you about Ukraine for a variety of reasons, and you swallow every load hook, line, and sinker.

"In violation of the Minsk Accords, Ukraine is conducting aerial operations in Donbass using drones, including at least one strike against a fuel depot in Donetsk in October 2021 .

"The American press points this out, but not the Europeans and no one condemns these violations.

"In February 2022, events rush.

"On February 7, during his visit to Moscow, Emmanuel Macron reaffirms to Vladimir Putin his attachment to the Minsk Accords , a commitment he will repeat after his interview with Volodymyr Zelensky the next day.

"But on February 11, in Berlin, after 9 hours of work, the meeting of the political advisers of the leaders of the ' Normandy format ' ends, without concrete result: the Ukrainians still and always refuse to apply the Accords of Minsk, apparently under pressure from the United States"
Now prove I said anything about supporting Russian collusion or you could insert a tampon and stop bleeding over Trump's loss...I have no information to post about Ukraine, and neither do you.
isnt there a rule that three year olds AND those that sit in their mommys basement in their underwear arent allow to post ion this board?

If yes, why is this cement truck driver still allowed to post on here with his childish trolling responses?

Doesnt any moderator see he is nothing but a child?

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