CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.
Link is from random site “anti”—-need a better source
As always, the pro-war shills in US media provide no context.
When Biden began harping about a "threat" of Russian invasion last November, Americans were not reminded of the actions Zelensky took eight months earlier:

Former NATO Military Analyst Blows the Whistle on West’s Ukraine Invasion Narrative

"We have to go back to March 24, 2021.

"On that day, Volodymyr Zelensky issued a decree for the reconquest of Crimea and began to deploy his forces towards the south of the country.

"Simultaneously, several NATO exercises were conducted between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, accompanied by a significant increase in reconnaissance flights along the Russian border.

"Russia then conducts a few exercises to test the operational readiness of its troops and show that it is following the evolution of the situation.

"Things calm down until October-November..."
Your link wouldn't come up for me so I found this one at Redditt.

Is it related to the same story?

More truth and factual information is slowly coming out but the propagandized are pretty well untouchable. They don't want to hear anything different than the propaganda bombardment on the MSM.
Could you check your link please and maybe try it again?
NBC News did indeed run the story on Aril 6th, 2022.
It is right there for anyone to see,
Also the stooge President said it.

NBC is like the Bible to left wing lunatics like you.
dickhead, the OP's linked to a rand paul cite that claimed support from a non-linked NBC site. For FUCKS SAKE READ THE OP
You are a liar and a murderer like your father, the father of lies, Satan. You have more than 99 sins to your name, and how will you account for them without Jesus Christ as your Advocate and Defense Counsel in The Court of Heaven on Judgment Day?

Perhaps, since you were already caught in one lie, child of Hell, that it is you that should present these 99 accusations against God and defend each one.

Why do you support the murder or 60 million black and hispanic babies in America through The DemNazi Extermination Camps called Planned Parenthood?
You're off-topic again and I have no choice but to defend what is right and good.

Hosea 13:16 ESV / 425 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful​

Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open.

1 Samuel 15:3 ESV / 412 helpful votes​

Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.

So when are you going to fess up, too?

Ron Paul hates govt., loved pork, one of the Top 4 porksters in Congress for many years. He's about as credible as Lester Madoff.
So when are you going to fess up, too?

Ron Paul hates govt., loved pork, one of the Top 4 porksters in Congress for many years. He's about as credible as Lester Madoff.

Ron Paul, like the Founders, believes in "strictly limited" government. Not "no government"

And he believes in the political process.

And what you're calling pork, he made sure the states kept their money rather than the federal government taking it and redistributing it to special interests.

Educate yourself before echoing falshoods, please.

Thanks in advance...
Why not read the actual fucking article they are talking about rather than the commentary on the article...

The article states that CIA are being looser with the truth, the intelligence wasn’t rock solid, not that it is wrong...

This is an information wa and the US has to fight fire with fire... Why the OP is supporting the Russians is a bit disgraceful....

Russians will pump out any shit 24/7 but he wants the US Intelligence to meet court evidence standard...

You want the US to use peashooters against tanks next... Please stop fucking supporting the enemy, fucking hate traitors...

They're just as the same as you gimps, it depends on who is in the White House whether or not you commies support a war or not, same as with the right wing ideologues and their suddenly morphing into peaceful hippies; you're both a toxic pox on the planet.
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There's some really dumb people in this country.

And the foreign agents have no understanding whatsoever of the American fundamentals of strictly limited governance.

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Ron Paul, like the Founders, believes in "strictly limited" government. No "no government"

And he believes in the political process.

And what you're calling pork, he made sure the states kept their money rather than the federal government takign it and redistributing it to special interests.

Donlt open your fukin pie hole unless you know what you're talkign about, please.

Thanks in advance...

MEh go fuck yourself; I know all about Paul, as well as you fake 'libertarians' and your crypto-commie bullshit shilling for big corporations, tax breaks fro crooks, and your 'paradise' that looks almost exactly like the Marxists version. Shove your vibrator back up your own piehole until somebody asks you something.
So when are you going to fess up, too?

Ron Paul hates govt., loved pork, one of the Top 4 porksters in Congress for many years. He's about as credible as Lester Madoff.
I wouldn't consider any US politician being credible, on either side of the divide.
How many lies has Joe Biden told to the American people since 1972?

He is lying to you about Ukraine for a variety of reasons, and you swallow every load hook, line, and sinker.

"In violation of the Minsk Accords, Ukraine is conducting aerial operations in Donbass using drones, including at least one strike against a fuel depot in Donetsk in October 2021 .

"The American press points this out, but not the Europeans and no one condemns these violations.

"In February 2022, events rush.

"On February 7, during his visit to Moscow, Emmanuel Macron reaffirms to Vladimir Putin his attachment to the Minsk Accords , a commitment he will repeat after his interview with Volodymyr Zelensky the next day.

"But on February 11, in Berlin, after 9 hours of work, the meeting of the political advisers of the leaders of the ' Normandy format ' ends, without concrete result: the Ukrainians still and always refuse to apply the Accords of Minsk, apparently under pressure from the United States"
Not exactly. Putin never committed to ending the conflict. And that is why people believe Putin's aim was never a settlement to donbas but a "need" to put in a vassal govt for Ukraine.

That failed, but Putin always retreats, and then advances again. He's shortening the geographical area of conflict, so he can successfully ethnically cleanse behind "his lines" and simply bomb the Ukrainian forces out of donbas and created a land corridor to Crimea. Then he can wait for a new opening.

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